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This story is a sequel to Rider on the Storm

For the briefest of moments, Anonymous wielded absolute power. He single-handedly destroyed the city of Canterlot, laid waste to Ponyville, decimated the Everfree Forest, and came dangerously close to annihilating the very Tree of Harmony itself. And he had an absolutely fantastic time doing it.
Right up until he lost.
Now he's stuck as a statue under the watch of the princesses he tried to subjugate, awaiting the time he'll be locked away forever, with the key no doubt thrown into a volcano. But from the very beginning, Anonymous suspected that the shenanigans of the good guys would cost him his victory at the last moment, and so he laid plans with his most loyal of subjects—all former soldiers of the Storm King he betrayed to obtain his power—to arrange for his release should the opportunity arise.
Unfortunately, he wasn't counting on the ponies calling in help from a faraway land. Enter the Four Princes of Zebrica, all wielding the same exact power that Anonymous did, and knowing a thing or two about how to put bad apples like him away for good. This is made even worse by the sorry state of Anonymous's storm beast forces, having hit hard times in the months since his defeat.
But not all is lost for the petrified supervillain. Because in a rare twist of luck, the Princes just so happen to unknowingly bring with them a zebra criminal with his own dirty little secret. A secret that not only secures Anonymous's release from captivity, but just might be the start of a horrifying new partnership, and with it, the birth of a new force of evil.
And of course, with all that going on, there's always the matter of the nascent Legion of Doom, plotting to bring their own age of darkness to Equestria as well...

Takes place during the final two seasons of Friendship Is Magic. With a few alterations here and there, because I HATE THE ANTI-FIM I HATE THE ANTI-FIM :bread:
Reading Rider on the Storm is strongly advised if you want any idea of what the hell is happening in this story.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to An Alternative Ending

Gregory Graystone faces a monumental task. He must repair the bridges between several nations. Pull the former elements out of their sorrow and light the banner of harmony and friendship once again. And, maybe, help his fellow man out of his malaise. Meanwhile, groups behind the scenes work to undo the changes happening in Equestria.

Written in collaboration with


Chapters (23)

The Commander of the 5th Crusade against the demonic forces invading Golarion from the malignant World Wound, turned to necromancy in his desperation to defeat the Demonic menace. Eventually he. with the help of Master Zacharias, turned himself into a lich.

Having collected six nahyndrian crystals, he planned to ascend and become a demigod with his followers and Areelu Vorlesh who was both the architect of the World Wound and apparently his mother. However, knowing what he would do with such power several of the gods intervened and shattered the crystals before the process was complete. The gods then banished him and Areelu Vorlesh far beyond the maelstrom to an entirely different multiverse, where they could never again be a threat. However, before they were banished several of the Commander's companions decided to come with him and Areelu.

How will an evil lich adjust to a peaceful land of friendship and happiness?

(A Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous crossover)

Chapters (6)

Nobody really likes to move, you leave friends and loved ones behind, familiar surroundings and move to someplace that is different from what you are used to. You have to learn the ropes all over again, make new friends and find your way around, not an easy or fun thing to do.

But what makes a move like that worse, is when it happens and you sleep through the whole thing, doubly so when you didn't plan said move.

(Featured April 5, 2014)

Chapters (65)

A regular human Alex gets transferred to Equestria. Desperate to return home at first, he notices himself changing. The time comes for him to decide for Equestria destiny. Will he conform? Which path will he choose? Are Celestia's fears justified? What about the hopes of Luna and Fluttershy then?

Here is the story of a human, despite being an alien in Equestria, not being an outcast, a doormat or a toy for ponies. His misery comes from inside, painfully at first he accommodates. Equestria changes him, and time will come to return the debt.

Chapters (24)

Anon was rather surprised to wake up in a world of magical talking horses. He was even more surprised to discover that said horses already knew him from a TV show.

Inspired by some old prompts in the RGRE thread. Cover art by Nignogs.

Chapters (23)

Research log #579

It's been over one and a half years ago since the last activation of the device, though the magical signature hasn't changed it seems... weakened, to such a degree that the re-activation is impossible.

As described in the notes of research log #249 any attempt at providing the device an artificial source of magic to power failed, the device simply needed more energy than even the combined magical power of both Princess Luna and Celestia were capable of providing. You must be wondering now, I've already described these circumstances in previous logs so why bring it up now?

Simply said I'm out of options, every attempt of reactivating the device have failed and I'm only left with a single choice. I'm going to have to reverse engineer the device in an attempt to understand the mechanics with which it operates...

...At the risk of maybe never being unable to reconstruct it later.

I'm so sorry Fluttershy, I never should have involved you or any of the girls in the exploration of this structure. I hope that if we ever see you again you can find it in yourself to forgive me.

-Twilight Sparkle

In the true sense of Mass Effect, this story will be CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) giving you the reader the choice to decide the action of our protagonist. :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoy!

Every chapter past chapter 27 was edited by gerandakis :twilightsmile:

Chapters (196)

In a region called Warpla, the last of the humans live in various tribes and clans. Hostility still exists in the harsh region over there and the humans remain isolated for hundreds of years.

However, one tribe has reached out to make peaceful negotiations. In the agreement to strengthen the pact between the Tribe and Equestria, they send one student to learn from the School of Friendship. The human's mission is thus: Establish friendly relations and find companions to call their own.

Content Warning: Bit of blood, humans from this imaginary setting and not from the real world, silly stuff closer to Slice-of-Life, Slightly over dramatic

Have fun reading this at home!

Featured on 4/12/2020, a few hours after release
4/21/2020, 4/27/2020, 4/28/2020, 6/11/2020, 10/26/2020

Chapters (26)

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept.

... For a given value of "realistic."

Okay, it's barely realistic but it is a hell of a lot of fun...

Now with an image graciously provided by Page Turner, and an audiobook version narrated by multifanficaday and if you prefer it in German, FrankyDoodle has got you covered!

And a TVTropes Page!

Last Featured: 11/26/2019! Thank you so much!

Chapters (48)

While the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam may feel like a conclusion to the story of New Vegas. For the Courier who fought at it and won it for Mr. House, it was merely another chapter in his already bloody story. Now armed with a prototype long ranged Transportalponder from Big MT, Houston finds himself in a world much different from his own.

One where you don't have to kill, lie and manipulate others to get by every day.
One where "friendship" is not a contract, but a given.
One where he is the Teacher to a world unscarred by the concept of war.

A world of...multi-colored Ponies?

Heavily inspired by the works of Rated Ponystar, ShoddyCast and numerous other MLP X Fallout stories.
Note that Courier Six's backstory derives from the Fallout New California mod.

Chapters (11)