• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Resort: Tip of the Trident- Nap Time

Meanwhile, inside the Golden Oaks Library, Control Center
L.A.U.R.E.N Firing And Unilateral Systems Terminal

Fluffle Puff was getting sleepy, as Fluffle Puffs did when they fought evil for extended periods of time. She yawned adorably, stretched her fluffy legs adorably, and raspberried adorably.

"Awww, is Fluffle Puff getting tired?" Chrys asked, tending to her dear fluffy friend, even though both of them were tens of thousands of years old. Behind them, the wall-sized monitor displayed a 16-bit image of Ponyville, accompanied by matching 16-bit sounds as Blast Fuse and Blast Powder aimed and fired the ion cannon.

Fluffle smacked her lips lethargically and yawned, too adorably exhausted to respond with even a nod or a thpppth.

"D'aww. Hey, girls?"

"Yeah?" the twins responded without looking over their shoulders. Or blinking.

"I think it's time for Fluffle Puff's nap, are you going to be okay here?"


Chrys did a double take. "Fusey? Didn't you just leave?"


"How did- did you really get in and out of here that quickly?"


Chrys frowned. "Are you two paying attention to me?"


Walked right into that one. But maybe she could have some fun with that. "Are you both gay for Rainbow Dash?"

The two mares turned back to her from their seats very slowly. They both quirked corresponding eyes at her. They said nothing. Her changeling cheeks reddened.

"Well that backfired," Chrys said nervously. "Ima go now, you two have fun."

"Yeah," they replied, turning back to the giant screen. There wasn't even any point in pranking them; the Blast Sisters were seemingly inseparable, they went everywhere together. If she changed into one of them, they'd know it was her because she'd be out of sink with their Blastie twin-link thing. Fortunately, her other transformations were improving greatly and she had plenty of use for them.

Chrys walked back to the living room. Fluffle was too tired to use the stairs and so pressed a button that had never been there before attached to the banister. The stairs turned into an escalator which carried her to her room. She was about to follow her, but stopped to check on the others on the couch first. "Hey guys, you doing okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, we're alright," Chris said.

"Where are Tux and Reginald?"

Chris pointed at the ceiling. "They took a few rifles up to the roof and are taking shots at the sea ponies."

"Ah. And what are you guys doing?"

"Trying to contact the leader of the invasion force. Not making much progress," Cap said. He, Chris, Spike and Khan were on the couch, huddling over something on the coffee table.

"What is it you're trying to do, exactly?"

"Twilight wanted us to try and talk to the sea ponies, find out why they're invading," Spike said.

Cap nodded. "It's very admirable of her, to say the least. Reaching out to try and make peace with your enemy even as they're attacking you... that takes courage. Guts."

Khan had his arms crossed. "Attempting to reach out, at any rate. We've yet to make contact with the opposition and we've tried many vectors."

Chrys tapped a hoof to her chin. "Maybe I should check to see if our Chambers' coil is overloading our comms system."

The tall, dark-haired human simply smiled back at her. "Perhaps." They all knew Khan was a villain... or at least, that he had been. He knew they knew, they knew he knew they knew and so on. Still, he had yet to do anything villainous that they had seen. Chrys knew what it was like to try and reform. She may have been the only one who was willing to give Khan a chance. But she was still wary.

Twilight walked back in. She took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Well, problem solved. Or, problem caused. One or the other."

"Dan and Phoenix doing good? They taking it to the sea ponies and protecting the town?"

"They just drove off in a tank so... once again, one or the other." She shook her head. "Maybe I should reexamine the idea to building a second Ponyville right next to this one."

Chrys nodded. "Dan did say the Decoy Ponyville plan was a good one. Too bad we didn't know we'd be attacked or we would have implemented it."

"Speaking of that, any luck reaching the sea ponies, Spike?"

The dragon frowned, shaking his head. In front of the four males on the couch were assorted communication devices: everything from a CV radio and a telegraph machine to Chris Redfield's Hello Kitty cell phone and a Federation communicator covered the surface of the table.

Cap held up a rolled parchment. "We did manage to write a diplomatic message. We've tried broadcasting it to them on these devices but there's been no response on any frequency."

"It doesn't make sense," Chris said, shaking his head. "Coordinating an army that size has to take some kind of communication. Unless..." He stared down, not wanting to say it. "It might be something biologic."

Cap patted his friend on the shoulder. "It might not be. We haven't seen any sign of any... you-know-whats here, yet. We just have to keep our eyes open." Chris nodded, understanding.

Twilight was about to inquire as to what they were referring to, when something licked Chrys.


"Their song is old and long. It hangs around them like a fell mist, blocking all else out."

"Where did she come from?" Khan asked. "She's new as well, yes? Does she have some sort of camouflage?"

"No," Twilight responded, then realizing she had no idea. "Err, maybe? But yes, Marksy is new... ish. I guess. Where's the others?"

Chrys pointed over her shoulder. "The Blasties are blasting things and Fluffle Puff's taking a nap."

Twilight sighed, knowing another friend, or group of friends, she had to check on. "I think that's a good idea. Nap time for everyone." She headed up the stairs.

Chrys clapped her hooves together. It was time to prepare for the next phase. Unfortunately, that might mean something a bit drastic. "Alright boys, you heard the princess. Nap time."

Cap did a double take. "Does- what? She didn't say-"

"Surely she wouldn't want us to stop trying to reach out to the sea ponies?" Chris asked.

Chrys shook her head. "That's exactly what she wants. And don't call me Shirley."


"But... but we don't need..." Spike tried to argue, a useless gesture.

"No buts, Spike. Get upstairs, all of ya," she said, cocking her neck. The two muscular humans shrugged and followed Spike upstairs.

Khan stopped in front of her. "Begging your pardon, but I don't believe I require a rest at this time. Wouldn't it be more useful if our talents were put to use... elsewhere?"

She shook her head again. "No dice, Khannie. Head on up and if you're not sleepy, you can read with the others but downstairs is off-limits. Library rules."

He smiled again. "Of course. I wouldn't want to betray your hospitality." He walked away, leaving her suspicious with his choice of words. She waited until he was all the way up the stairs and the doors were closed. Chrys then picked up the Federation communicator... and then went to the library's video section to retrieve a copy of Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. There was more than one way for a villain to reform.

Up in the guest room, something odd had occurred. Although the boys weren't tired, they had suddenly found themselves in bed, in pajamas.

Captain America, Spike, Chris Redfield and Khan Noonien Singh were all under the covers of a large, fluffy pink bed, staring out beyond their feet.

"How... how did this happen again?" Cap asked.

Chris jerked his head, or maybe he was shaking it. "I-I don't know. But I feel... warm."

Khan, snuggled up next to Fluffle Puff, held a look of sheer bewilderment as he lay with his head on a matching fluffy pillow. "I... must confess my own confusion." He reached up, taking a cap off his head. Strangely, the cartoon characters covering the cap and his matching pajamas were oddly... familiar. "Freakazoid?"

But Fluffle was happy. She snuggled her sort-of friends in happy, cuddly, fluffy pony bliss, nuzzling each one of them somehow in a physics-defying snuggle.

Marksaline's head popped up from behind the bed to lick them. Her horn glowed brightly.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the short update but we've had a couple problems with the tank chapter. Most of these problems are tank-related. Mostly.

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