• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday

Doof Ex Machina

O this dark world in which one day I’ll die.


New Translation! Story: ‘Pictures from the Insects’ Life’ by BecauseTheNight · 11:59pm Sep 15th, 2021

Long time no see – I’ve just finished a random piece of random randomness, yet with a lot of concepts and phrasings one may find intriguing enough. (I tried my best to translate as it is, honestly!) As it is said here: a fusion of tawdry political satire, Kafkaesque horror, and a school essay on biology.

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A Russian minotaur disguised as the cannon-mounted cyber stallion you might've seen somewhere. Big, stupid, likes horror stories. Give him a kick to turn him on and get a free translation of blind idiocy.

(As for the rest, proudly turning English horse words into Russian horse words from 2012, and vice versa from 2018.)

Stuff Translated into Russian

Stuff Translated from Russian

Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79

Hiiiiiii !!!! Thanks for favoriting my story Anglerfish!!! ✨✨✨

Hey thanks for tracking my story!

Thanks for putting Gunslinger in your folder!

Thanks for adding Chromatophage to your bookshelf. I hope you enjoy it when you get to it :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the attention to Too Gay for Teacher!

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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