• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,485 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Trapped in PokePark


Currently. Everypony in Ponyville and Cloudsdale were trapped. The only exceptions being Applejack, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, who are completely unaware of this at the moment. Ash and Pikachu are out there somewhere with Goh. Obsidian once again has made everything difficult for the ponies by trapping them in here. Now all they have to do is find a way out.

"Alright! Nopony panic! We can find a way out of here!" Twilight exclaimed, making sure that nopony panics on the spot. "We just have to explore this PokePark and find the exit out of here. Wherever it is..."

"Who knows how big this place is? We could be walking around forever!" Lyra exclaimed.

"Can't fly out of her either. It's like the sky doesn't connect back to Ponyville." Cloudchaser and the other pegasi tried to fly high enough to spot Ponyville, but there was no sight of it at all. Making everything seem much more strange. "Guess we are gonna have to go around this whole park huh?"

"Obsidian's really blocked us out huh? Fluttershy can you talk to the Pokemon? Maybe they know of a way out of here." Twilight said.

"Alright." The shy pegasi flew over to the Dewott. "Excuse me. But do you know of a way out of here?" Fluttershy asked Dewott.

"Dew. Wott." Dewott nodded, pointing her scalchop south from here.

"Dewott says there are a few ways to travel around PokePark. South leads to a place called Seasong Beach. And north leads to the Arbor Area. Master Samurott and Queen Serperior can help guide you as well." Fluttershy translated.

"So, which one do we take then?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"One of these options is gonna have to get us out of here. Half of us will take Seasong Beach and the other half will take the Arbor Area. Let's make sure nopony gets lost, okay?" Twilight said. Everypony went in pairs. One for Seasong and the other for Arbor. Twilight went with some of her friends, that being Jade, Pinkie and Fluttershy. On the other side, it was Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Spike. They all went with their own groups with a ton of ponies following each side.

The entrance to the Arbor Area was being guarded by three Pokemon of the same evolution line. Sandile, Krokorok and Krookodile. In fact, the Krookodile guarding the gate actually recognized the ponies that were coming towards it. That is because this Krookodile has been at the Pokemon House before, but not for good terms.

"Oh. Hello. Do you mind if we-" Fluttershy was about to speak to the Pokemon until she felt like she's seen this specific Krookodile. She took a moment to examine it and noticed that he was sweating bullets. Why would he be sweating? Unless he's seen them before. That's when it hit Fluttershy. "You...You're the Krookodile that petrified the Pokemon before!" She pointed her hoof at him.

"Krook!" The Intimidation Pokemon was shot back by Fluttershy recognizing him.

"This is that same Krookodile?" Twilight said. Fluttershy didn't respond as she simply flew over to the Intimidation Pokemon, intimidating him.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, mister!" Fluttershy's tone shifted greatly. "What makes you think you can come by and petrify all the Pokemon like that?!"

"Woah, Fluttershy! Calm it down a b-" Pinkie Pie tried to calm Fluttershy down but was bucked away by her. "Ow..."

"Krook! Krookodile!" The Intimidation Pokemon was attempting to state his case and defend himself. Fluttershy stopped to hear Krookodile's defence, through and through. "Dile!"

"Hm. So you say you didn't mean to do it, huh?" Fluttershy responded.

"Krook! Kro!" He nodded.

"You were under a bad influence and you didn't have any control of yourself."

"Must've been the Rift's influence." Twilight said.

"Hm. Alright. You didn't have any control and you're sorry. So...I forgive you." Fluttershy showed her kindness once more. The Intimidation Pokemon took a huge sigh, glad that the misunderstanding had been cleared. Sandile and Krokorok had no idea what was going on. "Anyways. We came to ask you if you could please let us through to the Arbor Area?"

"Krook..." Krookodile was about to answer until he spotted Fluttershy's Audino. He was already in love with the Audino in the Cove Area, and now that there's a second one, that's double love. "Krookodile!" He immediately opened up the doors. Not just for the ponies since they forgave his apology, but for Audino as well.

"Thank you very much Krookodile." Fluttershy thanked him as the ponies all walked through the gate to the Arbor Area. Krookodile couldn't take his eyes off Audino. He was infatuated.

On the other side, the path to Seasong Beach was fairly easy to reach since it was the closest to the Cove Area. Rainbow Dash's group had already arrived at Seasong, and it definitely lived up to its name. They've never seen a more pure example of a beach before. In fact, it was so beautiful to the eyes that some of them were even thinking of dropping the quest to find a way out and just relax on the beach.

"This place feels so nice..." Spike took in the fresh air of the beach.

"Mhm. It's actually kinda distracting me a bit." Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Let's see what we can find." She dashed off to get searching for a way out of here. She remembered Dewott talking about Master Samurott. Perhaps he has the answers.

Here at the beach, there were some Maractus, skipping about. A group of Patrat were eyeing on a beach ball, seemingly not taking their eyes off it for even a second. And at the distance, Samurott could be seen. In all his glory. The Formidable Pokemon had noticed the ponies arriving at Seasong, unaware of why they were here. He kept his attention on them in the meantime.

Rainbow Dash first went over to Samurott, ready to ask it for any way out. "Woah...check out this Pokemon." Rainbow Dash took out her Pokedex.

"Samurott. The Formidable Pokemon. One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody. In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs. Part of the armor on its anterior legs becomes a giant sword. Its cry alone is enough to intimidate most enemies."

"This Pokemon is pretty awesome! So you're Master Samurott, huh?"

"Samu..." He replied.

"I just want to ask you something. Is there a way out of this place? Me and my friends are trying to get back home, but our exit's been shut off completely. So uh...any pointers?" Rainbow shrugged. Samurott knew that she wouldn't be able to understand his speech, so as communication he took out one of his seamitars, pointing at the direction south from here.


"South. Okay got it." Rainbow Dash was about fly off and tell the others, but she couldn't help getting one more good look at Samurott. "This thing's so cool..." She got giddy.

"Osha!" A familiar Pokemon's voice called out to both Samurott and Rainbow Dash. Oshawott was heading straight for the two. "Oshawott!"

"Samu. Samurott." The two were starting to have a conversation as Rainbow Dash just simply watched over them talk. Oshawott looked like he had urgent news. As if something horrible was currently happening. That's when Samurott's naturally serious eyes somehow intesified even more. Samurott had come to a conclusion suddenly. He decided to let Oshawott go along with the ponies to deal with this urgent issue. "Samurott!"

"Osha!" Oshawott nodded in response. Rainbow Dash had no idea what they were talking about and she felt like she needed to get a move on.

"Okay then. I'll be off now." Rainbow Dash flew over to the ponies, ready to tell them that she has some answers on how to get out of here. Oshawott was following them. Wherever this issue is located, the ponies were also headed in that direction.

On the outside, Treecko was running to find some help. He was the only Pokemon in the research lab out of the other starters that didn't get trapped in the PokePark. He immediately sought out help. The only remaining ponies in Ponyville and Cloudsdale were Applejack, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith.

The Wood Gecko Pokemon came across some hardships while seeking help. Since the pegasi were all absent from Cloudsdale, no one could tend the skies. So a harsh weather brewed up. Treecko had held onto a tree, sticking on it as he was trying to resist the intense wind that occurring currently. It climbed up the tree to see if there was anywhere else it could get help. That's when it spotted Sweet Apple Acres. It was fairly distant from Ponyville. And over there, Big Macintosh could be seen, getting inside to avoid the weather. Treecko had found someone finally. But it had to reach there while dealing with the intense weather, which wouldn't be easy.

So the next thing to do was call for some help. It looked up to spot a Tranquill flying by as it decided to call for it.


"Tranquill?" The Wild Pidgeon Pokemon flew towards him, responding to his call.

"Treecko!" He pointed his hands over towards Sweet Apple Acres, asking Tranquill to carry him over there. Tranquill gladly accepted his request. The Wild Pidgeon Pokemon got closer to Treecko, making the Wood Gecko Pokemon hop on its back.
It wasn't easy for Tranquill either. The harsh weather was powerful enough to push it back as well. But nonetheless, it pushed on through the aggressive gale. Tranquill used Razor Wind to push back against the weather, giving it more space to fly forward.

Sweet Apple Acres was near. And the nearer they got, the stronger the weather. The Applin over at the Orchard were all hiding inside the barrels of apples, but they were being rolled away in the barrels thanks to the wind. Applejack looked out the window, seeing all that harsh weather come by. "What's up with this weather? Why isn't anypony tending to the skies?"

"Bit too aggressive." Granny Smith had on protective gear that she believes will save her from the wind.

"Eeyup." Big Mac was standing right next to his Machamp, who believed could take all the intense weather.

"Oh no..." Applejack then realised something. "Apple Bloom's still out there! What have I been doing?!" AJ knew that she had to get out there and see if her little sister was alright. She would go through the harshest of weathers to protect her family, no matter what. "Big Mac. Can I borrow your Machamp for a while?"

"Eeyup. Off you go." Big Mac nodded, turning to his Machamp. But it wasn't just going to be those two. Tranquill had just reached the farm, crashing into the window. The impact grabbed their attention as they all saw Treecko and Tranquill on the outside.

"Tree! Treecko!" Treecko was tapping on the window, wanting in. Machamp opened up the windows, quickly grabbing the two Pokemon and saving them from the wind. Treecko and Tranquill took some time to breathe, finally escaping that intense weather. "Tree...Treecko!" Treecko went up to Applejack, trying to inform her."

"A Treecko? You that same Treecko from the lab?" Applejack asked.

"Tree!" He nodded in response. The Grass-Type then pointed his arms towards the direction of Ponyville, trying to communicate with Applejack on what was going on.

While AJ couldn't speak or understand Pokemon, she could at least tell Treecko's body language and what he was on about. Pointing to the direction of Ponyville meant that she had to get there instantly. "I gotta get a move on. It won't be just us four. Big Mac. Granny. I need ya'll to come along and help."

"I ain't going out there. Nope. Not one bit. But Big Mac will go along with ya." Granny shoved Big Macintosh forward.

"Works for me. Let's get going! Machamp!"

"Machamp!" The Superpower Pokemon picked up Applejack, Treecko, Tranquill and Big Macintosh, carrying them all.Machamp knew that he had to get there fast through this weather. But for a Pokemon like him, it was no big deal. Machamp dashed out of the house, running at intense speeds. The Superpower Pokemon was easily blazing through the weather as if it wasn't even a problem. Applejack and the others felt the intense rush of Machamp's insane running speeds. In about 13 seconds, Machamp had reached Ponyville. Faster than they even expected him to.

"In there!" Applejack pointed her hoof at the lab next to Twilight's castle. Machamp rushed took off from the ground with a mighty jump that left a crater behind. Machamp came in the fancy way, crashing through the roof of the lab. It may have been unnecessary, but Machamp's love to show off.

"Where are they?" Applejack didnt' see anypony in sight. In fact, she didn't see anypony at all in Ponyville.

"Treecko!" Treecko got off Machamp's grip, walking towards the shut door to the PokePark. "Tree!"

"Trapped inside? Alright. Break it down, Machamp." Big Mac commanded. Machamp put them all down as it walked towards the door.

"Macha!" The Superpower Pokemon thrusted its fists towards the hatch, but to its surprise, it didn't even budge? "Ma?" Machamp kept trying to break through, repeatedly striking the hatch. Even the overwhelming power of Machamp was not enough to combat cosmic energy. Obsidian had made sure that no one would just casually break through the hatch to PokePark.

"I don't believe it. Shut off." Applejack went up to the hatch, seeing it completely sealed off with cosmic energy.

"What now?" Big Mac asked. Treecko kept pushing on the hatch, trying to see if it could activate it like how they did last time. But no good.

"Everypony's trapped in there. Hope nothing bad's happening to em. As for what to do next, we call for help. Ash might be able to know what to do." Applejack decided to go for Ash as an option. Never failed them before whenever Ash gets involved.

As for the inside, Twilight and her group have reached the Arbor Area. In all its grassy glory. It had a pleasing forest-like appearance. And the Pokemon that ruled this area was Queen Serperior.

"Here we are. The Arbor Area. All we have to do is find this Queen Serperior. Then we might be able to find a way out of here."

"What's a Serperior?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know actually. I haven't seen a Serperior before." Fluttershy responded. "Might be tough finding her."

"It won't. All we have to do is look for the most important Pokemon here and listen to their cries. Let's get moving ever-" Twilight's sentence was interrupted as she spotted a familiar Pokemon. One that she feared. A Bisharp with Pawniard's on its side. She feared this Pokemon because she remembered the news of Ghetsis's Bisharp and what it did to some ponies back in Saddle-Arabia. Because of this, she was intimidated by it, cautious even. "B-B-B-Bisharp." She was quaking.

The other ponies were intimidated as well. They also knew about Bisharp. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly the most loved Pokemon in Equestria. It was just as feared as Ghetsis's Hydregion. Fluttershy wasn't bothered by this, despite seeing their fears. "Now, now everypony. There's no reason to be afraid."

"There isn't?" Mayor Mare said.

"No. I know you're all scared of Bisharp after what Ghetsis's did. But these aren't his. These are different Bisharp's. Free ones even."

"Speak for yourself! It's a Dark-Type! Those things are always brutal and aggressive!" Silver Spoon exclaimed.

"Ash owns some Dark-Types. And they're not bad. They helped save us all back at the Royal Wedding remember?"

"Oh yeah...that is true." Silver Spoon nodded along with everypony else.

"Dark-Types are intimidating to everypony, I know. And it's true that they have the most mischievous and aggressive moves out of all types. But they're good deep down. Even the most fierce. I'm sure of it." The words that Fluttershy uttered were enough to ease their fears. What she said was true. Dark-Types, despite their dark nature, are good Pokemon deep down. So they continued to advance. They were walking past Bisharp and its Pawniard group, hoping to not draw their attention.

Pawniard had indeed noticed the ponies walking by. They each outstretched and sharpened their arm blades together, eyeing the ponies. Apple Bloom gulped as other ponies were sweating, walking ever so slowly. The intense gaze that the Sharp Blade Pokemon gave them wasn't helping at all.

"Just keep calm." Fluttershy said, trying to ease their fears. Bisharp paid no attention to them at all. It didn't have any business with the ponies, so it wasn't its problem. But it did glance at the Pawniard, making sure that they don't try anything stupid. Thus, ceasing any attacks.

The ponies all let out a huge sigh of relief. "That was terrifying." Pinkie Pie sat down.

"We've made it this far. Let's not slow down. Which way do we go now, actually?" Twilight looked around.

"Why don't we ask that Snivy over there?" Cold Colt nudged his head over at a Snivy. The first evolution of Serperior. "It's the first evolution of the Serperior line after all."

"It is? Cold Colt! Good job!" Twilight congratulated him.

"Heh. My Pokemon knowledge is pretty great ain't it?" He scoffed. Fluttershy flew over to the Grass Snake, ready to ask it for any pointers to its final evolution.

"Excuse me, Snivy. If you don't mind, could you tell us where we could find Queen Serperior?"

"Sni. Snivy." It responded.

"What did it say?" Amethyst Heart asked.

"She said...What business do you have with my mother?" Fluttershy translated.

"Mother? Does that mean you're..." Pinkie leaned forward.

"Sni." She nodded.

"That's right. I'm Princess Snivy. Now answer me."

"Sheesh. Rude much?" Scootaloo said.

"Well, tell her that we need to find Queen Serperior because we're stuck here and we need a way out of this park." Twilight turned to Fluttershy.

"Alright. Princess Snivy. Can you please tell us where Queen Serperior may be? We really need to find a way out of this Park. Not that it's bad. It's actually very nice."

"Sni. Snivy." She crossed her grassy arms.

"Princess Snivy says that we should follow her. She'll lead us to her mother."

"Fine. Wonder what a Serperior even looks like..." Twilight wondered. The entire group got a move on, heading further in the Arbor Area. The location of Queen Serperior was located in a place known as Verdant Court. A secluded spot where Queen Serperior laid. Standing beside her as her guardians were two Pokemon. Lilligant and Leavanny. Once Snivy led them all to her, the ponies all took a gander at Serperior. And what Pokemon it was. "Sweet Celestia..." It's appearance was regal and elegant. Truly befitting of a Queen.

"Rarity's missing out...again." Pinkie Pie's jaw dropped.

"Let me get a good looks at this one!" Scootaloo took out her own Pokedex from her saddle bag, wanting to know of Serperior's information.

"Serperior. The Regal Pokemon. It can stop its opponents’ movements with just a glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts it internally. They raise their heads to intimidate opponents but only ever give it their all when fighting a powerful opponent who is also unfazed by its noble glare."

"That's a queen alright." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Snivy." Snivy went up to her mother, ready to tell her who these ponies were. Fluttershy was on standby, ready to translate everything they were about to say.

The conversation began, and Fluttershy's ears were all up. "Princess Snivy's saying to Queen Serperior...Mother. These horse-like beings have come here to ask a question. If you know a way out of PokePark. Apparently, they're stuck here and have no way of getting out."

"Serperior..." The Regal Pokemon replied in a soft voice.

"Queen Serperior says that...If they want to find a way out of here, they will have to head to Wish Park. There, they'll find Darkrai, who knows the direction of PokePark's exit. There are many exits actually, my little daughter."

"Wish Park? There's another park?" Lyra said.

"How do we get to this Wish Park...um...Queen Serperior." Twilight bowed her head.


"Queen Serperior says that you don't need to bow your head, pony. The way to Wish Park is located through the posters. They act as portals, gateways to Wish Park."

"Poster? You mean that purple thing on the windmill...um..Queen Serperior." Berry Punch said.


"Correct. But you cannot just simply pass through it. In order to reach Wish Park, you must wish for it. Poster Portals can only be opened by Pokemon who have a strong link to the area where the portal is. All the Pokemon that live in the Arbor Area fit that category. The Pokemon must also think of the wind, as it greatly connects to our area. That link can be formed into what is known as 'Friendship Power'. Once you've gathered enough, you can open up the portal to Wish Park."

"All of that just get to another park on the other side?" Scootaloo commented.

"So we can't use any of our own Pokemon to open it up. And we can't do it to because we're just ponies. So only the Pokemon from here, huh?" Twilight said. "That means we're going to have to make our Pokemon befriend the others."


"Not quite. My daughter here already has a strong link with all the Pokemon here thanks to the help from her other 3 friends, Pikachu, Oshawott and Tepig. She can help you open up the portal. So you do not have to worry about gathering many friends."

"Phew. That's a relief. Princess Snivy. Can you help us get to Wish Park?" Twilight walked up to her.


"You all seem like you're decent enough. Even if your colours are hard on the eyes. I shall help you get to Wish Park. I'll gather up all the Pokemon I know here."

"Great. I just hope the others are having much better luck than us." Twilight wondered. That's when the issue that Oshawott brought up, ended up reaching the Arbor Area next. Serperior's calm face suddenly intensified as she wrapped her tail around her daughter, protecting her. This ominous feeling could be felt by the ponies and everypony in the Arbor Area was well. Something was coming this way.

And that something...was Team Plasma. They had arrived to PokePark. And leading them were the Shadow Triad. They were here under Ghetsis's orders. Colress had discovered PokePark by spying on Equestria as usual. The trio of elite grunts landed down on PokePark, ready to get to work.

Now that Team Plasma was involved, things are gonna be much more difficult than they already were.

Chapter 123 End!

Author's Note:

Now Team Plasma's really making their move.

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