• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 6th, 2021

Saint Henry The Pig

I'm St.Henry The Pig or you can just call me St.Henry...I'm a pig of dreams and nightmares...I'm neither holy nor damned...I am a pig...and this little piggy is all around, you just have to look again

Of Gods And Monsters

Of Gods and Monsters will the world finally understand, Of Gods and Monsters will we finally know why we live. Of Mortals and Immortals shall we ever go to the place we so desire. Then Of Darkness and Light shall we rise above our mistakes, our flaws, our choices. When the sun rises, so will the moon then you shall know why we live. Of God and Monsters will we finally know US for who We are. We are Gods and Monsters, we are Darkness and Light, We are Mortals and Immortals.

Who I Was....

Who I am is what many asked but I tell you who I was is no longer me. You see Eons ago I found out that there is an order among things that will always correct itself in time. I use to be the Spirit of Insanity, much like Discord is the Spirit of Chaos. I have traveled to many worlds, all with different changes in them. All the worlds I visit have been written down on this very site. Many of you think these are just stories but you are so wrong. Each of the stories you all right are indeed another world all together with it own chance of many infinite possibilities. So write on, for you are writing the story of a world that none of us will ever visit. Let us visit the world by your stories.


No longer am I named Dementia · 6:17pm Nov 30th, 2015

I am no longer Demented Dementia, I am a new being of insanity, I am somthing Nightmare fueled...

I AM SAINT HENRY THE PIG.... and henceforth I will complete all that Dementia could not...I Will be better for I Have been reborn as
St. Henry The Pig Of Insanity

Report Saint Henry The Pig · 496 views ·

My Favorite Pics From The Show (and maybe others) Made From Various People

(More to come)

Comments ( 83 )
  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83

Thankies for der follow have one back.:pinkiehappy:

Thank you so much for adding The Power Within to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding This Isn't War to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

2338197 You made a comment on the forums that we shouldn't forget why we die.


One last thing, if you don't mind me asking but what brought about this question...

  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83
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