• Member Since 11th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 10th, 2021

Watercolor the Pegasus

This account is dead. I'm sorry! I have an ao3 now though. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Tired_Penguin

Art status.

Requests: Closed.
Trades: Open.
Commisions: At this time, everything I do is free.

Art waiting list.

1. Tornado Firehooves

Stuff I wrote.


A poem. · 12:07am Nov 1st, 2017

If the world was a piece of paper,
God would be the pen.
Some people are highlighters,
To make the world brighter.
Some people are blenders,
To help us harmonize.
Some people are pencils,
To help build up new things.
Some people are pencil sharpeners,
To help others improves.
And whatever you choose to be,
In this great drawing of life,
Whatever you become,
Don't be an eraser.

Report Watercolor the Pegasus · 455 views · #Hi

Update: Hey guys. Stil alive, just so you know. · 11:50pm Jul 20th, 2017

No, I'm not back from hiatus. Just popping my head in to let you know how things are going.

I've remembered how to draw ponies enough that I can start working on some requests. (Finally) I can't wait to show you guys the other stuff I've been working on too:heart:

As for connecting with my friends, one down, one in the works, I have no idea how many more to go:twilightblush:

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Comments ( 135 )
  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135

Huh. Well, you can always request a picture from me if you have a detailed enough description. Not right now though, since I'm closed for requests.

Thank you! And do you happen to have any pictures of yours?

Thank you for the watch! Feel free to shoot me a PM any time.

Eh, it's not your fault. It's mine. I took on more than I could chew. Thank god it's almost over.

  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135
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