• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Arrival of the Unown

Pegalysium. Lulolum Island. Nightfall.

Nightfall at Lulolum Island. Rarity, Fluttershy and their Pokemon were invited to stay here for the night. The goal to receive their chosen rewards from the Sky Monarch was still available, unfortunately, it was getting late and the wind currents constantly moving the nation in different directions only made it harder for the Rocketship commanded by Team Rocket to reach their destination in time.

Thankfully, since Rarity and Fluttershy were recognized, they were free to stay. However, past a magical forcefield, there was a town that was opposite to the town in Lulolum Island. A mirror variation that was still on the same island.

"Audino..." Audino slumped herself on a hotel bed, sinking into the comfortable feeling of it.

"Nice of them to let us stay here for free," said Fluttershy. "These beds are already making me feel sleepy...."

"I know, darling. It's...weird" Rarity yawned. "I wasn't this tired minutes ago."

"Oh. That's just the magic from our beds." A hotel worker opened the door. "Lying on them during nightfall makes anypony sleepy. Nifty, isn't it?"

"Magic like that? I like it." Fluttershy approved as Raboot and Bayleef were already asleep.

"Not just any magic. This is Destiny Magic at play. Made by the Pegasus of Destiny and continuously improved over time with each user. One of those benefits are beds that can make you drowsy and sleepy in just a matter of seconds."

"Oh." Both Rarity and Fluttershy said, not having much else to respond with. They just found it neat.

"Anyway. Have a good night~" The employee waved her hoof. "If you need to know where the Sky Monarch would be with the position shift, it's at the far west now." And as a bonus, she gave them the current location of the Sky Monarch, leaving afterwards.

They let the bed do the rest of the work as their bodies were in nirvana right now. Sound asleep and at peace, they felt as if they had nothing to worry about. Except, they did have something to worry about. Quite a few things. One of which was extremely close. The other side of the town which was hidden through a magical forcefield had an entire location dedicated to the Indigo Alliance.

Entering this side of the island while playing it naturally were three members of the Indigo Alliance who were usually seen as a quartet with one of them being on the lookout. Waverush, Roseshy and Chicane to be exact. They even wore their Indigo Alliance robes to stay secretive.

They stood before the hotel, looking at their surroundings as everything was peaceful at the moment. Just what they needed. Waverush took the lead with a few Unown flying alongside her partners. Using the power of the Unown, they had made themselves an opening.

The Unown warped space, as usual, opening a dimensional hole through the hotel walls, distorting. Waverush, without saying a word, hopped into the hole, entering the interior of the hotel. Roseshy, Chicane and the rest of the Unown followed suit. They were in without making a sound, thanks to the Unown.

"Smart thinking having the Unown do that space hole thing," said Waverush to Roseshy. "How did you even think of something like that?"

"My father was a brilliant scientist. Or so I heard. Guess I inherited his intelligence?"

"That's not how intelligence or genes work but sure." Chicane walked past Roseshy. "Okay...That uhh...you know..." She nudged her head, referring to Audino as to try and not alert the Hearing Pokemon about their plan. "...Should be down and out."

"Yeah. Talk about an immaculate ability." Waverush replied as she and Chicane were using vague words to mask their true intentions. Despite the height of the hotel, Audino's hearing could go in different directions.

Speaking of Audino, even while asleep, her ears were always active at full strength. The voices of Waverush and the others passed through the walls as Audino's area of effect hearing picked up on it. The Hearing Pokemon grumbled, rubbing her eye as the chatting got her to wake up a bit.

Meanwhile, the Unown were trying to hold themselves back from rushing over and attacking Bayleef. Their mission to rid anything Rift-related was something they couldn't ignore. Even with Roseshy's way of understanding them.

"Those letters are getting out of control..." Chicane noticed the trembling of the Unown. "Roseshy."

"Right." Roseshy fluttered over to the Unown, also giving vague words to conceal her intentions. "Just calm down, please. You'll make a scene if you don't hold back."

"Audino..." Audino blinked for a bit before getting off of the bed. Audino's hearing wasn't too much focused on the chatting but rather another sound. The sound of the Unown. While they don't say their names much like Legendary Pokemon, similarly to Legendary Pokemon, they have cries that still existed.

Cries that sounded abnormal. The Unown, when together, had cries that sounded like a song, similarly to little children. That was the distinguished cry of the Unown, only when unified. Audino couldn't ignore this as the song was haunting to her. And unable to restrain themselves from Bayleef, one Unown went ahead, prompting the others to do the same.

"Oh, no-no-no-no...!" Roseshy gasped once witnessing the Unown fly off. Waverush, who had impressive speed as it also backed up her name, dashed past Roseshy, grabbing the Unown faster than they could leave the area.

"Gotcha...!" She hushed. But immediately after grabbing them, the moving Unown ended up dragging her along. "Woah!" She screeched with her tone being raised, crashing onto a wall. Roseshy covered her eyes as Waverush was doing her best to hold them back.

Thankfully, the Unown were lightweight, but that didn't stop them from causing Waverush to hit some walls, causing sounds to vibrate and echo throughout the hotel.

Audino, after hearing the ominous singing and now the banging on the walls from different directions ended up leaving the room to see it for herself. Not before waking Fluttershy up first. "Mmm...What is it, Audi?"

"Audi. Audino."

"Something's happening downstairs...?" Fluttershy translated before being given a piggyback ride by Audino. She would see it for herself whilst feeling relaxed at the same time. Audino was both a fluffy and soft Pokemon. That explained her amazing durability after all.

Audino ran out of the hotel room, following the sound of the Unown and the banging. Waverush tried getting everything under control but so far, it wasn't going swimmingly.

"Little help here, Chicane...!

"Oh, I don't want to get my mane dirty." Chicane sighed, showing her vanity over her mission more.

"You're wearing a robe and a hood...!" Waverush growled before having her face smacked onto the wall.

"True." Chicane would take things from here. She didn't have Roseshy's speciality of communicating with the Unown, but she knew what to do either way. "It won't be me that fixes it anyway. Roseshy, do that singing."

"Oh, right!" Roseshy exclaimed before closing her mouth, realizing that her tone had been raised. Afterwards, while Waverush was being dragged around by the Unown, struggling to keep them steady, the Symbol Pokemon had suddenly halted. They had heard something beautiful. Roseshy's singing.

They had calmed down immediately upon hearing this singing. It worked well with the singing of the Unown as well, causing perfect harmony. And this singing had been made aware by Audino, who was already heading in the direction of all the noise.

Waverush sighed as she dropped the Unown, holding her head in the process. Chicane had then grabbed some of the Unown walking off as if nothing happened. "Easy enough. What made you think grabbing them would be the best option?"

"Mmmrgh..." Waerush growled before sitting up.

"Watch how easy it is with these things. Alright, little letter thing. How about some muting? Make it a silent night for just that one Pokemon. Audino." Chicane ordered the Unown. Ask and she shall receive. The Unown gathered together, using their reality-bending powers once more. This time, working against Audino's own speciality, the Unown had warped reality, sending a muting wave in Audino's direction as they could easily sense her presence.

Audino, while walking downstairs, suddenly felt an unusual and downright unpleasant presence. And it went right through her body. Before she knew it, she couldn't hear her own footsteps. She could feel them, but she couldn't hear them. She couldn't even hear Fluttershy's mumbling as Audino came to a screeching halt. This couldn't be ignored for a Pokemon such as her. "Audino?" Audino gasped, realizing that her ears weren't picking up on any sound anymore.

She held her ears, shaking them to see if something was off. She couldn't even hear herself touching the earlobes. Audino then turned her head, looking at Fluttershy and rambling. "Audino! Audi! Audi-Audi!"

"Mmm..." But Fluttershy didn't respond. In fact, not only could Audino not hear her own words, but she soon realized that she was completely mute. Audino put her hand over her mouth as everything about her became silent.

Fluttershy couldn't hear Audino at all as the Hearing Pokemon tried raising her voice. But it was no use. And with this absolute silence, that prompted the Indigo Alliance members to strike.

Lurking in the shadows and flying past Audino without having to worry about making too much noise with their wingbeats were Roseshy and Waverush. Audino saw a blur fly past her. Mainly from Waverush who was dragging Roseshy along.

But the moment she turned to try and spot this blur, she was met with a Hidden Power to the side. Straight from the Unown as ordered by Chicane. "Audino!" Audino cried out before falling to the floor. Fluttershy had been dropped too. That ended up waking Fluttershy up as to be expected.

"Gah! W-What happened?!" Fluttershy was fully awake before sporting her partner on the floor. "Audi!"

"A-Audino...!" Audino growled as Fluttershy had soon noticed Chicane. Or in this case, just another Indigo Alliance Member since they all wore the same robes.

"The Indigo Alliance?!" Fluttershy gasped as the Unown then surrounded her. Chicane aimed her hoof at Fluttershy, commanding the Unown to capture her. "Unown..." Fluttershy knew that there would be only one reason that Unown were here. "They're after Bayleef!"

And all that once, the Unown had used Hidden Power. However, Audino wouldn't need Super Hearing to know what to do next. She immediately got up, running in front of Fluttershy and using Protect. A green barrier had been formed, blocking the red rays of Hidden Power successfully. Thankfully, for the first time.

"Thank you, Audi!" Fluttershy sighed with relief. "Okay! Use Hyper Beam!" However, upon trying to give out a command to Audino, Fluttershy found that the Hearing Pokemon did not hear her command. "Audino?"

"Audino..." Audino couldn't hear her. Thus, any commands that Fluttershy would have were exempt from the get-go.

"Audi? W-What's wrong?" Fluttershy knew that something was amiss as her eyes started trembling.

"Sounds like your partner's hard of hearing right now. Tough." Chicane chuckled, taunting Fluttershy. "Get her."

The Unown once again used Hidden Power, releasing the red rays. Audino would try PRotect once more. However, it works best when used sparingly and using it a second time in a row was a bad idea. Audino's barrier broke apart instantly once Hidden Power connected, causing her to slide back.

"D-Dino!" Audino growled as another Hidden Power came her way.

"Audi, try blocking it!"

"Audino..." But once again, she couldn't hear. Thus, nothing. Audino had taken Hidden Power Fighting from the Unown, receiving super-effective damage.

"Audi?" Fluttershy was now truly worried as Audino didn't respond. "What happened...?" But even when exempt from hearing, Audino could still take action as her amazing endurance helped her through the Hidden Power Fighting. "Audino!"

Audino fought back, using Hyper Beam afterwards. She put her hands together before unleashing a giant orange beam of Infinity Energy that ripped through the floor of the hotel. The Unown came together, using their power to create a reflective forcefield. That forcefield had taken Hyper Beam, quickly re-directing it to the Hearing Pokemon.

"Audino!" Audino gasped before witnessing the Hyper Beam coming her. She needed time to recharge to do anything against it. And there was now time. Audino could only do one other thing. Put her body over Fluttershy, protecting her.

The explosion from Hyper Beam was abundant, blowing off parts of the walls. As if the pegasi in the hotel rooms weren't startled enough, they had witnessed destruction take place. Immediately, they started fleeing the place as the explosion of Hyper Beam left some flames that started to spread.

The smoke cleared as Audino's tough endurance kicked in once more with her arms and entire body covering Fluttershy. She held Fluttershy, making sure that she wouldn't leave her sight. Her back was smoking from the redirected Hyper Beam, however. "A-Audino..."

"What is that thing made of?" Chicane narrowed her eyes. seeing that Audino was not only impressively resilient but now she was holding onto Fluttershy, making it tougher to capture her. "Unown." She nudged her head, ordering the Unown to continue attacking. And they did. Unleashing Hidden Power Fighting onto Audino's back constantly until she would faint.

However, Audino also used Heal Pulse on her body, causing herself to recover whilst being struck constantly by Hidden Power. The green aura of Heal Pulse showed itself as Audino hung in there just by using one move.

"Audi!" Fluttershy gasped, seeing her partner taking a constant pummeling while healing herself, making it unbearable. All for Fluttershy's safety, even if her hearing and speech had been muted. "Stop!"

"Bay!" Hearing all of this commotion was Bayleef and soon Rarity and Raboot were involved. It started with the Hyper Beam explosion that alerted everypony.

"What is happening out there?!" Rarity had already left the room, seeing the many ponies running out of the hotel. She also noticed the disappearance of Fluttershy and Audino from the hotel room. "Fluttershy?! Audino! Where are you?!"

And right close to Rarity were Waverushy and Roseshy. They were also surprised by the commotion. They were hoping to keep all of this secretive. But that all went upside-down once Hyper Beam went off.

"Boot? Raboot" Raboot's ears perked up as he turned to see Waverush and Roseshy lurking in the shadows. Thanks to the peeping eyes of the Unown and the frantic running, their stealthy approach had been foiled as Raboot alerted Rarity and Bayleef to their spot.

"Indigo Alliance! That makes sense..." Rarity sighed.

"Our cover's been blown!" Roseshy gasped as Waverush stepped in front of her.

"No use hiding it now then. Unown," said Waverush as the Unown flew forward, setting their sights on Bayleef. "You know why we're here. Capture her and do whatever it is you wanted to do to that green thing"

The Unown would gladly do so. They would not only attempt to capture Rarity but also rid Bayleef due to her being Rift influenced. The Unown formed a circle, using Hidden Power as red rays came flying out.

"Raboot!" Raboot jumped over Rarity, using Flame Charge to cloak his body in a scarlet aura. The Rabbit Pokemon had then charged into Hidden Power, blocking it from touching his friends. However, it resulted in a backfire as the Hidden Power overpowered his Flame Charge, knocking Raboot back with a crimson explosion. To add insult to injury, the Hidden Power had become Ground and Rock once connecting with Raboot, harming him even more. "Ra!"

"Raboot!" Rarity caught Raboot. The unicorn then narrowed her eyes before using her magic to hold out two of her Poke Balls. Knowing the threat in front of her, she wasted no time in retaliating as the Poke Balls were thrown. "Lopunny! Pheromosa! Come out!"



"Triple Kick and High Jump Kick! Now!"

"Mosa!" Both Pheromosa and Lopunny leapt into the air, simultaneously attacking the Unown with their nimble yet devastatingly powerful kicks. They managed to kick some of them out of the way, causing them to fly around as if they were ragdolls.

"Bayleef!" Bayleef chimed in, using Magical Leaf. The Unown were knocked out of the air with curious leaves lathered with a mystical pink and green aura.

The Unown then retaliated with Hidden Power as that was the only move they could use. But it was a useful move for them either way. The red rays had super-effective moves for each of them. Flying, Fighting and Fire. Lopunny and Pheromosa received the red rays along with Bayleef, taking these super-effective blows.

"Lo!" Lopunny slid on the floor as she and Pheromosa were still in there. However, Pheromosa's fragile body coupled with Hidden Power Flying made her a bit dazed. There were over 20 Leavanny as Rarity could see. Definitely outnumbered coupled with Waverush and Roseshy being here.

The Unown then flew towards just Bayleef and no one else, shooting out their red rays at the Grass-Type. "Bay?!" Bayleef gasped as she ran away from the red rays. Pheromosa quickly grabbed her friend, outrunning them faster than Bayleef ever could.

The Unown had then shifted reality, causing Pheromosa to run in reverse, bringing her and Bayleef closer to their location. "M-M-Mosa?!"

"Raboot!" Along came Raboot with High Jump Kick, leaping into the air and hopping on Pheromosa's head for an extra height advantage. Pheromosa flinched as the Unown were too busy messing with reality to notice Raboot. "Boot!" The Rabbit Pokemon kicked one Unown which ended up causing it to hit another, resulting in a domino effect. The Unown lost their focus, falling to the side. Some of them had fainted, but the rest soon got back up in no time.

"What typing are they?" Rarity wondered, thinking about taking out her Pokedex. "Bah, it doesn't matter at all! We'll beat them with numbers as well!" Aiming to match the Unown with superior numbers, Rarity held out 12 Poke Balls with her magic. Those 12 had all of her Leavanny within them as they were unleashed.


"Oh." Waverush's eyes opened, seeing the emergence of the 12 Leavanny.

"Wave." Roseshy slid over, speaking to her ally. "I don't know if we can capture them with all of this happening now. It might get worse from the looks of it..."

"Relax. I got it. Unown! Enough with the red thing and just mess with reality already!" Waverush shouted, ordering the Unown to finish this immediately. The Unown gathered together, getting extra close as if they were a jigsaw puzzle.

"I think not! Leavanny! String Shot!"

"Leavan!" The Leavanny advanced before the Unown could. Altogether, they had shot out thick strings from their mouths. Right as the Unown gathered together, that allowed the Unown to grab them in one spot. Specifically, the 12 strings had wrapped around the 12 Unown, surpassing them in size and making them closer than they were already were.

"Right where we want you!"

"Now, Pheromosa! Lop-" But before Rarity could make a command, Waverush intervened. Spreading out her wings, she flew at Rarity, grabbing Rarity. "Oh!" Rarity gasped as she was carried into the air by Waverush. Waverush decided to get physical instead of standing around and letting the Unown do everything.

"Leavanny!" Naturally, the 12 Leavanny and the rest of Rarity's friends turned to see her getting flown into the air. That allowed the Unown to break free, erasing the String Shots with their power.

After breaking free, the Unown capitalized on this moment while their opponents' guards were down. This very spot had been altered, gaining a dimensional hole from below. The hole had a gravitational pull that focused around Leavanny, Pheromosa and Lopunny. Noticeably, Bayleef was exempt from this for obvious reasons. The Unown wanted to deal with her personally.

"Lo?!" Lopunny and the others gasped as they were being sunk through the hole. Trying to break free was useless even with Pheromosa's swiftness.

"Unhand me!" Rarity cried out, using her magic to try and push Waverush off of her. Waverush did the same with her magic, coming straight from her wings. She continued carrying Rarity through the air, preventing her from escaping.

"L-Leavanny!" The Leavannyhad all used String Shot, latching their strings onto the walls to try and break free from the hole that was sinking them. "L-Lea...!"

"Raboot!" Raboot held onto Leavanny's legs whilst Lopunny and Pheromosa added their strength. In both a risky yet genius attempt, they stamped their feet onto Leavanny's back.


"Phero!" Pheromosa told them to trust her and Lopunny. Their strength could be a great factor here. They continued to kick their partners in the back, harming them while also having the strength to push them further. Leavanny endured it for the sake of breaking out.

"Bay!" Bayleef tried running over to use her vines, only for the Unown to get in her way. "Bay?!" Bayleef was soon cornered by the Unown from all sides, unable to reach her friends.

"I'm sorry about this." Roseshy apologized to the Leaf Pokemon before flying over. She had then started humming a peaceful melody to Leavanny and the others with the intention of foiling their escape. And much like how this melody worked well on the Unown, it was worked just as efficiently on Leavanny, Lopunny, Raboot and Pheromosa.

"Lea..." The Leavanny grew tired from Roseshy's singing as their eyes started closing. Pheromosa and Lopunny ceased their kicking with Raboot being the first to fully sink through. Soon, they all fell through the hole after being put to sleep. The dimensional hole had then closed off as they were sent elsewhere.

Rarity witnessed this as Waverush kept her in the air. She soon saw Bayleef surrounded by the Unown charging up their Hidden Power. No one else was present there to help her but herself. Rarity grunted before then shoving her hooves onto Waverush. She managed to break free for a second, only for Waverush to fly after her later.

"Bay?! Bay!" Bayleef closed her eyes before resorting to one other option. She had tried the Countershield tactic. Bayleef quickly got on her back, using Magical Leaf in the process.

Right on time as the Unown had unleashed red rays from their bodies, only for these rays to be blocked by a spiral of leaves that were moving frantically. Not only did they block the rays, but the leaves had also hit the Unown out of the air. Truly, the Countershield was the most versatile move that Ash gave out to his friends.

And it was all thanks to Dawn.

Bayleef then ran off, fleeing from the Unown once they were knocked down. The Magical Leaf Countershield managed to knock some of them out. Now only 9 of them remained as they had then pursued Bayleef. Roseshy picked up the fainted Unown, tending to them.

Meanwhile, Audino was still struggling against the other Unown. Fluttershy pleaded for her to stop but Audino just couldn't hear her. But even if she couldn't hear her, Fluttershy wouldn't leave Audino's side.

"Ugh...This is just getting uncomfortable to look at." Chicane grimaced after seeing Audino's damage marks and hearing Fluttershy's pleading. "That's enough, Unown." The Unown had soon stopped their Hidden Power Assault, ending the bombardment of red rays.

Audino's constant Heal Pulse did its job well, however, against constant barrages of Hidden Power that were appearing every second, even Heal Pulse couldn't keep up. Thus, Audino closed her eyes, groaning as she had reached her limit. And yet, she wouldn't let go of Fluttershy. "A-Audino..."

"Even then it won't let go...?" Chicane gawked. "Fine then. Unown, get this over with already."

By Chicance's command, that Unown had altered reality, forcing Audino's hands to become slippery. Slippery enough for Fluttershy to slip out of her grasp. Once she was out, the Unown had used telekinetic abilities to grab the Element of Kindness whilst Audino got on her knees.

"Why are you doing this?!" Fluttershy asked as she was brought to the Unown.

"Isn't it obvious? The Grand Judge has a huge grudge against your and your friends. Capturing you is a massive bonus for us, especially in the Quillbit department. Nothing more to it. Now, let's go, shall we?" Chicane laughed as the Unown had then made another hole through the walls that led out of the hotel and right back to the other side.

Chicane flew off with the Unown and her travelling through the dimensional hole, bringing Fluttershy along. Audino was left there by herself, powerless to do much. She growled, trying her best to get up as her back was smoking. "A-Audino..." She cried out as the hole had closed.

She didn't even hear Fluttershy calling out her name or even the commotion happening within the hotel. Without her hearing, Audino felt insignificant. And that wasn't all that she failed to hear.

Outside, more Unown were appearing as a courtesy of Second Wind. There were far more Unown than the ones that infiltrated the hotel. Dozens as they covered the skies with black and white. The pegasi of Lulolum Island started panicking as the commotion within the hotel was enough to alarm them.

The Unown wouldn't harm them. Instead, they were here for only two things. Bayleef and altering reality to Second Wind's command. "B-Bay?!" Bayleef looked outside the window, seeing a swarm of Unown. Horror and shock met her heart as now the number of Unown had only increased while other Unown were pursuing her.

The Unown warped reality, changing it to fit Second Wind's image the way she intended. Bayleef continued running as she noticed statues of Second Wind appearing, just to fill her ego. Pegasi from Lulolum were even having their buildings renovated in the process to fit a mandatory appearance in Second Wind's eyes.

It wasn't just Lulolum Island either.

Pegalysium Capital. Sky Monarch.

The capital of Pegalysium was under attack by the Unown. Not only were they altering reality to change it for Second Wind, but one pony had RIft Magic in his possession. King Paramount.

Paramount witnessed the arrival of the Unown as all of the innocent pegasi were being chased down by the Unown. Members of the Indigo Alliance were currently locked up in the palace's dungeons. But soon, thanks to the Unown, their freedom would be guaranteed.

The walls of the dungeon were being torn apart by the power of the Unown, granting the prisoners their chance to escape. Large red chains were summoned by the Unown, going straight for the Pegalysium guards as a means to restrain them. And they did an amazing job doing so.

"What's happening?!" Luminary gasped as she saw all of the Unown heading in this direction. "Is our son okay?!"

"I'm sure he'll be fine! But right now, whatever these letters are, they've probably been sent by Second Wind!" Paramount spread his wings out along with Luminary. Together, they used their magic to fend off the Unown from getting any closer. Pandemonium had begun.

Some of the Unown managed to sneak by, entering the palace to get the jump on Paramount. By flying in from the side, the Unown locked eyes onto the King of Pegalysium, only for him to be aware and have his guards come to his aid.

The guards were quickly swooped away by the chains that seemed to act of their own volition within having anyone to wield it. Essentially, sentient chains that wrapped around the guards, causing their armour to become fragile.

The Unown had then unleashed the red rays as Paramount and Luminary put up a protective shield of magic. One large enough to not just block the rays, but also push away the Unown. Once the Unown were pushed away, Paramount and Luminary fled the balcony they stood on to cover more of their palace and help their subjects.

The Unown pursued them with more of those rays coming out. Luminary turned around to see the rays incoming as she feared she would be struck by them. However, it was soon revealed that they had completely passed by her. Instead, they focused on Paramount. They even ignored Luminary overall, flying past her. "Dear! They're after you!"

"Just me?" Paramount turned around, soaring through his palace as his wife had been ignored. But the chains wouldn't ignore her, that's for sure. Paramount wondered why the Unown would only go for him. He knew that Second Wind had it in for him but completely ignoring Luminary confused him greatly. Either way, he didn't care. He was just dedicated to saving his subjects and finding his son.

Equestria. Pikachu Highlands. Nightfall.

"Phero!" The Dimensional Hole made by the Unown ended up sending Pheromosa and the others right back to Equestria as they crashed onto the ground. "M-Mosa..."



"Mosa!" Pheromosa sat up, realizing that she and her friends were right at the Pikachu Highlands and near the Deerling Forest too. Faraway from Pegalysium at this point. The worst place to be right now considering the circumstances. "Pheromosa! "Pheromosa cried out for Rarity in the night sky after being separated from her best friend.

"R-Raboot!" Raboot did the same, only for Fluttershy. "Raboot...."

"Leavan!" Aggravated that they failed to protect their trainer, one of the Leavanny smashed their leaf hand onto the ground. It was a surprisingly hard hit for something made out of leaves.

"Pikachu?" Naturally, this noise brought the attention of the Pikachu living here in the Pikachu Highlands. A few of the Electric-Types left their homes, either awake or just woken up from the noise. "Pika? Pikachu?"

"Mosa!" Pheromosa's sadness soon turned to hope once she saw the Pikachu. This location was familiar after all. The Lissome Pokemon got back up, appearing in front of one of the Pikachu in a flash with her amazing speed. "Mo! Pheromosa!" She grabbed a Female Pikachu, rapidly bombarding her with a barrage of words.

"P-Pi!?" The Female Pikachu couldn't keep up as Pheromosa's words were just as fast as her speed. Confused and overwhelmed by the words, Pikachu had no choice but to shock her. "Pika...Chuuu!"

"P-Phe!" Pheromosa, who had already taken damage from the previous battle, felt all those volts flow through her body. Raboot and Leavanny stood there in shock as Pheromosa then fainted while having a smoked body. "Phe-Pheromo..."

"Raboot..." Raboot sighed quickly walking over to the Pikachu. He would explain things carefully without rushing things. And explain he did. "Ra. Raboot."

"Pika?" The other Pikachu leaned in, hearing Raboot's words. Hopefully, with all of these Pikachu here that were familiar with Raboot's friends, they could get somewhere and fix all of this. Raboot also knew there were others that would do the same and they were closed.

Specifically, the closest location to the Pikachu Highlands, aside from Deerling Forest, was Canterlot.

Canterlot Castle. Nightfall.

"Something terrible will happen at Pegalysium and soon come to us?" Celestia currently spoke with her little sister Luna as Xatu's premonition told of the current events.

"Yes. And I'm afraid it's already happening. Pegalysium is in danger, sister. By the Unown." said Luna.


"I'm not sure what those are either, but it's only natural that they are dangerous. What should we do? Should we warn Pegalysium?"

"Absol!" Entering the doors of Canterlot Castle was Absol. And right behind him were Twilight, Espeon, Cinccino, Ninetales and Togekiss, all exhausted.

"Absol please..." Twilight sighed, lying flat on her face. "Slow down...We're so tired..."

"Twilight! Everyone! Did you get the same feeling as well?!" Luna turned to her.

"W-What feeling...?" An exhausted Twilight asked. "We were just following Absol. It sounded like something important had come up."

"Something important has come up." Celestia got off her throne, helping Twilight back up. "And if both Absol and Xatu had sensed it, then it has likely already begun. Up at Pegalysium."


"And soon Equestria according to Xatu's premonition. Twilight. Do you know about Pokemon named Unown?" Celestia asked, hoping to know about Unown. Thankfully, Twilight was the pony to ask.

"Unown...Unown..." Twilight was tired, thus her mind was processing slower than usual. But she would soon remember that name. "Unown! Oh! I know about that Pokemon! I saw them back at the Holon Pyramid as Hieroglyphics. And even parts of them in the books back at my lab."

"Excellent! And what is it about them that makes them so dangerous?" Luna questioned.

"Well...All I know is that when together, they can perform amazing things. And that they are parts of Arceus and his Thousand Arms, so that would explain their amazing power. D-Did they come here?"

"No. They're at Pegalysium. And if they have that kind of power along with being parts of Arceus..." Reality kicked in for Celestia. The situation was graver than expected. This was a threat that had some of the power of Arceus. And it couldn't be ignored. "We're going to Pegalysium. Now!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 711 End.

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