• Member Since 11th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 17th, 2016

Gaylord The Decider


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I hate when I get like this. · 6:53am Jan 24th, 2016

I truly hate when I feel like I don't belong in a group or fandom because everyone else has friends that are somewhat famous and I just am all by myself. I have tried talking to some of these people, but I just feel like I don't belong in the fandom... i just feel envious and I hate it because I have nothing to be envious over. Why am I envious of people that are friends with people that have a little bit of fame? Is it that fame behind those people that makes me envious or am I just an

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2208627 Do you have him on Skype? Just ask.

Oh, where? If you don't mind.

Umm, what happened to him?

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