• Member Since 5th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


Oh, would you look at the time; I think I left my iron on the stove, bye!

Blog Posts

  • 227 weeks

    We, the Bronies. Tried and true. A family.
    Today we celebrate 10 long, beautiful years.
    10 years of, friends, friendship, and beautiful fiction.
    Today I make a toast of cider. A toast to the wonderful show, My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. I toast to us, and our friendship. To all the agreements, disagreements, groups, artworks, and everything else. I make a toast to 10 years of all this, and to 10 more! We are the bronies, and we are legion!

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    0 comments · 220 views
  • 242 weeks
    We've Come Full Circle

    TIL that there's a serious debate in Japan as to weather or not the King of The Hill Sub or Dub is better. Just... think about that my friends (or enemies, luv u lot too).

    On another note, I'm trying to write a story. I'll make no promises, but keep your sight organs nearby. I hope it's good.

    0 comments · 189 views


You scrolled down, nice.

My Favourites Bookshelf; I like these, so have a sample!

You enter a bustling tavern, and are called over by an odd cloaked figure...

Hello, it's me! Or is it? I'll never tell you. Anywho; so, you've arrived on my page. Well gosh diddly darn, it's nice to have you! I love a fresh face for breakfast! Now, you may expect me to tell a bit about myself; and unfortunately, I will. Or I won't, I might just tell you my headcanon about [Redacted]. Now I've decided to ramble, because it's fun! Ramble ramble, lol, now turn around he's right behind you.

Just kidding! Have a wonderful stay though. Remember to always have fun, and stay wiggly! :pinkiehappy:


Today · 8:00pm Oct 10th, 2020

We, the Bronies. Tried and true. A family.
Today we celebrate 10 long, beautiful years.
10 years of, friends, friendship, and beautiful fiction.
Today I make a toast of cider. A toast to the wonderful show, My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. I toast to us, and our friendship. To all the agreements, disagreements, groups, artworks, and everything else. I make a toast to 10 years of all this, and to 10 more! We are the bronies, and we are legion!

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Comments ( 64 )
  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64

Not sure why I made two blog posts, but hot dang it's been too long since I've gone crazy with reading or actually managed this account. Hopefully I can become maniacal once again in the coming months :3

Thank you so much, means a great deal to me. 😌

I dunno about "beautiful" though. A nerdy guy, weird to see as beautiful, XD

You totally are! :p
You are an incredibly kind person, and you really are irreplaceable! Everything on the list; it's perfectly accurate!

Aww, I'm not deserving, silly! 🤓

Aww, thank you so much KM! The exact same to you! :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64
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