• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,603 Views, 7,938 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ponyville, day.

Today, the creation of the Pokemon Research Lab in Equestria was about to be finally complete, courtesy of BigTime Ben as always. And it was actually. Sitting right next to Twilight's castle. She was the most excited about this.

"It's here! Take a gander, Spike!" Twilight was grinning at the lab. The appearance of it was similar to your ordinary Pokemon research lab, but this one was designed specifically in an Equestrian style. Meaning it had more colour and flair to it. Having the colour scheme of blue and purple. A wonderful colour combination.

"You can get started at any point in time that you want, Princess Twilight." Ben walked up. "I've let Professor Juniper and Rowan give you all the Pokemon information that you'll need in there. The other professors will send you some more over the passing weeks. It's still a bit unorganised with some stuff not being placed properly. Hope that's not a bother for you."

"That's perfect! Thank you so much, BigTime Ben! Now I can look at all the research while still being super close to the castle! Can this day get any better?!"

"I'll leave you to it. Let's go Gothitelle." Ben made his leave.


Twilight immediately entered the lab. Once she did, she could already feel the vast knowledge flowing through her as she took it all in. "Can you feel it, Spike? The endless knowledge of Pokemon is just filling this entire room. And it's waiting for me to uncover it all."

"I don't feel anything." Spike shook his head, walking inside.

"Where do we start? What do we do? So many possibilities! What do you think, Eve?!"

"Espeon." She had no idea what to do.

"Bah. I'm sure we'll know what to do. Right now, let's see what we can do here." Twilight looked around as she spotted what seemed to a container with 6 Pokeballs stored inside them. She went up to it, curious as to why there was already something inside this container. She opened up the container, just to see if there were any Pokemon inside of them. "Wonder if it already has a Pokemon inside?" She used her magic to grab one of the Pokeballs, sending the first Pokemon out.

It was a Treecko.


"Aw...a Treecko. Then how about this one?" Twilight took another ball, sending the next Pokemon out of it.

This next one was a Cyndauill.


"Cyndaquill? Then that means..." She took a third Pokeball, sending another one out.

The third one was a Piplup.


"Oh...I get it now. These are starter Pokemon for upstart trainers! Of course! Then what are the remaining three" She grabbed the other 3 Pokeballs, sending the last three Pokemon out. The Pokemon that came out were Budew, Vulpix and Horsea. These three Pokemon were meant to represent the usual Grass, Fire, Water Starter trio. They were extra replacements. "Okay. I see. Wait a minute...does that mean... I'm a Pokemon Professor now?!" Twilight had a wide smile. "Then I can give a starter to any young trainers to start their journey! Lucky me!"

"Wait. We're giving these Pokemon out? Spike pointed at them.

"They're starters, Spike. It's practically their role to be given out. Just watch. A young trainer's going to come through those doors, choose their starter Pokemon and set off on their journey to complete the Pokemon League."

And just as she said that the doors burst open via Pinkie Pie. The rest of her friends had come along.

"We're here!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Ooh. This is OUR world's research lab? Nice." Rainbow Dash nodded, taking a good look at the place. She likes what she sees.

"Does that mean you're a Pokemon Professor now?" Spike asked.

"I think so. BigTime Ben did give this entire lab to me. And there's even some starter Pokemon right there. So...I think I am a Pokemon Professor now. I already have an assistant by my side Right, Spike?

"Mhm." Spike nodded.

"So, when do you think some new trainers are going to come by and choose these little guys?" Fluttershy flew over the starters.

"I don't know. Every foal in Ponyville already have some Pokemon of their own. Whether it be one or more. I don't think any of them would need a starter. If anything, we'd have to wait for foals from other towns and cities to come all the way here to choose their starter."

"Why don't we let Applejack choose?" Pinkie went over to Applejack.

"M-Me? Well, I don't know about that..." Applejack spoke.

"Why not? I did promise to get you a Pokemon. Now's your chance, AJ." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah but. Honestly girls...I said it before, but Pokemon ain't for me. I guess it's because I don't see the point in having one." Applejack kicked the floor.

"What are you talking about? If you have a Pokemon, you can do anything! They're even just as good as our Cutie Marks. Why clearing the clouds is much quicker with Braviary and Altaria on my side. All the pegasi have an easier time with a Flying- said Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash is right. My Leavanny are capable of performing the same dress-making skills as I. Sometimes they're even better, actually." Rarity nodded. "I'm sure that there's a Pokemon that can help you with work at the apple farm."

"You have a lot of Applin, don't you? Don't they all count as your own Pokemon?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Not really. They're just there to hang about. I don't own em. Not at all."

"So your family, other than Apple Bloom, don't have a single Pokemon of their own." Twilight walked up to her.

"Oh. Big Mac's got one."

"He does?" They all said.

"Mhm. He owns a Machamp. Caught one not too long ago, actually." Applejack nodded. The group all thought about it for a second. An absolute powerhouse like Machamp standing next to another powerhouse like Big Macintosh. The more they thought about it, there they realised how well it fits. Now that they think about it, how did Big Mac catch a Pokemon that powerful? "And Granny Smith got this...Drampa thing. I don't know. I think it's some sort of grandpa dragon?" The group then thought again. They haven't seen a Drampa yet, but their first thought was a dragon that looked old and wrinkly. "Even the rest of my family across Equestria have their own. I'm the only pony without one."

"Not having a Pokemon?! At all?! The only one?! That has to be a crime!" Pinkie pulled her mane.

"Well. One day, we hope you'll find a Pokemon of your own, Applejack. Whenever that day comes." Fluttershy commented.

"Thanks, ya'll. I guess if I ever wanted a Pokemon...it'd have to be something that really speaks to me. Don't know what that could ever be."

"Well. In the meantime, I'll be occupied here. All this Poke-knowledge at my disposal!" Twilight squeed.

"What do Pokemon Professors even do?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, from my time with Professor Cerise at Cerise Labs...they just research Pokemon...which is what I've been doing for the past few months. So...I already know what to do." Twilight sighed. "I thought I was going to do something new and exciting."

"I'm sure there's something interesting to be done in here, Twilight," said Rarity. "All five of us will help you and Spike out. Probably some organising."

"Thanks, girls. Let's get to work."

So the group set everything up. Organising everything in the lab. Very soon it looked like an authentic Pokemon Research Lab on the inside. And it wasn't long until everypony in Ponyville came along to get a good look at this place, wanting to see what this was all about. Plus it was their first experience at a Research Lab.

"Oh. This place has a pretty neat aesthetic." Lyra gazed at the silver and purple appearance of in the interior.

"So this is a lab?" Amethyst Heart placed her hoof on the smooth marble floor.

"Welcome, Everypony. To my Pokemon Research Lab!" Twilight spread her hooves out, introducing them to the new location in Ponyville.

"Neat. So what do you do in here?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Well as the name implies, research! For all your Poke-knowledge!" Twilight exclaimed. "Even though I...haven't started yet."

"Ooh. Look at those Pokemon!" Scootaloo went up front, glancing at the starters.

"These are Starter Pokemon. They're always every upstart trainer's first Pokemon choice. From Grass, Fire and Water. Although, you all have your own Pokemon already." Twilight explained.

"Whoever's aiming to participate in the Pokemon League will get one of these little guys." Fluttershy said, holding Piplup and Budew in her hooves.

"Well. I'm joining the league. In fact, I'm gonna be heading to the first gym in a few weeks from now. Can I have one?" Scootaloo asked.

"Scootaloo. You already have your own Pokemon. In fact, you already have two Pokemon. Ponyta and Pachirisu." Twilight went up to her.

"Oh, yeah. Right." Scootaloo nodded.

"Do you HAVE to have zero Pokemon to get a starter?" Bon Bon asked.

"Well... Wait." Twilight used her magic to grab a book that talked about the basics of being a Pokemon Trainer. She opened it up, scrolling through 2 pages until she came across her answer. "Wow. Would you look at that. Apparently, even if you already have a Pokemon of your own, you can still choose a starter. So...these little guys can still be chosen by any of you. Who wants one?"

"I already want one. I'll pick..." Scootaloo went over the options. She was thinking of which Pokemon could go well with her small team and help her at her first Gym Battle. "That one!" She pointed her hoof at Cyndaquill. "No shame in having two Fire-Types, right?"

"Cyndaquill it is. Fluttershy." Twilight turned to Fluttershy.

"Right. Off you go now, Cyndaquill." Fluttershy looked to Cyndaquill as the Fire Mouse Pokemon hopped away from her hooves, heading towards Scootaloo.


"Aw. It's actually super cute." Scootaloo leaned forward. Cyndaquill in response erupted its signature flames from its back, scaring her a bit. "And fierce. I like it!"

"What's this thing?" Derpy was looking at a Fossil Machine. Her hooves were about to make contact with them.

"Don't touch that!" Twilight got in the way. "This is a Fossil Machine. It's what revives Fossil Pokemon. It's very valuable and special so please be careful."

"Oh. Okay." Derpy hummed as she flew off. "Then what's this?" Derpy found something else that piqued her interest. She pulled a very inviting level as it opened up a secret hatch that was cleverly disguised with the wall. Everypony stopped what they were doing as they turned their attention to opening hatch. Beyond it, revealed to be a park. Similar to the one at Cerise Labs.

"Sweet Celestia. I had no idea this was even here." Twilight walked towards the park. But their surprises were heightened more. It wasn't just a park. It was a PokePark. BigTime Ben managed to include an entire hidden area with multiple locations inside of this research lab. How? Well, the best answer is most likely Gothitelle and its immense Psychic power. And inside this PokePark were attractions, similar to the ones that were at the Pokemon Festival. In fact, they spotted some familiar attractions, especially the Lopunny Dance Inferno, the most popular one at the Festival. "How did he get all of this in here?!"

"No idea. But this is pretty awesome." Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Just like Cerise Park. Does that mean that every Pokemon here belongs to BigTime Ben?" Fluttershy looked over at the first area. They were currently at the Cove Area. An entire coastal area with houses that some Pokemon live in. It all somehow managed to fit inside. Lopunny looked to the distance, spotting some familiar faces that she saw at the festival.

"Lopun!" She waved at them.

"What else does this place have?" Rarity wondered. Everypony entered PokePark, wanting to see this for themselves. They were all now venturing deeper into the Research Lab. A Raichu went up to the some of the ponies, greeting them.


The three Elemental Monkeys, Pansage, Pansear and Panpour kicked over a soccer ball at the ponies. It bounced off Lyra's head. "Ow!" She held her head with her hoof, glancing at the monkeys with narrowed eyes, scaring them. Some ponies went towards the homes to see who could possibly live in here. Diamond Tiara knocked on the door as someone actually responded. It was a Slowpoke. Of all things.

"This lab is better than I expected!" Twilight flew up, crashing into a nearby Pelipper. "Ow...Wonder what other secrets this place has?"

"Wait till Ash sees this. He's gonna be blown away." Rainbow Dash sat near a water fountain, where a Dewott and Audino were hanging about. "What are you?" She looked over to the Dewott.

"Dewott. The Discipline Pokemon. Dewott must undergo disciplined training to master the flowing techniques it uses when wielding its two scalchops in battle. It shows no mercy to those that it trains with, following a strict code."

"I must say. The inclusion of Pokemon has really changed our entire town in a grand way." Mayor Mare commented. "If this keeps up, Ponyville will be the Pokemon Capital of the world. Imagine all the publicity we'll get from it!"

"Too much publicity if you ask me." Sonata walked past her.

Fluttershy went up to Dewott, wanting to have a chat with it. "Hello, Dewott. How are you today?"


"Hm? You're looking for a student that you can teach the Way of the Wott too?" Fluttershy translated.

"The Way of the Wott? What kind of silly saying is that?" Rainbow Dash laughed. Her laughter was punished with Dewott smacking her in the head with its scalchop. "OW!"

"Dewott. Wott. Wott!"

"Dewott says that you shouldn't disrespect the Way of the Wott. It's a prime technique that only the most capable of Pokemon can perform. Something that a pony like you could never understand. Uh...that's what she said." Fluttershy squeed.

"Well..whatever! I bet I could learn your lousy technique in no time!"

"Wott. Dewott." Dewott crossed her arms, turning away.

"Dewott says that you're not a Pokemon. So you can't do it."

"Watch me." Rainbow Dash took out her Pokeball. She tossed it forward, sending out her Braviary. "Braviary can learn it no problem. It can take on any-"


"Dewott says that a Braviary has zero chance of learning it. It's not an Oshawott. Oh sorry, Rainbow Dash. Looks like you need an Oshawott to be able to learn it."

"Ugh..whatever. Return Braviary." Rainbow Dash brought her partner back.

"Dewott. Dewott wott." Dewott pointed her scalchop over at Audino and a Zebstrika.

"Dewott says, you can still improve yourself by training with Audino and Zebstrika. They'll help your Pokemon become much more durable and increase their speed."

"Seriously? Oh that's actually pretty neat!"

"Hm? Applejack? Where are you going?" Pinkie turned to AJ who was walking towards the exit.

"I'm gonna be off now, ya'll. Got some leftover work that Big Mac needs help with. You stay here and be safe, alright Apple Bloom?"

"I will! I feel safe with all these Pokemon around me." Apple Bloom replied. Applejack was the only pony to leave the PokePark as the rest were still venturing here. But two newcomers had arrived, without letting anypony else spot them.

Obsidian and Emerald Aura. The two of them were hiding behind a house.

"All of them are in one spot. Excellent." Obsidian rubbed his hooves together.

"What are you planning this time?" Emerald Aura whispered.

"I got some knowledge about this PokePark place. Let's just say that somewhere in this pocket world, there exists a portal to another world."

"Another portal to another world? Don't we have enough of those already?" Emerald sighed.

"This one's been here for the start. They're gonna head on over to Seasong Beach which ain't too far from here, and they're gonna get stuck in that portal with no way out. Then the stakes can be really amped." Obsidian snickered. One thing he didn't take into account was Audino's brilliant hearing. Both Fluttershy's Audino and the Cove Area's Audino had heard Obsidian chatting away as they spotted him.

"Audino!" Both Audino's pointed towards the area where the two were hiding. Fluttershy turned to their direction, spotting Obsidian and Emerald Aura.

"Obsidian! Emerald Aura!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"What are you two doing here?" Twilight stepped forward.

"Our cover was blown that easily?!" Obsidian winced.

"Uh...I did not thing this time!" Emerald shouted. Cold Colt kept quiet, moving to be back as he didn't want everypony else to know that he had some association with the two of them.

"Not yet you have. You ponies are in for a special treat this time." Obsidian jumped away from the building he was hiding from, coming face to face with everypony. "The stakes are about to be increased ten-fold! Now it's my turn to take action." Obsidian grinned as his horn started to glow. The exit to the PokePark had been shut off. Closed. Everypony and Pokemon were now trapped inside. Except for Treeko and Applejack who was at home with Big Mac and Granny Smith. Twilight attempted to open up the exit, but it was no use. "Nuh-uh. Your magic ain't gonna do anything against cosmic energy. So you aren't going anywhere at all."

"You barbarian! Why is it that you must always make things difficult for us?!" bellowed Rarity.

"Because that's my job. Duh. If this world is gonna have interesting events play out, it's gotta have a difficult start. Or else it would be boring. Now. Let's get to it ponies. Find a way out of here like you always do in tough situations. Buh-bye." Obsidan and Emerald's body were being warped in cosmic energy, indicating that they were leaving this area. Which they did. Leaving all the ponies in this massive PokePark.

"Oh no." Twilight gulped. Now they had a new problem to deal with. And this time, the entire town was involved.

Chapter 122 End!

Author's Note:

Look at that. New story plot.

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