• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: His Story Shall Continue

Pinnaculum Pegalysium. Late Afternoon.

Galaxy Tower had been brought down. Thanks to the power of the Unown, Second Wind had the tower all to herself. It crashed here at Pinnaculum Pegalysium, right outside Second Wind's palace, leaving a large crater. But for the sake of gaining more power, Second Wind could care less about the damage. After all, it could all be repaired later on.

The entrance to the Galaxy Tower was there for her to see as various Pinnaculum Pegalysium Guards were surveying the area for what they could find. The main reason for Second Wind bringing this tower down was the fact that she sensed Rift Energy coming from it.

Alas, when bringing the tower down, she didn't find a gigantic amount of it as she expected. But that didn't mean Grand Queen Second Wind wouldn't gain something from this.

"Did Rift Magic affect this? It feels so...strange. How is it that it still shines so beautifully even with this destruction?" Right now, she was holding onto the rubble from the tower. The moment she made contact with it, the texture was bizarre to her. After all, it was made out of stars. This material was known as Solid Stars.

Despite how special they sounded, the battles that took place within the tower completely destroyed each of the solid stars and their foundations, leaving only this wreck of a tower that had no interior design at all. But, the rubble still shined after everything that had happened.

"Unown. Observe these. See if there's any Rift Magic within it." Dedicated t getting whatever she could, she ordered the Unown to decipher these stones to see what could be found. The Unown did just that, using their combined powers to scan the Solid Stars.

It didn't take long for the Unown to decipher them. They immediately discovered the kind of energy inside of them. Stars. Surprisingly, despite how there were stars inside of this material, not once did it combust or let out heat. That showed that Ash, even at a young age, knew to be careful with what he was making.

Upon learning about the stars inside, they telepathically relayed this message back to Second Wind, grabbing her attention for this instance.

"Stars? Inside these things? Oh...Whoever crafted something like this must be an absolute genius." She was entirely wrong, as Ash only made this up as a child with no proper logic behind it other than the fact that they were stars that turned solid. A child's imagination will always have minimal logic in the best way possible. "But, they also haven't been using it to the best of its potential.

Second Wind wouldn't dismiss this at all. These stones intrigued her. She wasn't one to leave a chance behind. If it can be used, then why not experiment? Item resource is what Second Wind thrived for as evidenced by what she has been pursuing for so long and what she continues to pursue even to this day in her current position.

"What a shame...I didn't get any Rift Energy today. Phooey. But, if this material has stars inside, then I can do something with this."

Unova. Virbank City. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

After succeeding in defeating the Rift and escaping from Second Wind's clutch, everyone returned here thanks to Hoopa. Now, some of them took the time to sleep while others just sat there on the ground, looking up at the night sky. They never got the chance to fully experience the stars but being up there only gave them a sense of wonder about what could happen next time up there.

After all, the Golden Stairway was still a possibility as it pointed to the stars. Everyone had their Pokemon healed up at the Pokemon Center whilst Celestia, Chrysalis, Paramount, Luminary and Luna helped with cleaning. Massie rubble from the tower's interior were scattered everywhere. The guards from each respective ruler would also do some heavy lifting to clean the streets of Virbank.

It was all over now. All that was left was for Mew, Flurry Heart and Giratina to return. With the Rocketship since it still had the Master Bolt with it. Now that he didn't have to worry about any sudden attacks, Hoopa would make a ring for free, leading the way for Mew and the others.

Through this giant ring, Mew flew through, appearing as Lugia for a split second before then reverting to his original form. Passing through as well was Giratina and its ever-imposing form. On its back was its original trainer Flurry Heart who was the least exhausted out of everyone here. Thanks to Hoopa's ring, the Rocketship which helped the powerful Master Bolt could be safely transported, entering the Pokemon World.

The people of Virbank City weren't sure what to focus on first. The massive amount of rubble that looked like it came out of a hotel, the giant ship in the sky, the fact that they thought they saw Lugia for a moment only for it to be Mew or the casual appearance of Giratina.

Either one required some questions but they all mainly gossiped. Although it wasn't too uncommon as Ash is known for being around these larger-than-life characters.

"That got pretty intense back there," Ash said to Twilight and the rest of his friends. "We made it out of there just fine, right?"

"Glad it didn't get too intense," Twilight added. "It's a good thing the Rift still wasn't too powerful to dominate us all. I dread what would've happened if it had power comparable to when we first met it."

"Hmph. I was out cold for the most part!" Rarity crossed her hooves. "I wanted to give the Rift a piece of my mind. Especially that Dragonite."

"Hah! Call this catharsis!" Hilbert suddenly slid over, responding to Rarity. I'm the one who took out that Dragonite. Hydreigon and I mopped the floor with it."

"We still didn't get the Rift though. Then again, what would we have done with it?" Hilda wondered. "I still want my payback though if possible."

"You might get it, Hilda," Ash replied before taking off his hat. Speaking of hats, Applejack received her hat back as it was swallowed up by Hoopa's ring too.

"Here you go, Applejack." Bertha was the one to return the hat. In its current state, it was slightly damaged but still wearable as she gently placed it back on the earth pony's head. It still fits even after the scuffle.

"What do you mean by that, Ash? I might get it?" Hilda asked, leaning forward. Ash, Twilight and Fluttershy knew something. And it was high time for them to say it.

"Back there, the Rift said something that tells us we're gonna battle again someday. Everything that happened here gavei t some inspiration and now it wants to be a villain suddenly." Ash recalled those words.

"Starting from now...I shall be your next villain! This brings an opportunity. A bigger stage must be set. Even bigger than space. I wish to battle you again. As a greater villain with greater power."

"It just declared that?!" Hilda exclaimed.

"That's what I said!" Twilight responded. "After all that, I didn't think it would give such a reaction. This is already telling us that it's gonna face us somewhere else...What could be bigger than space?"

"Space Two?" Pinkie Pie added, but no one could possibly know the answer. But that response did make everyone chuckle.

"Whatever it is...we'll meet the Rift there. I think it wants that final stage and encounter to be the last one. And if that's the final time, that means everything that comes afterwards is blind sailing. The Rift might not do anything after that." Twilight added. "All that's left would be finding Jirachi. Unless we find all of them before that."

"What about Galaxy Master? What happened to him?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The Rift sent it somewhere else. Not sure where. If we want to find out, we could use the books that tell his story. But I think the most recent one was with the Rift. So right now...we have no idea where he could be now." Twiight continued.

"I don't wanna think about it now." Applejack sighed before slumping on Sceptile's stomach. "I just wanna sleep."

"Same here." Fluttershy yawned. "What's next for tomorrow, everyone?"

"Not sure. Anywhere but space." Rarity rubbed her eye. "And if it is space, just let it be something beautiful and peaceful instead of what we went through. Space and all its stars are too grand to ignore."

"By the way...where's Reshiram? Wasn't he here before?" Hilbert noticed Reshiram's absence. "He didn't show up at space either."

"Reshiram never came with us to the Galaxy Tower. But it doesn't look like he stayed behind at PokeStar Studios." Hilda replied. "Maybe, he went to do his own thing."

"I would've totally loved it if Reshiram was there..." Rainbow Dash yawned before falling flat n the ground, putting herself to sleep instantly. Everyon else clocked out, sleeping next to their Pokemon or even the ends that came along with the ring. All interior parts of the tower were free for them to hold and rest on, albeit a bit damaged.

Ash closed his eyes, thinking about Galaxy Master instead of the Rift's challenge. That last part was something he was expecting to deal with eventually. But Galaxy Master was another story. Since he was controlled by the Rift, he would most definitely have no knowledge as to everything that happened. Even though he was a fictional character, Ash still based that character on his father. That was just another way of him being distant with his father. To sleep it all away, Ash would join his friends and slumber.

"We should be going now." Meanwhile, Paramount and Lumniary were ready to take their leave. "At least, returning the Master Bolt back to Pegalysium. It served its purpose by breaking that veil."

"Thank you for your help. You've paid us back for all the times we helped you. That veil would've caused further problems if it wasn't dealt with." Celestia thanked, bowing her head in respect. "Same to you, Chrysalis. Way to go with alerting everyone and even that small moment of piloting."

"I didn't even pilot it that well..." Chrysalis grumbled. "All I did was use my magic to shield the ship and that's it."

"Ah, you did fine." Jackie patted her on the back by kneeling down to do so. "I mean, the worst case scenario was if you ended up crashing the ship into the tower. Or back down to earth. Either way, none of that happened."

"R-Right...!" Chrysalis stammered, realizing how horribly it could've gone if she didn't have some knowledge to that kind of ship in the beginning. While quaking, her eyes averted her to Skyblue Shine. Right now, the android mother was about to bid farewell to her android daughter. As to be expected since Skybue Shine could confirm the safety of Premium Polish now.

"I'll be off now. Take care, daughter." Skyblue Shine embraced her little android daughter with one final hug for the night.

"Goodbye, mom. Show up soon, okay?"

"I will. But...how about you share this with Princess Celestia? From what I learned, there's something being built or it's probably already finished over at Universe 11. Daybreaker calls it the Supernova. I'm not sure what it does but I'll continue to look into it. This universe is a prime target for whatever Daybreaker's planning to do with it after all. That and the fact that she needs Necrozma to take light."

"Uh, okay. I'll remember that. But I thought you liked Daybreaker. She's the one who helped you free me."

"I'm grateful to Daybreaker. But I'm afraid of what her actions will do to you since she's all about travelling from world to world as well. I doubt she'll do anything to you but it's about what could happen to everyone else."

"I gotcha. I'll tell Princess Celestia everything I know. You should stay safe out there too, mom."

"I will." Skyblue Shine backed away, looking round to see if anyone noticed her movements. She was in the clear right now, thankfully, which ld to her removing the Royal Canterlot Guard armour before disappearing into the darkness. Premium Polish had a smile on her face, knowing that her mother would be found once more.

Hopefully, under better circumstances that didn't involve a scuffle in space and a vengeful cosmc entity with amalgamtions of two forces. But everything involving Galaxy Master wasn't quite over yet. Cynthia held a map. Rather, a three-sided map. This was the special map that showed three worlds. The Pokemon World, The Earth where Twilight and her friends come from and a third one that wasn't coloured in and hard to recognize.

Cynthia wondered what this map meant and why was it in Galaxy Master's room. Something like this had to be researched further. Cynthia already took a picture of it, saving it permanently just so this image never leaves her head. But at the moment, Cynthia wished she could speak with Galaxy Master right now to know what he was planning withthis.

"Are you curious?" Speaking to Cynthia was a robotic voice. More specifically, the StarBots from Galaxy Tower. They came along after being swallowed up by the ring. A majority of them were broken down while a few were still intact.

"Ah, yes. You work for Galaxy Master, so you should know what this map means, right?" Cynthia asked, kneeling to face the robots. "What does the left side of the map represent?"

"That part of the map represents a hypothetical world. It isn't quite finished at the moment. It's actual size is meant to be far bigger."

"Hypothetical? Unfinished? And it's far bigger than what it appears to be?" Cynthia gawked. These words could mean a lot. But the one thing that came to mind was the fact that this hypothetical world that the StarBots mentioned could be bigger than both worlds combined.

Or rather, as Cynthia thought, it was both worlds actually combined into one. "Wait! Did Galaxy Master make this for a hypothetical world where both worlds are together?"

"Correct. It is a backup plan that he thought about. Should the two worlds ever stay connected then he would be there to protect it as well It pays to know where to see others."

"I see" Cynthia received the truth behind the map. It truly did have good intentions. Galaxy Master, despite what he had been told, saw the bond that both worlds shared and the potential they held if they ever stay connected. "So, what next for all of you?"

"Pokemon Ranger Jackie has decided to bring us all to the Ranger Union. We have already lost the Galaxy Tower and the Master."

"Noted. Good luck to your time there. You'll go well with the Pokemon Rangers and help a lot of lives. Just like your master. And sorry about your tower." Cynthia apologized before bidding the robots farewell.

They would follow Jackie's lead as they had no home to head back to now. But the Ranger Union would be their new home, being just as technologically advanced as them. They had nothing to fear. Then again, they couldn't exactly fear since they showed no emotions after that entire scuffle.

Jackie was even kind enough to bring along the robots that had been broken down, choosing to repair them instead of leaving them as scraps. These robots would truly have a new home as Jackie wouldn't dare to leave one of them behind.

If they had the current Comic that showed Galaxy Master's adventures, this could potentially be the best place to see the final chapter emerge. Alas, that was not the case. If anything, Galaxy Master's adventures weren't over yet. Not after what the Rift had done.

This story was not over yet and neither was this timeless adventure as the journey continues.

Chapter 926 End.

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