• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Deal with the Boss

Kanto. Near Fuschia City. Out in a Forest. Nightfall.

"Read my lips, princesses." Giovanni, who was currently speaking to Celestia and Luna from a phone had something crucial to say. It involved Team Plasma and Canterlot. Canterlot, judging by what Giovanni spouted, was potentially being threatened. Possibly at this very moment. "I know more about Team Plasma than you do right now."

"Tch." Luna kissed her teeth, giving a vicious glare to Giovanni. "Just spout your fall."

"Universe 11. Your biggest problems are hiding there but you can't seem to reach them at all. A powerful flame from your counterpart and alter-ego Daybreaker is shielding it with her magic alone, Princess Celestia. And even so...you can't find the location of that flame either, making it far harder than it needs to be."

"And I suppose you do?" Celestia added. "You know of a way to get past the flames and even find this universe?"

"Indeed I do. But more importantly, I know what their next big action will take place and when it will happen. What they'll do and what they aim to retrieve. Vice-versa. Everything valuable is already stored up here." Giovanni tapped bi's head.

"You know?!" Celestia gasped as Giovanni was talking big, supposedly holding bast secrets. "Every bit of it?!"

"Prove it!" But Luna wanted evidence. "How could you know?!"

"Don't you dare doubt the boss's knowledge!" Matori roared back at Luna.

"Leave it, Matori. I have connections all over the world, my little pony. Kanto isn't the only region out of our boundaries. I've been watching your world and everything you've done. Especially when your precious Gardevoir almost destroyed both our worlds as a little Krilia, having yet to fully Evolve. And even when your Darkrai first appeared at Ponyville, putting everyone to sleep."

"Y-You've been watching us...for that long?" Luna stammered, shocked that Giovanni was that ahead. Compared to Team Plasma, the Empress and many others, it took them a while to know about the two worlds crossing over. But Giovanni was aware of it from the start and took the chance to look into it.

"Very much. This isn't the first time I've dabbled in knowing about other worlds. The only proof of my organisation's existence to you were those three buffoons who now live there. They could never share that valuable information with me, not even bring it up. That is why I've had eyes all over Equestria, moving through the shadows undetected. You haven't noticed what I've done. Not at all. And thanks to my time there, I've received various secrets."

"What kind of secrets?" Celestia questioned with a visible sweatdrop forming, worrying about what Giovanni could've gained.

"For example...there's this." Shockingly, Giovanni held up something Celestia and Luna did not expect. He held an Element of Harmony. More specifically, the Element of Magic. "And there's this." To surprise them some more, in his other hand, he held a strange book that let out flares of magic around it.

"How did you get those?!" Celestia gasped. "When did you get those?!"

"I have more of these. Under your noses, they've all been obtained by my organization. You know what this book has, don't you? It'd be terrible if I were to leak what was inside. Or even this Element here. It's rather important to your world, isn't it? Or perhaps...this white stone that holds Reshiram."

In his hands, Giovanni held a white stone. Celestia backed away, shouting the name of the Legendary Pokemon out loud. "That's...Reshiram?! That can't be right...That's just a stone.

"You didn't know? Reshiram ran into a bit of an issue back at Holon. As a result, to preserve its own life, it turns into a Light Stone until it is ready to emerge. You can look at your Pokedex and immediately know about it. And when it emerges, it will have a new trainer. Not a bright idea breaking that Poke Ball it came in, Celestia. I could do more than just become its new trainer."

To make sure Giovanni wasn't lying, Celestia used her magic to bring out her Pokedex. By quickly scrolling down, she reached Reshiram's page. One touch of the Vast White Pokemon's extra dex entry and it read as followed.

"Reshiram. The Vast White Pokemon. To preserve its own life, Reshiram will take on the form of a Light Stone to stay dormant. It is one of the two Dragon Stones. For Reshiram to emerge from it, only a Hero of Truth can awaken."

"Then...that really is Reshiram!" Celestia dropped the Pokedex out of shock. The Pokedex even showed her the stone itself as it matched what Giovanni was holding.

"We need those for Nightmare Moon...!" Luna growled. "Return them immediately!"

"Nightmare Moon? Ah, the one in the hospital." Once again Giovanni surprised them, already knowing about Nightmare Moon's current location. "Nothing's stopping me from retrieving her as well. Maybe a souvenir. Perhaps, I've already done it while you were are."

"You fiend...!" Luna growled as her hoof was starting to form a tiny crater.

"Besides, that'd be asking for many other items to be returned post-haste. Granted, it won't matter since your precious Canterlot can be taken out at any minute. With just an order, I can make it happen. Curious as to how I'm able to do that?" Giovanni chuckled as he now had Celestia and Luna in a corner. All it took was him possessing vital items from Equestria. You've been so focused on every other problem to the point where my group has been neglected. I'm somewhat hurt."

"What was your deal, anyway?" Celestia gulped.

"You have so much in Equestria that's too beneficial not to transfer over here. Heaps of gold. More gold than any place in the world. Equestria has too much than can benefit Team Rocket. All the possible shares from your nation...But let me not get ahead of myself right now. This book feels far more important than whatever I have. Just like how I can share information about you with your enemy...I can also leak them. So...here is my deal."

Judging by Celestia's trembling hooves and grim expression. Giovanni was right. Inside that book held various secrets that would benefit Team Plasma, the Solar Empire, the Twilight Imperium and so on. She couldn't risk it, especially since Giovanni was somewhere they weren't aware of at the moment.

At that moment, Giovanni uttered his deal. But what could it entail? And what more did Team Rocket's Boss know and possess?

Unova. Ghetsis' Castle. Colress Lab. Nightfall.

"They've taken the bait." But this entire time, Colress had been watching. Through the view of Giovanni's recorder, he could see the interaction between him and the Two Sisters. Empress Twilight was there, emerging from the dark corners of this lab as she spoke with Colress.

"Good." Empress Twilight chuckled. "That Malamar and Gardevoir are better than I thought. Could've fooled me with those illusions as well. And as for Canterlot, with all those Unown, I firmly believe that Second Wind make it come true."

This was truly Empress Twilight's plan. With her connections to Colress, who had connections to Team Plasma, she could do so much to gain an advantage over Celestia and her world.

"A shame Daybreaker won't chime in. Too worried about vampires to even join the fun." Colress shrugged. "Oh well. The Poke Ball that will catch ponies has already finished."

"What a strange object...How can that even work? We are not Pokemon since those things were made for them. And you intend to catch the Lich Queen with that?

"Well, let's find out." For a test, Colress ended up tossing the Poke Ball at Empress Twilight. The Empress gasped as her body shrunk once the ball touched her. Indeed, it functioned just like a regular Poke Ball, but instead of shrinking a Pokemon, it would shrink a pony. The Empress found herself within the Poke Ball, stunned to the core. And once the ball dropped, it started shaking.


Shockingly, Empress Twilight was caught. A stunning leap in science on Colress' part. He picked up the Poke Ball, twirling it around, playfully.

"Well, looks like it works perfectly fine. I'll get to making more copies at once." Colress giggled before then releasing Empress Twilight from her Poke Ball.

"Y-You...! You!" Empress Twilight's body staggered as she couldn't believe what had just happened. She became a Pokemon in that instance. Right now, Colress was her trainer. "How dare you?!"

"Ah. That was a recommendation from Giovanni if you must know."

"Giovanni?!" The Empress gasped.

"I saw you earlier. You were hiding within my lab while I was speaking to him and J. He already knew of the special Poke Ball I would make that would catch ponies. All he had to do was pretend that it was brand new to him and such a concept never came up ever. I must say, he's a fairly good actor. Of course, I had to pretend too along with J."

You set me up!" The Empress twitched.

"Only for a bit. Our alliance is still on. I'm far more terrified of Daybreaker than I am of you, honestly. But as it stands, you'll know your place, my little pony. Especially you, Empress. And this Poke Ball is proof of that." Colress smirked, aggravating Empress Twilight.

Right behind Colress, flashes of electricity went off in the darkness. That came from none other than his Magnezone, who was already guarding Colress against any potential harm. Her horn flashed purple, threatening to shoot the Poke Ball even if he had Magnezone behind him, lurking in the shadows.

"Ah-ah." Colress wagged his finger. "I convinced Second Wind to pass over some Dynasite. So...this Poke Ball is indestructible. Unless you have Aura by your side."

"I...I don't..." The Empress yeied, loweinrg her magic. She felt defeated once more. "Curse it all...!"

"I have my own deal." Just then, unexpectedly, Celestia said something else in response to Giovanni's secret deal. The Empress and Colress turned to face the screen, curious about what Celestia had to say. "What you just shared with us, Giovanni...it was something. It annoys me that you make a good deal. But, I have something to counteract that. I won't agree to your deal so easily, even if it sounds amazing. In addition, though you'll leave my nation alone, I'll make one deal with you. If you turn it down, then I'll turn yours down. And it involves..."

Celestia's deal was also spouted with the only ones hearing it being Colress and Empress Twilight. Whatever she just said stunned them as much as Giovanni's deal surprised Celestia and Luna.

Universe 11. The Solar empire. Daybreaker's Throne Room. Nightfall.

"Where are they?" And to top it all off, Daybreaker was waiting for them. She was currently with Ghetsis and Nightmare Rarity and that was it. "Ghetsis. Why isn't your scientist here?"

"Apparently, he's busy making a new type of Poke Ball. He hasn't specified what it does." Ghetsis replied. "He'll be busy so it's impossible to get him here during his work. But he has been in there for quite a while now. And it's not like him to spend that much time on a Poke Ball of all things."

"That Empress...no matter the universe, Twilight is never tardy." Daybreaker groaned. "What could they be doing?"

In reality, Ghetsis and Daybreaker had no idea what was truly going on behind the scenes. It was all invisible to them as it stands now. Daybreaker found this all to be strange. First, she suspected that someone was spilling their secrets and now, the room felt emptier with fewer members showing up.

"Something's not right." Daybreaker stood up. "We have the massive threat of the Dread League possibly destroying our universes with Yveltal's power and her Black Crusade and they're barely showing up now?"

"What do you suppose we do then?" Nightmare Rarity asked.

"Getting to the bottom of this. I already want to rip Yveltal away from the Dread League, but having everyone working together is possibly the only way to succeed. Ghetsis. You don't mind if I do some eavesdropping, right?"

"Go ahead. The castle is still new despite how it's built from the inside." Ghetsis allowed it. He wasn't bothered by Daybreaker entering his castle. "But... what could Colress be doing as well?" Right then and there, Ghetsis wanted to know about these strange absences as well.

1 hour later. Kanto. Celadon City. Team Rocket Headquarters. Nightfall.

"Well...that went rather well." Giovanni petted his Persian as his meeting with Celestia and Luna had ended. And with a smile on his face, he had no complaints seemingly. "Princess Celestia...she lives up to her title indeed. Feels more like a queen than a princess. Defending her nation to the very core while also managing to form new options."


"Well, to be honest, I'd rather not go up against the juggernaut that is Equestria." Giovanni shook his head. "Fooling them with this counterfeit Light Stone worked perfectly. I have to congratulate Colress for his impressive craftsmanship."

"I still can't believe we had to give up the Pokemon..." Returning here was none other than Matori. She returned but without the Pokemon from the Pokemon House, including Krookodile.

"Know when you're beaten. There was no chance of you getting away. Any longer and Officer Jenny would've surely caught you."

"Right...But about Princess Celestia's deal..."

"She raises a good deal. I'm surprised that she would decide to guarantee our safety as well. Perhaps those three buffoons managed to rub off on her. Of course, if we want total world domination, she's our biggest problem. Let's have her do her own thing while we prepare. In the meantime, have someone return these to her. She'll be waiting for them." Giovanni held out the Element of Magic and the Counterfeit Light Stone."

"But...is this not the real Element of Magic, sir? Why return it?" Matori questioned.

"It is. But it's not from this world." Giovanni smirked. "This one was handpicked from another universe, courtesy of Empress Twilight. It'll do its thing when ready. And as for this Light Stone, let her mourn over Reshiram. The real Reshiram s still somewhere out there. And we'll get to it before Celestia or anyone does."

Equestria. Ponyville. Local Hospital. The Pokemon House. Nightfall.

As for Celestia and Luna, they returned to the hospital where Nightmare Moon was still frozen. The Pokemon that were stolen quickly reunited with their friends after a successful save. And the best part was that it didn't involve any more collateral damage to the surrounding areas.

Celestia would be expecting someone from Team Rocket to show up and return the objects that were vital to them. That involved the book that contained vital secrets.

"Well done, sister. I know that must've been hard to do." Luna congratulated Celestia. "Canterlot is also in one piece, Darkrai says."

"Good...But that was terrifying." Celestia sighed. Giovanni, was it? To think someone like that has been working in secrecy without us knowing? Who knows what else he's learned? What else has he seen and done? For the past 3 years, he's gone undetected. And I never knew. None of us knew."


"Should I have even made that deal with him?" Celestia held her head. "Team Rocket will help us with our enemies but at the same time...at the same time..."

Luna was starting to fear that all of this was finally getting to Celestia. It already started getting to Luna herself, but now her bigger sister was afflicted. Once more, when trying to get away from all the chaos, it manages to come back somehow in some way.

"Is this how it's always going to be?" Luna thought to herself. "Even at the Pokemon Festival...is everything truly going to get worse from here on?"

All the while, Nightmare Moon was still nothing but a statue. But, without no one even noticing, a tear dropped from the statue, in response to all this uneasiness. Sensing Luna's own fears, Nightmare Moon responded quietly in the only way she knew how to.

Pegalysium. Ethereal Pavilion. Nightfall.

Up at the Ethereal Pavilion, where many were sleeping thanks to these magical beds, one individual wasn't asleep at all.

Sombra. Still within Ash, the shadow of the previous King opened his eyes wide. This reaction was only triggered by one thing. Even from a far distance, Sombra could sense despair, prompting him to emerge out of Ash.

"Ugh...What's up?" Ash asked, groaning as he was woken up by Sombra's movements.

"From Equestria, I sense an emergence of despair. It's bound to show up eventually and it has a strong origin. Maybe I could use this to recover."

Despair? From Equestria?" Ash repeated looking at the floor for a moment before flashing his eyes. "That can't be good."

"Pikachu...?" Pikachu was soon woken up.

"This kind of despair comes from a place of doubt. Yes...The fear of what's to come from certain decisions. Only the two sisters could feel that way. It was only a matter of time before they felt it."

"Celearia and Luna huh..." Ash thought for a moment. That would make a lot of sense. He noticed how Luna was feeling recently with everything that happened. It wouldn't be farfetched to believe Celestia might experience the same feeling.

"Kh. Ah what's the point? There isn't a part of me left after what happened to the rest of my body. Recovering fully is downright annoying now."

"It's settled." Ash stood up putting his hat on. "I'm gonna go see them both."

"Pika?" Ash set his sights on Equestria instead of continuing to stay up here at the Ethereal Pavilion.

"For what purpose?" Sombra questioned, wondering why Ash would suddenly stop here and return to Equestria when there was still more of the Pavilion to view and explore.

"Isn't it obvious?"He adjusted his hat and gloves, getting his jacket ready as if it was a brand new day "For my friends."

As the journey continues

Chapter 943 End.

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