• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Confrontation up in the stars! The Rift takes full Action

Equestria. Galaxy Tower. Underground. Day.

Over at the Galaxy Tower, Galaxy Master had returned but with the Rift controlling his body as he appeared before Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Cynthia in the Crime Room.

"Galaxy Master! No...The Rift!" Celestia announced, recognizing the dual voice that was coming out of Galaxy Master. The Rift finally confronted them but within a vessel.

"Breaking and entering, are we? That's not very princess-like." The Rift spoke through Galaxy Master's body. At this moment, the Rift could have a longer control period over Galaxy Master as opposed to previously. "For now, I am Galaxy Master. And this is my base. Snooping around and trying to sabotage it, are you?"

"Quite the opposite. If anything we were hoping to encounter Galaxy Master here when he returns and also witness just what his base entails. But you're already taking ahold of his body without him even knowing. I'd say your Body intrusion is lightyears worse than our home intrusion." Luna snapped back at the Rift.

"True, true. But what does that matter now, anyway? I was already watching all of you once you showed up to the Galaxy Tower. And for once, I'm confronting you in this way. Usually, I never get involved unless I need to. But thanks to what that brat Ash Ketchum did, I've decided to become more active than I've ever been. And this vessel is perfect."

"So, you've finally decided not to be an overseer." Cynthia added. "In that case, tell me this. What is this map for?" She then held out the map that showed the two worlds and their respective galaxies as well as the third map that didn't have any colour or names. "And what is this third galaxy?"

"Like I'd tell you...I'm done being extra informative to you all. From now on, consider me your newest opposing enemy!" The Rift declared with a booming voice, shaking the room. "Oh, but there's one more info I'll give you. Right now...you can't leave this place at all."

"Why's that?" Celestia questioned.

"Because right now, the tower is in a position that none of you would enjoy all that much. You can feel it, can't you, Luna? This familiar force that you've experienced for 1000 years."

"!" Right on time, Luna felt it. Her heart skipped a beat. Her hooves quaked as she then gasped with utter shock and disbelief. The Rift loved this expression that Luna gave off.

"Luna?! What's wrong?!" Her older sister asked, wondering what on earth Luna could be feeling. It had to be something stupendous for her to have such a reaction.

"Sister...Cynthia." Luna gulped. "I'm afraid...we're all in space!"

"What?!" It was revealed exactly where they were. Only Luna could confirm this as she recognized this feeling after being trapped on the moon for so long. The feeling of space never left her memories. It was too overwhelming not to forget.

"Have a look for yourself." The Rift decided to show them how true this was. With just a wave of his hand, he made a projection of what has happening at this moment.

It was as true as it sounded and felt. Indeed, the Galaxy Tower was currently in outer space. No one even knew it had left the underground or even felt it move, making it all the more discreet. But as it stood now, the earth was right below the tower. They were all with the stars right now and in a position that was terrifyingly dangerous in every way.

"This makes it more fun, doesn't it?" The Rift chuckled. "I wouldn't even try breaking free. With my power, I cast a cosmic veil around it. Specifically for that troublesome Hoopa, if you must know. Consider this extra information."

"You fiend!" Luna roared at him, stomping her hoof. "Is this your plan to take us all out?"

"Maybe. But you all aren't the ones I care about. It's Ash at the moment. Unless you want to add to that list."

"No need. There's still that weakness to Aura. What's stopping Aura from breaking that veil of yours?" Cynthia uttered. "And what's stopping my Aura and Applejack's from doing the same?"

"I don't have to worry about that. Because as you can see...I am in the body of a being who can never lose! With this body, I'm unstoppable!" The Rift declared. "Refer to me as Galaxy Master for this instance, alright? Now, what will you do here? If you want to scuffle, you can risk the destruction of this tower and the eventual suffocation of space. You all certainly have the means to do so."

"Truth is...despite what Ghetsis gave me, I'm still running on a time limit here. But, I can make the most out of this time limit with what I can do." He then thought to himself. Missing his full power was a massive detriment but with what he received, the Rift would do everything he could to use the current extent of his abilities.

Galaxy Master gave them a massive choice. He knew clearly that if they were to battle here, they could risk this place going down and the cold harsh vacuum of space would end up destroying them. His thirst for revenge against Ash meant targeting those he was close to.

And that meant everyone.

"That's a risk we're willing to take," Cynthia said but with a slight stutter in her voice and a visible sweatdrop, showing that she would go through with it while also fearing the risk. "Now that you're here and active, we can d something about you for once."

"Seriously? Did you not hear what I just said? You Champions are far too courageous." Galaxy Master chuckled. "So be it! Pikachu! Come here at once!"

"Pikachu!" Dropping from above without anyone noticing him was Galaxy Master's Pikachu. He dropped from above, using Iron Tail to get the jump on them all.

"Gardevoir!" But there was Passion who prevented such a sneak attack from succeeding. The Iron Tail went straight for Celestia's head, only for the Embrace Pokemon to use her arm, blocking the hit. "V-Voir!"

But this also meant that she took a super-effective blow to her arm, causing her to wince. Thankfully, this gave the others the chance to back away and save themselves. Passion held her arm from that heavy A visible bruise could already be seen on it. As to be expected, now that he was in possession of this body, Galaxy Master's Pokemon were his to use.

"Go, Garchomp!" Acting fast, Cynthia unleashed her Garchomp into the fray. They were truly going through with this confrontation despite the risk. Not like they had a choice anyway.

Luna unfortunately didn't have a Pokemon to assist her since they were all with Nightmare Moon at the moment. Thus, she was on her own for this one but on her own, she was still capable.

"Garchomp, Scale Shot!" Garchomp fired multiple black-and-white-glowing scales from her body upon arriving. As the scales travelled rapidly, they left behind purple trails of energy. Each of them were targeted toward Galaxy Master, bypassing Pikachu entirely.

"Oh. I can also do this." Galaxy Master then snapped his finger before summoning a Pokemon to defend him. And he only thought of the perfect Pokemon. And it was neither of Ash's known Pokemon that Galaxy Master seemed to work with. Instead, it was an entirely different Pokemon.

Once this Pokemon was summoned, the Scale Shot made direct contact with it, resulting in an explosion. However, the Pokemon that was struck by it was completely fine as seen by the forming silhouette in the smoke.

Out of the smoke, Alolan Ninetales was revealed, summoned by Galaxy Master's special abilities. "Ninetales!"

"He could summon Pokemon similar to what Ash uses. But with this power, I can try something different. And what's also stopping me from doing something like this?" The Rift then held out his hand, generating his own power instead of the fictional character's. Rift Energy had been formed in his hand but this time, it would be used for offensive reasons. "Ninetales! Destroy that Garchomp with Ice Beam at once!"

"Nine...tales!" Ninetales held its breath in as Galaxy Master chimed in, using the energy to unleash his own beam. A Cosmic Beam and chilling beam of ice were sent out. Of course, all of this was directed towards who the Rift deemed as the biggest threat. That would be Garchomp and Cynthia.

"Passion! Mystical Fire!" Defending Garchomp from a super-effective hit were both Princess Celestia and Gardevoir. Similar to how Galaxy Master and Ninetales attacked, Celestia used her magic while a spiral of crimson flames were unloaded from Passion, meeting with the opposing attacks.

Mystical Fire and this solar-coloured beam met with Ice Beam and this spatial beam, resulting in an immediate clash. Just like the Rift said, a battle indoors would cause some destruction to the tower inevitably. And the first example had been shown. Once the attacks collided, the door to the crime lab had been blown off, crashing into the walls.

The first sign of destruction had come. Cynthia Celestia, Luna and Passion had been forced out of the room to avoid collateral damage. This conflict could spread everywhere else as the Embrace Pokemon slid on the soft floor from the collision.

The Cosmic Entity, Pikachu and Ninetales emerged out of the room as well, menacingly approaching their opponents as right now, even Pikachu was under the Rift's control without thinking for himself.

"You're facing cosmic powers now! Not unlike Cosmos!" The Rift declared before blowing away the smoke with a wave of his hand.

"You and Cosmos are both the same!" Celestia snapped back at him. "And you'll both share the same outcome of being defeated by us! Passion, use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Cosmic or not, there's nothing a Pokemon cannot tackle and stand up to! Garchomp, Dragon Claw!"

"Gar!" Garchomp went ahead with Dragon Claw whilst Passion, Celestia and Luna would provide ranged support in the form of magical beams and multi-coloured rainbow rays.

"Tch!" The Rift scoffed before then using his power to cast a barrier that matched a swirling galaxy. This barrier shielded him from the attacks, but they weren't exactly one-time uses. Garchomp started unloading on the barrier with repeated claw slashes while the rainbow rays would repeatedly bombard it. Celestia and Luna already made their beams continuous.

And with this flurry of attacks, the barrier would give out from the pressure. Much to the Rift's annoyance, the strength of these trainers were troublesome in every way, especially with what he currently had to offer.

"Pikachu!" Just then, out came Pikachu from the barrier along with Ninetales, here to prevent the barrier from being attacked any further. The others would have to focus on them now that they weren't being protected.

Thunderbolt and Ice Beam were both used, striking Gardevovir and Garchomp right afterwards. Garchomp was struck by the ice which targeted her cold blood while Passion received 100,000 volts. "G-Gar!"

"Excellent! Now get back!" After the opposing Pokemon had been interrupted, Galaxy Master expanded this galactic barrier, pushing them all away to gauge some distance.

"Passion!" Celestia cried out her partner's name before using her own barrier to protect everyone from the blowback. As for Gardevoir and Garchomp, they bumped into Celestia's barrier, receiving a softer impact instead of a hard one, keeping them safe.

"It's not over yet! Because I can still call more Pokemon." The Rift exclaimed. "And I can summon as many as I want! What can you do?!"

"He's full of absolute vengeance right now..." Luna growled. "His goal to exact revenge on Ash involves us, no doubt. And with this burning rage with that unstoppable body, he might be a bigger problem than how he originally was."

"No, he won't be." Celestia denied that notion from Luna. "I don't care if he's using the body of someone that's completely unbeatable. No one is unstoppable. Everyone has a weakness. We just have to expose it."

Food Stand.

"What's that noise?" Naturally, all of this conflict resulted in others taking notice of it. Pinkie Pie and the others inside this part of the tower were oblivious to where they were. Just when they were speaking to the StarBots without any hostility, the conflict began to surface.

"I think we were too late to warn everyone about the robots." Misty Fly commented. "What now?"

"Thank you for sending us this message. We shall go and converse with the other StarBots." The StarBots already received Pinkie Pie's message to Galaxy Master after recording it. Now, they would head off to sort everything else, unaware of what was truly going on yet.

"Hm. Something feels different." Thunderlane said. "Does anything get what I mean?"

"Not really." Berry Punch added. "Well, actually...does it feel a bit lighter here."

"Really?" Rumble along with many others had yet to know why this was the case. Due to the way the Galaxy Tower was built and what it was made out of, it was impossible for them to fully feel what was going on. All except for Luna, who had full experience with space.

"So uh...guess this also means we get to chow down on some food! Sweet!" Pinkie Pie and Mew licked their lips once the StarBots left the room to relay this message and stop the current conflict that they had yet to fully grasp. For now, all the food here was available for them to eat without anyone interrupting them.

The duo chowed down on the food once the glass containers were open, wasting no time to satisfy their stomachs and taste buds to the fullest. A stark contrast of happiness compared to the dangerous life-threatening conflict.

But of course, the scuffle would spread and reach others. Outside of the food stand, the StarBots moved through the hallways, feeling each rumble as it made them jump up. The escalation of this battle was worsening before it then reached them and near the food stand.

Through the walls, Luna and Garchomp had been launched, appearing before the StarBots. The doors to the Food Stand were open as well, causing everyone else to witness this sudden crash. Luna and Garchomp hit the wall before grimacing.

"Mmm?!" Pinkie Pie nearly choked on her food before swallowing it all. "Princess Luna?! Garchomp!" The battle soon came here with Celestia, Passion and Cynthia leaving the destroyed hole, backing up once again. "What's happening?!"

"Greetings. Apologies for the sudden-" Just as the StarBots were there to try and also reason with Luna and the others, their lives were in danger as well.

"Move!" Cynthia quickly pushed one of the StarBots out of the way but she was unable to protect the others s a cosmic beam came flying through. The other StarBots were struck by the beam, engulfed and consumed by the galactic waves.

The remaining StarBot watched as its fellow robots were taken out. Their robotic bodies were immediately smashed against the wall, breaking apart once the beam fizzled out.

"I wonder what I'll do with you all after this? Perhaps, I'll find the best dimension possible to trap you there without any hope of escaping. Or maybe a dream so great that you wouldn't want to wake up from it?" The Rift spoke, emerging out of the smoke with his Pokemon. He didn't just have Pikachu and Ninetales with him now.

Now, he had Magmortar, Chandelure and Feraligator on his side as the number of Pokemon was beginning to increase. "Ah, it all comes down to how much it drives Ash mad. He loves his friends and family to the core, doesn't he? Being unable to help or save them will be splendid to watch!"

"You've lost it." Celestia groaned as she already had some scratches on her face. "In the beginning, you were just a curious entity. You only sought out entertainment whether it was for good or bad. You were entirely neutral. But now..."

"Oh please. After I've satisfied my vengeful urges, it'll all be alright for me." The Rift clenched his hand. "This is only a bad year for me, that's all. My thirst for entertainment will never die out. And besides...you won't remember these events once I've left and reset everything."

"The Rift? In Galaxy Master's body? What's going on?!" Pinkie Pie screeched.

"Scatter and capture them all." The Rift ordered his Pokemon, wanting to cover more ground this way.

"Chandelure!" Chandelure and the rest of his Pokemon would do so with the first target of Chandelure being Pinkie Pie and her group who were the closest to them.

"You all! Don't go too overboard!" Cynthia ordered. "Because right now...we're all in outer space?!"

"OUTER SPACE?!" Naturally, this came as a shock to them. That also explained to them why the area suddenly felt lighter.

"As for me...I'll go after the one I want to suffer the most." The Rift focused on his main objective. Ash. He began walking, waving his hand to summon more Pokemon. As it stands now, he had enough power to produce Pokemon constantly. But of course, no one was going to let him get through to Ash. Mainly Celestia and Cynthia. They stood in the Rift's way alongside Gardevoir and Garchomp.

"You won't lay a finger on him!" Cynthia announced.

"Watch me." Immediately, the Rift snapped back with a serious tone before holding both his fingers out. Out of those fingers, two cosmic beams with a thin appearance were shot out, going directly towards Cynthia and Celestia.

"Gar!" Getting in the way were Garchomp and Gardevoir as the beams connected with them. But thanks to this connection, the true purpose of the beams was revealed. "G-Gar!"

"G-Gardevoir!" Both Gardevoir and Garchomp got on their knees all of a sudden. Their bodies were then affected by what looked to be a crack of cosmic energy, spreading through their arms first.

"Passion?! What's wrong?!" Celestia and Cynthia rushed over once those cracks showed up.

"I wouldn't do that." The Rift added, knowing what purpose those cracks served. The moment the two of them got close, Garchomp and Gardevoir's pupils changed from their usual colours to the colours of the Rift. By getting close, they were attacked.

Cynthia quickly pulled Celestia out of the way once a Dragon Claw came swinging towards them both, making a close save as only a bit of Celestia's mane was sliced off.

Just like that, their own Pokemon turned on them thanks to these cracks. But it wasn't without its side effects. Upon being taken over by the Rift, Garchomp and Gardevoir could feel every bit of the crack's horrible energy.

"G-Garde...!" Passion breathed in and out, looking up at Celestia before putting her hands together to form a Thunderbolt. She slowly raised her arms as she wasn't fully willing to attack Celestia, her very best friend and even a second mother figure to her.

"Passion, don't do it!" Celestia yelled. Passion's arms trembled as she was still conscious of who she was attacking. Garchomp was ready to unleash Scale Shot as well, only for her body to tremble in hesitation, trying to fight this control.

"Curses..." The Rift looked at his hand. "If I had more of my power, those two would be fully under my control. But...what's stopping me from giving it a go?!" He then manipulated his fingers as if he was using puppet strings. And in this case, Garchomp and Gardevoir were strings.

"V-Voir!" Passion ended up releasing Thunderbolt as Garchomp unleashed Scale Shot. The only defence against these would be a protective spell from Celestia which blocked them both. The scales pummelled the barrier while the electricity kept flowing to it.

"Keep them there." Galaxy Master kept them occupied, continuing onward to his main target. Ash Ketchum.

Across the rest of the tower, the StarBots were rapidly moving to try and calm down all the rumbling. Everyone else who was confronted by the StarBots got off free due to the StarBots changing objective. But most of them were still set to be arrested after this.

Except for Ash since the robots recognized him, preventing any arrest. Upon hearing this commotion and rumbling, Ash, Twilight, Fluttershy and some of the StarBots rushed to find out what was the cause of this.

"Are we too late?!" Twilight said. "Are they already going up against the StarBots?"

"No way!" Ash suddenly disagreed "When I drew the StarBots way back then, I never made them have the ability to battle. I would've if I didn't stop writing about Galaxy Master. It's something else that's causing this. What can you two hear?"

"We hear the sound of Pokemon," Fluttershy replied as she and Audino were using their hearing to pick up on all the sounds going off. "But we can't yet hear who's doing this. Do you think someone might've broken in?"

"Not sure. But we'd better hurry. I know this place in and out so follow me if you get lost!" Ash pressed on, being their guide in this massive tower. He too was unaware of the current position of the tower and the grave danger everyone was in. "Just be safe, everyone."

"Shiftry!" Nearby and rushing through the hallways were the Pokemon of Galaxy Master AKA the Rift. A Shiftry could be seen heading in Ash's direction alongside a Heatmor.

"Shiftry? Heatmor?" Ash came to a screeching halt upon seeing them both. It didn't take long for one of the Rift's Pokemon to find Ash.

"Heatmor!" Now that they found Ash, there was only one objective. Capture him. Heatmor started the first attack via Fire Lash. Its signature move. By using the long tongue it possessed, Heatmor swung it with an impressive reach, having searing flames around it.

"Yikes!" Ash narrowly managed to back away from the lash. It nearly grazed his clothes too, almost hitting his jacket and the front of his hat.

"Shift!" Then along came Shiftry, hopping from wall to wall just to reach Ash faster. While jumping from the walls, the Wicked Pokemon used Razor Leaf, sending blade-cutting leaves from above.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Saving his best friend from harm, Pikachu blew them away with a crash of lightning from his body.

"Whoever it is, they've already sent Pokemon out!" Twilight gasped. "But I don't see them anywhere. Unless there are more Pokemon on this ship that they have? Just what's going on here?"

Pegalysium. Pegalysium Capital. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

"What is that...?" Naturally, the only ones who would be able to see this were those who were high enough. And those closest to the stars were none other than Pegalysium and its citizens. Mrs Sunpuff took notice when caring for the children over at the daycare. It was hard not to notice since they were so high up.

Many pegasi stopped to glance up at the sky, seeing the masked figure of the tower. It only appeared as a silhouette since it was in space currently but it was still visible.

Cautious about this, the Pegalsium Guards immediately called for their rulers. By using the communication shells, they could do so. In this case, Tip-Off, the Royal Advisor, used a golden shell to call the monarchs.

"Um...Y-Your Majesties...You might want to come back and see this!" Tip-Off spoke to them. "We have something that might not be a good thing. Or it could be. Either way, it's important that you see this."

Little did they know, a feud between Cosmic Being and Pokemon Trainers was going on. A drive for vengeance was all that came from this conflict. How will such a battle end in the stars themselves?

The Rift was finally taking full action and it was in a vengeful mood. So as long as it could make Ash pay and ruin everything he loves, it would be satisfied. And because of that, the horrors that such a being could bring were about to be unleashed as the journey continues.

Chapter 907 End.

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