• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Dark side of the sun

The Human World. The city. Underground. Afternoon.

Ash, in his quest of helping out this world's counterpart of Sunset Shimmer, found himself within a bad group that Sunset was involved in. But Ash wasn't aware of this at all as he was just there to give as much assistance as he could.

Little did he know that he would be used for an upcoming theft that would be orchestrated by these people. His expertise of Pokemon would be used for something more devious.

"Okay. Let me see your Pokemon." He asked them. Sunset Shimmer and the others held out the only Poke Balls they had at the moment. However, Sunset Shimmer was holding back her Pokemon, not releasing it. But everyone else did.

An Exeggutor, Graveler, Lunatone, Golduck and Dustox had been revealed as some of the Pokemon these people had with them. Sunset stepped back, not sending hers out at all.

"Nice picks," Ash observed their Pokemon. From the three-headed Exeggutor to the crescent-shaped Lunatone. However, he soon noticed that Sunset hadn't shown hers. "What about you, Sunset? You told me you caught one already?"

"It's best that mine doesn't come out..." Sunset had a nervous expression. "It's a bit of an aggressive one."

"Sunset apparently caught herself some big lion Pokemon a while back. Not the smartest move on her part. That thing is vicious. Tried to either burn or rip something down. Sometimes boy." A punk girl shrugged.

"Big lion...? Oh you mean, Pyroar!" Ash figured out the Pokemon. "Yeah, that's tough. Big Pokemon like Pyroar are tougher to get used to."

"That's an understatement." Someone else had laughed at Ash's reply. "You ended up picking that Pokemon 'cause it looked the fiercest and it backfired hard."

"It does, okay?! And I don't think I can let that thing out." Sunset shook her head. "Unless maybe tonight..."

"Let me help." Ash stepped forward. "I'll help you with Pyroar."

"You will?"

"Yeah. I'm helping you all out after all." He and Pikachu grinned, showing their beaming smiles. "I wanna do what I can."


"Alright...If you say so." A hesitant Sunset Shimmer held out her Quick Ball. She was rightfully nervous about this. The destruction that could follow might be catastrophic, especially in an area such as this. But she felt like she could trust Ash. So, she sent out Pyroar.

"PYROAR!" A Female Pyroar emerged, letting out a bellowing roar that startled many of the people in this room. Far surpassing that of a natural lion's roar. It even overpowered the booming sound of the radio as well.

"Yeesh! Now that's a roar!" Ash was amazed by this mighty roar as it was comparable to the enchanting roar of an Arcanine.

"Py...!" Pyroar snarled with smoke erupting from between her fangs. After that roar and snarled, she looked at her surroundings with rapid-moving eyes. Then, she noticed Sunset Shimmer. The one that caught her. And from the look of her eyes, the Royal Pokemon did not seem happy. "Pyroar!"

Very unhappy. So much so that when Sunset Shimmer backed away, Pyroar had used Flamethrower, blasting out a wave of fire from her mouth. Gasps and screams echoed throughout the room as Sunset Shimmer moved aside instantly. The flames struck the walls of the room, blasting through them with impressive and horrific power. That was the raw power of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Afterwards, Pyroar turned around with another mighty roar, preparing to use Fire Fang this time. And it seemed that she only had eyes for Sunset. The Royal Pokemon then charged forward, tackling the other Pokemon and knocking them aside.


"Wait! Wait!" Sunset cried out as Pyroar ran at her with blistering speeds, lunging into the air for a bite. Sunset could most definitely not outpace a Pokemon like Pyroar. Normal lions are fast enough. A Pokemon lion was just a walking speedy nightmare.

It looked like she would be gnawed on by flames as deadly as the sun, only for Ash to pull her out the way. "Look out!" He cried, pulling Sunset away at the best possible time. Pyroar's fangs had connected with the radio, biting deep into them. One touch and the entire thing blew up, causing an explosion to occur.

Everyone backed away as far as they could from the ferocious Pyroar. Especially Sunset. Pyroar's eyes flared within the smoke along with her flames spurting out of her mouth. She snarled, locking onto just Sunset Shimmer and nothing else.

"See?! You just had to pick this Pokemon out of all things, huh?!" A punk boy bellowed.

"Sorry, okay?! I don't see you doing anything to stop it!" Sunset roared back. "Just stop that thing! It's furious with me!"

"Hold on." Ash soon stopped them as he stepped forward. He decided to try and calm Pyroar down instead of resorting to a Pokemon Battle. Pikachu would stand back and watch.

"What are you doing?! Don't get closer to it!" Sunset yelled at Ash but there was no point in doing that when Ash sets his sights on helping others. They all thought Ash was insane for casually approaching a Fire Lion.

But Ash knew what he was doing. Pyroar soon noticed Ash approaching, growling at him. Even though she had destructive tendencies towards Sunset, she could switch if anyone else was seen as a threat to her.

Ash put his arms near her face. In response, Pyroar had instinctively bit onto Ash's arm with Fire Fang. Everyone else either gasped, closed their eyes, winced, or did all three at the same time. But even after that bite, Ash did not move his hand away. Instead, he placed it onto Pyroar's head.


"There, there," said Ash, patting the Royal Pokemon. That initial pat was enough to soothe the Normal-Fire-Type as it felt good to her. "You're upset, aren't you?"

"Pyroar..." Pyroar purred, enjoying this pat. After that, she did not see Ash as a threat anymore before nuzzling her head onto him. "Py." While no one could understand her, she apologized for the bite.

"It's alright. No one's gonna hurt you here. But someone did if you're this mad, aren't you?" Ash asked.

"Roar. Pyroar." Pyroar nodded before flaring her eyes at Sunset Shimmer. Her mood switched up again once spotting Sunset who had a similar hair pattern to hers.

"Quit looking at me like that!" Sunset bellowed before backing away some more.

"Sunset. She's upset with you? How come?" Ash turned to her.

"Hey, catching it wasn't easy, okay?" She crossed her arms. "If I wanted to have that Pokemon, I had to take risks. Sure it made it mad, but that thing was gonna tear me apart anyway! "

"Pyroar!" Pyroar thundered after Sunset said all of that, startling her once more. She wanted to lunge in and attack Sunset, only for Ash to keep her at bay.

"What good is that lion if it's gonna be so aggressive...?" Sunset gulped, showing high signs of fear as Pyroar could rip her apart at any moment now.

"Whatever it was, Pyroar's not gonna warm up to you like this. If you treat Pyroar with love then all that aggression's gonna come crashing down." Ash stood up. "I don't know what happened between you and Pyroar, but if you wanna be partners, you both gotta bond."

"Bond with that?" She pointed with a shuddering finger.

"Yeah. That way, you and Pyroar are set. Catching her was just the start. Pyroar. Can you do that even if you're mad at Sunset?"

"Roar? Pyroar." Pyroar liked Ash, so she would try. However, not so much Sunset who she still had some disdain for.

"Do you want an apology or something?" Sunset scoffed before sneakily holding out her Poke Ball, getting ready to recall Pyroar as soon as she could. The other Pokemon were also ready to attack Pyroar if something else went wrong.

"You both could try apologizing. That sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?" Ash snapped his fingers "At least I think so? I don't know what happened after all. Haha."

"Pika-Pika." Pikachu laughed with him as well.

"Fine. If it'll make you stop trying to burn me then...I'm sorry for what happened okay?" Sunset put her hands in her jacket pocket, apologizing with a pouted face and eyes shifting to the side away from Pyroar before looking back at her.

"Pyroar..." Pyroar stayed silent for a moment before noticing the destruction she made. In her anger, she ended up harming Ash who was kind to her. While Pyroar would apologize on Ash's behalf, it wouldn't be for Sunset Shimmer. Though she was kind enough to apologize for the destruction that she caused to the wall and radio. "Pyroar." Afterwards, she shifted her head away, giving a half-hearted apology.

"Oh!" Sunset gasped, noticing Pyroar's expression with that head shift as she did the same. "Whatever!"

"Guess we gotta work on that too, huh?" Ash had a laugh once more. "But you guys seem pretty good with your Pokemon, don't you?"

"I like the way this moon thing looks so I chose it." They started listing off the reason as to why they chose these specific Pokemon. It wasn't just to use them for crime but also preferences were involved.

"This duck reminds me of a toy I used to have."

"Look at the bulk on this one. How could I not choose it?" A punk boy kneeled, pointing at Graveler. "But what can you even teach us about them?"

"Well, you guys know how to battle...but do you know what works against what and moves?" Ash asked before putting his hand on his chin. "Come to think of it...how'd you figure out their moves?"

"Moves? Oh, those things they throw and do sometimes. We just tell them to do something and they do it, that's all." A punk girl shrugged. "Improvisation, ya know."

"Then Pikachu and I have a lot to teach you guys. You're gonna be upstart battlers in no time!"


Ash would do the honours of teaching them what he knew. They already had the basics down. How to catch Pokemon and even partake in a Pokemon Battle. But not knowing the 18 Types and which moves are each of those types along with what all of them do would be confusing.

All the while, Pyroar and Sunset had a less-favourable relationship with each other. Sunset was afraid of Pyroar while Pyroar was hostile towards Sunset. But despite what Ash would do next, it was all for an upcoming theft that would be done by these people. Including this world's Sunset Shimmer.

Kanto Region. Pallet Town. Professor Oak's Research Lab. Afternoon.

In the meanwhile, the human world's Twilight was still practising to be Professor Oak's new assistant. She had met up with Ash's Pokemon, already being familiar with the one's she met before and getting to know the rest.

"One thing to know is what everyone prefers and could do without. Tracey had the pleasure of knowing how some of Ash's Pokemon from Johto had their likes and dislikes too. And he learned everything else from the rest when becoming my assistant." said Oak. "You'll have to do the same for all of them."

"I got it." Twilight nodded as she had two large boxes of Pokemon Food with her. They were heavy as she was struggling to keep them up. She wasn't sure who liked what so it was going to be blind. Luckily there was enough food inside of all of these boxes to choose from.

After setting the boxes down, she opened them with the plethora of Pokemon Food being revealed. However, if she wanted to prove herself, Twilight chose not to just lay them all out and see who goes for what. She was going to personally test each Pokemon Food and see which clicks with certain Pokemon.

Two bowls had been placed on the ground as two different foods were poured into them. One with a pinkish colour and the other reddish colour. "Alright. Let's see who prefers...this!" Twilight held out the pink bowl, waiting to see which Pokemon would react.

"Bay!" Bayleef was the first to react as she jumped in the air, running towards Twilight. Next were Totodile, Staraptor and Leavanny. They all approached Twilight, appearing before the bowl of pink Pokemon Food. It was clear that this was their favourite.

"Okay. And how about this?" Twilight raised the bowl with the red colours.

"Charizard!" Charizard reacted first to it, flying over. Joining him were Sceptile, Hawlucha, Gliscor, Bulbasaur and Heracross. She had found the ones who preferred these two different colours. Afterwards, they started eating from the bowls together.

"Splendid. Simple yet effective. Most would just toss the Pokemon Food out for a scatter. But using the most basic method is the perfect way to go." Oak nodded in approval of Twilight's effective approach. Twilight blushed after that compliment.

"Thank you, Professor Oak! Okay, what's next?" Twilight then turned to the box as there were still more of Ash's Pokemon who hadn't flocked over. They had their preferences which were not pink or red.

Zorua's stomach growled as she wanted a bite as well. She seemed to be attracted towards the pink food from where her eyes were facing. However, Zorua's timid nature caused her to freeze in the bag instead of joining the others.

"Hm?" Twilight heard Zorua's stomach rumble plus her whimpering while staring at the food. "Zorua. You can eat from it too. Go ahead."

"Can I do it later? Without all of them around?" Zorua whimpered, hiding further within Twilight's bag.

"Okay. How about I have you eat in private?" She suggested as Hisuian Zorua nodded her head aggressively. She would much prefer that and Twilight would grant that wish.

Oak had more bowls to give out plus an extra-large one that was more tailored for the herd of Tauros. She used those other bowls while also giving a private one to Zorua, just for her. Once placing other Pokemon Food in different bowls, waiting to see who likes what, she went elsewhere in this field, just for Zorua.

The peaceful river stream of this area looked perfect. It was silent and free of any noise. It was also surprising to Twilight how this was still a part of his lab. Then again, if Ash was going to catch more Pokemon, it stands to reason for this place to be so expansive.

Either way, Zorua could eat peacefully while Twilight would continue her practice until it was over.

The Human World. The city. Underground. Afternoon.

Back at the underground room, Ash had shown everyone how far they can go with Pokemon knowledge. He had used his trusty Pokedex, scanning each of the Pokemon and their moves. It beat just explaining what each of them were when the Pokedex could so easily do it.

It also revealed the Types of the few Pokemon and what they worked well against. This was valuable information in the eyes of them all. "So remember. Water beats Rock and Rock beats Bug." Ash said. "Lunatone's extra good against Dustox but Exeggutor, not so much."

"Okay, okay." A punk girl nodded in understanding. "That's not too hard to remember."

"Yeah. But remember this. Doesn't matter what type it is. It's all skill that makes a Pokemon stronger. You can beat any type with skill, no matter how big of a disadvantage you have."


"We'll remember that. But this is great. I was right to choose this Exeggutor with all of these Psychic abilities. That'll mess everything up for sure."

"I didn't doubt the bulk on Graveler one bit. If that's the case, then this'll be easier than we thought..."

"Yeah. I can do a lot with Dustox. Bugs are already hard to deal with but Pokemon Bugs could be a different story." They all observed their Pokemon. However, it was not for the right intentions, unbeknownst to Ash.

All the while, Sunset was standing in the corner with Pyroar being beside Ash. She watched as everyone was already getting to know more about their Pokemon. Their advantages and disadvantages. But not her. And it made her feel jealous and left out from everything, which Sunset disliked greatly.

Ash offered to handle that however as he encouraged Pyroar to come over. Sunset's heart skipped a beat once Pyroar was seen approaching. But, Ash made sure that nothing hostile would occur. "Did you have to bring her this close...?" Sunset groaned with her back strafing across the wall.

"Yeah. Don't wanna let you guys be left out. I guess you've already heard about the other Types, huh?"

"I did. And they're way stronger than I thought. Then again, I saw a Dragon and some blade thing by your side that one time. Even though they weren't yours."

"Actually, I've got something similar to GHetsis' Pokemon. Dragonite and Sirfetch'd. So you're not wrong there."

"Dra-Whatever...Can she just stop looking at me like that?" Sunset shifted her eyes at a snarling Pyroar. Ash and Sunset then heard Pyroar's stomach growl as she needed food. Most likely, ever since Sunset caught her and showed hostility, the Regal Pokemon has not eaten yet.

"Hungry, huh? I gotcha with that." Ash held out his bag, taking out a plastic container of Pokemon Food. But, instead of just handing it out himself, he gave it to Sunset. "Here. This is one way to get close. Try feeding Pyroar?"

"A-Are you sure?" Sunset stuttered once holding the container. She looked over at Pyroar who still had those ferocious eyes that could pierce through metal. Or rather burn through it. But even with that gaze, once her stomach growled, Pyroar's emotion changed as she looked down.

"Just go with it, Sunset. This Pokemon's ridiculously strong. Tonight's theft is gonna be a cakewalk. Gaining her trust is the only way I'm gonna have that kind of power on our side."

Sunset then opened the container, revealing the Pokemon Food. The wonderful scent travelled through the atmosphere, reaching Pyroar's nose as she shot up. Sunset then slowly kneeled.

With a slow kneel, he held her hand out to Pyroar. Sunset closed her eyes, also keeping the Poke Ball in one hand, just in case something goes awry. But after a few seconds of silence, Pyroar did not attack. Instead, she accepted the food.

Biting the food out of the box while Sunset froze there. She did not use the Poke Ball after seeing Pyroar's actions. Her rapid beating heart slowed down afterwards. Pyroar was currently enjoying herself with this food. She needed it desperately after those weeks of having nothing to eat.

"Oh, hey. She's actually pretty cute up close like this." Sunset took the time to see Pyroar in a different light. When she's not trying to maim and scorch Sunset, she's extremely peaceful. Sunset saw how hungry she was, feeling some sort of remorse for her.

Pyroar feasted away as Sunset placed the box back down onto the floor, allowing for Pyroar to eat as much as she wants. "Hey um...sorry for what happened back there. I was still new to that stuff and I went kinda big for my choice."

This time, a full-fledged apology came from Sunset. One that Pyroar could accept. Thus, the Regal Pokemon did the same, giving a true apology. "Pyroar."

"Awesome stuff, you guys." Ash gave a thumbs up, congratulating their success.


Meanwhile, the others, now learning more about Pokemon, decided to speak about their plan for tonight. They quickly whistled over in Sunset's direction, calling her in for another group huddle. Sunset left the box there while going for the group.

"Well. You made a great call, Sunset. Having that Ash guy here was the best thing yet. Now that we know what these moves can do, this theft can be a lot easier than expected."

"I know. Plus, I've got that Pyroar on my side now." Sunset chuckled. "Now that I've got something that powerful on my side, even if it isn't a smooth theft, who's gonna stand up to a Fire Lion?"

"You raise a good point. We've only got 10 minutes until we head there. And these new moves kinda revamp our plan now. What are we gonna do about Ash, though?"

"He means well." Sunset shrugged. "But I don't want him getting involved in this. I've been in juvie too much now and my apartment's not looking too good. Neither is the stay here. If there was a chance to make it all better, now's that chance. Let's do this." Sunset's eyes filled with a fiery determination. She was 100% set on making this theft happen. With or without destructive power.

But before that, she had to speak to Ash for a moment, walking over to him. Ash was currently petting Pyroar's mane, making her purr once more. "Yo, Sunset."

"Hey, Ash. Thanks for the help today. I think you can head back now."

"Sure. I've taught you guys some good stuff. I'll help you next time, maybe?" Ash held his hand out for a shake.

"Alright," Sunset responded, giving him a shake. "If you wanna get in contact with me, I'll give you my number."

"OH uh...I don't have that kind of phone back in my world. I don't think it'll work here either." He chuckled as Sunset Shimmer pulled out a phone that Ash was not familiar with. Though, it did look a bit like the Rotomphone in a way.

"Whatever. See you around then."

"Alright. Gonna stop by some places along the way. That food shop looked pretty good, didn't it buddy?"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed as he and Ash rushed out to grab a bite.

"He's energetic, isn't he? Not too great for stealth." A punk boy giggled.

"Alright. Let's focus on what's important." Sunset then turned to the others. The time was now. "It's showtime."

It was nightfall. Then again, this was the result of winter bringing out the moon sooner. Ash and Pikachu were currently around town while Sunset and her group were ready to cause some theft. They would do this in the bigger parts of the city but only focused on a few instead of many.

"We'll put these on when we need to. For now, let's stay as ourselves and keep it stealthy. Remember to tie up your hair for ease too." Sunset and a few others had long hair and very visible colours. Tying them and putting the mask over them would help for better stealth. However, there was an issue.

"And...He's still around town, maybe." Sunset referred to Ash. "I saw how he was back when was in that Ghetsis guy's body. He's no joke. He knows his stuff. And if he has a Dragon with him, then we'll be done for. Unless I end up using this." She then held out Pyroar's Pokemon as the Royal Pokemon was resting in there.

"Relax. Not gonna cause a commotion. After he taught us some new stuff, I know what I can do with this Exeggutor." A punk boy said, stepping forward. "Dustox. Use that Sleep Powder thing.

"Exeg...!" Exeggutor got to work. The Coconut Pokemon used its Psychic powers, sprinkling out powder from its leaves. It manipulated the powder via telekinetic control.

The powder had then been sent over towards the mall. It was still open but with fewer people due to the current time. Plus, the previous Christmas Shopping had drained it of many products. This was exactly why Sunset and her group struck at the days after Christmas. When there is nothing left to buy, few people come by.

The door had opened once someone else had exited, allowing for the power to pass through and enter it. Once inside, the boy guided Exeggutor with his finger, showing him where and who to target. The targets were the security guards, of course.

Once being guided on who to target, Exeggutor, even from this distance, made the small powder sprinkles fly in their direction. The guards felt something. It felt like something had both touched their faces and hair while also going through their nose.

Afterwards, the feeling they received was exhaustion. They had yawned afterwards, having the urge to fall asleep. But it didn't stop there. "Do the same for everyone."

"Xeggutor." Exeggutor then manipulated some more, causing them to fly across the entire mall. And by flying, they had struck shoppers left and right. Exeggutor's view was limited so it was doing it blindly. However, due to how many sprinkles there were, they would hit someone eventually.

And they did. Many of the shoppers felt tired once the sprinkles struck them. Tired enough to head home. "I think that's enough shopping for today..." A lady yawned before walking off. So did a few others. They made their purchases, got whatever they could and decided to leave.

The safest way to get rid of a crowded space had been found for Sunset's group. With this, they could move around the shopping mall and grab what they could even at this time. And the guards would soon clock out, falling asleep on the spot.

People started leaving the mall with tired eyes, stretching arms and constant yawns. The group waited for almost everyone to be out of here until it was just the exhausted guards.

However, ever since Abacus Cinch introduced the Poke Ball to everyone, many had scattered to grab them from Crystal Prep. That included authorities such as the Police who were immediately tasked with catching Pokemon due to how they were causing trouble.

The same went for the security guards. With them feeling tired and sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall, they had one other lookout on their side. A Pokemon that Sunset and the others would personally meet.

After everyone had left, Sunset and the group advanced, approaching the mall. The doors opened automatically for them as they entered without anyone spotting them. The security guards were slumped over with shut eyes.

"I say we go for the upper floors. That's where all the good stuff is." Sunset said as they all went for the upper floor. They approached the upper floors, going for the stores that had no one there.

Some stores still were still open and had employees there. However, they had also been hit by the Sleep Powder from Exggecute. The other threats were the surveillance cameras.

Not a problem for Lunatone and Dustox. The Meteorite Pokemon was ordered to use Confusion on the cameras while Dustox would use Gust. And they did this out of the view of the cameras. They had either been blown away by Gust or gone haywire due to Confusion.

However, as they went on a frenzy, stealing what they could, they came across the Pokemon owned by the Security Guards. Fairly new too.

Usually, the most common Pokemon that would be on the lookout would naturally be Hoothoot, Noctowl or even sometimes a Growlithe. Pokemon that were usually good with lookout and are great picks for security. Plus, they can be stealthy themselves.

Instead, considering that it was utter chaos here in the Human World, the Pokemon that the security guards received were Aipom. The least stealthy Pokemon there could be.

Once they went to steal what they could, two of the young criminals spotted Aipom. The Long Tail Pokemon stared blankly at them, becoming completely still. And then, out of the shadows, other Aipom had appeared. There was quite a handful of them. Most likely, they were the most rampant Pokemon around.


"You didn't tell me there would be some Pokemon..." They started whispering to each other.

"I didn't think there would be. They weren't here when I was wandering around..."

"Aipom? Ai."

"Ssshh...!" The girl pleaded with them to shush as to not draw any attention. However, with a cheeky grin, the Aipom were going to do so anyway. They were too cheeky and playful after all.

"Aipom!" The Aipom all started crying out, swinging and jumping from within this Record Shop. Their constant cries echoed within the shop, reaching the ears of the asleep employee.


And with that, they alerted the other Aipom to do the same. Speaking of the other Aipom, they had spotted the group of young criminals as well. However, they didn't do much other than shout and zoom around.

"What's going on?!" One of the security guards who was not asleep came running over, hearing the commotion immediately. He was joined by two more as they were the only security guards awake.

"Great! Not even a few minutes!" Sunset Shimmer groaned as the others began tying their hair. It was time to put on their masks and tie their hair for identity concealment.

"Pom!" But one of the Aipom snatched the masks of the others whilst jumping like a lunatic.


"Now I've got a reason for you to help instead of playing catch. Go!" A guard had thrown out a Pokemon that was fit for guard duty. Herdier. The rest of the guards just had Aipom on their side.


"Herdier! Use that um..whatever that charging you do is!" The guard ordered as he was referring to Take Down.

"Herdier!" Herdier ran in, going for Lunatone first. The Loyal Dog Pokemon had bashed into Lunatone, knocking the Meteorite Pokemon aside while also taking recoil damage.


"Golduck get rid of that thing! Use Waterfall!"

"Golduck!" Golduck's eyes glowed light blue as a column of water emerged from thin air. Golduck then swam up the column in a fast, spiralling motion. This also tampered with the electronics here.

"Get some payback, Lunatone! Rock Slide!"

"Luna!" As for Lunatne, a Light-blue aura illuminated from its body as orange sparks of electricity shoot off from underneath its body. A white circle then appears above the Meteorite Pokemon's body as it grew in size. The circle formed into multiple white ovals of aura that then turn into grey stones with a light-blue outline. The stones were then fired.

"Aipom!" Despite that buildup, the Aipom, due to their superior numbers, had counteracted. With all of the incoming stones and the giant Waterfall, they had combined their powers to fight back.

They had used a barrage of Swift, sending multiple Swift stars that had pelted the rocks, shattering them. As for the Waterfall, a few of the Aipom had just evaded it by getting to a higher ground. The same couldn't be said for Herdier, who had been hit.

Sunset was putting everything she had gathered within her bag, ready to leave since the plan was a bust. However, Pyroar was still an option. The trainer of the Dustox was also running off along with the trainer of the Exeggutor.

"Aipom!" But the Aipom stood in their way, along with other guards. This was a bust. Easily. So much stealth when the opposite of stealth Aipom were around.

However, Sunset figured that now would be a good time for Pyroar to be unleashed. The destructive power of this Pokemon was ready to be used as the journey continues.

Chapter 633 End.

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