• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Abstract Creation Trio

Outer Space.

Arriving from another dimension, straight through the Cosmic Wall and the cracks of space was the newest combination of Arceus and the Rift's power. Rift-Giratina.

"Is that...Giratina?!" Chrysalis was the first to point out how this entity resembled Giratina. King Paramount, Queen Luminary and the Pegalysium Guards weren't as shocked since they had minimal knowledge of Giratina.

"Kind of! It's got the face but everything else looks off." Jackie soon noticed that something was off. It wasn't that hard to notice it as while the face and the body structure matched that of the Renegade Pokemon, everything else was a different story.

"It's one of those things!" Applejack had further knowledge compared to Chrysalis and Jackie. This entity spelt only bad news from what Applejack could tell. Upon arriving, Rift-Giratina locked onto the Rocketship before anything else. It swam through the cosmic skies, leaving behind a trail of Antimatter. It immediately deemed those within the Rocketship as enemies as per the thoughts of the Rift itself within its otherworldly head.

It let out that signature bone-chilling cry with a sight alteration. Those shimmering wings of it unleashed a crackle of Antimatter which spread out. The crackle immediately met with some nearby asteroids, obliterating them entirely. Even the cracks that had been formed in space were destroyed thanks to this spread of Antimatter.

Inside the Galaxy Tower, the Rift was the only one inside who knew about Rift-Giratina's arrival. Mainly because it called for this otherworldly entity. Knowing that yet another powerful force was coming to assist it, if the Rift had a mouth right now, it would be putting on the biggest smile possible.

"It's coming this way!" Luminary backed up after noticing Rift-Giratina's current sense of direction. Those crimson eyes had vicious intent within them that she could easily spot. Jackie, who was piloting the ship, noticed as well before rapidly trying to turn the ship. It was clear what Rift-Giratina was here to do.

But, turning the ship certainly wasn't fast enough. Rift-Giratina got there first, charging in at full force. By coming into contact with the ship, Rift-Giratina immediately bashed its head against it. Rumbling went across the ship as it was then pushed aside via Rift-Giratina's bash.

Many Canterlot, Changeling and Pegalysium guards lost their balance, falling over, bumping into each other or the walls or sliding on the floor, or even all at the same time. Chrysalis, Paramount and Luminary used their magic to keep themselves steady, however.

"Woah there!" Jackie managed to also keep the Rocketship steady with his control, preventing it from tilting to a different angle. There was also the issue of protecting the Rocketship from receiving any damage, lest the vacuum of space enters here even with this protective gear on.

Rift-Giratina didn't stop there. It faced the front of the ship for everyone to see its menacing face. The Rift Renegade Pokemon bared its fangs before then using Aura Sphere. From its mouth, a large ball of concentrated Aura could be seen coexisting with the Rift Energy that made up half of its body. This was all thanks to Arceus' power, allowing Rift-Giratina to use this source of energy.

The sphere was spat out, meeting with the ship before resulting in an azure explosion. Naturally, the ship received more damage from this which caused it to move yet again.

"How are we supposed to help them when that thing is in the way?!" Paramount exclaimed after nearly falling over from the trembling of the Rocketship. "What even is that thing?!"

"There's two of 'em inside!" Applejack shouted. "That thing's working for the Rift since it's made up of half of that stuff. It ain't gonna let us head in there, that's for sure."

"That should be the least of our worries right now!" Luminary then looked at the Master Bolt and the Dynasite Case that held it. The fragility of this weapon was still something they all had in mind. "If this keeps up, the Master Bolt could destroy us before that Pokemon does!"

"Not like this!" A Changeling Guard screamed before whirling through the ship. Many were even feeling a bit sick as Giratina then started aggressively bashing the ship.

"What do we do? Going out there's a big risk!" Applejack questioned.

"We're not going out there!" Jackie replied, tightening his grip on the controls. "This ship was used to invade worlds, so the weapons on it have to be top-notch, right? Let's see!"

If there was any time to use the power of this ship, it was now. The ship was facing the front of Giratina yet again as the Rift Renegade Pokemon was in the perfect spot for Jackie to use whatever weapons this ship had. Of course, upon manning the weapons, he unleashed the main ones that were commonly used during the Empress' invasion. This whole ship was not just electrically powered but also powered by magic. Beams of magic were unleashed when the cannons showed up, firing at rapid paces.

Rift-Giratina's face was met with these beams of magic, but there wasn't a reaction at all. It simply took all of it to the face with dark purple explosions going off. Rift-Giratina was unphased. It barely looked like a nuisance to it.

"Nothing?" Jackie passed for a moment. "Then, how about this?!" He then amped up the levels to see if anything higher would get to Rift-Giratina. The beams were then powered up, increasing in size while also receiving a larger fill of magic. Out of these cannons, a larger magic beam was sent out, moving in fewer numbers but still at great speeds.

These ones did manage to do something, albeit to a little level. Rift-Giratina hissed at them once the beams connected as the magic behind them was still the result of the Empress absorbing magic from different worlds. The ship possessed a large pool of magic that came from multiple alicorns that allowed it to function to the fullest.

"Great! That works! But we can make it better!" Jackie aimed to increase the level of the magical beams. But Rift-Giratina wasn't having any of that. It immediately used Dragon Tail, whipping its tail at the ship to twist it.

"I think I'm gonna be sick..." Luminary groaned as all of this erratic movement was getting to her. She was held by Paramount, keeping her from being absolutely bewildered by this.

"If that thing's extremely fragile, don't keep engaging with it!" Chrysalis shouted.

"Right! My bad! But how are we gonna keep it safe if it keeps attacking us?" Jackie asked. Even if they planned to keep the Master Bolt safe, that would be challenging as Rift-Giratina was unrelenting.

But that wasn't the only thing they had to try and keep safe. The Rocketship itself and the damages it received were detrimental for various reasons. Mainly because this ship, despite also being powered by magic, it was still a mechanical creation with engines that needed to be taken into account.

Looking at the radar on the control panel, Jackie saw how alerts about the engines being attacked went off. And this was only from Rift-Giratina's first few attacks.

"Oh," Jackie uttered, realizing that things were escalating for the worst. "Okay then! Someone's gotta take control of this ship for a while!"

"What?! Why?!" Applejack asked.

"If no one's there to take care of the engines, then this ship is going down. I know my way around engines thankfully, but someone has to do something that Giratina does over there. Whatever you can do, okay?"

"I can't drive a ship!" Applejack shook her head. "This was way out of her league and skill level. The same went for everyone here as they all shook their heads. Neither could steer a ship, let alone one that could take to the skies.

"I can try." But then, there was Chrysalis. "I was allied with the Empress for a while. Along with Ghetsis. Team Plasma themselves control ships that take to the skies. "I've seen two kinds of pilots from two different ships."

"Are you sure? Even if you've seen it, it's not gonna work out perfectly." Jackie questioned.

"Believe me. I can do my best." Chrysalis had full confidence in what she could do. At the same time, the ship continued to shake via Rift-Giratina's constant attacks. That was a reminder for Jackie to get moving.

"Okay then! Good luck!" Jackie rushed off to the engine room, leaving Chrysalis to handle the rest. The Changeling Queen took control of the ship's controls.

"Please be careful your majesty. I don't want t meet my end in space of all places. Though, that would feel somewhat epic." A changeling said.

"No one is perishing in space." Chrysalis used her magic to grab ahold of the entire control panel, having the best way to multitask. "Not inside the ship or that tower. I can guarantee that."

Rift-Giratina's roar came through as Chrysalis intensively stared into the Rift Renegade Pokemon's eyes. Ribombee hovered next to Chrysalis, holding on tightly for whatever impact comes next. Ribombee herself was just as fragile as the Master Bolt thanks to her size.

"Bring it on, your abominable hybrid!" Chrysalis challenged the Rift Renegade Pokemon, Even in outer space, Rift-Giratina heard Chrysalis challenge and insult.

The goal was to protect the Master Bolt or else it would take them all out before Rift-Giratina could potentially get the chance to do so. Chrysalis would ensure that Rift-Giratina's attack stopped here.

In response, Rift-Giratina unleashed a vortex of Antimatter from its body to try and engulf the entire ship in one go. An attack like this would certainly cause massive damage since everything on this ship was made out of matter. Protecting the ship from this vortex of Antimatter was Chrysalis' magic.

Even from the inside, she could unleash a large bubble of magic, shielding the entire Rocketship from this vortex of Antimatter. However, much like the ship, even Chrysalis' bubble was made out of matter. Chrysalis was already using her magic to wield the control panel and adding a magical bubble the size of this sip was already putting a strain on her.

It didn't help that the Antimatter started dissolving her bubble, eating away at it like a virus. "Something like this can't be allowed to enter that tower...!" Chrysalis groaned before trying to expand her barrier.

Thankfully, she had help. Paramount and Luminary chimed in, using their magic to expand her barrier too. They too possessed a great ordeal of magic, allowing them to push back the vortex of Antimatter. The bubble grew larger than the ship and the vortex, reflecting it back at Rift-Giratina. The Rift Renegade Pokemon received its own attack back at its, resulting in the first biggest sign of damage so far.

"Thank you! Both of you!" Chrysalis thanked the Pegalysium King and Queen. She could focus clearly since these two were helping out. "Alright then. First...I'll force this Giratina away from the tower with all I can do."

Galaxy Tower.

"T-Taria!" Back at the tower, the other two Rift Creations were still active. Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia. They were occupied by Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo at the moment. Altaria had been forced back by an attack from Rift-Dialga, hurling through the air.

"Lava!" The same went for Scootaloo's Quilava, who rolled on the floor. But not via his own movements. It was from Rift-Palkia's attacks. By this point, they were essentially facing the might of Legendary Pokemon despite how abstract these two appeared to be.

"Altaria! Are you alright?!" Rainbow Dash asked. Altaria got right back up, still active and ready to continue battling. The same went with Quilava. "Okay then! Let's go for Dragon Pulse on Palkia this time!"

"Quilava! Flame Wheel!"

"Taria!" The Humming Pokemon opened her mouth as a turquoise ball appeared. This turquoise ball was released before then transforming midway into a giant multi-coloured energy dragon that was itching to chomp on Palkia.

But, as to be expected, Rift-Palkia warped space once more. By using its power, the space around itself and Altaria's Dragon Pulse was altered. Dragon Pulse went elsewhere, flying over Rift-Palkia's head. The attack hit the ceiling instead, missing Rift-Palkia thanks to the tampering of space. But this didn't stop Rift-Palkia from using Dragon Pulse freely. With its Dragon Pulse, there was nothing to warp the trajectory of this beam.

"Altaria!" Unfairly, Altaria had been hit by Dragon Pulse, receiving super-effective damage in the process. If only she could also warp space and ignore certain attacks.

As for Quilava, he moved at great speeds, only for Dialga to stop time. Even with Quilava's rolling speed, this 3-second Time-Stop was enough to throw it all into the gutter, allowing Rift-Dialga to use Earthquake at the same time. Rift-Dialga wouldn't even need much time to pull it off as all it took was a simple stomp.

Once time resumed after 3 seconds, Quilava was met with an eruption of golden shockwaves, laced with the power of Planet Earth. "L-Lava!" Quilava attempted drifting away from this, only to be grazed by the shockwaves, receiving supereffective damages as well.

"This can't be fair. They can just stop time and mess with space? How are we supposed to get past that?!" Scootaloo moaned. Indeed, this entire time, Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia have been using their natural abilities to their advantage. And these abilities were too good and helped them greatly.

Rift-Dialga could only stop time for 3 seconds but those 3 seconds truly mattered. Rift-Plkia could only warp a limited amount of space, but Space was Space either way.

"Bah, don't worry about it." Rainbow Dash thought otherwise. "Sure, it's pretty annoying, but there's always options we can use."


"Uh...we'll find something eventually! Ash and Twilight told me all about these two when they were in that weird dimension. It doesn't look like we can fully defeat them. Maybe sending them back to that wall is how we do it."

"But we can't reach that wall at all? So we can't beat them?"

"I've got an idea...and it involves us doing this!" Rainbow Dash suddenly picked up Scootaloo and Quilava before choosing to fly away instead of continuing to shout out commands. Altaria soon followed once Rainbow Dash booked it.

"Wait?! We're leaving the battle?!"

"Nope! This is all part of the plan! Sometimes, battling doesn't have to be super upfront, ya know." Rainbow Dash had it all planned. She wasn't fleeing at all. Battling Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia directly was troublesome. A whole new kind of trouble that was truly otherworldly. For that, she had to change the way she approached this battle.

"Truth is...I don't know what to do about Time and Space." In her mind, Rainbow Dash was stumped when it came to these forces. "How do I get around something like that?"

Of course, Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia would pursue them all. The two Dragons chased down Rainbow Dash's group through this long and torn-apart hallway. Rainbow Dash focused on the different doors that led to different areas. Any direction would still involve pursuit from these two Rift Creations, but Rainbow Dash was clever enough to know that even these two were still lesser variants of their original counterparts. This was proof via Rift-Dialga's temporary time-stop and what Ash and Twilight shared a few days ago. Therefore, it was time to test those limitations.

"Altaria! Ice Beam on the walls! Block them!"

"Taria!" Altaria would use Ice Beam, focusing on these walls before then blocking off this part of the area with cold hard ice. This cluster of ice came together nicely with a chilling aura emanating from them. However, these two Dragons had nothing to worry about when it came to ice.

If anything, the blockade of ice was just a nuisance. All it took was Dialga charging right through the blockade with its Diamond-Hard Skin. The ice shattered beautifully with small snowflakes dropping in the process. But after destroying the blockade, Rainbow Dash and her group were gone.

Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia looked around for any trace of this group. But there was nothing. The two doors leading to the two rooms were still there as they could've gone through either. The two Dragons looked at each other before nodding in agreement. Their communication boiled down to them splitting up and going to different rooms.

Rift-Palkia went to the right door as it opened automatically just like the left while Rift-Dialga chose the left. Even when opening these doors, Rainbow Dash's group was still absent. It fell silent right afterwards with only the hard footsteps of these two Dragons going off.

The hallways appeared empty with nothing to fill them. There were other rooms in this tower catered around storage. These storage rooms had no sign of life once Rift-Palkia showed its slightly long head inside. At this rate, Rift-Palkia was thinking of heading back to the Rift if it couldn't find this group.

Rift-Palkia left this part of the hallway, choosing to return to the Rift. But when facing the entrance, that's when they struck. Rainbow Dash's group revealed themselves.

"Gotcha! Dragon Pulse!" Rainbow Dash was waiting at the entrance, juking the Rift Creation by appearing back where they started.

"Altaria!" Altaria would make this a direct Dragon Pulse, building up the draconic energy and focusing on Palkia's face. It was time to hit it where it hurts as a dragon-shaped blast sprung out.

Acting as fast as it could, Rift-Palkia created a spatial barrier around its face via quick instincts. Even when being caught off guard, it could still be fast enough to protect itself as it wrapped the space around Dragon Pulse.

"You're fast! But not as fast as him! Now, Braviary!"

"Braviary!" Rainbow Dash's Braviary had been sent out for this battle. He was already waiting for his chance to strike. And that chance was now. From above, Braviary swooped in with a full-force Brave Bird. Unfortunately for Rift-Palkia, it was too late to try and warp space behind it. "Vi!"

"Castform!" Joining in was Castform with a Normal-Type Weather Ball, allowing the ball to travel side by side with the Valiant Pokemon while Rift-Palkia was occupied with warping the Dragon Pulse elsewhere.

A direct hit. Rift-Palkia received a hard crash from Braviary's back attack. This also allowed Dragon Pulse to fully pass through the spatial barrier. A super-effective hit on the front and a generally heavy hit from the back. Rainbow Dash could already see the limits to these Rift Creations. It was all a matter of what they could pull off rather than what they could naturally do.

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash cheered after the attacks were successful. Finally, some progress had been made. But just as there was progress, Rift-Palkia aimed to dial it all back. After the initial attack, the cosmic glow in its eyes went off. This set something off.

As a way to retaliate, Rift-Palkia suddenly used the weapon it carried with it, separating it from its body. The weapon then moved on its own, responding to Rift-Palkia's pain. In retaliation, the weapon unleashed a slash that looked all too familiar. It looked a lot like Spacial Rend.

"Uh oh!" Rainbow Dash grimaced as this slash could be seen altering space. Braviary flew ahead, holding up his wings to protect Rainbow Dash. He would do so with Steel Wing for extra durability. But this wasn't like the usual Spacial Rend. It wasn't as strong but it left a larger impact than expected.

This attack seemed to encompass all of Rift-Palkia's strength and what it was capable of. In this instance, a wider range of space was manipulated, interacting with the walls of the tower. From this outburst, Rift-Palkia's abilities increased for a bit. Another example of a Pokemon's strength going up when on the losing side sometimes.

Braviary managed to successfully block the attack, however, the wall of the tower had been erratically disorganized, leaving open areas that revealed other rooms.

"Nice save, Braiary." Rainbow Dash sighed. "That could've been too close."

"Braviary." There was a moment of silence once the Spacial Rend ended. Braviary took a deep sigh before then witnessing a shocking revelation. The second he moves his wings back, his body split apart.

In a perfectly symmetrical line, Braviary's body had been split in half, sending both halves away. The Valiant Pokemon's eyes widened once he saw what had become of him. Rainbow Dash, Castform and Altaria all had their eyes pop out of them before screaming in unison.

"Huh!?" Rainbow Dash went first, followed by Castform and Altaria. But, they would soon find out that the Spacial Rend's reach didn't just stop at Braviary. The second she went to see if her partner was alright, her body split apart too.

Rainbow Dash's body had also been split in half with perfect symmetry. The same went for Castform and Altaria as the power of this attack was greater than they expected. The pegasus took a moment to witness the horror that became of her body. She looked at one hoof with one eye and another hoof with another eye.

It seemed that Rift-Palkia didn't just disorganize and split the hallway in half, it split their bodies in half, tearing them in half as their dimensions had been scrambled.

"This is weird...! But awesome...!" Rainbow Dash wasn't sure how to feel about this. She wasn't badly hurt but she was freaking out right now. The extent of Rift-Palkia's power had been revealed. It seemed that there was more to give out with this Rift Creation that had yet to be unleashed.

With Scootaloo, she managed to get the jump on Rift-Dialga by concealing herself. The same trick had been pulled on Rift-Dialga where one Pokemon attacks from the front and the other goes for the back.

This time, it was Quilaa and his Flame Wheel. "Quilava!" Quilava attacked from the front with a full-speed Flame Wheel, almost catching Rift-Dialga off guard, only for time to stop. Rift-Dialga took the time to ascend into the air with the three seconds it had available. Once again, thanks to the usage of its power, any attack that came its way was immediately met with a Time Stop.

"I was waiting for that!" Unless something got the better of it. And someone did. Rapidash to be exact. After time resumed, Quilava's attack failed but Rapidash, who was waiting for his moment to attack, appeared out of one of the rooms, using those powerful galloping legs to jump as high as he could.

In the air, he used Double Kick. Much like Rift-Palkia, those limitations showed themselves. Stopping time for three seconds was already limited Rift-Dialga couldn't do it quick enough ironically. Thus, Rapidash was free to stomp on its back with not one but two super-effective kicks from above.

Rift-Dialga was knocked out of the air by this, crashing to the floor which caused a mild rumble. A successful cooperative attack yet again. Advantages in numbers truly did help out when facing larger forces. "Way to go, you two!" Scootaloo jumped for joy. "I think that left a mark! No doubt about it."

But much like Rift-Palkia, this attack triggered a rapid response in the form of Dialga's own signature attack. The shield Rift-Dialga carried also moved up, gaining its own will. Just like the weapon from Rift-Palkia, this shield used Roar of Time. Dialga's Signature Move.

Less powerful compared to the original but somehow larger in scale, the attack became a large pulse instead of a beam, engulfing the rest of this hallway. Scootaloo flinched, covering her eyes with her wings, fearing that this pulse would bring about a devastating blow.

But, it didn't do any damage at all. The best it did was just shake the hallway and almost throw Rapidash off balance. For the most part, it didn't harm anyone. Scootaloo and her Pokemon all had their eyes closed but they had nothing to fear from this attack.

She slowly opened them up to see how the hallway was also still in one piece. "Oh...That's it? Phew. That was kinda anticlimactic but I'll take it. Are you two okay?"

"Cynda." Shockingly, the wrong Pokemon responded to her. Scootaloo's pupils shrunk before looking down to see what had become of her Quilava.

Or rather, Cyndaquil. His pre-evolution to his entire evolution line stood before the pegasus. He was as small and cute as ever but even so, Scootaloo had a lot going on in her mind. "Cyndaquill?!"

"Ponyta?" The same goes for Rapidash. Or Ponyta rather. Just like Cyndaquil, Rapidash was back in his pre-evolution. Ponyta. But, these two weren't the only ones affected. The two Fire-Types opened their mouths in awe at what they were witnessing.

Scootaloo noticed that not only did they revert to their pre-evolutions, but somehow, she was above them. She certainly couldn't fly at all and even when they were in their first forms, Cyndaquil was around her height while Ponyta was bigger than her. That wasn't the case now. She was taller as noticed by her hoof length.

In fact, she was older.

That Roar of Time Pulse from the shield changed the flow of time for both of them. Whereas Ponyta and Cyndaquil suffered regression, Scootaloo was hit by progression. She felt her face for a bit before then looking at Dialga's diamond accessories which gave off a reflection. This confirmed to her that she was older.

"Oh..." Scootaloo felt like passing out and geeking out at the same time. She wasn't sure which one to start with first. However, she could figure that out later as Rift-Dialga wasn't done yet. Neither was Rift-Palkia. They had only been knocked down for a bit.

But they would certainly get back up.

"Uh..I...Mmm!" Scootaloo struggled to think of the next sentence, trying to take this all in. "Gotta go!" She thought of running away instead. Upon seeing Rift-Dialga getting back up, she along with her pre-evolved Pokemon high-tailed it out of there.

But now, both sides were in compromising states. One side had been hit with a change of Time while the other felt the separation of Space. Either could be considered a big deal. Such was the power of the Creation Trio. Though these may not be the real ones, their power still mimicked that of their originals.

And little did many of them know, but there was the third member of this trio right outside, having yet to enter this tower. If it even enters at all.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 918 End.

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