• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Second Pegalysium

Pegalysium. High in the skies. Afternoon.

"Bay..." Bayleef, who still had Garnet wrapped around her vines, had found herself in Team Rocket's Rocketship after taking a turbulent air ride. The circumstances leading to this encounter were varied. Starting from a visit to Pegalysium for a reward. transitioning into Unown and other moments that resulted in Bayleef being brought into the Rocketship, currently being chased by Pegalysium guards and their Unown.

"Ugh..." A perplexed and fainted Garnet was still whited out, placed on the floor of the Rocketship as Bayleef's vines finally released her.

"Eugh." Jessie grimaced at Garnet, seeing how she was out of it. She looked mildly terrifying with that expression. Jessie soon felt a tremor, remembering that the Rocketship was still being attacked by the Unown. "Oh, right that."

Just then, the Unown finally managed to break through. A hole had been made on the Rocketship's walls. Team Rocket screeched after seeing the hole before then rushing over to it. In second, they managed to patch up the hole with some gathered tools. As always, they are quick with creation.

"Hah. That solves that." Team Rocket said before witnessing their patched up hole obliterated by the rays once more. Team Rocket flinched back with the Unown staring through the holes

"Bayleef! Now that you're here, you deal with those Unown! They've been a massive bother to us so far!"

"Bay? Bay-Bay!" Bayleef knew all about what needed to be done. After all, she was a prime target for the Unown. However, Bayleef wouldn't have to worry about being overwhelmed as the Unown were fewer now. Few enough for Bayleef to handle.

The Unown immediately used Hidden Power after peeping through the hole that they made, attacking Bayleef. The Leaf Pokemon used her vines to spring her up from the floor, evading the rays cleverly without having to run to the side. Afterwards, she had used Magical Leaf whilst airborne, shooting out these enigmatic leaves. Three of the Unown were struck by the barrage of leaves including the guards that accompanied them.

"Oh, those leaves look and smell nice...." One of them felt the mystical aura that Magical Leaf carried with it, only to be then smacked in the face and pelted by the leaves. "Gah!" He screamed as the other guard witnessed his fellow guard fall over. He promptly crashed into a cloud where he ended up bouncing.

"Bay!" Bayleef didn't stop there. Once landed on the floor, the second another Unown entered the ship, it had been grabbed by Bayleef's vines. The Unown had then been smacked into another Unown, causing them to take damage equally.

"Oh!" The second guard gasped as the Unown were then tossed out of the ship. Only two Unown remained, as they came together to unleash one combined Hidden Power onto Bayleef.

"B-Bay?!" Bayleef looked like she wouldn't have enough time to react. But thankfully, she wouldn't have to be the one to try and avoid the rays. Team Rocket could help with that. Mainly Jessie's Wobbuffet.

"Wobbu!" In came Wobbuffet, using his trusty Mirror Coat. It proved to be as effective as always Wobbuffet's reflective abilities, even if for a second, could negate the erasure of the Unown as previously seen by Ms Harshwinny's Wobbuffet. After taking the hit, Wobbuffet's glistening and shining body reflected the Hidden Power onto the two Symbol Pokemon.

The last guard soon realized that his backup had been pelted and tossed aside with the defeat of the Unown being swift as their movements. He then turned to Bayleef and the others, scrunching his face before backing away, not wanting to be caught up in what could come next. He yelped away, right when Bayleef was about to attack him. He didn't even try to fight back, knowing when an inevitable loss was staring him in the face.

"Good riddance!" Jessie chucked, waving goodbye to the guard. "Well, that takes care of that. Good work, Bayleef."


"That should get them off our tails for a while." James sighed. "For now, let's grab Fluttershy and Rarity and leave this place as soon as we can."

"Bay-Bay!" But that's where Bayleef had to interject. Despite them fending off the Unown and the two guards, they weren't done yet. Bayleef jumped around, bombarding them with a barrage of words that only Meowth could understand.

"We ain't done here yet?" Meowth translated. "We've still got some more work to do?"

"Like what?" James leaned in.

"Bay! Bay-Bay!"

"She says that's something's gone wrong with the whole place. Ponies' memories have been flipped on their heads. Especially her." Meowth then pointed to Garnet who hadn't woken up yet after passing out from shock. Slight and hushed groans from Garnet came from her with her body twitching too.

"A complete memory wipe, you say? Oh, that could explain that light we saw." Jessie snapped her fingers, remembering the light that sparked across all of Pegalysium.


"Now she's trying to get all those memories back and find her friends. Geez. Rough day, huh?" Meowth patted Bayleef on the back, feeling for the Leaf Pokemon due to what she had to go through yesterday leading up to today.


"Well, we are going for them, aren't we? So I say we grab them...and leave." But Jessie thought otherwise. She was all for bringing Fluttershy and Rarity back, but dealing with an event that involved the erasure of memories, especially of the true timeline, was not something she was looking forward to. "Can't be bothered with another big situation. Plus, we're hungry here."

"I have to agree." James nodded, fully agreeing with Jessie on her stance.

"Bay? Bayleef..."

"Ah, don't you worry." Despite disagreeing with helping Bayleef in her larger endeavours, Jessie patted the Grass-Type on the head to give some reassuring words. "Even if we won't do it, the twerps and twerpettes can just handle things as always."

"Bay? Bay." Bayleef was happy to hear it. For that, she had some respect towards Team Rocket, understanding their decision clearly.

"Well, then. Let's get searching for them. All we'll need to do is go high up and show the Rocketship to all. That way, it'll be easy for Fluttershy and Rarity to spot us." said James as he planned to make the Rocketship hover over the various locations and islands of Pegalysium to better attract Fluttershy and Rarity, allowing them to see their getaway vehicle clearly.

But as he ascended the ship, that's when it happened again. The same flash of light that eclipsed the nation. It appeared once more with Bayleef and everyone noticing it approaching. But this time, Bayleef's leaves did not react to it, mainly because Bayleef didn't sense anything that could affect her.

Nothing dangerous came from it, but either way, the light eclipsed Pegalysium once more as time had been tampered with once again. By Second Wind, of course.

Time had been altered and this time, they knew about it thanks to Bayleef's words. However, though the light eclipsed them, not of them felt dazed or confused once the light faded away after covering everything in Pegalysium.


"It happened again. What do you think changed?" James asked.

"Who knows?" Jessie shrugged, pointing upwards for James to continue his movements of the Rocketship. "Just keep going."

Pegalysium. Pegalysium Capital. Sky Monarch. Afternoon.

And speaking of Pegalysimu's capital, finally getting close to it, just on its outskirts, where the three princesses. Joined by their Pokemon and also Fluttershy's Raboot. They stood before the outskirts of the Sky Monarch, first noticing the difference with the entrance and how the flash of light happened once more.

But even after that flash of light, standing at the outskirts, just near the entrance to this grand city, they saw that nothing changed at all. The guards and their usual attire were still there as they remembered it being.

"There was that light again..." Luna commented. "But, everything seems completely fine as it is."

"That doesn't make it any better," Twilight replied as they were approaching the gates. The guards standing there recognized Celestia and the others, quickly stepping aside and letting them in. Even under this new rule and despite them not knowing about the changed timeline, Celestia and her friends entered without any potential threat or harm that would stand before them.

They were welcomed with open hooves. Darkrai, always the lonesome one, descended into the shadows to travel quicker and gain a better view of everything. The capital itself seemed natural. Just as how they had last seen it, especially after the attack of the Gallant Pegasus. All the noble homes could be found sitting there in one piece. The layout remained unchanged even in this altered timeline.

"Oh, the princesses." One of the guards at the door spoke. "What brings you here?"

"We heard there was a disaster happening in Pegalysium but...everything seems fine," Celestia spoke. "Apart from the Unown that we saw fly off into the distance. Did something happen here?"

"N-No...Nothing's happened yet." The guard shook his head. "Everything has gone as normal as it needs to be. Across all of Pegalysium."

"Then the only thing we need to worry about right now is Equestria. Those Unown are already on their way." Luna turned to her big sister, already prepared to teleport back.

"No. It wouldn't all be peaceful if we saw the Unown up here first." Celestia stayed adamant.

"Well, if something is wrong, I'd suggest asking King Paramount and Queen Luminary for advice." Just then, the guard revealed that the rulers of the Sky Monarch were still Paramount and Luminary. But Celestia and the others weren't aware of the previous change. They wouldn't even know that something was amiss.

They were invited by the guards to see the King and Queen and hopefully obtain some answers.

The Crystal Empire. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, after their return, the residents of the Crystal Empire found themselves fully invincible and immune to the erasure of the Unown. They had Arceus to thank for that.

Giratina was among one of the few that did not vanish, mainly due to being the shadow of Arceus, making it immune to the Unown's erasure entirely. But that didn't stop Hidden Power from harming it as it had protected both Flurry Hearts and Manaphy this entire time.

But amidst all of this crying after witnessing their family and everyone else vanish, they then saw them return. "Mom! Dad! You're okay! But how?!"

"Oooh...That was weird." Shining Armor blinked. "I'm surprised that the black hole I escaped from wasn't as bad."

"You didn't escape from a black hole..." But Cadence found that hard to believe in the middle of many Pokemon going against the Unown.

"I totally did." Shining Armor stuck to the truth. "Gah, but that's not important right now! Those Unown could still give us trouble! We can talk about this later and help out at Pegalysium once we finish with them."

"Wait! You won't tell me what happened! We were so worried!" Flurry Heart rushed over, holding her younger self. "And Giratina's all hurt from protecting us."

"Something to do with Arceus. We'll tell you all later," said Cadence. "But we will need Giratina's strength in all of this. Sylveon uses Wish."


"As for us, Aegislash." Shining Armor hopped onto Aegislash, using him as the best way to travel as always. "Go after those Unown. You're the perfect Pokemon to resist them. And uh...Giratina too."

"Aegis!" Aegislash certainly was. The Ghost and Steel typing proved to be great against the Psychic typing. Even though they were unaware of what Hidden Power could do to an opposing Pokemon. Soon, the Unown were being pushed back.

Harshwinny's Wobbuffet had used Mirror Coat proved to be efficient as always when Hidden Power was used on him, causing the attacks to bounce back, knocking out the Unown. Although Wobbuffet took damage, that was nothing when being aided by another one of Harshwinny's Pokemon. Her Alakazam. And soon her Sudowoodo as Harshwinny use every Pokemon in her arsenal.

It proved to be good for the Golurk that belonged to the Crystal Empire guards too as they took the skies with their jet boosters hidden within them, attacking the Unown in the air. It wasn't much of a full-on war with the Unown, as, despite their amazing unified power, they were fragile. Glass Cannons in a sense.

This was discovered by everypony across Equestria. The Pokemon that had been such a huge threat to them, almost erasing them from existence, we're relatively easy to take down. However, the Unown were still formidable with their unification as that was not to be overlooked.

But whilst everypony dealt with the Unown, taking to the skies to find the rest of their friends and help them were Rainbow Dash and the others. Rainbow Dash obviously took flight as a pegasus but for everypony else, they had Pinkie's Mew to handle that. Mew turned into a Lugia, grabbing his friends and carrying them to the skies.

Spike just used his Salamence for solo travelling. He had gotten used to that with Axew also on the back of Salamence. "I think we're almost there!" Rainbow Dash cried out. Hopefully, the islands haven't changed too much. Kinda feels like a drag for having to try and find them all when the wind carries them."

"But it is pretty fn when that happens!" Pinkie Pie giggled with Jade and Cold Colt also being on the back of Lugia.

"How come you brought me along?" Jade asked. "I don't know how to use Rift Magic like Cold or anyone else."

"You've got something. And it's somewhere there. Plus you reminded us not to give up on hope, didn't you?" Pinkie Pie giggled, putting her trust and of course, hope on Jade.

"I still can't believe Second Wind did all of that. That kind of magic has been hiding behind the entrance to Pegalysium?" Starlight commented, referring to the memories that Arceus showed them. "Do you think we should go for the door first before anything else?"

"We'd need some of that Destiny Magic to open it, right?" Applejack replied. "Don't have that...Shooting Star's not exactly on the right side right about now too."

"She's turned everything on its head then." Starlight bit her hoof. "But at least if the Unown are defeated, she won't have many options left. Unless she would try and mess with time again in continuous waves."

"Sounds like you, doesn't it?" Cold nudged Starlight, teasing her and referring to when she meddled with time.

"Alright, you cheeky brat." Starlight scoffed giving a greater nudge to Cold Colt's head, causing him to laugh.

"Ash should've gotten the Xtransceiver message from Scootaloo by now," said Rainbow Dash. "I still can't believe he's got the willpower to resist what we went through. He had a bond with something called Azelf?"

"Yes. One of the Lake Guardians. Twilight showed me when I was working at the Pokemon Lab for the first time. Next to the Unown and the Creation Trio, it and two others are closely related to Arceus. They call it the Being of Willpower. And it would make sense that Ash would bond with Azelf."

"Awesome! I wonder if I have the same?!" Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up with stars. "I mean, we've got big dreams, don't we?"

"Oh? Looks like we're finally in Pegalysium territory!" Breaking up from the conversation, Spike was the first to notice an island And the first place they found themselves at was the Drifting Peaks. Not exactly the place they wanted to be at, but it was a start.

Breaking through the clouds, they could then start searching for the right island to be at, seeking out Fluttershy, Rarity and Audino. Both Mew and Salamence dashed past and over Drifting Peaks, causing the Pokemon living there to witness mainly Mew who took on the appearance of Lugia, overshadowing Salamence in size.

And of course, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Heracross and the other Pokemon living at Drifting Peaks who also had their perception of the timeline altered were still here, unaware of the assistance that they originally gave to Garnet and her friends.

Pegalysium. Pegalysium Capital. Sky Monarch Throne Room.

Lo and behold, the interior of the throne room remained identical to what Celestia and Luna had seen in the past. Everything about it resembled the true timeline instead of what Second Wind had done.

If only the three princesses knew. They entered the throne room, welcomed by the familiar face of Tip-off, who also remained here. Tip-off had already gone through two different timeline alterations now, unaware of what had happened. And sitting at the throne were Paramount and Luminary, greeting the alicorns.

"Oh! Good to see you all again," Luminary spoke. "What brings you here?"

"Good to see you too." Celestia greeted back. "You're doing well, thankfully."

"I still feel my heart racing right now." Twilight chuckled nervously. "It's always the quiet moments that can get to me."

"You look tired." Paramount noticed bags under their eyes. "Have you all slept?"

"Well...I would've been guarding the Dream Realm in about 2 hours, but all of a sudden, daytime had come," said Luna as she got the point. "We should probably talk about the light that we saw. Twice in a row."

"What light?" Luminary asked.

"When outside of Pegalysium, we noticed there was a forcefield blocking it. We came here since some of our friends had been threatened by the Indigo Alliance. That when the first light showed itself and all of a sudden, it went from nightfall to daytime in seconds." Celestia explained. "Without Luna or I having to control the Sun and Moon."

"Entire hours have probably passed. We didn't have these bags before." Twilight chimed in. "Whatever that flash was, it accelerated time for us. I already feel like sleeping at any moment too."

"Indigo ALliance. Time accelerating? Oh, that's all troublesome." Paramount and Luminary agreed upon that. It all seemed unnatural before they then raced back to one of Celestia's words. "Wait, you two control the Sun and the Moon?!"

"Oh, right. You didn't know." Celestia giggled. "Hehe. Fun Fact!"

"Does your son know about this as well? Or anypony else. Have they recognized the change in time that happened in a flash?" Luna asked.

"Son?" But the response was a shocking one. Mainly with Luminary. "We don't have a son."

"WHAT?!" Naturally, the three alicorns were given a blindsided bash that caught them off guard, winding them. Despite how all seemed natural, from the location of the buildings, the layout of the capital and the ponies in charge, there was one massive missing link. Shooting Star.

"Although we'd love to have one. How come you're wasting time?" Luminary nudged Paramount who scrunched his face. Paramount hadn't commented about his son or Shooting Star yet.

"Your son! Shooting Star!" Twilight exclaimed. "You know? The Pegasus of Destiny?"

"Oh, we know about him." Luminary snapped her feather wings. "But, unfortunately, Grand Judge Shooting Star isn't related to us. He's with the Indigo Union not something called the Indigo Alliance. An I'm not sure why they would threaten your friends."

"G-Grand Judge...?" A shocked and stammering Twilight blurted out.

"Indigo Union...?" Celestia and Luna uttered as the surprises kept flying at them like raindrops.

"If you're looking for him, you can find him at the higher land greater than ours. Pinnaculum Pegalysium." Luminary continued to speak as it was only Paramount who stayed silent. "He sometimes goes there. Or even at Lulolum Island which is located here with another union parliament."

"..." They were the ones to stay silent now. The three alicorns looked at each other and then back at Luminary. And the at themselves and back to Luminary once more. This continued for a bit with their collective minds processing this newly received information that would no doubt be indoctrinated into their memories forever. They then turned around, facing each other for a secretive group chat.

"Alright. Something is amiss here." Celestia as they all agreed that something was not right here.

"Mhm. Shooting Star isn't their son anymore? And he's part of the Indigo Union? You don't think what I'm thinking happened..." Twilight gulped as she was drawing on one conclusion.

"I believe so, Twilight Sparkle. That light must be the cause of it. Some sort of memory effect could be a part of its properties. Or, the control of time if another Pegalysium nation exists that is greater than this. This couldn't have been done randomly. Someone must've caused this."

"Tampering with time...Ugh. I hope it's not Time Travel again..." Twilight groaned, not wanting another instance with Starlight which was already tiring to go through.

"It could be the involvement of time or something else. But we have to find these answers for ourselves." Celestia broke up the conversation before facing the King and Queen. "Ahem. Well um...You should also know that we came here believing that there had been a threat that would attack both Pegalysium and Equestria. The Unown."

"Unown? How would they be troublesome? They're so cute." Luminary gushed.

"I beg your pardon?" Luna rapidly said.

"Haven't you noticed all the Unown around? Oh, but I suppose only the Indigo Union are allowed to use them. Perhaps we-" But before she could continue, Paramount cut her off.

"Hold on. I'll take things from here." Paramount stepped forward. "We'll talk about this threat, but I wish to talk to all of you in privacy."

"Aw." Luminary pouted, wanting in on the conversation. Paramount took the three princesses with him, deciding to speak elsewhere without Luminary's involvement. They would end up speaking near hallways, just within a room that used to be Shooting Star's room.

Now it was completely empty. The bed was non-existent along with the other leisure objects that the prince once had in the true timeline. Paramount closed the door, facing the princesses and their Pokemon.

"Alright...It's good to know that there are those with some memory." Paramount sighed.

"Memory? Do you still have memories of what happened? Luminary did not seem like she did." Luna stepped forward.

"I do. I'd say I'm the only pony here who remembers what happened. Your suspicions are correct. We do have a son. Shooting Star. But unfortunately, nopony else but myself remembers his status and only has memories of his current false status." Paramount lowered his eyes, feeling visibly distraught about this.

"Then what happened?" Twilight asked. "Why do you only remember? And how did this happen?"

"I have Rift Magic to thank for that," Paramount revealed his reason and way to remember the true timeline. He still kept into Rift Magic. Its cosmic power was a miracle in every sense. "The power it emanates allowed me to keep those memories, resisting the light that affected everypony else. As for that light, it was all thanks to Second Wind. She had used the secret of Pegalysium to do so."

"Second Wind again?" Celestia uttered. "What secret did she use?"

"From what I gathered and kept from the true timeline, her goal was to use the power behind the Clock Door that you see before you at the entrance. It isn't just there for aesthetic choice. It is a real clock that has the power of time. Whether viewing it, visiting it, or interacting with it."

"Time Travel..." Twilight sighed as she already felt a high sense of dread after hearing this.

"Second Wind obviously chose the option to interact with it, and I believe it could be clear on what she had done to change time to her will. Twice in a row. The first one involved Luminary and I being reduced of our royal status, becoming villagers at a small island."

"Twice you say? And if she did that to take your status, why is that you are royalty again?" Celestia asked.

"Second Wind would want complete authority yes. But she's also smart to know that her reign would need something to branch off to. Multiple systems to benefit her. Which is why she allowed us to stay as King and Queen, but robbed us of our son, appointing him as the new Grand Judge of the Indigo Union. Memories of the Indigo Alliance are gone now for the union and Second Wind appointed herself as the Grand Queen. The ruler of Pinnaculum Pegalysium. That brings us to today."

"Where she has absolute control of even your nation." Luna grizzled her teeth. "How could she already be so much trouble so soon?"

"She had the Unown to get her there. But, I haven't ignored this at all. Our hope still resides in the Clock Door. The force that she used to alter time." Paramount looked outside "Unfortunately, only my son, who holds Destiny Magic can open it. And I doubt Second Wind would permit it or even my son. He won't even know that I'm his father."

"Can't your Rift Magic open it up?" Twilight asked.

"I still haven't fully masted this powerful form of magic. I don't doubt that it could potentially open the door even without Destiny Magic. But who knows how long that may take?" Paramount sighed. This was the most emotion he had shown so far and for a good reason.

"No need to worry" But here to make things right was Celestia and her allies. Paramount almost forgot that his biggest semblance of hope was standing in front of him. "We are here now. You're not alone in the memory department. We'll bring your son back to you. And we have the options to do so."

"We do?" Luna and Twilight simultaneously said.

"We do. Hopefully, it's an option that can be effective. Luna. You have to use the Hyper Dream."

"Oh!" Luna gasped. "You're right! I have the dreams of everyone in both worlds from the ast present and future! I could use the Hyper Dream and make things right!"

"And if that goes wrong, we can have a backup. Paramount. Let's have you work on that Rift Magic of yours. I can use my magic to help nurture it."

"Your magic? Magic doesn't work on it, I've discovered." Paramount shook his head.

"Mine is an exception. We'll open that door no doubt. As for Second Wind...with how things are, I do not suggest we go and tackle her. Not yet at least."

"I understand. I just want my son back. Second Wind can keep her new empire for as long as she wants." Paramount was in agreement with getting Shooting Star back. "Eventually, we'll get to that."

"I'll just think of a backup of my own. Just in case." Twilight added her contribution to the mix. "But what about the Unown? They've probably been sent by Second Wind. That could mean that the disaster's still active, but it's ignoring Pegalysium and just Equestria."

"Gah! You're right!" The two sisters screeched, realizing that their home at this point was being invaded and attacked by the Unown.

"I wish I could offer my help in that. But Second Wind would take notice of my actions if I were to send forces to Equestria. But your nation is strong enough to handle themselves." Paramount held his hoof out to Celestia. "That's probably why I believe putting my faith and hope in you is the best action."

"Mmm. Count on us." Celestia shook Paramount's hoof as they were in a full alliance now. "Let's save both of what we love. Your son and our home."

With the existence of a second and greater Pegalysium known as Pinnaculum Pegalysium, Second Wind truly had time at her full control. And all she needed was Shooting Star to open the door and time was hers to interact with at any time. But with Paramount keeping the memories, Celestia, Twilight and Luna offering to save Shooting Star and return his memories, it was no doubt that it could all be turned on its head. As is always the case.

With further assistance approaching in the form of Rainbow Dash and the others and the Unown at Equestria, the tensions were rising as the journey continues.

Chapter 719 End.

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