• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Cosmo on my mind

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Day.

"So, Discord. What did you want to talk to me about?" Ash said, yawning. Previously, Discord had shown up to his room at night with pressing news. But a quick interruption from Delia postponed it.

"Oh. Did something happen?" Fluttershy asked, curious about this.

"Right, right. This may sound like an alarming issue. No, it most definitely is!" Discord rubbed his paw and claw together, sparking fire as he was showing nervous expressions. "I was hoping this wouldn't come back to bite me. But it is from. From another world!"

"Is it the Empress or Ghetsis?!" Ash gasped.


"Worse!" Discord saw that threat that he was mentioning as far greater than what Ghetsis or Empress Twilight could offer. At least, in his eyes. He then approached Ash, Fluttershy and their Pokemon, twiddling his limbs. "It's Cosmo."

"Cosmo? Who's Cosmo?" Ash and Fluttershy asked.

"Another Draconequus. And a previous admirer of sweetheart of mine. Keyword: 'Previous." Discord gulped, shuddering from just mentioning her name. "I'm afraid she might show herself here one day."

"Another Draconequus? I thought you were the only one," said Ash. "And this Cosmo. Is she a big deal?"

"Very!" Discord extended his paw, grabbing Ash's shirt and dragging him close. "Whereas I am a benevolent Spirit of Chaos..." Discord couldn't help but toot his own horn for a bit. "She's without a doubt far more on the chaotic side than I am, I'll tell you that. I got rid of her in this world, but there is another. I didn't quite take that into consideration."

"Another Draconequus just like you is a big deal." Fluttershy gasped. "C-Can she do the same things you can?"

"Oh yes." And there it was. With this revelation, a massive issue had come up. Yet another threat that they could not escape from. And what's worse is that it was another Spirit of Chaos, which just made things far harder than they had to be. Discord was starting to panic. This was the most fear he had shown in a long time. Possibly forever.

To try and ease his fears, he made himself a comfortable couch that he laid on, forming a massive Pikachu plush to hold. "I'm not sure if I can handle another scenario with her around! For all I know, she could already be here. Maybe next to you?!" Discord pointed at a Tailow in the trees.

"Tailow?" Tailow was obviously confused. Not being aware of any Spirit of Chaos or knowing that Discord was one. Truly, many Pokemon are lucky to be so carefree and oblivious. The exact opposite of what Discord was feeling.

"She really scares you doesn't she...?" Fluttershy gawked. "What happened with you and her back then?"

"No need to worry, Discord." Ash went up to him. "I don't know a whole bunch about Cosmos, I'll help ya out either way."


"I hope so! Because frankly, I want nothing to do with her again! Elements of Harmony her up, I beg of you! It works well on me, after all!" Discord held the Pikachu plush closely as Ash, Fluttershy and their Pokemon had never seen him like this before.

"Do you want to go to PokeStar Studios to ease you down?" Fluttershy asked. Discord nodded in response. He would love that very much. "Okay. Off to PokeStar, we go. Ash, are you coming?"

"Oh yeah! PokeStar Studios is always a blast!" Ash pumped his fist in the air. "Let's go!"


Canterlot Castle. Day.

Elsewhere, two new prisoners were currently at Canterlot Castle. And surprisingly, it was Lucien and Sienna. Caught off guard by Absol's Giga Impact last night, they were out cold. Once found by Twilight and her Pokemon, they were brought to Canterlot. However, nothing that they had could restrain them considering they had access to Rift Magic.

Except for one solution that Celestia had come up with. Her magic and some Aura. And right now, the process of these two forces were coming together. Lucien and Sienna were placed together as Celestia's magic was connecting with Togekiss' Aura Sphere.

Togekiss had put a lot of energy into her Aura Sphere, making sure that it was expanding enough to fit both Lucien and Sienna within it. Essentially, an Aura Prison was being made. But Celestia went a step further.

She was actually Celestial-Gardevoir at the moment, fearing that her regular self wouldn't be enough to make this possible. So the fusion between her and Passion became the answer. But even then, this required a ton of output as Celestial-Gardevoir grimaced with one eye closed.

"Celestial-Gardevoir! Are you okay?!" Twilight gasped.

"I still haven't mastered this form yet...!" She groaned. "Soon, I could defuse and pass out. But not before I can make this prison possible...!"

Celestial-Gardevoir poured more of her strength into it. Her magic was changing the shape of the Aura from its usual sphere-like appearance to a square. The room was trembling as the guards had wide eyes, looking from side to side.

The lights of magic and Aura could also be seen emanating through the windows, alerting everypony outside. Premium Polish took a peek through the doors along with Luna.

Eventually, Celestial-Gardevoir and Togekiss were able to make this new kind of prison. The Aura Prison had been formed. Togekiss slowly moved herself back to keep the Aura stationery. Celestial-Gardevoir could also finally stop. Right on time as she already felt the strain coming through her body. Once she let go, the fusion had ended, along with the Mega Evolution.

Celestia and Passion both fell on their backs once the fusion ended. "Ugh!" The Ruler of Equestria grunted before breathing in and out to ease the pain. "We need to get used to having a longer time frame for that."

"But it worked!" Twilight exclaimed. "Do you think it'll keep them in forever?"

"Maybe not forever. But it will certainly take up huge amounts of time." Celestia stood up, helping Passion off the floor. "And as a bonus, we can manipulate Aura together."

"Ooh..." Fittingly, Lucien and Sienna were starting to wake up. All of that ruckus is what prompted their awakening as Lucien groaned. "Hm?" The Rift Humans blinked for a bit, noticing how the area was all blue to them, along with a hint of gold in the mix.

"Hey hold on..." Sienna stood up before bumping her head on the Aura above. "Ow!" She winced, holding her head. After that little impact, now she was truly awake. And upon being awake, soon, she and Lucien could take in their surroundings fully. "What is this?!"

"How'd this happen?!" Lucien exclaimed. "And what kind of prison is this?!"

"You're in a newly made prison. Just formed today. It's an Aura Prison. Made up from the combined magic of Passion and I in Celestial-Gardevoir and the power of Togekiss' Aura Sphere."

"What?! That's actually pretty neat..." Lucien shouted before being impressed by this unification of energies. He then put his hand onto the prison, trying to push through. But it was no use his hand had been shocked. "Ow-ow!"

"Your Rift Magic should be restrained by this. That way, you can't do much at all." Celestia shook her head. "This is the perfect restrain we could come up with."

"Pssh. We'll break free eventually." Sienna wasn't bothered by this at all. She just casually laid on the prison. Lucien did the same, sitting down. "You can't keep us in here forever."

"Maybe not. But while we're here, I have some questions for you." Twilight went up to them. "You all had previous lives, right? You were humans back in another world, having the same name."

"How do you know that?!" That got their attention as both Lucien and Sienna pressed their hands onto the prison, gazing at Twilight. They startled her with their reaction and getting a bit close.

"Ash found out while unconscious. We learned a lot. How you two used to be scientists and your grandfather was BigTime Ben too."

"Wait...what?" Celestia had just found out about this BigTime Ben revelation. Luna had also shown u, just to speak the same word as her big sister.

"We've got nothing to say to you." Lucien moved back, turning his head away from Twilight. "We'll just be here for a while."

"Pssh. What he said. But I'd rather not be in the same prison as this guy right over here." Sienna said as the two of them were still bickering.

"I'll take the same." Lucien raised his finger. "A separate prison's for me. If I knew something like this would happen soon, I would've asked for my own. Or made my own. I should've done that first actually."

"Knowing you, you'd probably try and make it all bombastic and hard to look at. Typical." Sienna smirked. "Mine would've been simple and effective. Beautiful and difficult to escape from."

"Pssh! There you go again with that cuteness stuff. it doesn't have to be on everything, ya know!"

"You're the one who started it! And you still haven't apologized to my sweet little Whimsicott!" Sienna growled at Lucien, looking up at him. Lucien kept that smug look on his face, pretending to not look bothered.

"As if you're ever gonna get that. You didn't even apologize to my Charizard the first time."

"Um...I-I think it's best that we should come to them another time," Celestia suggested as the two siblings kept bickering on and on. "When siblings argue, it can go on for a long time. I should know. Head home, for now, Twilight."

"R-Right. I'll head back now. Thanks for the help, Princess Celestia! Passion!" The young alicorn gave a farewell hug before she and her Pokemon left the premises. The Canterlot Guards went up to the sphere, rolling it along to send it elsewhere. Even when being rolled within the sphere, the two of them kept arguing.

Virbank City. PokeStar Studios. Day.

To take Discord's mind off of Cosmos, PokeStar Studios was the place to be. Home to great movies and fun ways to make movies for everyone. Plus, it was one of Discord's favourite hobbies and places to come.

"Here. A list of movies I've compiled for us to direct. I worked hard on them. Discord then revealed a list to his friends as the list had expanded in length. It was long enough to cover the Dressing Room and overlay on Ash, Fluttershy and their Pokemon.

"That's a lot to choose from, huh," said Ash, holding the list. "Ooh, but this one looks neat!" Ash then saw one that caught his attention.

"Forget all of this!" Sombra exclaimed, showing himself to Discord. "You're the Spirit of Chaos, are you not?"

"Yes?" Discord replied, appearing in his personal favourite director clothes. "Who might you be, my shadowy tagalong friend?"

"King Sombra. And I demand you use your Chaos Magic to free me from this boy's body. It seems I won't have to wait that long at all for my freedom. And my chance to reach King Paramount will be-"

"Mmm. No." Discord denied Sombra's suggestion, instantly turning around. Indeed, he could free him. He chose not to. It wasn't of any major interest to him.

"What?!" Sombra gasped. "Outrageous...Can I not have at least one thing go my way?"

"You can't be too demanding," Fluttershy replied. "Even if you're a king. It's all about-" But Sombra scowled at her, causing Fluttershy to stay silent and hide behind Audino. "N-Nevermind!"

"You're his friend, aren't you, boy?" Sombra then turned to Ash. "Give him the request, and we may both be at peace from this unlikely union."

"Yeah, I hear ya. But I was kinda thinking of keeping you around." Even Ash was for it, scratching his hair and laughing. Sombra froze for a moment as his eye twitched.

"What?! What made you come to that decision?!"

"Well, you're gonna try something crazy when you break free. Just like what you said a few seconds ago. I can't let you do that. Plus, I can maybe work with this, ya know." Ash's gave his reasons. Sombra then shook his head, feeling disappointed that a major chance of his freedom had been crushed just like that.


"This movie sounds like a good one, Discord.

"The Chromatic Beasts. Say, what's Chroma?" Ash asked.

"It's purity or intensity of colours. It can be a bit hurtful to the eyes with all its saturation." Fluttershy explained before bringing some clothes over.

"Let's see. What I can transform to make the perfect beast?" Discord wondered, looking at the selection of Pokemon. He even thought about Ash's Pokemon. But the moment he observed the area, that's when Discord's right eye started pulsating. His vision was starting to change.

In front of him and around him, he could see the visage of Cosmo slowly appearing. Cosmo's appearance could be seen behind Ash, holding onto his shoulder and cackling. She could also be seen around Fluttershy, wrapping her tail around her.

Discord gasped before pointing at Ash and Fluttershy. With an instinct of shock, he started trembling with fear. Ash and Fluttershy soon noticed this. "Huh? Discord, what's wrong?" ASh asked.


"Can't see or feel it?! She's right behind you!" Discord shouted.

"Hm?" Ash turned around but there was no one there. He didn't even feel anything on his shoulder. Usually, it would be Pikachu but Pikachu was on the floor this time. Fluttershy also looked around to find no one there.

"Are you talking about Cosmo? Because I don't see her." Fluttershy shook her head.

"Oh. She must be messing with me. Playing her usual mind tricks on me! That's it!" Discord laughed, trying to play it off all cool as if he wasn't worried. But his friends could tell when he was worried. "Nice try, Cosmo! But you can't fool me like before~"

"Audino..." Audino and the others were greatly confused.

"Something's wrong here." Ash looked at Fluttershy. "What do you think it is, Fluttershy?"

"I think I know what it is, Ash. Cosmo was someone important in Discord's life. They used to be lovers from what he said." She started explaining as Discord was using his magic to both fortify the area away from Cosmos and prepare everything for the movie. He was moving in a panicking frenzy. Not his usual frenzy at all. "Something must've happened back then that made her stick to his memories."

"Isn't it obvious?" A smirking King Sombra emerged with something to say. "I've seen this behaviour before. A horrible case of traumatization. The upheaval he's feeling can affect the present as well."

"Huh...So it's because Cosmos got brought up so soon that he started remembering her." Ash put the pieces together. Indeed, Discord hadn't thought about Cosmo in a long time. It was only until the Rift mentioned her that she came back to his memories, much to his dismay.

Cosmo was not in this universe. Discord's eyes were playing tricks on her. Even when sorting everything out, he couldn't help but see Cosmo every step of the way. Or at least slight apparitions and silhouettes. He ended up accidentally breaking one of the props upon moving his tail around frantically and shooting a bolt at what he thought was Cosmo.

"Woah!" Ash ducked as one of the bolts almost hit him. Discord's visions were getting worse by the second as he started exuding out of his magic from all sides, trying to ignore the fake visages of Cosmo. At least, he thought they were real and she was truly here.

Ash grabbed Fluttershy off the ground, keeping her away from any magic that came in her direction. Items were being transformed randomly by Discord's Chaos Magic. Some were even being sent elsewhere. The walls had been turned into various condiments once the magic struck them. It was a miracle that no one had been hit yet.

"We need to calm him down, Ash! I think this is too much for Discord! His magic is releasing without his control!" Fluttershy cried out.

"I got it!" Ash quickly turned his hat around. He chose to approach Discord despite the massive hazards of Chaos Energy leaking out of him.

"Are you insane?!" Sombra roared at Ash. "If you are to be hit by that magic then you could end up-" Right as he rambled, one of the props had been turned into confetti immediately. "Similar to that object there!"

"My friend needs my help! I can't ignore him when he's like this!" Ash replied, dashing up to Discord. Sombra shook his head, not understanding Ash or any of his friends in the slightest. "Discord!"

"Hm?!" Discord twitched after hearing his name being called out. To him, it sounded more like Cosmo's voice than Ash. Even his sense of hearing was being obscured. "I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Leave me alone!" Discord yelled, turning around as he believed that he was seeing Cosmo approaching him. He closed his eyes, putting his arms out, expecting the worst.

"Discord!" But it never came, instead, Ash grabbed his paw along with Fluttershy holding his claw. Discord saw them as a two-headed Cosmo that was holding onto him. But after a moment of silence, Discord's vision returned to normal. He no longer saw Cosmo. Instead, he saw his friends.

"Oh..." Discord groaned, knowing of what he had just done. Be then moved away, sitting down and holding his limbs. "I do apologize for my actions, you all. I just don't know what came over me. I could've sworn she was there I-"

"Discord, it's okay," said Fluttershy. "You were just having horrible memories coming back to you. It made you see things. But Cosmo's not here right now. We're here and you're safe."


"I promised I'd help you if she ever showed up, right? Even if she's not here, we're gonna be here for you, no matter what." Ash brought back his words from earlier today. "Pus, you're not gonna let anyone get the better of you, are you?"

"Not at all..." Discord uttered before looking down. "Not at all. I'm Discord! The Spirit of Chaos! I can't be afraid of someone who's not even from this universe!" He then got back into high spirits before gulping, changing his tone once more "Then again...She's probably the same in another world, isn't she?"

"Maybe. We haven't seen her yet. But when she gets here and starts causing trouble, leave it to us to sort things out." Ash readjusted his hat to its front-facing position as Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder.


"We won't fail you, Discord." Fluttershy raised her hoof as Discord's friends had all given him a hopeful outlook on things. He was still terrified of Cosmo, but with friends who were capable of defending practically anything and anyone, that fear had been diminished.

"Oh, thank you so much. You all are something special, aren't you?" Discord wrapped his arms around all of them "Now then. We have a movie to make. Here's what I think we can do." He then pulled out the list, choosing the movie of his preference.

They continued their day, taking Cosmo out of their mind. At least, Discord did. Ash and Fluttershy made sure to engrave her name in their heads so that they are ready for the day she possibly shows up. Aside from that, they would be there for Discord far more. If there was anything on his mind, they would be there. After all, they and their Pokemon were the closest to Discord.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 668 End.

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