• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Blood-Soaked Crescent

Out in the mountains. Near the west of Canterlot. Equestria. Day.

"I'm looking forward to this. Come out, Salamence." Spike said as he and Axew were currently at the mountains. To become a great Dragon Trainer, he had come here to train without the company of most of his friends.

"Salamence!" Out came Salamence to be a part of this training.

"This'll be great." Spike held his arm out, revealing his Mega Ring. "We're gonna be using Mega Evolution for the first time. I don't really know what to expect but I'm psyched. Are you two psyched?"


"Salamence!" They certainly were psyched for this. Salamence especially. He couldn't wait to get an extra power boost and see what his Mega Evolution was like. He was already heavily excited when he became a Salamence out of nowhere back when he was just a little Bagon. So Mega Evolving could give him that same feeling.

"But before that..." Spike placed his trainer bag on the ground, opening it and revealing some food for him and his Pokemon. "Let's eat!"

A quick snack was to be made before they would get to training. Spike would have his gemstones while Salamence and Axew snack on some Pokemon food made by Ash's mom Delia.

The Dragon Trio started eating away, devouring their food at insane speeds. The name The Dragon Trio was also something that Pinkie Pie came up with for them. And Spike and his Pokemon just ran with it because it sounded cool to them and made them sound strong and important.

Coincidentally, there already exists two Dragon Trios out there in the World of Pokemon. Sinnoh and Unova respectively. So this would make Spike, Salamence and Axew Equestria's Dragon Trio.

A baby dragon, a transforming dragon and a full-on dragon. A perfect trifecta.

"Mmm! So good!" Spike chugged a bunch of gems down his throat.

"Xew-Xew!" Axew dug his face into the basket of food.

"Mence!" Salamence ended up not only biting into his food but the basket as well, eating some of the materials from the basket too.

Very soon, all three of them had their faces all messed up. Axew and Salamence had juice and bits from the Pokemon food all over their face while Spike had gemstone bits all over him.

A good snack helps fuel the body for an upcoming battle. At least, that's Ash's philosophy. And to an extent Pinkie Pie too. And they're right about that. Good food does build up some energy from within as Spike and his dragons were already feeling themselves getting even more pumped than ever.

After having their meal, all three of them let out sighs of satisfaction as Spike and Axew patted their bellies while Salamence fell on his back. They sat there for a few minutes.

"Ah...Much better."



"Okay!" Spike stood up. "Now that that's done with, we can get started. Let's start with a warm-up you two. Axew. Transform into Haxorus. Your Unovan one first, I wanna start small."

"Axew"." Axew nodded as he backed up, allowing everyone to have a safe space from his transformation.

The Tusk Pokemon closed his eyes as a golden light started coming out of him, enveloping him and granting Axew an aura. That golden aura then started to expand in size as well as Axew.

"Ax! Ax! Ax..orus!" With a mighty roar, Haxorus had emerged as the golden aura faded away.

"Nice! Alright, Salamence. Get ready. We're gonna battle in your base form and then later, we Mega Evolve, okay?"


Both Dragon-Types had taken their position. Haxorus was on the left, Salamence was on the right while Spike stood in the middle of his Pokemon.

"You two ready?" Spike asked.



"Okay good. I don't think I can give out double commands at the same time like Ash so...battle like you would in the wild instead." Knowing of that, both his Pokemon nodded in understanding. "Okay good. Now, start!"

"Haxorus!" Haxorus went first by using Dragon Claw. By summoning green draconic energy around his claws, the Axe Jaw Pokemon ran towards his fellow Dragon-Type.

"Salamence!" Salamence went second by using Dragon Tail, flying straight towards Haxorus. Both Dragon moves collided with Salamence swinging his tail and Haxorus swiping his claw.

The impact between Dragon Claw and Dragon Tail shook the ground, creating a small fissure in the middle. The two of them entered a back and forth clash, not even moving from the spot they were standing on. It showed that they were on equal levels of strength. At least for now.

"Xorus!" Haxorus then got the better of Salamence by grabbing his tail with Dragon Claw instead of just clashing and swiping with it.


"Hax!" With his tail in his grasp, the Axe Jaw Pokemon then swung Salamence around, kicking up some dust in the process while Salamence was screaming.


"Haxorus!" Haxorus then let go of Salamence, causing the Dragon Pokemon to be launched into a nearby mountain. The mountain that Salamence crashed into had been destroyed because of the sheer force of Haxorus's throwing strength.

But very quickly, Salamence recovered by spreading his wings as he flew out of the smoke coming from the destroyed mountain.

"Sala!" It was time for Salamence to use his newest move that he had learned a few days ago. Zen Headbutt. The Dragon Pokemon lowered his head as purple energy began to form in front of his forehead.

Salamence then raised his head with the purple energy growing larger and forming into a ball of shining light blue energy. The Dragon-Flying-Type then lowered his head, ready to fly headfirst into Haxorus.

"Xo!" Haxorus also used his other move. Giga Impact. By stomping on the ground and shattering it a bit, the Axe Jaw Pokemon started building up high octane amounts of energy from within. Haxorus's body was surrounded by an invisible energy.

A bright flash of yellow light appears in front of its face and it faces the opponent. He then shot himself at Salamence as an orb of light purple energy with spiralling light yellow streaks around it appear around Haxorus's body.



Both Pokemon smashed their heads against each other with great force, creating an earthquake in the process that made Spike lose his balance. The mountains were starting to slowly crumble because of the destructive power of these two Dragons battling.

The clash was so great that both Pokemon even sent themselves flying because of their equal strength. They even took some damage in the process.

"Alright, stop!" Spike exclaimed, halting them both. "Whew. You two really hit hard in just a few minutes. But now it's time we took it to the next level, don't you agree?"



"Good. Okay, Haxorus. Turn into your Equestrian Form."

"Haxo." Haxorus nodded as he closed his eyes, allowing the golden light to appear once more. In just a few seconds, he had entered his Equestrian form.

"Awesome. Alright, Salamence. It's time."


"This is what I've been waiting for." Spike held his arm out, looking at his Mega Ring. "It's time for Mega Evolution. Get ready."


With both of them prepared, Spike tapped the Keystone on the Mega Ring. Activating it. "All of this is just one large step to becoming a Dragon Master. Now, Salamence! Mega Evolve!"

Golden lights came flowing out of the ring, shooting into the air as Salamence had blue lights bursting out of him. The dual lights clashed against each other, forming a DNA symbol.

"Mence!" Salamence roared as his body started glowing red. He closed his eyes as he could feel his body changing. His wings were transforming into an odd shape while his arms, legs, and even head were being pulled back.

After an explosion of energy, Mega Salamence had arrived, letting out a vicious roar.


In his Mega Form, his wings meld together into a single huge, crescent-shaped wing. They were hard but flexible and perfect for mid-air battles. His face, neck, body and tail were narrower, and its tail is noticeably shorter in length.

The remnants of Salamence's shelled underbelly have been drastically transformed into a segmented, more aerodynamic, vest-like armoured frame.

"Awesome! Does the Pokedex say something?!" Spike gawked along with Haxorus as he took out his Pokedex.

"Salamence. The Dragon Pokemon. Mega Evolution fuels its brutality, and it may even turn on the Trainer who raised it. It’s been dubbed The Blood-Soaked Crescent. The stress of its two proud wings becoming misshapen and stuck together because of strong energy makes it go on a rampage. It puts its forelegs inside its shell to streamline itself for flight. Salamence flies at high speeds over all kinds of topographical features. Anyone standing in its path gets sliced right in two, while this Pokémon continues its flight without interruption."

After reading that, Spike and Haxorus paused for a moment. The baby dragon raised his head, looking over at his Mega Evolved partner.

"S-Salamence?" Spike stuttered. Hearing the information about Mega Salamence made him nervous. He wanted to believe that what was just said was false and perhaps hyperbole for something less extravagant.

"Sala...!" Salamence closed one eye as he clenched his teeth. The Dragon Pokemon started growling as his body was shaking uncontrollably. He then re-opened his one eye as he then started roaring because of this unbearable pain. "SALAMENCE!"

The force of his roar was great enough to cause wind pressure equal to that of a hurricane as Spike held onto Haxorus's legs.

Salamence couldn't stand this pain. Having his body being transformed in such a way and the wings that he very much enjoyed having now become a massive burden on his body irritated the Dragon Pokemon. Unable to calm down, Salamence ended up living up to the information of the Pokedex.

He was going on a rampage.

"MENCE!" Fueled with rage, Salamence was now about to go on a rampage, just like how he did when he first evolved back at the Dragon Lands.

"Salamence! Wait!" Spike tried to stop Salamence, but it was too late. The Dragon Pokemon's speed had increased to a high degree to the point where he could take off in just one second.

"SALAMENCE!" Salamence dashed off, leaving behind a shockwave that blew Spike back while creating a crater too. Haxorus luckily caught his partner after the blowback. He was strong enough to withstand.


"Oh, thanks, Haxorus!" Spike thanked Haxorus before looking into the sky, witnessing Salamence fly off at ludicrous speeds.

His rampaging speed was so great that he even sliced the mountains in half with his wings. After all, the Pokedex described just how dangerous Salamence's wings become. And that red colouring along with the Blood-Soaked-Crescent nickname made it all the more unpleasant.

He was now an unstoppable force.

In just 5 seconds, the entire mountainside had been cut in half because of Salamence. And from the direction he was heading in, he could very well cause mass destruction across other places in Equestria.

"Salamence... I can't believe this... "Spike then looked down at his Pokedex. This isn't what he was expecting to happen. He just wanted to train with his Pokemon and reach the next level with Mega Evolution.

Now, Salamence was out of control. And at this rate, someone could get more than just seriously hurt with those sharp wings and Salamence's high speed.

"Haxorus! We're going after him!" Spike hopped on Haxorus' back. "We need to stop Salamence before all of Equestria gets cut in half!"

"Haxo!" Haxorus understood as he wanted to rescue his friend as well. They couldn't fly really fast like Salamence, but they could tell which direction he could be heading in. North. At least for now. The Axe Jaw Pokemon then started running as fast as he could.

It was now a mission to stop Salamence and snap him out of it.

Trottingham. Afternoon.

Trottingham had already suffered a Dragon attack before in the form of Eternatus and the Darkest Day. The entire place had been rebuilt over time thanks to the assistance of Pokemon.

The ponies of Trottingham were frankly not looking forward to another Pokemon attack ever again. If they were expecting one, they'd mostly think a Legendary Pokemon would be the cause, much like last time.

Little do they know, it wasn't a Legendary at all.

While minding their business, some of the ponies could already hear something approaching. Their ears were picking up on the change of wind patterns as if something was changing the friction in the air.

"You hear that?" A unicorn said.

"I hear something, alright. Sounds like it's getting closer." A pegasus replied while looking outside his window. Very soon, everypony in Trottingham was starting to hear that same approaching sound.

Then, in the distance, they could spot a blue and red object coming this way. One that was airborne. But it wasn't an object at all.

It was Salamence.

"SALA!" With an intimidating roar, Salamence had arrived at Trottingham to continue his rampage.

And just like that, the ponies of Trottingham experienced yet another Dragon attack as Mega Salamence ended up cutting an entire tower in half, causing it to fall over and hit the ground.

Thankfully, the tower didn't hit anypony and neither was anypony inside. At least, in the upper part of the tower which was the one that came off.

Despite that, the time to panic was now. Another dragon was attacking Trottingham and the residents there were rightfully very terrified, especially when the tower fell. Everypony started screaming immediately as the residents on the lower parts of the tower noticed this and ran out right away.

There was now major panic in the streets as Salamence's rampage had been planted in Trottingham. And despite his seemingly endless rampage, Salamence could most certainly move in different directions instead of just one.

By turning around, Salamence started cutting the buildings in half, prompting everypony to run out since it wasn't safe inside. But it wasn't safe outside either.

Or anywhere really.

"MENCE!" Salamence wanted the pain to end. He figured that the only way to do it was by wasting all of the energy he had during Mega Evolution. And there was only one attack that uses up a ton of energy.

Hyper Beam.

Salamence suddenly opened his mouth as he was about to use the move Hyper Beam on Trottingham. His mouth was glowing as an orange ball of energy formed.

However, Salamence couldn't properly aim Hyper Beam because of his heavy lack of focus. He was hoping to just fire it into the sky so that no one below him would get hurt.

Sadly, that wasn't the case. He then unleashed a mighty white blast from his mouth, bringing it upon poor Trottingham.

Hyper Beam hit the ground, already causing an explosion to go off. This explosion already had a high level of mass and was expanding by the second.

Nearby ponies looked back to see the explosion approaching towards them as their homes had been engulfed by Salamence's Hyper Beam. With how fast it was approaching, their eyes could only see the explosion as they feared they would end up being hit by it.

"Gogoat! Protect!" But thankfully, a Pokemon Trainer pegasus wouldn't let that happen by commanding their partner to shield everypony in front of them.

"Go!" The Mount Pokemon stepped forward, acting fast as it created a wide barrier that would protect it and everyone behind from the explosion of Hyper Beam. Or Hyper Beam in general.

And that's what it did. Once the explosion got close the large barrier of Protect had made contact with it. And as to be expected, it had shielded and protected everyone flawlessly as they could all hear the explosion.

Gogoat stood its ground, making sure that the Hyper Beam would not harm anyone for a second. Afterwards, the explosion had stopped after being successfully blocked by Protect.

However, the damage had already been done. The streets were now on fire and in ruins because of Salamence's Hyper Beam. There was even a ridiculously sized crater in the middle along with devastated buildings in the process.

"Just when we got done rebuilding everything..." A pony sighed.

"S-Sala...!" Naturally, using Hyper Beam takes a lot out of the user, forcing them to take a break and recharge. However, with Salamence's immense energy in his Mega Evolved state, it didn't take long for him to be back at full strength.

But even then, he was still suffering. He couldn't take the pain he was experiencing right now. Salamence's rampage wasn't over. It had only just begun as he flew off once more, creating a shockwave so great that he shattered every nearby window, causing the glass to fall out of the buildings.

The Dragon Pokemon then descended, flying on a lower level. This is where the danger ends up being ramped up. If Salamence flies at this level, someone is going to get cut in half because of his wings.

And the ponies knew that after seeing Salamence cut the tower clean in half by just having his wings fly through them. So, they were wise enough to know that they needed to get away from Salamence as far as possible.

Everypony scattered, running off and doing whatever they could to avoid Salamence. They weren't sure why this was happening to them. Frankly, Eternatus was enough.

But Salamence was too fast for them to escape from and many ponies didn't have enough time or a place to hide as they looked back, spotting the Dragon Pokemon heading their way.

A group of ponies knew they couldn't outrun Salamence seeing how he was closing in on them. So at this point, they had just accepted their fate as they huddled together, hugging each other along with their little Pokemon for safety. They were ready for the worst to come.

"Sala?!" Salamence's eyes widened as he saw how there were ponies in front of him, hugging their Pokemon out of fear. Fear of Salamence of course.

Salamence then knew that if he were to cut these ponies in half, he would never forget it and Spike would probably hate him forever. Not wanting to bring that horrible fate to them, Salamence was able to gain some control of his body for a split second.

In that split second, the Dragon Pokemon managed to fly above the ponies and Pokemon, making sure his wings do not connect at all. That one second was what Salamence needed as he avoided the group, preventing any harm from them as he was now on a higher level once more.

However, that didn't mean the rampage was over. He only gained control for a second after all. He was still lost in it afterwards.

There was only one place where everypony could feel safe. The outskirts of Trottingham. The same spot where they all stayed when Ash and everyone battled against Eternatus during the Darkest Day.

The buildings here were already ruined and there was little for Salamence to keep on destroying. In fact, the Dragon Pokemon, while flying through the air, looked down at all the destruction it had caused. Salamence was actually conscious about all of this. However, his pain was too great and he couldn't help himself.

Just like the Togekiss at Twilight's lab, they both share one major thing in common. Rift energy had forced them into their final evolutions. Both Togekiss and Salamence may have the bodies of adults, but mentally, they are still children.

Salamence ended up flying so fast he left Trottingham. But now, he was most certainly taking his rampage elsewhere.

Meanwhile with Spike.

He was still on Haxorus's back while Haxorus runs across the land. Unfortunately for Haxorus, he wasn't as fast as Salamence. Even without Mega Evolution, Salamence was still faster than him.

Not only that, but they've lost the trail on Salamence because of how fast he was moving. They thought they knew where he would be at. But not anymore. They were in-between the North and West at this point.

"We've lost him!" Spike gasped. "Oh, I hope no one's getting hurt. Is there a way to turn this thing off?!" Spike tapped on the Keystone repeatedly, hoping that it would somehow turn the Mega Evolution off. But nothing was happening with the stone. "Guess not...Salamence..."

Spike was feeling horrible right now. He felt like it was somehow his fault for Mega Evolving Salamence. If he had known the massive drawback that comes with it, he probably wouldn't have used Mega Evolution. Or even took part in the trial.

Now he was worried that Salamence might have a horrible reputation by the end of this. Obviously, Mega Evolution can't last forever and Salamence will tire out, hopefully. However, things may not be the same anymore.

Spike was thinking back to his times with Salamence. From how he first found him during the Gauntlet of Fire for the title of Dragon Lord. He found Salamence in a cave, full of anger because of the pain he was currently feeling.

It was then, Spike helped Salamence, freeing him of that pain and befriending the Dragon Pokemon. And ever since, Salamence has been highly loyal to Spike from day one.

They had become an amazing duo of trainer and Pokemon. In perfect sync and understood each other as they had a lot they could relate to. Although, Salamence beat Spike to the whole gaining wings part since they both wished for their wings.

And despite Salamence's intimidating size and appearance, he never once did anything to stir up problems for everyone else. He was a friendly dragon at heart. And it always showed whenever he would lick and nudge Spike. Whether they finished a battle together or just hanging around and accomplishing something else.

But now, that friendly nature seemed to have been overtaken by high irritation and uncomfortable pain that Salamence did not ask for. And that is why Spike blamed himself.

"Xorus!" Haxorus tried to pick up the pace, attempting to break past his limitations. But it wasn't working. However, since they were close to Canterlot, Haxorus and Spike ended up spotting Canterlot in the distance. "Haxo!"

"Oh! Canterlot! Stop there Haxorus! Maybe Princess Celestia could help!"

"Haxorus!" Nodding in understanding, a change of plans had been made. Spike would end up requesting assistance from Princess Celestia who has the one Pokemon that could stop Salamence.


Canterlot. Afternoon.

"I see. I've heard of Mega Evolution being a titanic burden on most Pokemon but...I never expected it to be on this level." Celestia spoke as Spike had given her all the information by also showing her Salamence's Mega dex entry.

"Please, Princess Celestia! You have to help! I don't know where Salamence is right now but he could be causing so much pain to everyone else! He might even cut-"

"I understand, Spike." Celestia walked off her throne. "Passion, Arcanine and I aren't going to sit around and let that happened. Besides, Salamence is just in immense pain, isn't he?"

"Mhm." Spike nodded.

"Then, there are two ways to send him back into his base form. We can't wait for Mega Evolution to run out. That is far too risky. Instead, we'll have to subdue him."

"Subdue him. I don't know if I want that..." He lowered his head.

"However..." Celestia turned to face the Pokemon School. "I believe I may know one of the teachers who can be of great assistance."

"The Pokemon School? Oh! Right! I heard that it has Dragon Gym Leaders there. They could totally help since they're both experts! What were their names? Clair and...Drayden?"

"Let's hurry and speak with them. Before Salamence splits all of Equestria in half." Celestia walked up to Spike and Haxorus with her Gardevoir, ready to teleport them all into the school. "Keep watch of the castle, Arcanine."


Right now, there should be teachers present in the Pokemon School. Lessons were being had right now and Celestia would prefer it if nopony would be involved in this. It was far too dangerous.

Only someone really well-versed in Pokemon can be of assistance. Especially a Dragon-Type Gym Leader. The two Gym Leaders who were a part of this school were Blackthorn City's Gym Leader Clair and Opelucid City's Gym Leader Drayden.

Both the final Gym Leaders of their own regions to the point where they're close to the level of Elite 4 and both have a high understanding of Dragon-Type Pokemon. Mostly on a mystical level.

However, only one of them was present here in the Pokemon School.

And that was Drayden. A certified Dragon Master.

Drayden's class was at the upper level considering how high he ranks as a Gym Leader compared to everyone else. His class has yet to have any students since they're all either being taught by first and second Gym Leaders or even fifth.

That is where Celestia teleported everyone in.

They had arrived at Drayden's class, which resembled his office back in Unova. He is the Mayor after all. And sitting on his lonesome was the Spartan Mayor himself, waiting patiently.

"I've been expecting you." Drayden suddenly spoke to Celestia and the others the moment they entered the room.

"Y-You were?" Spike stuttered.

"Certainly. I know why you're here. Your Salamence, correct?"

"R-Right." Spike nodded. "I Mega Evolved it and-"

"You don't need to tell me. I'm already aware of Salamence's burden with Mega Evolution." Drayden stopped him as she stood up.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't think it would do that to him. I just wanted to train and-"

"It's fine. This is an incident that happens very commonly with most Mega Evolved Pokemon."

"It does?"

"Most certainly." Celestia suddenly spoke. "Passion almost underwent a similar violent experience when we first Mega Evolved."

"Gardevoir." Passion nodded.

"Mega Evolution is both an amazing yet horrifying power. One that isn't to be taken lightly. No matter what. Luckily, it won't last forever. Salamence will eventually tire himself out but..."

"But so many could be hurt by now!" Spike held his head. "And I'm too far away to recall Salamence! Plus my ring won't-"

"Spike! Calm down." Celestia calmed Spike down.

"Where was the last place you saw Salamence heading?" Drayden asked.

"He looked like he was heading North. But we ended up heading west instead so we lost the trail on him."

"North, hm? We should be able to catch up to Salamence if we take a shortcut." Celestia said. "If Salamence hasn't been moving erratically that is."

"I hope so..."

"Young Spike." Drayden walked up to Spike. "I can assure you, your Salamence would never go the distance to harm innocents."

"I know but..."

"Let's go. If we hurry, we might be able to get into a good enough distance for you to recall him. I'll come with you to heal Salamence. I myself am unable to speak with him. Only you can Spike. He's the one you share a strong bond with. Princess."

"Right." Celestia nodded as she was ready to teleport them all to the north. More specifically, the far north. They were hoping to get there before Salamence. If they can arrive there first, he might be within their sights.

With everyone surrounding Celestia, the Sun Princess performed the teleport as they had all left Drayden's classroom and the Pokemon School. Nopony else in Canterlot would end up not knowing about this until this is over.

After all, something like this cannot be ignored, especially when news ends up travelling.

Somewhere in Equestria. Up north.

Salamence was still flying, destroying the land as he went.

The Dragon Pokemon oversaw all of his destruction. Not only that, but he was tiring himself out by this point. Even Mega Evolved Pokemon can't go on forever despite their limitless potential and hardened battle spirits.

Salamence was now flying over a plains area. There wasn't really much for him to destroy since plains are naturally flat environments. However, by the second, he was starting to lose his senses.

The Dragon Pokemon, despite ending up like most other Salamence who Mega Evolve, had a smidge of his senses within. Deep down, Salamence was trying everything in his power to stop causing destruction.

No matter how hard he tried, his rampaging instincts would not leave. Very soon, Salamence would succumb to destruction as the pain of his wings were just getting worse. If Salamence succumbs to it, he could rampage forever until everything is destroyed.

He was able to at least direct himself to avoid harming anyone else, But not by much and the same couldn't be said for his attacks. Right now, Salamence was coming across another civilization nearby.

The Dragon Pokemon clenched his teeth as he approached the small civilization. By arriving there, his wings already cut off the largest building there sending it toppling down.

As to be expected, the residents and the Pokemon living there ran off the moment a building came off as Salamence was starting to slowly slip away from all sense of morality.

So much so, that he was about to unleash another move from his mouth. This time it was Flamethrower. The Dragon Pokemon opened his mouth as he unleashed a scorching red-orange stream of blazing fire, spreading it across the town.

Very soon, everything was being caught on fire because of Salamence. Many ponies were still inside of their homes with fire surrounding them, putting them all in mortal peril.

Salamence breathed in and out as he then used Dragon Tail, slamming his tail on the ground and causing an earthquake that went across the entire civilization.

Buildings were starting to crumble with some of the ponies still inside while the fire kept on burning. They were screaming for their lives, holding their friends tight.

Thankfully, the ponies living here had their Pokemon to protect them. They were capable of fighting fires with their moves. Even if they didn't have any Water-Type moves at their disposal. And they were certainly more than capable of stopping toppling buildings as well and even rescuing their trainers.

However, one thing most Pokemon wouldn't dare to do was confront Salamence.

Salamence's mouth was smoking as he continued flying. Noticeably, his speed was slowing down despite him losing his senses. He wasn't flying at insane speeds anymore, but he was still incredibly fast as he left the village.

Salamence's rampaged continued.

No matter where we went, he just kept spreading destruction while feeling all the pain of Mega Evolution. Another town had been destroyed by his Flamethrower. And another by his Hyper Beam.

Salamence couldn't stop. Even with his breath running out and speed decreasing he couldn't snap back to his senses. Very soon, everything behind him was a wreck.

So many innocent towns and homes had been ruined because of Salamence. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fight back his urge to rampage.

Even in the air, he caused trouble. Some nearby pegasus who were just doing their job of working on the skies were within Salamence's sight.

"Hm?" The pegasi all turned around, spotting the approaching Salamence. "Oh!" As they all gasped after witnessing Salamence heading this way, they spread out, leaving the clouds they were all working on as their jobs had been halted.

And speaking of the clouds, Salamence even cut those in half with his wings. Thankfully, none of the pegasi were hit since they all avoided Salamence. And the Dragon Pokemon was glad to see that.

But, that doesn't mean it was over.

Frustrated beyond belief over his weakness of not being able to control himself and overwhelming pain, all Salamence could do was roar and cry.


But this roar was greater than ever.

It was so great that when Salamence cried, it created a sonic wave of sound that expanded in milliseconds. Salamence's roar echoed throughout the land, flying in all directions. North, South, East and West.

Everywhere that Salamence had rampaged, the sound wave went there as well. The towns and cities he had rampaged through could hear Salamence's cry as they all paused, looking up at the sky. Everyone could tell that it was a cry for help.

But, even the roar could cause destruction. The land was trembling as more buildings were being toppled by Salamence's gigantic roar. Not even him making sounds was safe for the land.

Salamence could see that everything around him was breaking apart because of his roar. Every little thing just made the situation worse.

Salamence closed his eyes, grizzling his teeth as his body was glowing red. He couldn't take it anymore. His frustration had finally reached critical mass.

In fact, his frustration became so great that he regained the strength to continue rampaging with extra energy. Which didn't make things any better.


With his energy regained, Salamence's speed accelerated as he left sonic booms along the way. The friction around him was being manipulated as an aura of fire was starting to surround Salamence's body because of how fast he was moving.

More of the landscape was being destroyed by either his wings, Flamethrower or Hyper Beam as the environment was diminishing in health.

At this rate, Salamence will destroy Equestria before Empress Twilight has the chance to invade.

However, this is where someone would step in to stop Salamence. And that someone was Spike's group as they had all been teleported here thanks to Celestia.

"There he is!" Celestia noticed.

"Salamence!" Spike ran forward as he and the others were all within Salamence's line of fire. "Stop!

"Spike! Don't get too close! His wings!" Celestia exclaimed as Drayden suddenly stopped Celestia by stepping forward. "Drayden?"

"Don't." Drayden shook his head. He knew that this was something that needed to be sorted out by trainer and Pokemon.

"But, Spike will-"

"Just watch."

"SALA!" Salamence roared as he was closing in on Spike and Axew.

"Salamence, please!" Spike waved his arms around. "I know you don't want to do this! So please stop!"

"MENCE!" Salamence's flaming aura was growing as he was setting fire to the grass.

"I'm sorry for Mega Evolving you! I didn't know it would cause you so much pain! I'll never do it again honest!"


"So please stop!" Spike closed his eyes as he started to cry.

And once Salamence got close, for a split-second, yet again, his senses showed themselves as he glared into the eyes of his trainer. With that split-second, it was even greater than last time. And with his sight being clear, he could see that he was about to harm his trainer.

But he wouldn't let that happen. In a flash, Salamence gained visions of all the wonderful moments and time he had spent with Spike. All starting from the day he found him in the caves.

By the skin of his teeth, Salamence had stopped in front of Spike in a heartbeat as he was 1 second away from cutting the baby dragon in half.

The last shockwave had been made as for the first time, Mega Salamence was not moving. His endless rampage had been halted as he refused to harm his trainer.

By looking Spike in the eyes, that last amount of speed that Salamence used when he regained his energy actually made him waste his energy once more.

Because of this, Salamence fell on his back, exhausted. And because he only had his back legs out at the moment and not his front legs, the Dragon Pokemon couldn't properly get back up. All he could do was lie on his back.


"Salamence!" Spike and Axew ran over. "Are you alright?!"


"M-Mence..." Salamence looked over at Spike with disappointment in his eyes. Salamence felt ashamed of what he had done. He caused all of this destruction. Spreading fear, ruining the land and homes. All of this wasn't what he wanted.

And he knew that if he were to Mega Evolve again the same thing could happen. Salamence was about to cry because of this.

"It's okay, buddy." Spike hugged Salamence, making sure to avoid his sharp wings. "I'm really sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have Mega Evolved you without knowing what it would do."

"Salamence..." Salamence licked Spike's face as he gave his own apology.

"But maybe, we can master Mega Evolution together and-"

"I don't think so." Drayden suddenly interrupted Spike.


"It's not that simple, boy. Mastering the power of Mega Evolution won't change a thing. What you need is something else."

"Something else? Like what?"



"Your hearts need to become one. Right now they're separate." Drayden crossed his arms.

"But how? Salamence and I have a great bond."

"A bond that has yet to be developed. The two of you may share similar personalities and understand each other deeply, that much is true."

"But how is it going to stop Salamence's pain in his wings?"

"You've scanned his Pokedex entry, correct? Then you should know that the sharp pain in Salamence's wings isn't what drives him to rampage. It's his brutality. Mega Evolution is what is fueling it. Salamence may experience stress but that is something he can overcome with ease. But his instincts are another story."


"Deep down, Salamence is acting on his own. That is why most Salamence barely listen to their trainers when Mega Evolving. Yours however has the strength to regain his senses, even for a short while. And he would never do anything to harm you. Your bond is strong. But it can be improved."

"Sala..." Salamence groaned as he was about to pass out from all this excess energy.

"Here." Drayden went up to Salamence as he put his hands over the Dragon Pokemon. A golden light hovered over Salamence's body as Drayden was slowly healing him, preventing Mega Salamence from fainting.

"Mence?" Salamence could feel himself healing as he was slowly being deformed out of Mega Evolution.

"That should patch you up. But, young Spike. Do you know what you must do now?"


"While you may have one heart, you have two viewpoints. I ask of you both to bring each of your one heart and two viewpoints together. That way, you can conquer Salamence's brutal instincts, essentially wiping it out of him. And only then will you become a great Dragon Trainer. And even a Dragon Master such as myself."



"Hm." Drayden nodded. "Now then. Rest up. I want you to battle me someday soon."

"Battle you?!"

"Of course. I pride myself on teaching newer generation Dragon Trainers after all. If you want to truly overcome it, then I will be waiting for a battle at the Pokemon School."

"Oh! I'd look forward to that! W-When can I battle you?"

"Whenever you feel like you're ready." Drayden turned around. "I wish you good luck."

"Spike. I'll let everypony in Equestria know that Salamence wasn't in his right mind." Celestia walked up to Spike. "Hopefully, this doesn't start anything."

"I hope not. I'm afraid to Mega Evolve again now."

"I understand how you feel." Celestia looked at Passion. "Let's head back now, shall we?"

"Right." Spike helped Salamence up. "Let's go, buddy. I promise we'll get rid of that brutality in you, okay?"


A horrifying experience that almost ruined all of Equestria, but had thankfully come to an end. However, there's a strong chance that Salamence might rampage later on in the future if another Mega Evolution is utilized.

But, that is something Spike and Salamence are determined to work and master. No matter what, they will try to overcome any obstacle together with all the effort they can muster as the journey continues.

Chapter 386 End.

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