• Published 24th Jan 2015
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Letters from an Irritated Princess - Tired Old Man

Celestia writes some blunt letters to her faithful student and friends.

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Master of Tickets, Part 2

My faithful student,

Your decision to decline the Gala invitation is truly remarkable. You really do believe those five are good enough friends to not want to go at all if even one couldn't go, even though I'm pretty sure they almost came to blows over that one ticket.

I kind of wanted to see that happen, actually. Haven't seen a good scuffle in centuries.

But more importantly, I'm surprised you didn't just ask for more tickets immediately. Yes, I said they were exclusive things, but you're my exclusive student. Remember, there isn't anything wrong with asking, so do that next time you need help.

I've enclosed more tickets so you and all of your friends can attend the Gala. However, my warning still stands about their attire being passable beyond simply throwing objects in their mane. However, the white one is a dress designer, right? Pretty sure that's self-explanatory.

Speaking of her, I'd like you to ask about the Element of Generosity. I received the other five just fine, but that one is still missing. Really hoping she didn't live up to it and just give it away, but I also hope it's not in some less secure safe of hers.

And I mean that. I have wards and extensive locking mechanisms on just the door. Nothing's going to bust through it, much less carry it, cackling away as they ride off into the sunset.

The sooner I get a response on this matter, the better. Ask her and get that element ASAP. I'll be busy with some local Diamond Dogs in the meantime.

I'm not looking forward to the smell.


Princess Celestia


...Luna, I know you're looking over my shoulder. Stop making dumb faces and get ready for negotiations.

You can put up with the stench! You went a millenium without bathing up there! I'm surprised your return didn't incinerate everyone's nostrils!

No! You WILL go if you want your onyx that badly. I'm not going to suffer this alone, you blueberry pi--

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