• Member Since 6th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Celestial Doom

I break things, usually without meaning to, oh, and I do some writing. I write for myself, if ya like what I write, well, I'll be impressed!


Nope, I ain't forgotten, I'm just busy with 'stuff' · 6:27pm Jan 1st, 2015

Happy new year people,

I haven't forgotten the books I'm working on, some of them are being worked on in a piecemeal way, some of them are being moved to another folder on GDrive.
Also, as you probably know, it's THAT time of the year, where the human race decides that they'd like to spend vast quantities of cash for stuff they really don't want, but buy it anyhow because it's a BARGAIN (cue laughter).

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