• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Bond Phenomenon

Cloudsdale, Night.

Rainbow Dash couldn't sleep. There was something that was on her mind recently. She was reminded of the hidden latent power within her Braviary. The Bond Phenomenon. Brought up by Ash a few months back and even showcased by his Greninja, the mysterious power has been discovered to be in Braviary as well. She found the Bond Phenomenon to be something special, wanting to learn more about it.

"Bond Phenomenon, huh? Wonder what it would be like if I had it?" She looked to the skies. "What would we even be called? Braviary-Dash? Braviary-Rainbow? No, wait! Rainbow-Braviary!" She stood up from her bed. "Yeah. That sounds good. I can't wait to unlock it myself." She went back to sleep, anticipating tomorrow to arrive so that Ash can help her. She had a good feeling about this.

Morning arrived in Equestria with snow falling as usual. Rainbow Dash flew up from her bed, already ready to fly out and meet up with Ash. Today was the day she unlocked this mysterious form that lays within Braviary.

Ash was already here thankfully, giving Rainbow Dash the opportunity to get this started early.

"Ash!" Rainbow Dash flew towards him.

"Hm? What's up, Rainbow?" Ash asked.


"Glad you're here early! Today's the day I want you to teach it to me!"

"Teach you what?"

"The Bond Phenomenon!" She yelled. "I've been wanting to finally know what it's all about! You said that me and Braviary had the same thing, right? So I want you to bring it out of me and Braviary!"

"A-ALright. I get you. You wanna learn it. No problem. I can help with that."


"YES! When can we get started?"

"Can I eat first? I'm starving." Ash held his stomach.

"Oh, right. Sorry. I'm getting a bit riled up there."

Rainbow Dash gave Ash some time to fill himself up. He decided to get a quick bite at SugarCube Corner before he teaches Rainbow Dash all about the Bond Phenomenon.

"Come on..Come on..." Rainbow Dash was waiting for Ash to finish eating, eager to get started.

"What's got you so worked up, Rainbow Dash." Twilight asked.

"Rainbow Dash here's waiting for me to show her the Bond Phenomenon. She's getting psyched for it." Ash explained as he was stuffing his face with pastry.


"Oooh...Like Ash-Greninja?" Rarity questioned.

"Exactly! Braviary and I are gonna end up being the exact same. I decided to call it Rainbow-Braviary when it happens."

"Rainbow-Braviary? That's a pretty funny name." Pinkie snorted.

"It's a cool name! And it'll be even cooler when you all see it." Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves.

"Alright!" Ash had finally finished up his food, feeling full. "I'm done with that. We can get started."

"Finally! This is gonna be so awesome..." Rainbow Dash squeed. "You're gonna have Greninja help, right?"

"Oh. Greninja and I haven't seen each other in months recently. He's busy helping Z2 deal with the remaining Giant Rock's. So he won't be here in Ponyville this time."

"Aw..." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"But, I can still help you bring it out with my other Pokemon. And I know the Pokemon that's just for the job."

Outside at Twilight's lab, the lesson in Bond Phenomenon was finally about to happen. Ash had brought along a Pokemon that shared the exact same determination as his Greninja with him. Infernape. Rainbow had already sent out Braviary from the start.

"Alright. What you really need to know about the Bond Phenomenon is that you gotta have a ton of trust with your Pokemon. That's what really matters." Ash explained.

"I've got trust. Braviary and I trust each other like to the max." Rainbow Dash patted her Pokemon on the back.

"But you've really gotta show it. The form won't show itself unless you really show your trust. Remember when you and Rufflet managed to finally beat Sunset Shimmer? Braviary's hidden form flashed for a small bit before the battle ended. And that also helped it to evolve into Braviary."

"So...to unlock it...I have to share my drive to win with Braviary? But I already do."

"It's a bit more complicated than that. I'll just have to show you. Come on Infernape."


"If you and Braviary can show me just how much you really trust each other, then you've got a good grasp on it."

"Watch us. We'll access that form in no time!"

"Alright, you two. Go a little bit easy on each other. We're near my lab and castle okay? And I don't really want them being blown away." Twilight asked. "Good? Good. Now...GO!" Twilight gave the command to start the small battle.

"Rainbow-Braviary! Here I come! Brave Bird!"

"Braviary!" The Valiant Pokemon was surrounded in Brave energy, zooming towards Infernape at Mach speeds.

"Infernape! Mach Punch!" The Flame Pokemon retaliated by thrusting its fists forward at lightning speeds, connecting with Braviary. To Rainbow Dash's surprise, Braviary was launched back by Mach Punch with ease.


"Don't worry, Braviary! Use Brave Bird one more time!" Braviary decided to go for Brave Bird once more.


"Infer!" The Fire-Fighting-Type jumped over Brave Bird, avoiding the incoming Braviary by a mile. It then gave a response by breathing flames down on Braviary. So far, it wasn't looking too good.

Braviary tumbled on the ground, feeling the impact of Flamethrower as the flames were burning around him.

"Braviary! You okay?!"

"Braviary!" The Valiant Pokemon flew up into the skies, blowing away the flames around his body.

"Great. Don't worry, buddy. Let's keep trying. We'll get it. Aerial Ace!"

The Valiant Pokemon dashed down, moving at blinding speeds towards Infernape.

"Alright! Infernape! Mach Punch!" Ash could sense that Rainbow Dash was heating things up. So he might as well do the same. Infernape jumped up, as his fist met with Braviary's face once more. But this time, he didn't knock the Valiant Pokemon back. Instead, the two had a small clash with both their attacks.

Braviary attempted to strike the Flame Pokemon with his wings, but unfortunately, due to Infernape being an ape, he was insanely nimble. The Fire-Fightning-Type had backflipped onto the top of Twilight's castle, jumping down towards Braviary. The Valiant Pokemon raised its eyes up, seeing its opponent head towards him with an attack from above.

"Fernape!" Infernape thrust his fist downwards but unfortunately missed as Braviary soared to the side. Infernape smashed the ground, leaving a huge dent in it as Braviary zoomed in for Aerial Ace. The Flame Pokemon could sense the wind shifting due to Braviary's movements, giving him the opportunity to capitalize on that. Infernape turned around, running to the side as he once again avoided a hit from Braviary.

Bravi?" Braviary made a turnaround, heading for Aerial Ace one more time. This time, Infernape was actually hit by the attack finally. The Flame Pokemon was knocked back, but recovered, returning to Ash's side.


"Not bad. You actually managed to get a hit on Infernape." Ash nodded.

"You'd better believe it. I can already feel that Bond-Phenomenon kicking in. Braviary! Superpower!" Braviary poured all of its strength into its claws and wings, aiming to deal some destructive damage to Infernape as it flew forward.

"Here it comes. Infernape! Flare Blitz!" Infernape had cloaked himself in flames, charging directly at the Valiant Pokemon. Yet again, both them clashed. But this time, Infernape's Flare Blitz proved to be just stronger than Braviary's Superpower. The result was Infernape dashing past Braviary in a flash, leaving behind a huge explosion of fire that engulfed the opposing Pokemon.

Ash and Rainbow Dash watched as the explosion caused a mighty shockwave that sent Pinkie, Spike and Rarity flying into the air. The smoke cleared as Braviary was seen fatigued. His wings were attempting to keep him from falling on the ground. Flare Blitz really did a number on him.


"Oh! Braviary!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Alright, Infernape. I think that's enough." Ash called the battle to an end.

"Infernape." The Flame Pokemon nodded in understanding.

Rainbow Dash had flown towards Braviary, holding her partner. "Sorry, buddy. I thought for sure we were going to activate it here."

"It's not as easy as it seems, Dash." Ash went up to her. "When I first activated Ash-Greninja, I had no idea what it was. I didn't even have any control of awakening it. It's a pretty complicated transformation for something so simple. But I can tell you really do have a lot of trust in Braviary."

"Yeah. I just don't know what we're doing wrong." Rainbow Dash sighed. "Maybe we're not trying hard enough?"

"No way. You're trying your very best. Braviary know's that as well. You just have to push yourself even further. If you can go above and beyond, you can bring it out. Remember. You're not doing this alone. You've got Braviary on your side. Just remember that you're fighting alongside a precious friend ready to give you strength."

"Braviary." Braviary looked back at Rainbow Dash, nodding at her.

"Yeah. I do. Let's try again, Ash."

"You got it. Get ready Infernape."


A second go was attempted. This time, Rainbow Dash was planning to take it easy. Before, she was only thinking about getting the form as quickly as she could. Because she believed that with the newly attained form, she'll be unstoppable. But now, she decided to only think about fighting alongside her partner and doing their best.

"Let's go! Braviary! Brave Bird!"

"Flamethrower Infernape!" The battle continued. Braviary moved in with haste and agility on its side whilst Infernape unloaded flames towards the opposing Pokemon. Braviary used the brave energy around it to charge right through the Flamethrower. But, he was struggling as Flamethrower was pushing him back.

"Come on...breakthrough, Braviary!"

"Braviary!" Braviary poured all of its strength into Brave Bird, giving it his all. The Valiant Pokemon let out a mighty roar as it was slowly starting to reach Infernape.

"You're getting there. Mach Punch!" Ash thrust his fist forward, mimicking the movements of Mach Punch. Infernape had put an end of Flamethrower, smashing his lightning-fast fist on Braviary's face. Braviary was knocked back as usual, but this time he recovered quicker than last time.

"Aerial Ace!" Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof down as Braviary decided to move at blinding speeds as well.

"Dodge it!" Infernape front flipped forward, evading the approaching Normal-Flying-Type.

"Now, Brave Bird!" Braviary made a change of pace by switching up to the next Flying move. Brave Energy gave him the boost he needed in speed as he soared towards his opponent.

"Mach Punch one more time!"

"INFERNAPE!" Infernape and Braviary had their usual up close and personal clash which caused a shockwave from the collision. Infernape knocked Braviary back down to the ground, causing him to tumble. The Flame Pokemon returned to ground level with its fists emanating steam.

"Come on Braviary! I know you can keep going on!" Rainbow Dash cheered her buddy on.

Braviary used its wings to try and get up as he was putting in all of his energy to keep pressing on.

"Even if we can't win, let's try okay?!"

"Brav...iary!" Braviary flew up, spreading his wings out further. He was all tattered up, but that wasn't going to stop him from letting his trainer down. Braviary wanted to make Rainbow Dash happy and live up to her expectations. But it also understood that Rainbow Dash had limitations as a trainer and so did he. They were both stubborn and belligerent. But that's what makes them so alike. Braviary flew towards Infernape, appearing to be slower this time due to the damage he's taken. "BRAVIARY!"

Just then in that instance, Braviary's wings started to flash the colours of a rainbow. It was that single push that allowed them to reawaken the form for a few seconds. An orb of rainbows had engulfed Braviary whole in a split-second. The Valiant Pokemon had increased in speed due to the sudden burst of energy. Braviary's wings seemed to have the same pattern as Rainbow Dash's front mane. The feathers on its head as well.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. All of the colours of the rainbow were on its face and wings along with its tail. And with a burst of pure power, Braviary had blown away all the snow in the area by spreading its wings while crashing into Infernape, knocking the Flame Pokemon back.

Finally, Rainbow-Braviary had been revealed.

"There it is! It's real!" Pinkie exclaimed as she was shaking Applejack up and down.

"Yeah! I see it!" Applejack replied as her hat flew off.

"Rainbow feathers... amazing." Twilight gawked. Look at that! Its eyes are different!" Twilight noticed that Braviary's eyes the same colour as Rainbow Das's instead of its usual grey.

"Finally," Ash smirked. "There it is."

"Awesome..." Rainbow Dash was stunned. The form she dreamed of was here. In all of its glory. It matched her rainbow patterns to a T. "Braviary! We did it!"

"Braviary!" Braviary let out a mighty caw.

"Alright! Let's continue! Superpower!" Rainbow Dash raised her hoof in the air. Due to how finally obtaining Rainbow-Braviary, she noticed that she could see what Braviary was seeing all of a sudden.

"Braviary!" Braviary had mimicked the hoof motion of Rainbow Dash by raising his wing into the air. They could both feel their heartbeats beating at the exact same time. They had become one. Everything Rainbow Dash sees and does, Braviary experiences the same and follows suit. The Rainbow-Feathered Pokemon smashed its wings on the ground, causing a powerful burst of energy to rise towards Infernape. These bursts were even Rainbow-coloured, signifying the difference in strength compared to a normal Superpower.

"Block it!" Ash knew there was no way they're were going to simply dodge an attack that immense. Infernape put its arms up as it blocked the rainbow pillars. They were potent enough to even deal some heavy damage to Ash's Infernape, forcing the Flame Pokemon to be pushed back.


"GO! Use Brave Bird!" Rainbow Dash thrust her hoof forward. The next move was different as well. Normally, when Brave Bird is used, the brave energy is a sort of golden fiery aura. But this time it was fiery rainbow aura this time. Everything about this Pokemon was rainbow-themed. As Braviary zoomed forward, he left a rainbow trail behind him. The trail of rainbows even tore up the ground beneath due to how fast Braviary was moving this time around.

Before Ash could react, Braviary had struck Infernape's stomach, launching the Flame Pokemon upwards. The launch left a powerful force that obliterated any snow from a mile away.

"Fernape!" Infernape recovered by landing safely on the ground, impressed by Braviary.

"Well done, Rainbow Dash. You managed to get that extra push to bring it out, finally." Ash congratulated her. "Let's keep this up! Mach Punch!"

"Infernape!" The Fire-Fightning-Type decided to improve himself. He moved at much quicker speeds, striking Rainbow-Braviary in his beak. And it was that moment, Rainbow Dash realised the downside to the Bond Phenomenon.

When the Pokemon takes damage, so does the trainer.

"Ow!" Rainbow Dash held her nose, feeling Mach Punch. "Superpower!"

"Jump and use Flamethrower!" Infernape evaded the incoming attack with haste by jumping into the air. Infernape decided to go all out as well. That's when he decided to show his special trait off. Ash's Infernape had the ability Blaze, but it was even greater than a normal blaze. Some may even call it a Hyper Blaze. Instead of all of his Fire-Type moves being boosted, everything about Infernape is boosted. The Flamethrower he unleashed down at Braviary looked more like a beam that a wave of flames. Its heat was comparable to that of blue fire even. The fire on Infernape's head even intensified due to it.

Once Braviary took this destructive fire, Rainbow Dash felt it as well as she winced in pain. But it wasn't over yet. She raised her hoof up along with Braviary raising his wing up. The Superpower managed to push back the powered-up Flamethrower. Both attacks ended up cancelling each other in the process.

"Yes! Now! Let's-" Rainbow Dash's sentence was cut short all of a sudden. Due to her utilizing this newfound power, she couldn't exactly handle it. As a result, her eyes had widened in shock. Her body was trembling as she felt like she couldn't move any more. Braviary felt this too. He couldn't handle it despite his impressive power. "W-What's happening..." She tried to move her hooves but her muscles just gave out all of a sudden.


"I can't move...What's going on?"

Ash knew what this was since he's experienced it before. He ran over to Rainbow Dash's side, grabbing her before she could fall on the ground.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie gasped as the rest of her friends ran to her side. "What happened?! Is she okay?!"

"She's passed out," Ash explained as he picked up the fainted Rainbow Dash. Infernape helped Braviary up from the ground.

"Passed out? Why?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's one of the side-effects of Bond Phenomenon. All of a sudden, your body just gives out during the rush. I've had it happen to me before."

"But, Rainbow Dash will be alright?" Rarity spoke.

"She will. She just needs to recover after that. But she and Braviary did an awesome job of awakening Rainbow Dash." Ash smiled at the passed out pony, proud of her.

Rainbow Dash had finally woken up. She had been placed in Twilight's bed for a resting spot. Once she woke up, she could feel her heart restarting as she gasped.

"WHA?! Whuh-...huh? What happened?" The after-effects of Bond Phenonemnon really take their toll on you.

"Wakey-wakey!" Pinkie bounced over to Rainbow. "So glad you're okay!" She gave her friend a huge hug. But Rainbow Dash was still lost and confused on what just happened.

"You had us all worried there, Rainbow." Twilight let out a sigh of relief.

"Passing out on the spot got us feeling funny." Applejack nodded.

"Passed out? Did I end up doing it, though?!"

"Yeah, you did," Ash spoke from afar. "You and Braviary finally managed to unlock the Bond Phenomenon. Even if it was for a small bit. But your body was feeling too much of the transformation's rush. So you both tired yourselves in the end."

"So that's what happened. It was insane." Rainbow Dash looked at her hooves. "I've never felt anything like that before. It felt like Braviary and I were on the same wavelength. Like our heartbeats were one. I even saw what Braviary was doing and I felt the damage given to me."

"Mhm. That's the Bond Phenomenon for you. You're still new to it, so you might pass out from time to time. But just like me, you'll learn how to master it."


"Right...yeah." Rainbow Dash nodded, finally having some to breathe.

"Braviary!" Braviary had woken up as well, flying over to Rainbow Dash. Out of nowhere, he gave her a huge hug, glad that she was more okay than him.

"Ow! Okay, Braviary! I'm alright!" Rainbow Dash was being crushed by Braviary's embracing feathers. "We were awesome back there. And I bet at our next gym battle, we'll really bring out Rainbow-Braviary, right?"


Finally, Rainbow Dash and Braviary had their first experience with the dormant power that laid within. Granted, it caused them both to pass out, but that's to be expected when using something that potent for the first time. As time goes on, the two will learn to master this power on their own as the journey continues!"

Chapter 178 End!

Author's Note:

Here it is for those that may have forgotten.

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