• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,483 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Harmony through the Night! The coming of Malicious Revival!

Equestria. Canterlot. Afternoon.

Today, Ash and Fluttershy had come to Canterlot for one purpose. Training. Training alongside Celestia and Luna. The Harmony Phenomenon was still something relatively new. At least, in what it's capable of. However, despite not being the Bond Phenomenon as many were led to believe, it was still identical to it. Ash was chosen to assist as he had the most experience with it after all.

"Do we make it the entire day of practice?" Luna asked as they had already gathered at the Canterlot Gardens.

"We have all the time in the world to get used to it, Luna," Celestia replied to her little sister. "Let's make it count. And it's wonderful that you're joining us, Fluttershy. It was a great approach for you to come here."

"Oh. Really?" Fluttershy replied, wondering how that was a great approach.

"Really. You're the first pony in Equestria to have ever used Mega Evolution. It's its own record, honestly. As a bonus, you have some properties of Fairy Magic inside of you."

"That's right. I ended up getting some on me back in the Frenzy Forest. Ms Valerie taught me a few tips on what I could do now." The pegasus explained.

"Which is why I brought her over. You can show yourself now, Valerie!" Celestia then revealed that she had involved Fluttershy's mentor with this. It was revealed that she was waiting this entire time, appearing out of seemingly thin air with cherry blossoms spiralling in the wind was the Gym Leader from the Kalos Region.


"I'm here. Princess." Valerie gracefully touched the ground, bowing her head to the two sisters. Celestia and Luna bowed in response. "Thank you for having me."

"How'd you do that?!" Ash gasped, needing to know she managed to pull off teleportation of all things.


"It's a little Fairy-Type trick." Valerie winked. "How have you been, Fluttershy?"

"I've been great, Valerie. But...I haven't been seeing you around lately. Or even some of the teachers. It's usually just Brawly, Roxanne, Roxie, Fantina and sometimes Olympia here."

"Sorry. But I get occupied back at my gym a lot. Trainers tend to reach me faster than you think. At least nowadays. But anyway, I'm glad to help you all out. It's an honour."

"You might have a trace of the Harmony Phenomenon in you, Fluttershy." Luan turned to the pegasus. "Thanks to the Fairy Magic after all. And Pinkie Pie as an extension since she drank from the lake of Fairy Magic. Now that I think about it...how did you gain the magic?"

"Me? Well, Valerie told me that it happened when I Mega Evolved my Audino. That's when I got it in me."

"Then I have it as well." Celestia raised her hoof as she indeed had Fairy Magic within her as well. Mega Evolving with Passion for the first time led to that magic being birthed within her.

"Then I have nothing I suppose." Luna pointed, realising that she did not have a semblance of Mega Evolution with her. All of her Pokemon have stayed the same. "I suppose there's Manectric..."

"Who knows? You might have something unique with Darkrai, don't you think?" Celestia nudged her little sister. Upon bringing that up, both Ash and Luna started thinking of that possibility.

They each pictured Darkrai with an altered appearance. Their eyes squinted in unison as Ash and Luna had two different concepts of what would happen if Darkrai was affected by the Harmony Phenomenon. Ash imagined Darkrai gaining extra black tendrils on the side of his body and a light blue aura that constantly trailed out of them as well as a black cape.

Meanwhile, Luna pictured herself fusing with Darkrai, much like how Celestia and Passion fuse to make Celestial-Gardevoir. However, that was only possible with Mega Evolution, making Luna see that possibility as a low probability.

"Only one way to find out then. We're all ready, aren't we? Luna, you can go first." Celestia offered Luna the chance to start things off for them. Luna would gladly do so as she chose to send out all of her Pokemon instead of just one.

"It could be any of them. Let's see who." She threw the Poke Balls into the air, summoning all of them into the Canterlot Gardens. Meanwhile, Darkrai had emerged from the shadows, joining his teammates. "Ash. May you and I have a battle to see if we can drag something out."

"Oh yeah. I'm up for it." Ash was up for a battle.


"I'll just use Mega Evolution again and see if that does something new." Fluttershy chose to stick with Audino, holding out her Mega Stone from her mane. "A little help, Princess Celestia?"

"Sure thing, Fluttershy. Mega Evolution to Mega Evolution." Celestia replaced the diamond in her crown with the keystone, changing the diamond shape into a circle fit for the Gardevoirite. "I'll lend a hoof with my magic. That might do something."

They all had their unique methods of unlocking the further possibilities of the Harmony Phenomenon. So far, only two methods exist. Mega Evolution and syncing hearts. However, as Professor Sycamore said, there were potentially other methods. And it all came down to the magic from Equestria itself. That already gave Celestia a good idea of what to do.

Both Keystones had been activated for Audino and Passion, wrapping them in the mystical light. Celestia once again had to use her magic to keep herself steady, preventing her from fusing with Passion to summon Mega Gardevoir instead. Mega Audino had also entered the scene.

"How about this, Fluttershy? Sycamore said it's dependent on the magic from our world. I say...I try some spells to help with the Harmony Phenomenon. Does that sound like a good idea?"

"Spells? Well..." Fluttershy pondered before being startled by a blast of electricity. Pikachu's Thunderbolt was responsible for that as he was currently facing off against Luna's Xatu.

"Iron Tail!"

"Xatu, use Night Shade!"

Pikachu and Xatu clashed with Luna having the same idea as Celestia. Using existing spells from Equestria on herself and her Pokemon. She had used the Connection Spell, linking herself with Xatu to hopefully bring out some results.

"Spells are good." After turning away from Pikachu and Xatu, Fluttershy accepted the usage of spells. Celestia nodded before having her horn glow.

As they continued their training, the guards of Canterlot couldn't help but stare at this two-way scene happening. Whenever it comes to Pokemon, the Canterlot Guards can never help but gander and turn away from everything else to look at the actions of these Strange and Wonderful Creatures.

Of course, some would still keep a good eye on Canterlot, but most focused on the Canterlot Gardens. That included Premium Polish, who looked outside the window of the guest room, which had now become her room. She and the guards weren't the only ones watching though.

Still locked up and kept within the Canterlot Dungeons were none other than the Rift Siblings Lucien and Sienna. They watched the flash of various colours as it was a normal thing for them to see nowadays. This massive Aura prison was already one of these lights.

Another day of them being trapped here and yet despite that, they refused to communicate meaningfully. They were indeed the purest manifestations of the Rift, making them the most stubborn. However, they wouldn't have to keep looking at this sphere and outside for long as suddenly, appearing outside the sphere was a familiar sight. Rift Energy. The duo gasped, witnessing this spark of Rift Energy appearing out of thin air.

"Rift Energy! Did the Rift hear our cries finally?!" Sienna said with a bright smile on her face.

"It has to be!" Lucien nodded with a hopeful spirit as well. However, that was soon revealed to not be the case. This was someone else. The spark of Rift Energy had expanded, meeting the size of the Aura Sphere that imprisoned the two of them.

A face could be seen appearing within the spear, having a transparent appearance. This face belonged to none other than the entity that Lucien and Sienna tried reaching and ended up succeeding.


"Cosmos!" The duo cried out, falling back. They expected to see Cosmos eventually, but with how weakened they were right now, they believed that it would've taken a bit longer. "So it did manage to reach space..."

"You two...I got your message." Cosmos spoke to them through the sphere. "You gave out some interesting information."

"So you heard? About the Pokemon?" Sienna stood up. "Ah, glad the message wasn't hard to listen to. No way it would've been clear with that little energy."

"Since you know everything, we've got our lucky break now." Lucien giggled with excitement. "Even when trapped, we can still do so much!"

"Uh, we might have to keep it down." Sienna hushed him. "Audino's outside. We talk too loudly and we'll attract them no doubt."

"Oh. My bad." Lucien and Sienna would now talk in a lower tone. "It's uh, best you do the same, Cosmos. But we won't have to worry about that since we'll be free."

"I will. Unfortunately, I'm not here for you." Cosmos suddenly shut them down, causing the Rift Siblings to blink with confusion and disbelief. She also kept her voice down so as to not alert Audino. "The Pokemon do interest me. Thank you for telling me about that. But I'm here for Discord more than anything. At least...part of me is here for him. As you can see, I'm not fully free. I'm trapped in that accursed constellation, Andalusian."

"T-Then you could still use our help, right?" Lucien laughed nervously, hoping that Cosmos could reconsider things, resulting in the concept of freedom. "Any chance of freedom and our Rift Magic can be a lot of help ya know...Especially freeing you."

"You raise a good point, I won't deny," Cosmos smirked with Lucien and Sienna leaning in, expecting some marvellous news. "But, I'm unable to free you now with how restrained I am." Their happy faces soon sank. "I need the means to escape. You two know everything about this world, don't you? Then you must know of how I was truly imprisoned."

"D-Definitely!" Sienna stuttered. "You were sealed in that constellation until eventually, the star you were in was knocked out of the sky by a comet and knocked down to Equestria. Discord ended up burying one of the stars himself in the Everfree Forest in order to ensure that you would never return."

"Clever girl." Cosmos nodded. "And that is exactly where I need to be. The Everfree Forest."

"Still so weird that she's made out of stars..."

"You two are one to talk. Anyway, the only way for me to gain my true form back starts with the Everfree Forest."

"Uh...about that..." Lucien rubbed the back of his head. "The Everfree Forest isn't exactly in the best shape right now."

"Hm? And how come?" She narrowed her eyes with her voice and tone intensifying.

"Well, a lot has happened with all of these crossover shenanigans. And the Everfree Forest has been caught up in it a few times. Especially when it was destroyed."

"DESTROYED?!" Cosmos bellowed as her voice was powerful enough to alert the guards. The Canterlot Guards rushed in as soon as they heard the shout, unlocking the door. Cosmos quickly hid herself with the spark by moving behind the sphere of Aura that imprisoned the Rift Siblings. Audino had also heard this shout, looking at the walls where it originated from. Everything fell silent as Audino squinted afterwards.

The guard observed the area, seeing that nothing had happened to Lucien and Sienna. The source of the noise was nowhere to be found as he looked at them with judgemental eyes. The duo just shrugged in response with the guards leaving the dungeon promptly. After he was gone, Cosmos continued where she left off with Lucien and Sienna turning to face her.

"Destroyed? How troublesome..."

"But it's all good." Lucien halted her. "I mean, it wouldn't be difficult to get rid of your star. I mean, Discord's seeds survived the explosion and the forest is regrowing itself. So there's nothing to worry about."

"Hmph. Fine. Either way, I still need to get that star. All of them. I need some pawns to search for them..."

"Let us do it." Lucien and Sienna offered to help. They didn't mind being called pawns so as long as they could break free. "Cosmic being to cosmic being."

"I would use you but remember, I can't free you yet. However...I still have the power to influence something. Similarly to how you had sent this spark of Rift Energy to me as a way to communicate, I can do the same to anything."

"Uh, then how about using the spark we gave you?" Sienna suggested.

"I was just thinking that. My powers were weakened even in that dimension. However, I had enough power left to grow this spark of Rift Energy. But I doubt it's not enough to get rid of this sphere, is it?"

"No..." The two of them sighed, knowing that this spark was not enough. To even rub it in, Cosmos had bashed the Rift Spark onto the Aura Prison.

However, the moment she did, she found that not only was it not strong enough to do so, but the spark had also been damaged with parts of it being disintegrated. "Oh, it definitely won't." Cosmos shook her head. "This Aura is unbelievably potent. And I can sense some of Celestia's magic in that. Looks like someone's improved over the years."

"Not fair..." Sienna huddled up. "Stupid Aura..."

"But with this, I can go the extra mile. I just need to find someone to search for those stars."

"I got something!" Lucien raised his hand. "Use the teachers."

"The teachers?"

"Yeah, from the Pokemon School. Those are the last people that anyone would expect. We've seen the events involving you play out naturally. You can trust us."

"Ah, forget about the teachers!" Sienna pushed Lucien out of the way. "Who you really should go for...is Cynthia. Trust me. Let her help you and things will be smooth sailing."

"Cynthia?" Lucien raised an eyebrow as Sienna looked back at him. With that eye contact, Lucien understood Cynthia's approach perfectly. "Oh, right, right! Cynthia's who you should go for. Uhh...we did tell you who she was in the message right?"

"Not at all.Looks like you are useful after all." Cosmos was having second thoughts. "Very well then. I'll go for those teachers. Add some of this Rift Energy into the mix and see what I can do with it and in return...I'll bring you three along. You know how the story plays out so I can use you."

"Yes!" Lucien pumped his fists with Sienna jumping for joy. "Uh, if you can, just get one of the teachers to free us. That could be a good place to start! She's the Principal of the Pokemon School so you know where to be."

"Noted. Stay right there." Cosmos had left the dungeon, continuing her plan. Lucien and Sienna gave a high-five feeling a great sense of accomplishment.

"Bingo! Look who came up with the best idea so far. Even when trapped, I've still got it." "Lucien crossed his arms, feeling successful.

"But I recommended Cynthia, so hah. Got you beat there, Lucien." Sienna proudly said, 1UPing Lucien in this instance. And Lucien knew this.

"Yeah-yeah, whatever." Lucien shrugged. "At least we'll be free. Can you imagine it? If we work alongside Cosmos, there's nothing we can't do. The Rift's going to be more satisfied than anything!"

"True that. Now we just kick back, relax and let the magic happen." Lucien sat and rested his head on the sphere, acting calm and collected. So did Sienna. They never act like this within this Aura Prison but if there was ever a time for them to do so, it was now.

"Wait. Is Cynthia even in today?" Lucien realized the one detail that was very crucial. Sienna simply just shrugged, hoping that she was. That was all they could do right now.

The Pokemon School. Afternoon.

Lessons were currently underway at the Pokemon School. Much how like Valerie was already teaching Fluttershy outside, everyone else was being taught by the Gym Leaders from different regions. Some even came from the same region.

However, only Cynthia mattered. Cosmos could do so little as she continued moving around as a tiny Rift Spark. She would use what little of her power left to make her revival assured. She made her face and the spark transparent, phasing through the walls as if she was an apparition.

She took the time to see this Pokemon School for herself, looking at all the ponies and their current studies. Cosmos had also seen the Gym Leaders, witnessing a human for the first time as well as some Pokemon.

"Look at all of them..." Cosmos commented with a malicious grin on her face. "I've had pent up malice waiting for centuries now. And I can't wait to unleash it all on them first. Now, where's that office?" She then started searching for the principal's office. While floating, she started listening to the conversations of the students and the teachers here just to pass the time. Being alone in that dimension, trapped forever was certainly painful so anything would do for her.

She saw a type chart of all the various Pokemon Types and learned about the various moves that could be used. Funnily enough, she ended up learning along with the students.

Cosmos moved through the hallways before spotting the room she needed to be in. The principal's office. It wasn't too hard for her to find. Cosmos wasted no time, zooming straight towards it. She was ready to have Cynthia be the catalyst for her revival...

Only to then find out that she was not here.

Much like most of the teachers here in the Pokemon School, they were all important figures in their respective regions. Cynthia was the Champion after all. However, she spent more time adventuring than being the champion.

"What?! She's not here!" Cosmos roared. "Tch! Some principal she is..." Cosmos found that this was just a minor obstacle in her way. She started thinking of an easy solution. it came to her maniacal mind easily. "Well, if she's not here today...I'll leave something behind for then."

Cosmos decided to let the effects play out until Cynthia had arrived. She used every ounce of her power that she had currently to create something. Out of thin air, she created a necklace. An attractive one too. This necklace had a star on it. One that greatly resembled Twilight's Cutie Mark. To finish it off, she dropped some of her magic along with a spark of Rift Magic into it. That was all Cosmos could muster as she grimaced.

"That's all for me...I need to return to that dimension to regenerate. But soon, I won't have to anymore." Cosmos cackled before leaving. She disappeared along with the Rift Energy in the form of a tiny sparkle. Now all she had to do was wait.

Canterlot Gardens. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, the training continued and the results so far were as followed. Luna had battled with almost every one of her Pokemon, unable to bring out a special form with them. Her Connection Spell only shared the damage with them but that was only via the spell.

"No good, huh..." Ash scratched the back of his hair. "We've still got some Pokemon left to go, Luna."

"Forget it." Luna sighed, shaking her head. "This method is not working. We'll have to think of something else. What about you, sister? Are things faring better on your side?"

"Well, we might have a sign. Fluttershy's Fairy Magic is working well with Mega Audino. Have a look. "Celestia replied, showing just what Fluttershy had managed to accomplish. After using Mega Evolution, Fluttershy's body was glowing pink, similarly to how Celestia's body glows gold when using Mega Evolution herself.

"Just let it come to you, Fluttershy," Valerie instructed. "Fluttershy sat there for a moment, letting the magic come to her as her aura was starting to glow brighter. "Fairy Magic is peace in its purest form. You need to let all of that matter."

"I..." Fluttershy started speaking with her eyes almost opening. "I can hear so much..."

"Hear?" Ash leaned in along with Celestia and Luna.

"You've always had that trait thanks to sharing a bond with Audino. But you can go much further." Valerie encouraged her to keep going. "You might gain what Audino has to a T."

"There are so many sounds..." Fluttershy squinted while having her eyes closed as her ears were twitching. By bonding with Mega Audino, her sense of hearing was accelerating rapidly. Sounds from across Canterlot were flocking towards her ears. But it went above that.

The skies themselves and the noises they made were starting to be picked up by Fluttershy. Even the noises from underneath the earth itself. Fluttershy was starting to hear as much as an Audino. At least, close to that level as her hearing was extending far beyond Canterlot.

However, this was where her limit had been reached as her ear received a sharp pain that caused her concentration to break. "Ow!" Fluttershy cried out, almost falling over as her eardrums went haywire.

"Audino!" Audino immediately rushed to Fluttershy's side once the pain came through. "Dino! Audino?!"

"I'm fine, Audi." Fluttershy rubbed her ear. "But that was a bit overwhelming."

"It can be." Valerie nodded. "But, at least this is a sign you've improved greatly with your Fairy Magic to be able to do this."

"Thank you. But...Is it the Harmony Phenomenon?"

"Professor Sycamore didn't say that it had to be all about alternate forms." Celestia walked up to her. "You have the hearing of an Audino within you, so as far as I'm concerned, you're not only the first pony to unleash Mega Evolution, but one of the few first to have tapped into the Harmony Phenomenon. At least, part of it."

"I did? Yay!" Fluttershy was happy to hear it as she flew into the air with excitement. "Now I really want to improve it some more. We still have time, right?"

"We have a little bit of time left before the moon rises," Luna replied. But your ears...Will they be alright?"

"Heal Pulse, Audi."

"Audino..." Audino put her arms around Fluttershy's ears, utilizing the power of Heal Pulse on them. Fluttershy already had the solution to the pain within her ears. With the mystical green glow of Heal Pulse appearing, the pain had vanished in a heartbeat. It was as if it was never there.

"See! I'm completely fine now! As long as I have Audi here, I'll be safe and all ears." She laughed, realizing she made a pun as it excited her some more.

"I don't see why we have to stop. Let's try something else, Luna." Ash turned to Luna. "Got anything."

"Sadly no. My Connection Spell failed and I don't think it's proving to be the most effective method." Luna sighed, facehoofing before sitting down. "What else is there? Do you suppose I have some Fairy Magic in me? Maybe?"

"No..." Valerie shook her head. "Oh! But Olympia told me that you and Princess Celestia have something similar. The power of Psychic, right?"

"Twilight too," Celestia added. "And now that you've brought that up...perhaps that is the gateway to what you might need for the Harmony Phenomenon, Luna."

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?!" Luna sat up before facing both her Xatu and Musharna. "Xatu! Musharna! One more time!"



"Hmmmrgh..." Meanwhile, Darkrai just stood there, being unresponsive the whole time. The Harmony Phenomenon was an interesting concept to him, but gaining a new appearance was something that Darkrai wasn't all for. At least not yet. He knew that his turn was coming eventually.

They continued to train with Fluttershy and Luna focusing as hard as they could. Luna added some of Lunar Ire's Magic into the mix while Fluttershy went back to focusing only on her sense of hearing. Audino would be there to heal her too. Luna attempted to bring out something special for her two Psychic-Types, using spells on herself and them. But so far, nothing happened.

It was only Fluttershy that made some progress. She was improving her sense of hearing while Luna had visible veins pop out of her face and hooves from how hard she was trying. She even tried shouting words, hoping that would make her spells more effective. But that proved to be pointless as this carried on for a while.


Eventually, nightfall had come. Celestia had lowered the Sun while Luna raised the moon. And throughout those remaining hours, nothing had come from Luna. Fluttershy did exceedingly well, but Luna had failed. She let out a sigh of defeat before lying on her back.

"Man. Nothing?" Ash scratched his hair while sitting on the benches. "None of Luna's Pokemon ended up getting anything."


"Nothing is right." She groaned. "All that hard work...Perhaps I'm not eligible for the Harmony Phenomenon."

"Nonsense, Luna." Celestia looked down at her little sister. "Much like how anypony can bear the Elements of Harmony, you can unleash this Phenomenon as well. We just need to find the right method of doing so."

"Wake me up when that method arrives..."

"Good try anyway." Darkrai and the rest of her Pokemon went up to her. "Time for you to rest, Luna. Would you prefer if I governed the Dream Realm this time?"

"That would be nice, Darkrai. I shall lay here for a bit. I've exhausted myself already..." Luna sighed, choosing to rest here to suck in all that has happened so far.

"I should get going now. I have to wake up healthy and strong for tomorrow." Valerie said, bowing to the two princesses, even while Luna was down on the ground. Ash and Fluttershy would depart soon. As Luna sat there, wondering why the methods she tried so far had failed, she looked up at the moon.

Truly a calming sight. Looking at the moon allowed Luna to feel some sense of serenity. It could wash away the failures of today and make way for new beginnings. While being the opposite of the sun, it had the same feeling to it. And while sitting there looking at the moon, Luna then pondered something. It seemed that she wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Hold on...Wait for a moment." She spoke, stopping everyone from leaving. "Perhaps, there's one more way."

"What would that be, Luna? Did you figure it out?" Celestia asked.

"Maybe." She narrowed her eye at the moon. "The Harmony Phenomenon works in any way. So as long as there is magic and Infinity Energy between a Trainer and a Pokemon, something can be born from it. I've failed to make that happen...but what if I can make it work during the night."

"The night?" They all repeated.

"Precisely!" Luna jumped up. "It may sound cheesy, but what other option is there? I wasn't born with the power to move the moon, I had to earn it. Especially when I became an alicorn. The same goes for mother and father when it comes to the Sun and moon. No matter how you look at it, my sister and I are connected to those big spheres in the sky."

"That is true." Celestia nodded. "But unfortunately, that's as far as it goes, Luna. We can only control them."

"But what if that can change?" Luna smirked, deciding to shoot beyond. "Excuse me for a moment. I'm going to the moon."

"Say what now?" Ash had to pause and think about what Luna just said. But before everyone could process it, Luna had done exactly what she said she would do. In the blink of an eye, a slightly disruptive burst of magic had occurred on the spot with the colours of both Luna's regular magic and the magic of Lunar Ire.

She had used Sorrowful Rage Magic into the mix. And whenever that magic gets used, that only means that something out of Luna's natural limits was about to be performed as a dark blue sparkle in the sky could be seen. Ash and the others raised their heads, focusing on the moon.

"Awesome!" Ash gawked. "Go, Luna!"


"I've never heard of something like this! She can just do that?! Will she be fine?!" Valerie gasped, putting her hands on her mouth as she feared for Luna being in space.

"She can." Celestia had faith in her little sister. "And no, she can't breathe in space. But the moon works fine, oddly enough. Good luck, Luna."

They watched for a while, waiting for Luna to come down. They were exactly sure what Luna was planning to do on the moon, but since it was for helping her potential Harmony Phenomenon, they were all too curious. They waited for at least 15 seconds until something happened.

The moon had been outlined by a dark blue light, signalling that Luna had used her magic. The moon looked even more beautiful with the light surrounding it as if it were a coloured drawing. A sparkle happened in the middle of it as well. However, that all ended once a dark blue pillar of magic shot from the moon, hitting the spot where Luna originally left.

Just like that, she was done.

"Done. I believe I've found something that can work." Luna announced as everyone had to know. "My Harmony Phenomenon shall be born during the night."

"Oooh..." Collective Ooohs had been uttered from the group.

"I went to the moon, cast a tiny spell on it and came back with this." Luna shrugged it off as if going to the moon was not a big deal. To her, it wasn't. She controls it and has been imprisoned there before. "Darkrai. Musharna. Xatu. You three are the ones most closely related to the night. I'm counting on you to help me realize this."

"Sure, Luna," Darkrai replied as Musharna and Xatu were in full agreement of helping Luna all the way.

"Thank you. Now then. Let's see if this works..." It was time for Luna to try out her new trick. She went back to the Connection Spell, however, not only did she add Lunar Ire's magic into it, but also the moon started glowing.

"Look!" Ash pointed it out before anyone else as Pikachu, Celestia, Fluttershy, Valerie Audino, Passion, Arcanine and the rest of Luna's Pokemon looked to the moon. It was radiating the same light that Luna had left behind.

"Truth is...I used the Connection Spell on the moon." Luna spoke with her eyes closed as her aura wrapped around the three Pokemon. "There was no better force to use it on. Now I am truly connected to the moon." Luna had gone the distance indeed as tiny blue stardust was dropping from above, showering the three of them in it.

However, only one of them had reacted to it. And that was Darkrai. His body reacted to the magic that Luna had summoned as the Infinity Energy within him was showing. Darkness flowed from the Pitch-Black Pokemon as he was surrounded by an orb of darkness.

The orb was both silent yet also terrifying at the same time, shaking the blades of grass. It perfectly represented a Pokemon as mysterious as Darkrai to boot. Luna smiled as her method was a success. Something that only she had come up with. She was ready to see it happen, but, exhaustion had gotten to her.

"Curses...Using my magic while tired was perhaps not the best idea," Luna uttered before yawning. Thanks to this, her magic effect on Darkrai had been abruptly ended. Darkrai noticed that the orb had vanished as it was all bonded to Luna. If she stopped, it stopped. "Oh...But...I believe that we can call this a success."

"Aw, man. We might've seen something new. But have a great sleep, either way, Luna." Ash said as the chance to see Darkrai's new form had been slipped away. But it would return.

"Thank you..." Luna grumbled. "Can somepony carry me to my bed? Preferably, you Ash..." Her energy gave out as she dropped flat on her face, dozing off. She had knocked herself out via that method.

"Well, uh, okay." Ash nodded before walking up to her. Just as she requested, Ash had picked up the slumbering Princess of the Night, placing her on his back. "So that's how many Harmony Phenomenon's down now?"

"Realistically, I'd say that makes 5 ponies. Pinkie Pie is the 5th." Celestia replied. "We have a long way to go. But nothing good teaching can't accomplish. Perhaps it's time for my school to get a new subject."

"How fun this has been. You should bring me along for more of these, Fluttershy." Valerie held Fluttershy's hooves, raising her from the ground.

"I'd be glad too!" Fluttershy replied as she and Valerie giggled together. They soon went their separate ways as Ash carried Luna right back to Canterlot Castle. The Training was done for now. But there would be more. And certainly, more ponies involved.

And it was all the more exciting.

2 days later. Canterlot. The Pokemon School.

It has been two days now. And just now showing up to her office was Cynthia. She opened the door before waving goodbye to Fantina who had left for classes. It was a sunny Friday now and Cynthia was certainly looking forward to when school ends and the adventures she loves to go on continue.

"I especially can't wait for summer. It's not too far away." Cynthia was most excited for summer. For a few reasons. One of which would be Undella Town and how perfect it was during that time. She still had her special home there as well. But before she could continue thinking of what else to do during summer vacation, when approaching her desk, that's when she saw it.

The necklace.

After two days, it had been kept there. Cosmos was certainly patient for someone described as the Spirit of Malice. She had been waiting for Cynthia to show up, putting good faith into the words of Lucien and Sienna.

"Oh?" Cynthia stood in front of her desk, noticing the necklace. She picked it up, observing it for a bit. "This is a nice necklace. Looks a bit familiar though...Twilight's Cutie Mark? Is this hers?"

With Celestia finally holding the necklace, the spark of Rift Magic with Cosmos' face within it had appeared once more. She stayed on the top of the room so as to not draw any attention to herself. She had Cynthia right where she wanted her. "Good. Put it on, why don't you?"

After having the time to recover her strength back in that dimension, she used her magic once more when she had the chance. This time, focusing on Cynthia. Instead of waiting for Cynthia or anyone to put it on, Cosmo affected Cynthia's mind. Albeit very little. Her weakened magic prevented full-on mind control, but enough to do something to anyone's mind.

And for that moment of control that she had, Cynthia gazed at the necklace with a blank expression. She was not thinking straight as she was compelled to put it on. The necklace was now on her as a straining Cosmos had then ordered her to leave the room.

Cynthia had left her office as the mind control was up. Her mind was free with Cosmos needing a lot more energy than she expected to make this possible. "Curse it all. Even mind control is taxing on the body. I need my magic restored at once. And this one is just who I need to make it happen. Now it's time for one last effect Rift energy."

"Oh!" Once Cynthia snapped back, she realized that she was out of the office. The Champion of Sinnoh held her head before then realizing the necklace was on her neck. "This necklace...Right, Twilight!" Cynthia still believed that it was related to Twilight, aiming to return what was never hers to begin with.

However, before she could set off and do so, that was when a voice came through the necklace. And once the voice came through, Cynthia's eyes had turned from grey to purple. Bizzare cosmic swirls replaced her pupils for a bit as the necklace let out these words.

"Find the Rest." This was Cosmos' voice. While not being there, she made it so that the necklace was the best form of communication that she could have. That was when with a burst of small yet vast magic, the necklace had projected something.

Cynthia gasped to see that the necklace was magical. She had already deduced it instantly. Once the beam had been shot out, it had created a visage. A sort of holographic map. Right before Cynthia's eyes, the projection of space had appeared, holding one constellation.

She gawked at this sight, unable to take her eyes off of it. That was because she couldn't. The Rift Energy within the necklace was playing its part next to Cosmos' magic. Cynthia had no idea what this constellation was, but it had her curious. Her adventurous mind was responsible for it. O rather, the Rift Energy was.

"Splendid." Cosmos was thrilled to see this, cackling in her mind.. "Now, the time for my return is near. Oh, I can hardly wait."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 778 End.

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