• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Old Magehold Seas

Unova. Reversal Mountain. Nightfall.

Reversal Mountain. A mountain located in eastern Unova. It was connected to Undella Town from the east and to Lentimas Town from the west. This mountain was once visited by Spike during his shot journey to train as a Dragon Master before meeting with Kyurem. Now, here at the mountain, news spread about an Alpha Pokemon once being here. In this case, Alpha Heracross. A heavy-hitter this time.

"Why did Ashkhan have to leave so early?" Joining Ash's group was Hoopa who also brought along Victini and Meloetta. Naturally, at this time when the Sun was barely up, they were still tired.

"You could've found us anytime with your ring, Hoopa. You can still rest up back at Virbank, ya know." Ash suggested.

"But Hoopa prefers to always be next to Ashkan. Even if Hoopa has to wake up early."

"Can't say the same for Victini and Meloetta. Look at these two." Meanwhile, in her arms, Sci-Twi held Victini and Meloetta who were on the verge of falling asleep, just because they wanted to catch up with Ash. "But, I'm glad they came along this early. Victini's infinite energy might matter in this." She then thought to herself, thinking about Victini lending a hand with this Alpha Pokemon situation.

"Have a look at this." Fluttershy then halted Ash and Sci-Twi once she laid her eyes on something. Something that could be a hint of Alpha Heracross. That had to do with the massive vertical dents in the mountain. These dents all followed a consistent pattern. Their vertical appearances appeared at the same height while being scattered in multiple areas. "These dents..."

"Yeah. W-What about them?" Sci-Twi asked, unable to catch on currently.

"These are Heracross dents." But Ash caught on. It wasn't just the vertical dent but also the familiar shape on top. It was a large cross, belonging to a Male Heracross. "Yeah. He's been here alright. Might've been in a battle."

"Is there a Pokemon that can track Heracross with these dents?" Sci-Twi questioned, hoping there was a Pokemon for this. "Oh wait! Hoopa, can you bring Alpha Heracross here?"

"Hmmm...Hoopa doesn't know what an Alpha Pokemon is..." Hoopa sighed, showing the limitations to his amazing ring powers.

Alpha Pokemon were also specific and since Hoopa could only pull random Pokemon from certain species, it's never 100% guaranteed.

"Figures. Well, let's see what we can do with this. Why would Heracross leave dents?'

"I know!" Fluttershy exclaimed, having a good theory as to what Heracross might be doing next." Heracross was probably testing his own strength. If he finished here, then he'd probably try and find someplace else to do so."

"Someplace else, huh? Then...let's head there!" Ash pointed ahead, focusing on the mountain in the distance, believing that to be Heracross' next destination. Having two trainers who were well versed in this Pokemon's actions was a blessing to Sci-Twi. One of them had a Heracross while the other knew the behaviour of a Heracross.

"Hoopa could've probably found it." Hoopa felt a bit jealous. Prior to all of this, he was pulling in whatever he wanted with his ring, seemingly having no limit. But alas, even a Pokemon such as Hoopa has his limits.

Not VIctini though. His power had no limits and he was proud of that, nudging Hoopa. And Hoopa knew this without a doubt. He wasn't the only Pokemon here with astonishing power.

Equestria. Out in a harrowing forest. Nightfall.

Arriving here at this forest was Fantina and her class. Her request to take the vampire foals on a field trip had been accepted but with restrictions. A dark area such as this would be their sight and the place for them to find Pokemon.

The forest was ominous, luminous, and primal. Its canopy was reigned by sequoia, cypress, and elm, and occasional openings in their crowns allowed plenty of light through for mushrooms to make use of the thick layer of leaves below. Curving thorns embraced every tree, and a range of odd black flowers, which possessed a constant dark aura, added more life to the monotonous backdrop. Despite this array of plant life, they all appeared corrupted, especially during the night. It was a clear indicator that the Dread League have been here already.

A mixture of wild noises, most belonging to foraging creatures, most likely Pokemon. The objective for these children was for them to catch their own Pokemon. Specifically Ghost-Types or anything threatening. Immediately, they frolicked about in this dark place, being their usual chaotic selves.

One vampire child was exempt from this. Rattle. She was staying next to Fantina, being the only one she could feel safe around. Rattle would cling onto Fantina's leg, not letting go at all until this trip was over. More importantly, she counted on Fantina to protect her from any Pokemon.

However, Fantina wasn't the only teacher here. Other vampires joined her here, but only for one reason. To keep an eye on the Hearthome City Gym Leader. So far, hours had passed here and the children had spent most of their time getting into dangerous scenarios, which they loved as to be expected.

And when face to face with a Pokemon, instead of using the Quick Balls and Dusk Balls they were given to catch a Pokemon instantly, they decided to prolong it, wishing to interact with the Pokemon some more. Right now, some of them were facing a Trevenant.

"Trevenant!" The Elder Tree Pokemon stood before then, roaring at the vampires with a harrowing tone and pitch that would stun most. But not them.

"Children! Throw the Poke Balls!" Fantina exclaimed, insisting that they try and catch the Elder Tree Pokemon. "Only one of you can catch it, remember!"

"Not yet!" But the children refused. Instead, they lunged onto Trevenant. They immediately grabbed onto his branches, seeing him as the equivalent of a jungle gym.

"Treva?" Naturally, Trevenant was greatly confused by this as the children started moving around him rapidly. They hung onto his branches, swinging off them while also spinning just to gain some adrenaline. Trevenant wasn't sure how to respond to this. Usually, it would scare someone off, trap them in the forest if they disrespected it or even battle them. But instead, these foals created a fourth option that Trevenant was stumped by.

"Well then...They don't fear anything, do they?" Once again, Fantina was surprised by how fearless these children were when it came to danger. "I shouldn't be too surprised anymore. Not when I have my own Ghosts."

"Leave them to their devices." said an older Vampire. The older vampires by now knew that the foals could handle themselves. After all, they were built for something like this.

But just as the foals were playing around with Trevenant, the voice of another foal came roaring out, grabbing Fantina's attention. This wasn't a scream of joy. This one was full of fear.

"!" Fantina responded to this scream before rushing off with Rattle still clinging onto her hoof, coming along for the ride. However, the older vampires didn't react as intensely as Fantina. They seemed casual and calm about this before then following the Hearthome City Gym Leader.

Fantina rushed as quickly as she could, vowing to protect the children, even if they were okay with dangerous situations. When moving through the forest, powering through bushes and leaves, she then came across something else that was stationed in this forest. This forest not only housed eerie Ghost-Type Pokemon but also an abandoned ghost town.

The road that led to this town was now a network of vines, grasses and roots that had taken hold of every bit they could get. Fallen trees block some of the paths while others continue to grow, their branches no longer prevented from growing into houses. Many doors had collapsed as rot ate away their edges.

The open doorways that were once perhaps very welcoming were now an eerie and unwelcoming sight. There were signs of fires, in some cases, it was merely a trail of soot and smoke above a window pane, in others, it was a pile of ash where once a building stood.

Fantina saw a sign that revealed the name of this now-dead town. On this chipped sign, the name was known as Magehold, similar to the Magehold where the Dread League reside.

"Magehold?" Fantina said while gazing at the sign, surprised to see this name here. "There is another one here?"

"This is old Magehold." One of the teachers said, sitting atop one of the wilted trees. "It's a completely abandoned place for centuries ago. Nothing compared to what we have now. Especially since it was too small to handle the amazing magic that we also have now. But...if there's one thing that never left here, it was the old Lich King's creations. Probably, one of our little ponies ran into those creations."

"Aren't you going to help save that child?!" Fantina questioned, wondering why the vampire teachers weren't bothering to rush to the aid of this screaming foal.

"Hmm...Not really." She shrugged it off, shocking Fantina. "They should have the magic to handle themselves. As a vampire, you should be equipped to manage any threat that comes your way. The same goes for the little ones. Their magic potential is vast and the same goes for the next generation. If they get taken out here...well, it won't leave that much of an impact. Not when we have an answer for that."

"Incroyable! If you won't save them, I will!" Fantina roared. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. While she knew the foals here loved everything terrifying, judging by these screams, these foals weren't loving whatever they came across.

The vampire simply watched Fantina bolt off, unaffected by her words

It was a strange feeling to be in the hoofsteps of so many lives now long forgotten and not knowing what became of the ponies who once spent their lives here. But even when all the buildings are finally taken by nature there was at least the knowledge that the Pokemon wouldn't have to leave and could continue their lives in peace.

Unless they came across someone they felt like targeting as prey. And unfortunately for Fantina, she was currently prey within this forest. When heading to the source of the screams, some Pokemon stood in her way.

This forest wasn't just home to Ghost-Types. Poison-Types claimed this place as well. Appearing from the bushes was a Scolipede, standing before Fantina.


Rattle wasn't too fond of terrifying forces as much as her fellow vampiric foals. Upon seeing Scolipede emerge, she strengthened her grip on Fantina's leg.

"Sorry. But, I don't have time for you!" Fantina already had her hand on a Poke Ball, feeling the severity of the situation to ready herself.

"Scoli!" Scolipede struck first, going for Poison Tail. By covering its tail in Poison, it ferociously swung its tail, aiming for an immediate end to its target. Rattle feared that the hit would be direct, only for Fantina to reject that possibility.

"Allez-y maintenant! Dusknoir!" By doing a stylish twirl which allowed her to evade Scolipede's tail, she then threw the Poke Ball up, summoning the Gripper Pokemon.


"Dusknoir! Fire Punch!"

"Dusk!" Enveloping its fists in flames, the Gripper Pokemon would use its immense strength to end this as soon as possible. Once again, Scolipede went in for another Poison Tail, hoping for a sure-fire hit. "Noir!" Only for Dusknoir to completely block it by using its flaming hands.

Thanks to this, the moment Poison Tail connected with Dusknoir's hands, the searing flames had affected the tail of the Megapede Pokemon, already causing some damage. The flames even spread across Scolipede's tail, causing it to back up and cease its attacks in the meanwhile. "S-Scoli!"

"Dusknoir!" After burning Scolipede's tail, Dusknoir went in for the blow. It swung its blazing fists, socking the Bug-Poison-Type. Scolipede's eyes expanded, taking super-effective damage in the process. Dusknoir would make sure that the job was done, going for a second blow.

A second blow was delivered to Scolipede as this packed some extra power to it. The Megapede Pokemon was overwhelmed in mere seconds before being launched away. It flew back to the same spot it emerged out of. The bushes. By crashing through the bushes, it kept going before reaching a stopping point.

Fantina didn't have time to see where Scolipede would end up though. She only cared about the screams of the foals and ensuring that they were safe. "Merci, Dusknoir! Come with me!" Instead of returning Dusknoir, Fantina kept it out. Dusknoir would definitely be needed for whatever had found the children.

The vampire teachers had even witnessed Fantina's battle against Scolipede, albeit short-lived. They were spectating her every move at this point, listening in to whatever she had to say. Mainly for one reason. They certainly did not fully trust her. Even with Queen Rosa's control over her, the vampires were sceptical.

Finally, after following the source of the noise, Fantina found the foals that bellowed. And just as she suspected, those were not screams of joy. When arriving at the scene, she saw exactly what occurred around this lakeside area.

It was a Basilisk.

A creature that embodies the powers of foresight, mental clarity and endurance. But in this case, it embodied fear as it had grabbed a hold of the vampire foals. Its serpentine body was larger than all of them combined as these children failed to escape. Fantina was too late to grab them away but not too late to arrive.

"Children!" Fantina yelled before seeing this monster pull them into the water. The Basilisk first hissed and roared at Fantina before then slithering into the murky seas that it stood nearby. Fantina knew where she needed to go next. And that was underwater as she and Dusknoir looked at each other before nodding in unison.

"Uh...I'll stay here." Rattle let go of Fantina. While she felt safe around her, going underwater was a boundary she wouldn't dare tackle right now.

"If you're staying here..." Fantina couldn't risk Rattle being on her own. After seeing the Basilisk, she wanted to keep all her students safe, especially Rattle. "Gengar will keep you safe." She sent out her Gengar to keep watch of Rattle while she handled the rest underwater.


"Gengar. Please take care of her." Fantina left her faith with Gengar before leaving with Dusknoir. Gengar in response would do its best to guard the young vampire, picking her up. The Shadow Pokemon held Rattle close to it as if she were a baby. Despite the imposing face, Rattle would much rather be held by a Ghost than go underwater at the moment.

When approaching the water, Fantina took a deep breath before diving in, showing no hesitation. If only this kind of determination to save children she barely knew could be done for the older vampires who certainly knew these foals.

They once again watched Fantina's actions, witnessing her dive underwater to pursue the Basilisk. They did not even bother to pay Rattle and Gengar any mind.

"Why's she so determined to save them? She barely knows them." One vampire asked as he found it hard to believe Fantina would be so dead-set on protecting the foals considering how little she knows about them. It felt strange to him.

"That would be a human thing. And possibly even a thing that regular ponies do. They have a great sense of right and wrong, according to her majesty. If you ask me, it's a bit lame."

"Maybe. But it works to their benefit most of the time. But I wonder if it will keep her safe from this? That Basilisk was made by the previous Lich King. It would've become one of the 100 Demons and even to this day, it still has that viciousness the king once gave it."

"It's not the Basilisk I'd bet on attacking her, you lot. It's what's underneath those waters that's feeling pretty rotten even to this day." According to this vampire, there was something else. Something underneath that was potentially as dangerous as the basilisk.

Possibly worse.

When underwater, Fantina swam as fast as she could, searching for the Basilisk and any trace of it. When entering these waters, the surface had already been blocked off by a dark veil, essentially showing Fantina that now that she was under these waters, getting out wouldn't be simple at all.

But when swimming through the dark waters, something caught her eye for a bit

In the deep waters of a harsh, tenacious sea lies the wreck of a massive ship. More specifically, a ship that was made out of bones. A giant Skeletal Ship was just resting here underwater, having the right amount of bones to make such a vessel. This was a new experience for Fantina. It was hard to say if she would ever have the chance to witness something like this had she not come under these waters.

This ship looked large enough to house the Basilisk as Fantina focused on it first, approaching it with Dusknoir.

She was not in the best of shapes, to say the least; shattered windows, cracked planks and pieces of the mast can be seen across the bony floor. The salty, cold waters were harsh on her as even the strong bony foundation could not stave off any damage.

To some, it would be a goldmine to discover and bring this ship up. She would become a prime real estate and many would be eager to claim it all for themselves at any given chance. Strange that the vampires haven't bothered to do so.

The name of this ship stuck around as well for Fantina to see. It was known as The Morbid Tartarus, confirming that it had something to do with the Dread League and Magehold. After all, it was within Old Magehold boundaries.

She's slanted to one side and her remaining sails hang motionless in place. A wide range of possessions and many different crates are scattered across great lengths of the sandy floors. Glistening items can be seen through dark cracks in the wood. A handful of bones are scattered around the scene, fortunately, they're not from ponies, but likely the remains of a recently fallen prey.

"Children? Please be safe..." Fantina thought to herself, hoping the children hadn't run out of breath before her.

Just as she suspected, coming here was the right choice. Such a massive ship that still existed underneath would garner some life. The moment Fantina got close, a tail came flying out. The tail of the Basilisk. It swung at Fantina, threatening to grab her as well.

"Noir!" But there was Dusknoir who stood in the way of that, being Fantina's shield. The Gripper Pokemon used its amazing gripping skills, holding onto the trial the second it got too close to Fantina. "Dusk!"

With great strength, Dusknoir pulled the Basilisk out of the ship. The Basilisk screeched as it was pulled through the gaps of this skeletal ship while also dealing some extra damage to it. They successfully found the Basilisk but now there were the children to find.

Fantina would leave her hopes up to Dusknoir, letting the Gripper Pokemon handle the Basilisk while she would enter the ship. The Basilisk roared before trying to break free from Dusknoir's grip. But the Basilisk had never met a creature quite like Dusknoir who could effortlessly hold with the strength of multiple creatures combined.

Fantina didn't have much time underwater. She would have to swim up and grab some air eventually. She just had to check if she could spot at least one. But with the distance she was getting, catching air would be difficult and too late potentially. Thus, she decided to swim back up to catch some air before things could get worse for her.

However, something else was amiss. The vampires did mention something else underwater that Fantina had yet to know about. The second she swam away from the ship, that's when the second danger revealed itself.

The bones of the ship started rattling, moving around with the pace of crooked fingers before sending some bones out of its own structure, fixating on Fantina. Fantina was completely caught off guard as the bones from the ship swaddled her body.


The second force was the Morbid Tartarus itself. The ship was alive. Once having Fantina with its bones, the bones of Tartarus unleashed a thrilling cry, confirming that it was indeed alive and as the vampires said, rotten. Dusknoir took notice of this before then throwing the Basilisk away.

"Noir!" The Ghost-Type rushed to Fantina's aid as quickly as it could before she could run out of breath. Fantina was already starting to fail when it came to holding her breath. She certainly couldn't grab a Poke Ball in her current condition so once again, she had to count on Dusknoir as the front of the ship was opening up to bring Fantina indoors.

All the while, the other vampires waited on the surface. Gengar especially waited for Fantina to return while keeping Rattle under its protection. That cry from the ship was loud enough to even reach up here, putting a smile on the faces of these older vampires. Judging by that cry, it was clear that the ship had found Fantina.

Now, all they had to do was wait and see what would happen next. Was Queen Rosa Maledicta right to choose Fantina or was she nothing but a waste? Those were the thoughts of the vampires as the journey continues.

Chapter 902 End.

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