• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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I'll spy back at you

Canterlot. The Canterlot Gardens. Day.

Right now, there is a Reshiram in the gardens, laying there and slowly recovering over time. Although, he wasn't unbothered that's for sure. Since he was just lying there with little motion other than his eyes and mouths, everyone could get a good look at the Vast White Pokemon.

And look they did. Many residents of Canterlot were gazing at the Dragon of Truth from afar, not getting too close since Reshiram, despite how majestic he looked, was still a Dragon Pokemon and highly intimidating.

And speaking of majestic, just two days ago, Reshiram's face and mane had been decorated by Premium Polish and her friends due to him being unable to do anything. Motionless body and everything. Reshiram sighed after having himself receive a makeover. There were now bows on his mane as well as face paint. But considering his size, squinting is the only way for someone to see it.

Despite all of this, Reshiram remained calm and collected through it all. And right now, Ash and Pikachu had arrived after Luna informed them about the Reshiram in the gardens.

"See? An entire Legendary Pokemon residing and resting here for the time being." Luna showed Ash and Pikachu Reshiram.

"It really is Reshiram!?" Ash gasped.


"It was great that he had been saved from Team Plasma a few days back." Celestia walked forward. "Here, he can recover unbothered with his natural energy apparently. But, we're still not sure how long it will take."

"And there's more Reshiram and other Legendary and Mythical Pokemon with Team Plasma right?" Ash asked.

"Right. All must be undergoing horrible experiences like Reshiram or even being used as Ghetsis' own Pokemon. But, thanks to Pokemon Ranger Jackie and Sweetie Drops, we have these." Celestia held out a Travel Sphere. "These Travel Spheres will help us travel through other universes with little effort. Team Plasma had just recently made this apparently."

"So when are we gonna use them?" Ash leaned in on the sphere.


"My father, being the excellent planner that he is, actually devised a plan. A risky plan that obviously Luna and I aren't allowed to be involved in due to his protective nature. But one that involves Pyrestar." Celestia replied.

"Pyrestar has already decided to be a part of the plan. Much like how she made preparations for Empress Twilight's upcoming invasion. Out of everypony, she seems to be the one most determined in all of this so far." Luna explained. "We're a bit worried considering how dangerous it is to enter that world..."

"We've already given her a Travel Sphere of her own." Celestia turned to face the window. "Right now, Pyrestar is waiting for the right moment to use it. Her main goal is to try and see if she can potentially hinder the Empress' forces before the invasion begins. I'm...not sure how she'll do it."

"We currently know how they work. Seemingly, all the Rift energy inside of it correlates with the mind. So the only way to use it is by thinking of the location you want to travel to." Luna pointed at the sphere.

"How'd you find that out?" Ash asked.

"One of the Team Plasma grunts Jackie and Sweetie Drops took care of told us. Those Gothitelle's are very intimidating..." Celestia shuddered, knowing that a Gothitelle can do horrifying things to victims unexpectedly.

"I could help out if you want." Ash offered.

"Ah, that might be far too dangerous, Ash." Luna shook her head. "You are wonderful at what you do and a veritable survivor to boot, but these are billions of forces we're talking about. Then again...that hasn't stopped you before has it?"

"Yeah, it would be super dangerous. But I feel like I gotta do something." Ash scratched his hair. "Even if it's just one thing."

"Well...Perhaps, if we put our wits together with these Travel Spheres, we could potentially do a traditional snatch and grab as they call it in Manehattan." Celestia raised the sphere. "If it acts like the gateways, then perhaps, we can also see through them and slightly put ourselves between both worlds.

"What are you suggesting, sister? Luna asked.

"Do you remember when we were at the second Pokemon Festival? We witnessed two children playing around the gateways to both worlds when passing by. One had their hand through the gateway whilst staying in Equestria, and when we passed through the gateway, we saw that the other one stayed in Sinnoh while touching hands with his friend."

"Right. They were trying to see what it would feel like if they high-fived each other on different sides of two universes." Luna nodded.

"Precisely. And we saw that they were actually able to do it. Even from different sides, they were still able to connect and make contact with each other in the end. Do you know what that means?"

"Oh! Ash clapped his hands. "I got it now!"


"I'm suggesting we do the same, but with an emphasis on snatching or mangling with whatever we can see through the gateway." Celestia placed the sphere down. "But, it won't be simple. That universe will obviously be heavily guarded. More planning would be needed."

"I've got an idea. Two of 'em." Ash picked up the Travel Sphere. "One of them's gonna be short. Celestia. Luna. Can I try something quickly that could help a bunch?"

"Hm?" The two sisters said together.

"It could work for a while and might not do much but it's worth a shot. We could spy on them ourselves."

"Spy on them? Are you suggesting we send somepony in to go undercover? If so then Jackie and Sweetie Drops can-" Celestia spoke.

"No, even better." Ash grinned. "Colress, Team Plasma and Empress Twilight were spying on us with all those spycams that were put around Equestria, right? Let's return the favour with our own!"


"Our own spycams? Can we afford that? Or possibly build one? Have we developed that far?" Celestia looked up.

"Unova and Kalos have a bunch of cameras that are super good for being stealthy but they cost a bunch. But no need to worry. I can help you get some." Ash pointed his thumb at himself.

"Are you perhaps rich, Ash?" Luna gasped.

"Well uhh...I did save a lot of money throughout my adventures ya know..." Ash laughed. "But I don't think I have that much really. But I'll still try."

"There might not be any need for that..." Celestia turned around, pondering for a moment. "I've already gained connections to the Ranger Union. Perhaps, I could ask for at least one. But your idea sounds just as good."

"Right! We can try both and have a bunch of them in there! I'll be right back!" Ash and Pikachu ran off.


"Ash sure knows how to adapt and seize an opportunity doesn't he?" Luna watched Ash and Pikachu head off.

"Mhm. Is that another reason why you're attracted to him?" Celestia teased.

"Hmph!" Luna scoffed!"

"If you need to stop them I can help." Reshiram suddenly spoke.

"Reshiram?" Celestia turned to the Dragon of Truth.

"I'm willing to help you against Team Plasma and their alliance with that Empress. After what they've done to me and what they're currently doing to other Pokemon as we speak."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Luna nodded. "Reshiram is a powerful Pokemon after all. Reading that Dex Entry made it clear. Then again, most Pokemon have fairly intimidating Dex entries."

"Besides...There needs to be balance restored to each world."

"Balance?" Celestia and Luna both said.

"I should not be here. My responsibility resides in the world I originally came from. I represent and hold the values of Truth in my world. Much like other Reshiram out there. If not, then only Zekrom will remain and Ideals. However, that may not be the case since they've already started aiming for Zekrom as well. Including the Empress."

"The Empress is searching for Zekrom?!" The two alicorns gasped.

"More like she already has Zekrom. This cannot continue. Once this is all over, we must return to our original world to keep the balance. It's more vital than you think."

"She's holding a Legendary Pokemon of her own?" Luna turned to Celestia. "I think didn't think she would be interested in Pokemon at all."

"This could cause issues..." Celestia bit her hoof. "If she's already as powerful as she is, then a Legendary Pokemon just makes it worse. What can you do as of now, Reshiram?"

"This." Reshiram opened his mouth as he let out a small but powerful blast of blue fire from his mouth, representing his signature move Blue Flare. This minuscule flame was powerful enough to obliterate a large part of the grass in just a second with tiny effort. Canterlot Gardens was now missing 50% of its grass.

"Oh." The two alicorn sisters had their eyes widen. They were actually terrified and fearful of what a fully recovered and 100% Reshiram is capable of. But the Pokedex entry of Reshiram already made it clear.

"I'm also capable of doing a bit of Extrasensory, that's as far as it goes. I'm not yet up to my full strength at this point."

"I'm a bit thankful he isn't..." Luna shuddered.

"But this is great, Luna. Reshiram can truly be a great help. That little in-between plan of us might be more beneficial than we thought. When you visited her universe, you said the indoors of the ship resembled Canterlot Castle, didn't it?"

"Right. It was almost as if our home was built on the ship. But with noticeable changes. Everything was recognizable apart from a few things."

"Then, in that case, I know exactly what to do..." Celestia smirked as she held up the Travel Sphere, devising a scheme. Since the ship Luna visited looked like Canterlot Castle, Celestia, who has been around the castle more than anyone, knows the ins and outs.

And that was one major advantage for sure.

Upstairs in Canterlot.

Queen Pyrestar was already looking at the Travel Sphere, biding her time and waiting for the right opportunity to make her move. Plans were already brewing within her mind. Plans that could risk her life but at this point, she didn't care. Her own universe was a mess as well and she wanted to make sure other worlds don't suffer horrible fates like her own. Especially this one.

"Queen Pyrestar?" Just then, Premium Polish poked her head around the corner, spotting the merged alicorn. "Are you okay?"

"Hm? I'm fine." Pyrestar looked at the little unicorn before turning her attention back at the Travel Sphere. "Just lingering on the Empress's world, that's all."

"World? Oh! Are you going to get my mother back?!" Premium walked up to her.

"Your mother? Sorry, but I wasn't planning that."

"Oh..." The little unicorn pouted.

"But...maybe I might find her there. She is still wanted so there won't exactly be a heartfelt reunion if I end up catching her. Sorry for that."

"It's okay. I understand." Premium nodded. "I just want to see my mom again and y'know talk to her more. Even if she's working for a bad side."

"That would be nice." Pyrestar placed the sphere down. "I myself wish I could see my loved ones again in my own world. This version of Equestria, I can see them, but they're not the ones I grew to know over the years. Now, most of them are just long gone, sealed within Grogar's spell."

"You never saw them again?"

"No. But, that might change. After the sudden appearance of fertile soil in my world, I have high hopes that eventually, I'll see them again when the spell breaks. Even if it takes many more millenniums and centuries."

"Pretty sweet that you got through all of that for so long." Premium gawked.

"It's just as impressive for you to get through this yourself." Pyrestar patted the little unicorn on the head. "From hearing about your own mother's true actions and everything. That takes a strong spirit, I must say."

"Hehe!" The unicorn let out a confident grin.

"When this is all over, I would love to see your Pokemon Contests for myself. How does that sound?"


Approximately 1 hour later.

"Aha!" Ash had returned with the necessary items, holding a box of cameras. "Check this out. They were selling some of these over at Pokestar Studios! Turns out of some of them aren't just props."


"Oh, Ash! Splendid!" Celestia gawked. "This way, we can return the favour and spy on them as well!"

"Setting everything up is the main priority though, isn't it?" Luna said.

"Yep. Don't worry. They've got a pretty easy instruction manual!" Ash held out a short piece of paper. "Pretty short too."

"Hm...Seems simple enough" Celestia nodded. "Alright. Let us begin as soon as we can." With the cameras gathered thanks to the efforts of Ash, they could get to work.

They set up the camera in little time due to how simple they were. The cameras came in two styles. One was shaped like an eye and the other was just a regular camera.

In times like this, even someone as laid-back and simple as Ash can't help but do whatever he can to help. But then again, he's always been like this. Helping out whenever he can at all times.

After setting the cameras up, they had two of them. One was noticeably large and the other which was small and around the same size as a Tynamo. Both cameras would do a splendid job of acting as surveillance from two completely different worlds.

"Alright. Where do you want to put them?" Ash asked.

"Here at Canterlot Castle, if we receive too many gifts that the castle simply cannot hold, we send some of them to one place to fill up space. The castle's cellar." Celestia explained.

"Walking through the ship, I spotted many doors leading to the rooms of the soldiers. But, one of the few doors that remained was the cellar. Right near the kitchen." Luna followed up. "Seems like in every other Equestria, the cellar remains."

"Well, you have to put so many items somewhere, don't you? It's either a cellar or an attic and basement. If we place a camera in the cellar, we'll be able to stay secretive." Celestia nodded. "I'm sure of it."

"Cellar, huh? Okay." Ash then picked up the sphere. "We'll make a hole through that door if it counts."

"Leave that to me." Luna tapped her horn.

"Okay. You press this button right?" Ash looked at the sphere before holding it out. It was like a Poke Ball, so it was easy to press the giant sphere button in the middle. When his finger touched it and he thought of the place he wanted to connect the gateway to, that's when the device started reacting.

Ash's hand was shaking with the sphere as he stood there. Streams of Rift energy came flying out of the sphere's centre as a wind pressure was being kicked up. Ash stood firmly on the ground with everyone closing their eyes.

Afterwards, the streams of Rift energy shot forward, summoning a gateway by making a booming noise as always. Although, it seemed that compared to the actual gateways, this one was tamer. But still fairly loud in its own way.

And once the gateway showed up, the view of Canterlot's cellar could be seen. And even in another world, the cellar still had many items and gifts that were too abundant to keep around the rest of the castle. However, due to the many soldiers that now reside in these ship castle,s they have been using them to store items of their own choice. Mainly weapons either built from their world or gathered from other worlds.

"There it is!" Luna exclaimed.

"Right where we want it. Quickly! Throw it in and close it. They might've heard the sound of the gateway opening. We'll re-open it later." Celestia ordered.

"Right!" Ash nodded as he grabbed the cameras, placing them inside of the gateway by putting his hand and head through. He placed the smaller camera onto the aluminium wall like some sort of spider while the larger camera was placed at the very back of the cellar. The smaller camera had magnetism to it so it easily stuck on.

Ash then moved his head back as he could already hear hoofsteps from through the door. Everything had already been placed at this point so there was no use in staying in between both worlds right now.

Once he pulled back, Celestia took the sphere, placing her hoof on the blue button. Once she did that, the sphere reacted again with Rift energy as it was pulling the gateway back like some sort of vortex. The gateway to the Empress' world had been subtracted, returning all of the Rift energy inside of the sphere and erasing it.

That was the end of that.

"Hah! Easy!" Ash grinned after succeeding with the plan.


"It wasn't exactly complicated and difficult..." Luna uttered.

"Now that that's done, we just simply use these to spectate over them, correct?" Celestia grabbed a screen out of the box with some wires.

"Yeah. We can put them back at my home in Kanto." Ash pointed at his thumb. "Leave the watching to us."


"And we'll show up to Kanto more frequently if anything of importance comes up." Celestia nodded. "Smart thinking, Ash. A job well done."

"Hehe. Thanks."

"But I wonder...what was your second plan?"

"Ah, the second plan was kinda scrapped after I thought about it." Ash adjusted his hat. "I was gonna have Pikachu overload the ship's systems with Thunderbolt, but I changed my mind."


"Well anyway. Thank you, Ash. Pikachu. We can take everything from here. And at this rate, we'll be more ready for the invasion by this point. Right, Luna?" Celestia asked.

"Oh most certainly. We've already made it so that anypony that wish to be safe can hide underneath the Canterlot Mines. Chrysalis truly found the perfect place to hide." Luna replied.

"Okay! Oh uh, what about Reshiram?" Ash pointed at the Vast White Pokemon.

"We'll handle things from here," Celestia responded.

"Got it! Good luck!" Ash and Pikachu were done here as they ran off with the box holding the screen. They've done what they needed to do. Now there was one final step. Connect the screen so that the full effect of the cameras and spying can work.

And all the while, Empress Twilight and Ghetsis won't know a thing. All the constant Pokemon battling across Equestria which ended up destroying the many spycams located here was by far the greatest benefit. Albeit, one that was done by accident and unaware to everyone until Emerald Aura brought it up.

Now, there was more to work with.

Canterlot. Celestia's room. Night.

Afterwards, nightfall had arrived. Celestia was fast asleep alongside Passion, Arcanine and Philomena in their own respective beds. And a cage.

Most of Canterlot and most of Equestria were asleep, minus the guards, Luna, Pyrestar, Absol, the nocturnal Pokemon, Rift ponies, a very worried Audino and Fluttershy with their sleepwalking friend Chikorita and so on. But other than that, it was mostly silent.

Celestia herself, like everypony else, was having a dream that was just about to start. Usually, dreams are instantaneous, but they do take time to build up via some otherworldly imagination that can only come from the dream. However, this dream was a bit different. It was becoming a nightmare, but not the usual kind. It could be considered reality.

As she twitched in her sleep, Celestia was immediately greeted with the sight of a black and endless void that she was currently standing on.

"Oh!" The dreaming Celestia gasped, looking at her endless surroundings. "A nightmare must be arriving soon...Hope Luna comes here next if she's already started."

"She might not in this spot..." Just then, someone had replied to Celestia's words. A very familiar voice. One that Celestia dreaded and hoped that she'd never hear again and made her jump and shudder in fear. When she turned around, she saw the one individual who terrified her more than anyone.



"Surprised? "Ghetsis smirked as he was suddenly floating towards Celestia. "I was surprised myself as well. This Dark Magic isn't too bad. Being able to invade other's minds."

"Dark Magic...? You have Dark Magic now?!" Celestia stepped back.

"Indeed." Ghetsis suddenly appeared beside Celestia. "Pretty nifty, isn't it?"

"Why are you here?!" Celestia's horn lit up.

"I was just experimenting." Ghetsis shrugged. "I'm just a novice at magic, but a quick learner. I'll be out of your head soon...but I won't guarantee any privacy the next time." He cackled.

"Like I'd let you infiltrate my mind!" Celestia fired a golden blast at magic at Ghetsis. But, to her surprise, Ghetsis caught it with his only hand and crushed it into tiny golden dust.

"We'll see...After all, when I'm done conquering everything I can, you won't have to worry about any of this. Everyone will be under my control and powerless until the very end. And I'll make sure I'm the only one with all the power there is."

"In your dreams. Like you'll be able to achieve something of that scale. My world and other worlds out there will give it their all to stop you."

"Hmph." Ghetsis got up in Celestia's face. "Maybe for this world but not the others. You should feel lucky, Princess. If your world wasn't so connected with mine, I would've burned your entire planet down if given the chance."


"Oh well, my visit's coming to an end. But this won't be the last time we meet, Celestia" Ghetsis laughed as the Dark Magic spell was running out. His entire body was being blown away by a sinister dark aura as the last thing heard was his devious laughing.

After that, Celestia woke up, gasping.


A bit perplexed by that, the Ruler of Equestria held her head. She wasn't expecting Ghetsis to appear. And if he did appear, it would've been a nightmare instead of mind invasion. Now that she knew that Ghetsis had Dark Magic, there was more to worry about.

Celestia decided that tomorrow morning, she would head to the Canterlot LIbrary to learn more about Dark Magic since she's already had her own experience with it thanks to Sombra. At least, her world's Sombra.

But for now, she just wanted to rest without any interruptions. Not from her dreams of mind invasions. But, that isn't the only invasion she has to worry about in just 3 weeks as the journey continues.

Chapter 422 End.

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