• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Prelude to the Festival and Destruction

Equestria. Ponyville. Carousel Boutique. Day.

"What is this?" Currently, news about the current character known as Galaxy Master had been spread out as news. Newspapers about this entity came out at great speeds for everyone to see. Rarity held the newspaper, witnessing it for herself. "Another Rift Creation?"

"This one looks flashy, doesn't he?" Sweetie Belle looked over.

"Oh, but he does dress nicely." Rarity nodded in approval of Galaxy Master's outfit. At least, the drawing of it, based on what Luna had seen for herself. "It says that his goal is to restore the Rift by gathering as much Rift Energy as he can. Ooh, that's almost everything in this world and the Pokemon World, isn't it? And the Pokemon Festival is closing in. Hmm...it'll be sorted out later."

"You think so?"

"Of course. I have a good feeling that this will keel over in fairly soon." Rarity had high confidence that the Galaxy Master debacle would be short-lived. "We need to get ready for the Pokemon Festival. This isn't a big problem."

"It is a big problem!" Just then, interrupting Rarity and shutting down her words was Twilight Sparkle. In a burst of magic, Twilight used her magic to teleport to Rarity's home. "It might be bigger than we think!"

"What? Really?" Rarity turned to face Twilight, not at all bothered that she suddenly appeared in her home. "How so?"

"This isn't just some random Rift Creation. I recognize this character." Twilight held out the newspaper. "This is Ash's character!"

"Ash's character?!" The two sisters repeated.

"That's right. I recognize him. It was back at the Sea Temple when he was brought up. This character right here was made by Ash when he was a kid. A fanmade comic book that he would do."

"Ooh, so that's why he looks like a superhero." Sweetie Belle gawked.

"I was blown back when I saw this. Even though his appearance is far more detailed and lifelike, he still resembles how he looks in the book. But it feels like something like this would've happened eventually since the Rift knows about everyone and their lives."

"But why choose this?" Rarity asked. "A character from the imagination of a child? That's a bit of an odd choice, isn't it? Why couldn't it have gone for anything else than that?"

"The Rift is still weak thanks to Ash's Aura, so this was probably the best it could do. And for it to choose this of all things...it had to be for a big reason." Twilight wondered. "The Rift is out to get Ash after what happened with the Aura, so choosing his childhood creation might be the key to that. Either way, I have to tell Princess Celestia right away."

"What about Ash?" Rarity asked before Twilight could teleport away. "Shouldn't he know about this? It is his creation."

"Oh, he'll know. It's everywhere now." Twilight then departed, teleporting away from Carousel Boutique. She was one of the few individuals that knew about Galaxy Master prior to this news. Rarity and Sweetie Belle had now learned that this wasn't just a random troublemaker. It was tied back to Ash, as a form of burning vengeance by using his own childhood creation.

"Hm. Well, we're about to have an eventful 3 weeks." Rarity shrugged it all off. "This year's Pokemon Festival will be 3 weeks long this time."


"So...that's it is." Celestia had been given all the information she needed thanks to Twilight. Luna was present in the room as well, learning more about Galaxy Master. "The Rift would use something like that?"

"It's weird, no doubt," Twilight replied. "But it does make sense as a form of revenge."

"Using someone's childhood creation like that...how despicable!" Luna growled, still feeling bitter about last night and even now after learning about Galaxy Master's origin.

"Well, we have a peculiar enemy now. Luna suggested that we should try and catch him during the Pokemon Festival, where the presence of Rift Energy will be higher than ever. And I thought that was an amazing idea."

"Will we be able to catch him there?" Twilight asked.

"Most definitely. or at least, intercept him. And on the topic of the Pokemon Festival...we're making it far bigger than the last two." Celestia smirked.

The Pokemon Festival was being set up at the moment. The third one aimed to be bigger than the previous two, which were already big in their own rights. But it wasn't just going to be bigger across both worlds. Celestia aimed to push the size of this Pokemon Festival. And there was only one way to do so.

"We'll make this third Pokemon Festival multiversal. Send it across the other universes." Celestia had used her magic to open up multiple gateways. She was making this Pokemon Festival multiversal, choosing to spread the joy of this festival to other universes, especially after what they had been through. All the decorations and attractions of the Pokemon Festival were being brought over.

"Multiversal?! Really?!" Twilight bellowed.

"Really," Celestia repeated. "We'll be seeing a lot more colourful individuals now. I can guarantee you this'll bring even brighter smiles to them."

"By the way...What is Ash's reaction to this?" Luna asked. "How does he feel about something like this?"

"He's probably seen it by now and his reaction...? Well, we can only guess what it could be."

Ponyville. SugarCube Corner.

"No way..." Ash had indeed seen it. It was everywhere. The moment he went to SugarCube Corner, the image of his own creation smacked him in the face. Pinkie Pie was the one to show him the news. Also, present within SugarCube Corner was Bea, who wasn't even aware of how big of a deal this was. "Can it really be him?"


"You looked pretty stunned by this, Ash." Pinkie Pie noticed. "News about this guy got out fast and blew up big too. What do you think about this?"

"This is...This is..." Ash's words were being prolonged, trying to process this. His reaction to this revelation was unknown. Until now. A bright smile graced his face, showing his pearly whites. "Awesome!"

"It is?" Pinkie Pie squinted her eyes.

"Oh yeah! He's real!" Ash stood up, holding the newspaper. "He's actually real! This is amazing! Galaxy Master!"

"Isn't this a problem?" Bea asked. "Why are you so excited about this?"

"Galaxy Master's someone I made when I was young. I wanted to make my own superhero and story about it, so I did. But I never would've thought he'd be real." Ash held the newspaper close to him. "Man, I can't wait to meet him!"

"Sounds fun. But maybe meeting him might not be the best thing ever." Pinkie Pie slid over. "He's kinda public enemy number one thanks to this newspaper right here. But he doesn't sound too bad."

"It says here that they'll be planning to find him during the Pokemon Festival." Bea read the news. "That'll be the place for you to find him. If he's exactly how you pictured him as a kid."

"He's gotta be!" Ash pumped his fist. "I just know it. But I didn't think the Rift would use him. Pretty neat stuff, if you ask me. It's gonna make this year's Pokemon Festival even better than it was."

"I wish I had my own childhood character brought to life." Pinkie Pie pouted. "I made a rock sculpture of a clown when I was young back at my home. I can only see him now if were to come to life..." She then imagined this character of her own. A clown that was made out of rocks. A Rock Clown Pony.

"Everything here and anything involved with it continues to feel straight out of a storybook," Bea replied before eating a cake. "Mmm. But that's the best part about our respective worlds, isn't it? It's a child's dream. Just like how this place is my dream as well."

"I can't wait to see you, Galaxy Master," Ash said to himself while staring at the drawing of his own character. Despite how the news portrayed it, he couldn't help but be amazed. It was a dream come true for him in every way.

Universe 6. Equestria. Canterlot. Afternoon.

Over at Universe 6, much like every other universe, the Pokemon Festival was being set up there. There were enough resources to go around. A staggeringly gigantic amount of resources.

Everypony would have their chance to see what the Pokemon World had to offer. It was an exciting feeling for all of them considering how interested they were with these Strange and Wonderful creatures. And of course, the Mane 6 of this universe were excited to the core too, similar to their universe one counterparts.

Twilight was still in her home to this day, but she was feeling less down thanks to her short trip to the other worlds and experiencing Pokemon for the first time.

She looked outside the window, seeing the decorations for the Pokemon Festival being set up. And as to be expected, there were Pokemon here as well, helping the humans set things up. This world and its inhabitants were not strangers to humans, especially since they helped free their universe.

Looking outside the window and admiring all the Pokemon put Twilight at ease. It was even encouraging her to come out of her room. There were Pokemon she's already seen before and new ones for her eyes to grace.

"Wow..." The alicorn gawked in awe. But while she was admiring what was outside, she was oblivious to who was inside. Or rather, behind her.


"It is a great sight." She unknowingly replied to a Deerling. Immediately, Twilight gasped before turning around, spotting the Normal-Grass-Type. It was the Deerling from before who had joined her for a few hours in the Pokemon World. He had shown up again, still rocking that Summer Form. "Oh! Deerling! Hi, boy!"

"Deerling!" Deerling cried out as he had embraced Twilight. It hadn't been too long since they've seen each other at all, but it felt good to reunite especially since they were universes apart. Deerling already knew where Twilight lived, prompting him to show up here with ease, especially since the gateways had been opened up.

"So, what's this all about? Why the big show?" Twilight asked. Deerling knew exactly what this was all about as he has seen two Pokemon Festivals in a row. Twilight would have to wait and see what this was all about for herself. "Well, whatever it is, it's a great excuse to get out again. I was already planning on heading back to the Pokemon World. This is a bonus."

And all this time, her parents were listening in on this from outside her door. They nodded in approval as the existence of Pokemon was the best thing that could've happened to their daughter considering how long she had been locked up. Twilight's smile was appearing frequently. Her room was even starting to pile up with some Pokemon books she managed to receive. And she had one good friend to thank for that.


Universe One. The Human World. Twilight's Home. Afternoon.

And by herself, that meant the Twilight Sparkle from this world. Or Sci-Twi as she has been named as of recently. Over at her world, after Celestia brought up the Pokemon Festival, Twilight along with her friends had been encouraged to join it.

Granted, this world was still so alien to Pokemon, so the festival would not show up here. But, they had the gateway to Eindoak Town in the Unova Region that they could use. The festival would be anywhere in the Pokemon World. Currently, Twilight was speaking to Professor Oak about this upcoming festival.

"I get to do all of that?" She said.

"And more. Of course, it will last 3 weeks and that could get in the way of your search for Alpha Pokemon..." Oak replied.

"That's completely fine. I can have fun there and maybe have a chance t find an Alpha Pokemon. It can't be too hard since it'll be extra large and this festival goes everywhere. Even on routes. Isn't this exciting, all of you?"

"Pikachu!" Alpha Pikachu agreed, running up to Twilight. He couldn't quite rest on her shoulder much like how Ash's Pikachu does or even on her head. He was bigger than the average Pikachu after all.

"About Pikachu...I got that report you sent me. It's a surprise that I'm looking at a great-great, how many great grandfather Pikachu right now. Must've been a nice family reunion between the two."

"Mhm. I felt nervous when I was given the choice to try and catch him. If I did, I would've probably messed with time and ruined everything." Twilight nervously laughed. "But that mysterious witch told me that the Time Leak had unique effects. I think by catching Pikachu, one of those effects showed up. Ash and his Pikachu are still around after all and everything looks normal. What do you think, Professor Oak?"

"I'm starting to question if Dialga was truly the one who made those." Professor Oak pondered. "I thought so at first, but this doesn't sound like anything Dialga would allow unless there's more to it. Either way, catching those Alpha Pokemon is a huge risk, huge reward type of scenario now, isn't it?"

"Yeah. There's a good chance everything stays the same or I might end up redoing everything. So...no pressure."

"No pressure indeed." Oak laughed. "But, like you said, you did something to make things carry on normally. If you ask me, it's that you have a good heart."

"Is that the reason why?"

"Not sure. But it would be nice. Anyway, I'll be seeing you next week when the Pokemon Festival starts." Oak and Twilight eventually hung up their call.

"Maybe he's right. That's what I was thinking when I caught you, Pikachu."


"What else could it be? That witch said it all depended on what I did. If i had done something else, would Time have changed? Because then, you would've gone somewhere else and then something would happen to time. Or if I were to catch you under different circumstances."

"That's just confusing me a bit." Hisuian Zorua said.

"Ah, I shouldn't overthink it too much for now. All that matters is that we have a new friend here. But ZOrua...you said that yu saw that witch before, didn't you?"

"I did. It was very long ago. Or I guess...2 years ago back in my time. I was still getting used to Hisui after becoming this new form. And when I was roaming around, lost, that's when I saw her. She had those same red eyes and that green hair of hers. She was kind of creepy when I first saw her. I couldn't believe it when I saw her again. It was definitely her."

"Green hair and red eyes..." Twilight repeated. "That's the only thing we can describe her by. I was thinking about Ghetsis since he has green hair and green eyes but...nothing much to pull from there. She could be a descendant too. Yeah, that could be it."

"Or maybe she time travelled too." Spike chimed in. "She just disappeared out of nowhere right afterwards. Just saying."

"Maybe. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. Let's take our minds off it. There's a lot for you to see."

Equestria. Magehold. Afternoon.

"The Pokemon Festival. What a golden opportunity." And of course, since the Pokemon Festival was a recent yet major event in this world, it would catch the attention of everyone. And that means everyone. Including the Dread League.

Rosa Maledicta managed to get her hooves on a newspaper as she stood on the balcony, reading about the upcoming festival. She had Opal Vivacity to thank for that and her natural charms on others.

"It's the third one this year, your highness. We could use this to try and find Yveltal. But then again...there'll be a massive increase in ponies, Pokemon and people. Possibly even more species will show up now that I think about it."

"Exactly why we must go. A staggering number of people will be there and one of them must know something about Yveltal. I believe it's time for us to get involved in these events. Let's enjoy the Pokemon Festival!" She then raised her voice, speaking to her subjects below.

They all cheered in unison as they would use this opportunity to find something. Anything about Yveltal. Of course, subtlety was key. As a bonus, they get to enjoy an event that appealed to many. But their intentions said otherwise. As the vampires and skeletons all cheered, Rosa flipped the newspaper, spotting Galaxy Master on it.

"As for any annoyances, we'll eliminate them as well." She referred to Galaxy Master.

"Did you hear that? We get to go to the Pokemon Festival!" Night Sprout cheered along with her fellow vampire foals.

"I've always wanted to give that one a swing. And when I get there I'll have a rematch against him." Spectrum Shade referred to Ash. "Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully. He won't be too hard to miss."

"What about us?" But the skeletons thought otherwise. Despite them cheering the words of their ruler, going out into the world and especially during one of the biggest events was a big challenge in their eyes. Their non-existent hollow eyes. "We can't possibly step out there in these forms."

"Same here. But you guys don't have to worry about being burned to a crisp." Spectrum Shade shrugged. "Looks like you're gonna have to wait your turn. Don't worry. When Yveltal ends up getting rid of everyone, we'll have a fourth Pokemon Festival that'll involve skeletons. Not so bad, is it?"

"Beh." The skeleton ponies scoffed as they were visibly annoyed. At least, in the way they jittered. But they would still play their part in all of this. Especially during the Black Crusade.

The Pokemon Festival was just an extension to Rosa Maledicta personally. And it was all for the task of finding and capturing Yveltal. The Destruction Pokemon. And in the words of Rosa, this was all she had to say to Equestria.

"You can't hear it yet, but the bells are ringing for your Equestria. This is a Prelude to Destruction."

Kanto. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Nightfall.

"We're home." Ash and Pikachu had returned home, greeting Delia.

"Welcome home, you two. Are you getting ready for this year's Pokemon Festival? I know I am." Delia replied. "With this one being 3 weeks, I'll go the distance and travel everywhere."

"Mhm. I can't wait to see who I'll meet this time. But I know who else I'm gonna meet during this third festival." Ash smiled, looking at the picture of his family.

"Oh. Your father?"

"Not really. But yes." Ash shrugged. "I'll just tell you what I learned today. You're gonna love this, mom." Ash was ready to spill what he had learned today about the real-life existence of Galaxy Master. A week will pass and the festival will come.

Much like before, many familiar faces will appear. Some old and some new. And in the words of Ash, in a way, his father would appear. That remained to be seen as these three weeks will be one to remember and live to the fullest as the journey continues.

Chapter 838 End.

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