• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Swablu's Resolve

Saddle Lake, afternoon.

Currently, Rainbow Dash was training her current Pokemon Team, preparing for the next Gym Battle.

"Alright. Go!" She was making the three of them race in order to get Swablu to become a faster Pokemon. Whirlipede and Braviary already outspeed it by a mile. "The next gym is a speed themed one. And we gotta make sure that we can keep up with whatever their Pokemon might be!"

Swablu was doing its best to keep up, but it was unfortunately not enough. Its team members were just faster than it in every way possible. Swablu took some time to catch its breath as Braviary and Whirlipede stopped.

"Okay... this isn't working out as well as I thought. We have to find a way to make you faster Swablu. But how?"

"Swablu..." Swablu pouted, feeling like it was letting Rainbow Dash down.

"Oh. Swablu, don't feel bad. I know you're trying your very best. Look, I just want to make sure we're prepared for the next Gym Battle so that it doesn't end up like our Third Gym battle experience. How about we back and rest you guys?"




Rainbow Dash and her team returned to Ponyville to get a break. Once there, Rainbow spotted the perfect person to help with her training. Ash. He was currently chatting away with the CMC.

"Aha! Just the guy I'm looking for. Hey Ash!" She flew over to him.

"Hm? Yeah, what's up Dash?"

"Can you help? I want to train more. Specifically my Swablu."

"You want Swablu to get stronger? Sure."


"Not that. I want Swablu to get faster. Have more speed. My upcoming Gym Battle in Fillydelphia is said to be Speed themed. I'm an expert at speed and so are Braviary and Whirlipede. But Swablu over here just isn't as fast as the two of them. We've been trying to get Swablu to increase its speed but... it's not been going great."

"Hm. So you want to be able to keep up with the Gym Leader's fast Pokemon with your own. I get ya. But do you think that Swablu might be capable of handling all that speed? Plus Electric-Types are the fastest type and the Gym Leader might have mostly Electric-Types so that'll be trouble for Swablu."

"Exactly! Can you help?"

"Well.. there's two options you can try. You can maybe focus on other things besides speed. Swablu's are pretty good at defense you know."


"But how's defense gonna help Swablu? She's so light."

"If your Pokemon are durable enough, they can take a lot of hits and keep on going, even if they're at a type disadvantage."

"I guess so. Then what's the second option."

"Catching another Pokemon."

"Another Pokemon? Maybe another Flying-Type! Oh... but that'll just leave my team weak to mostly Electric-Types."

"Then maybe you can try going to the Pokemon House. You might find a new Pokemon there that you might like."

"Ooh! We wanna come along!" Sweetie Belle spoke.

"Yeah! I wanna catch some new Pokemon too! Ponyta is a bit on the lonely side." said Scootaloo.

"And I want more than just an apple!" Apple Bloom uttered.

"Alright. We'll get you three some new Pokemon too."

"Yes!" The three of them cheered as Scootaloo hopped on Ash's head and Sweetie Belle on his left shoulder.

The Pokemon House.

"So you want a new Pokemon?" Fluttershy said to them.

"Yeah. I want one that's fast. Got any good Electric-Types?" Rainbow asked her.

"Sure. The kinds of Electric-Types that come by here are the Electric Rodent Family."

"The Electric Rodent Family?" Rainbow Dash and the CMC questioned.

"Like my Pikachu over here." Ash pointed at his buddy.


"I'll show you. Come on out!" Fluttershy called for the Electric Rodent Family consisting of Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, Togedemaru and Morpeko. "Ta-da."

"Wow. They all look like some form of Pikachu!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"That's because they're all apart of the same family. Electric-Types with some of them having secondary typings." Ash explained.

"So, Rainbow Dash. Which one do you want? They're all speedy in their own right." Fluttershy moved her hoof over the selection of rodents. Rainbow Dash flew over them, examining each of them carefully. Through her time looking at them, she wasn't really feeling any of them at all.

"Hmm... I don't know. I don't think I want any of them really. I mean they look fast but..."

"I'll take one of them!" Apple Bloom spoke.

"Me too! I want one!" Scootaloo uttered.

"So do I!" As well as Sweetie Belle.

"Alright girls. Make your pick."

"I'll take this Pachirisu." Scootaloo went for the EleSquirrel Pokemon.

"Then I'm going for the Emolga!" Apple Bloom chose the Sky Squirrel Pokemon.

"Well, I'm going the extra mile. I'll choose those two." Sweetie Belle chose both Plusle and Minun. "They look like they work well with each other anyways."

The 4 Electric Pokemon went over to their new trainers as Rainbow Dash was still stuck thinking.

"Still thinking? I have some more Electric-Types for you to choose from." Fluttershy fluttered over to her.

Swablu watched her trainer think about what Pokemon she wants next. The Cotton Bird Pokemon felt like it was contributing much. It felt like it was holding Rainbow Dash and her other Pokemon back. It felt like if Rainbow Dash did eventually get a new Pokemon, she wouldn't utilize her that much. Swablu covered itself with its cotton wings as it flew off, leaving the Pokemon House quietly.

"How does an Eevee sound? You can evolve it into a Jolten eventually."

"Hmm... maybe.." Rainbow put her hoof on her chin.

"If you don't choose that you can always go for a Mareep. Or maybe even a Luxio."

"Those do sound like pretty good choices actually. I know a bit about Mareep and Luxio but not much. Can I see them?"

"Sure. Mareep! Luxio!" Fluttershy called for the two of them as they ran over here. Rainbow took out her Pokedex to re-read their dex entries and see which was the better choice for her.

"Mareep. The Wool Pokemon. Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows."

"Luxio. The Spark Pokemon. Its claws unleash electricity with enough amperage to cause fainting. They live in small groups. It rests its forelegs on others to communicate with rhythmic electric pulses from its claws. This Pokemon is a go-to choice for younger trainers."

"I think I'll go for...Luxio." Rainbow made her choice finally.

"Luxio it is. Sorry, Mareep. Maybe another time."


"Well. We've got our new member Swa-" Rainbow turned her head to Swablu, but she was nowhere to be found. "Swablu? Where'd you go? Swablu! Did any of you see Swablu?" Braviary shook its head as did the others. No one even noticed that it quietly flew away. "Where could she be?" Rainbow Dash flew up into the skies searching for her Pokemon. "Swablu!"

"Wonder why it left?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I think I know why." Ash spoke. "Swablu probably felt like she wasn't really helping Rainbow Dash's team at all. Kinda like she was holding her back."


"But Swablu did really well in Rainbow Dash's second Gym Battle. And it helped a lot defeating Braixen." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. It did do all that. But I think it's because she's afraid that Rainbow Dash might lose due to her being slower than Braviary and Whirlipede. And the fact that the next gym is all about speed."

"Poor Swablu." Fluttershy sighed.

Rainbow Dash went high up into the skies, still searching. She saw a small cloud in the distance, assuming that was Swablu.

"Swablu?" She flew over there, but it was just a tiny cloud. "Oh." Rainbow sighed as her search continued. She went around asking fellow pegasi if they had seen Swablu around. The ones she asked so far shook their head. They hadn't seen Swablu in sight. Just other Flying-Types. "No luck..." Rainbow Dash sat down on a cloud, sighing and putting a hoof on her face. The cloud suddenly started to move as it was carrying her. "What the?" She looked down to see that it was Swablu that she was sitting on. "Swablu! There you are!"

"Swa!" The Cotton Bird Pokemon had flown away, not wanting to see Rainbow Dash right now as it covered its eyes with its wings.

"Wait! Swablu!" Rainbow Dash chased after her Pokemon, catching up to her easily. "Why are you flying away? What's wrong?"

"Swablu. Swa!" Swablu hid behind a cloud to get away from Dash.

"Why are you avoiding me? Is it still about the gym?"


Rainbow Dash thought for a bit. She realised that Swablu and every other Pokemon had their own fears just like ponies and humans. "Swablu. Listen. I don't want to force you to do something you're not good at. If it makes you feel better, you can sit out of the next Gym Battle and let the others participate."

"Swablu!" Swablu flew out of the cloud, shaking her head.

"You want to join in the battle anyway?"

"Blu." She nodded. "Swablu." She then raised her tiny bird wings up in the air.

"Swablu...Okay! I'll find a way to make you ready for our next gym okay? And I won't push you this time. Deal?"

"Swablu!" Swablu flew towards Rainbow Dash's face, hugging her trainer. "Blu!" She was ready to make her trainer proud.

"Okay, knock it off Swablu! I can't breathe!"

Back down at the Pokemon House.

Rainbow Dash had returned with Swablu by her side.

"So. Did you manage to work things out?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. I've decided that I'm gonna find a different way of getting Swablu ready for the next gym. And I won't force her this time. Ash. You said that Swablu's are pretty good at defense right?"

"Yup. Especially when they evolve. They'll be able to stay in the battle for a long time."


"That's what I wanna try. What do you say Swablu? You think you're up for it?"

"Swablu!" Swablu raised its cotton wings up in determination.

"That's the spirit! So please Ash! Help me and Swablu get stronger!" Rainbow Dash pleaded.

"You got it." Ash gave a thumbs up.


Ash sent out his Dragonite to be a training partner to Swablu. Fluttershy, the crusaders and their new Pokemon sat down to watch this training session.

"Let's go a bit easy on them, okay Dragonite?"


"Well, we won't go easy on you, Ash!"


"Come on! Start it already!" Scootaloo yelled.

"Swablu! Ice Beam!" Swablu flew up, releasing a quick Ice Beam down at the Dragon Pokemon

"Dodge it!" Dragonite avoided the beam by flying up in the air. "Dragon Claw!" Dragonite then suddenly hit Swablu with a held back Dragon Claw, obviously avoiding harming Swablu a lot.

"Use Fury Attack!" Swablu flew back up, attacking Dragonite with its cotton wings. She was giving it her all, but Dragonite wasn't budging at all. "Disarming Voice!" Swablu then unleashed a charming sound wave that actually managed to push Dragonite back a bit.

"Not bad." Ash smirked. "Dragon Claw one more time!" Dragonite held back its power again as it hit Swablu once more with a Dragon Claw, sending it flying into the air.

"Recover yourself and go in for a Fury Attack!" Swablu recovered itself in the air as it flew down at its top speed, repeatedly hitting Dragonite with Fury Attack, but still not even budging it. "Fly back and use Ice Beam!" Swablu shot Ice Beam down once more. This time it connected, freezing Dragonite for a bit. But the Dragon Pokemon easily broke free from the ice.

"Let's see how you do against this. Hyper Beam!" Dragonite was charging up a Hyper Beam as it was building up small amounts of power so that it wouldn't severely damage Swablu.

"Ice Beam one more time!" Swablu did the same. Both beams fired at each other as they connected. Dragonite's Hyper Beam was easily pushing Swablu's back by a mile. But Swablu and Rainbow Dash weren't ready to give up here. "Come on! Push through!" Rainbow yelled at the top of her lungs as Swablu could hear her trainer's determination. If she was going to carry her to the top and win her the league, she'll have to give it her all. And give it her all she did. Suddenly, Swablu's body started to glow a blue dazzling light. Which meant only one thing.

Swablu was evolving. Her body increased in size a bit. Her wings were increasing as well as her power. The Ice Beam was starting to push back the Hyper Beam a bit. And then with a sudden burst of energy, she had evolved. Into Altaria.

"No way! Swablu you evolved!" Rainbow Dash had a huge grin on her face. The Ice Beam and Hyper BEam eventually cancelled each other out. Dash pulled out her dex to see her new Pokemon.

"Altaria. The Humming Pokemon. Altaria dances and wheels through the sky among billowing, cotton-like clouds. By singing melodies in its crystal-clear voice, this Pokémon makes its listeners experience dreamy wonderment. If it bonds with a person, it will gently envelop the friend with its soft wings, then hum. This Pokémon catches updrafts with its buoyant wings and soars way up into the wild blue yonder."

"Altaria!" The Humming Pokemon let out a powerful cry. The CMC and Fluttershy looked at amazement at this new Pokemon.

"Awesome job you two! Now I can take this a bit seriously." Ash congratulated the two whilst grinning.

"Show me what you can do Altaria!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Altaria had unleashed its newly learned move. Dragon Pulse. A shockwave beam in the shape of a dragon raced towards Dragonite.

"What is that move?!" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's Dragon Pulse!" Fluttershy explained.

"Dragon Claw!" Dragonite flew up, destroying the shockwave.

"Use Fury Attack!" Altaria's Fury Attack's were now much more powerful. She flew towards Dragonite, spreading out her wings as she connected them against its claws. The two went back and forth. Dragonite could feel how much Swablu has improved. "Let's finish this! Dragon Pulse!"

"Dragon Dance into Dragon Claw!" Dragonite started spinning about, using the same strategy back against Korrina. A Dragon Pulse hit the Dragon Pokemon, but it flew straight through it in a spiralling motion. Dragonite delivered the final blow with a might Dragon Claw, sending Altaria crashing down. Altaria gave it her all, but she fainted anyways.

"Oh! Altaria!" Rainbow flew over to her fainted Pokemon. "You okay?"

"Taria." Altaria looked up at its trainer, giving her a smile as she did her best.

"I'm so proud of you!" Rainbow Dash hugged her newly evolved Pokemon as it hugged her back as well.

"Great job you two." Ash and Dragonite walked up to the duo. "Even though you lost, you still managed to gain a newfound strength in evolution and you even managed to show me just how much you've grown. Dragonite was feeling a bit overwhelmed in that beam clash, ya know." Ash laughed.


"Thanks Ash. Because of you, me and Altaria have gotten much better now. And we'll continue to get better, right Altaria?"


"It's so wonderful. I knew that it was going to evolve soon but I didn't expect it to be now." Fluttershy flew over.

"Hey, Ash! Can you train me too please?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure. But let's make this a short one. The Pokemon Festival is tomorrow and I wanna be there early."


Today, Rainbow Dash had learned about the nature of a Pokemon and their feelings. They have their fears and doubts as well like everyone else. Human or pony. But just like everyone else, they can grow from it. And grow her Pokemon did. Into the beautiful Altaria who was once an unsure Swablu afraid of letting her own trainer down, is now a Pokemon that will give everything she's got in order to carry her trainer to the top. As the journey continues.

Chapter 91 End.

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