• Member Since 24th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen July 1st


Death is a preferable alternative to communism.

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My Latest Tales

Comments ( 126 )
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that undertale fic of yours ever gonna get updated?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted March 29th

Somehow, I get the feeling that Miles and Kerry took inspiration from this particular comic book when they were writing the later volumes:

By the way, this video is officially a decade old as of yesterday, and I still completely agree with every point made in it.

If Monty Oum hadn't been taken from us, I'd bet my soul the series would have become something even greater than what it ultimately turned into. It's become all flash and no substance.

I started hating him towards the end of Volume 3 when he revealed himself to be obsessive and abusive towards Blake, even though it clearly contradicts a particular scene in a previous episode where he refuses to go after her and decides to return to Mistral instead.

Then again, contradicting scenes are a dime a dozen in this show and it's the main reason why I've developed a love/hate relationship with it.

  • Viewing 122 - 126 of 126
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