• Member Since 7th Nov, 2013
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Writing a Story · 8:16am May 6th, 2014

I don't know why or how. But it seems I'm writing a fic now.

And so far Ive once more realized that world building is my absolute addiction, with back-story being my cocaine.
Maybe its all the years of role-playing, mixed with never having a story I create for one of my chars coming to fruition.

Eh, whats the worse that could honestly happen. Honestly I'm hoping to have little fun with this little venture, and if I improve enough in my writing skills there maybe more stories from me.

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Thank you for liking my story ^^

Thanks for the favorite on Zephyrina/Zipp!

Thanks for adding Achievement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess to your favorites!

Thanks for adding Apart to your favorites. That means a lot. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave! :D

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