Totally awesome stories people need to read!!! 17 stories
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Uncle lives a very fulfilling life at his antique shop. It's peaceful and quiet for the most part, just how he likes it. Of course, he's a skilled chi wizard, so he knows better than to actually let the universe know that he's content. So he complains.

A lot.

Then one day, a basket containing three infant magical ponies arrives, and his peaceful life goes out the be replaced with, perhaps, something a little more than contentment.

The universe, apparently, is smarter than he gave it credit for, because now he has "Three More Things!" to complain about to hide just how much they mean to him.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

First chapters take place approximately 10 years before the events of the first episode of the show.

Edit: Cover Art put together by Shadow Bolt
Edit 2: New Cover Art by Swan Song. Link to his page in image source.
Edit 3: Level Dasher commissioned an image of the CMC with their new Cutie Marks from Katakiuchi4U over on Deviantart. Here's the pic!

Chapters (218)

Lists are a simple way to keep yourself productive. If the list is detailed enough, you don't have to even think. The movements become mechanical. Automatic. Which might just be exactly what she needs right now.

Featured by Equestria Daily on 05/27/2016
Chinese Translation
Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi

This story is contained in my book "Dash Tries to Win Your Heart and Other Short Pony Stories"

If you have interest in purchasing this non-profit book, check out my online store at this link:

Chapters (1)

Having helped Diamond Tiara learn both the true meaning of her cutie mark and the value of friendship, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had just resolved that being together and helping others was what really mattered before they were engulfed by a bright light.

Finding themselves in a strange void, both their lives and those of all Equestrians are about to change. Hopefully Celestia and the former Elements of Harmony can figure out how make sure this change is for the better, because there's a new alicorn on the block, and they have a bit of a reputation for causing havoc.

Chapters (2)

It was a day like any other, until Apple Bloom tried a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes I just hated going to school with all of those stupid foals. None of them were as pretty or awesome as I was back then. They all thought that I was really mean to them, but what did they know?

At least, that's what I thought at the time. One day I had to have a talk with Ms. Cheerilee about it, and I didn't like what she had to say...

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Now with a dramatic reading!

Chapters (1)

Applejack hears a noise in Granny Smith's room late one night. What she finds breaks her heart.

Chapters (1)

Most of us know the heartwarming story of Angel Kisses- but what happened before that? Find out below!

Please no comments with cuss words. If you are going to criticize then I highly recommend constructive criticism, so that it doesn't hurt me as an author, but instead helps me. Thank you, and enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara loves winter. The cold weather means even ponies in Ponyville wear clothes. With clothes, she can proudly display how much better she is than other ponies. For this reason, her annual pre-winter shopping trip is of key importance. On its successful conclusion will hinge much of her enjoyment of the coming winter.

Filthy Rich is a busy pony. The needs of his store chain occupy his time, leaving little for anything else, including his daughter. When a cancelled meeting leaves him with a free day, he takes advantage of the opportunity to go shopping with his little girl.

Chapters (1)

My name is Fire Hoof. I am ten years old, and I do not have a cutiemark yet. My family and I just now moved to Ponyville, and it is my first day of my new school. I hope I meet new friends just like me.

Chapters (4)

When Sweetie overhears a weird noise coming from Rarity's room, she decides to investigate. What she finds will change her perception of Rarity forever. Or not. And then her secret comes out. Which causes a cascade effects of secrets, each more shocking than the last.

A short little story I wrote because I was bored. This is what happens when I decide to put my own little spin on the whole, "Rarity is a marshmallow" thing.

Chapters (1)