• Member Since 11th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen November 28th


I am a young ametur author. I love to write and I like mlp fim so before I could stop myself I came up with ideas.

What I have been doing lately instead of school


Cannon it be not to me · 7:38pm Jun 14th, 2015

So I just watched episode 9 of season 4. BEST EPISODE EVER! While I by no means accept it as law when it comes to the characters I loved the fact that the writers have payed attention to the fan base and brought up almost every character stereotype at least in passing. The sisters moment with the princesses, the omages to doctor whooves, sweetie drops/bonbon, the flower girls, and Vinyl and Octavia's house especially. But I want to say that none of what happened changed my

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

Did I say thanks for the fave, yet? In case I didn't, thanks for the fave.:pinkiehappy:

1387616 I hope I haven't scared you off. You added a lot of good stories to the group.

1387616 I'm happy that you're adding stories--you've found a lot of worthy candidates I've missed. I just want you to review the rules and make sure to put things in the right folders.

Oh sorry :derpyderp1: I'll stop :twilightsheepish:

1387089 I've PMed you twice about putting stories in the wrong folders, and you're still doing so. I'm getting pretty frustrated.

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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