• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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A Little Something from Everywhere

Back on Earth, Dan had not been much of a morning person. But there was something special about mornings in Equestria, the way everything seemed to wake up when the sun hit it. It was an invigorating feeling and Dan had felt it, too. He was always refreshed in the mornings and eager to start the day early with his routine perimeter check. Equestria was just so much more vibrant and alive than dreary, urban North Hollywood.
Though, maybe his views on mornings had improved because he had those he cared about to share them with.

Dan woke up from the couch, the others from wherever they'd been laid on the floor. Dan was smiled as he watched them rise and stretch.

"Thppppppppp," Fluffle made a long, lethargic raspberry. Slept hardā€¦ body not soft enough to use as pillow. Remember to keep pillow with me at all times from now on.

"We got homeā€¦ somehow," Phoenix said, rising next. The lawyer took a moment to straighten out his lopsided hair, which somehow formed back into its original style with just a couple combs of his hand.

"Weren't weā€¦ at the mayor's office?" Chrys asked.

"Yesterday we were," Dan said. "Guess all that government work tired you guys out. You passed out on the floor and I had to drag each one of you home."

"Ohā€¦ thanks, Dan," Chrys said, smiling.

"Thank you, Dan. I would like to say we would've helped if you woke us upā€¦" Twilight said, looking around at the others. "But I think we appreciate you taking us home. Thank you."

Dan shrugged. "Well, you did the same thing for me when I first got here. Soā€¦ we're even now," he said, rubbing the purple mare's mane.

Twilight smiled, giggling. "Haha, more or less, any way," she grabbed his hand. "I'm happy you're here with us."

"Happy to be here with you, Twilight," Dan replied. "But if we don't remove the current ruler, the whole town will probably move away."

"If they haven't started already," Chrys added. Together, the group gathered in the kitchen and retrieved various breakfast items. Dan and Phoenix had a couple oranges, Twilight and Chrys had grapefruit, Spike had a gem-based cereal, Owlowicious had his birdseed, Blast Fuse and Blast Powder both had toast and jam. Fluffle Puff devoured her usual breakfast: a dozen fresh-baked pies of various flavor including watermelon. Yeah, you read that correctly: watermelon pie. I know, right? It's real- I'm not even making it up. Go on, Google it. Or Bing it. Oh, come on. I like Bing. It's less obnoxious than Google is sometimes and the graphics on the main page are pretty.

So anyway, they all had breakfast and discussed what they were going to do that day.

"To be honest Dan, I'm not sure what it will take," Blast Fuse said.

"We kinda got lucky with the Gears in the Crystal Empire. You were able to keep Vice distracted long enough for us to place bungie charges on all of 'em."

"We're talking about ONE Gear," Dan said, holding his hands close together for emphasis. "I can distract Blueblood, heck, ANYBODY could distract Blueblood, and while we keep him busy, you two plant your charges and rig his golden monstrosity to blow sky high."

"How exactly are you planning on distracting him?" Shining asked.

Dan nudged Phoenix in the shoulder. "Our personal legal advisor here has it all figured out. Tell 'em, Nicky."

Phoenix folded his arms. "We actually found a legal precedent that applies here. Last Hearth's Warming-"


"Last WINTER, Vice Grip brought a Magic Gear into town as part of a holiday demonstration. Dan's allowed to make impromptu adjustments on any holiday-themed decorations if he deems it a risk to security," Phoenix recounted. "So technically, we can make the argument that the Magic Gear is essentially an oversized decoration, giving Dan the right to "modify" it anyway he sees fit."

The aggressive human smirked. "And I think it'll look great on top of the scrap pile with the good prince in tears somewhere nearby. Spike, get a camera ready."

"Way ahead of you, Dan." The purple dragon was actually dressed up like Frank West and had a tripod and several HD digital cameras ready. He gave Dan a thumbs-up.

"Andā€¦" Twilight stepped forward, somewhat shyly. "Well, the goal is to get Prince Blueblood to dismount the Magic Gear and walk to minimum safe distance. We don't want to hurt Prince Blueblood-"

"Yes we do."

"-but we're willing to do what's necessary to protect the town. There's no telling what that Magic Gear of his has in it or what it could do. For all we know, it could be a targeting beacon for Vice to launch a Sword spell wherever Blueblood is," Twilight explained.

Chrys raised her hoof. "To be honest though, who here hasn't thought about nuking Blueblood?"

Much to everyone's surprise, they all raised their hooves. Even Phoenix.

"See?" Dan pointed him out. "Even the smart guy wants to blow him up."

The lawyer recoiled defensively. "H-hey! I just don't like the way he seized power while everyone was away!"

Twilight was shocked to see her own hoof raised. "Wellā€¦ I think I might want to see if we have any books on anger management. But the point is, if Blueblood doesn't get off his literal high horse, I amā€¦ going to discuss with him marriage. Just discuss!" she held up her hooves. "I'm not marrying him even if he threatens to rename everything in Equestria after himself."

"He probably already has," Phoenix commented.

Cadence patted her sister-in-law on the back. "We do appreciate you taking one for the team, Twilight." The purple pony looked back at her and smiled, nodding solemnly.

"N-not that you'll actually be taking anything," Shining quickly clarified before the audience could come up with any funny ideas. Too late, for many. "Much less *gulp*,ā€¦ vows."

"The only vow we're taking is to kick the arse of any pony, person or otherwise that tries to mess with our town," Dan said, getting out of his chair. "And once we're finished, we go get my chariot back."

"Um, Dan," Twilight stopped him, "hang on a sec."

"What's up?"

"Before you try to fix your chariot, there's something I wanted to show you."

Dan quirked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Twilight nodded. "It's in the hangar. I think you'll like it. Knowing you, and all," she winked.

Chrys smiled as well. "I added a few things, too. You're going to love it~" she said, nuzzling Dan's arm.

"Okayā€¦" the human replied, skeptical but excited. "Show me what you've got."

Twilight nodded. "This way!" She pulled Dan hurriedly out of the kitchen and through the adjacent corridor to the library's east wing.

"After you crashed my helicopterā€¦ and subsequent helicopters, we figured you could use your own vehicle," Twilight said.

"Hey, a couple of those weren't even my fault," Dan said, being tugged by his wrist. "And half of them were landing accidents, not crashes I was in the cockpit for."

"It's okay, Dan, really," she reassured him. "I trust your driving/piloting capabilities by now. My own, that's another story but we won't worry about that. For now, I have a surprise."

"Surprise?" The pair of them entered the hangar. Twilight's personal chopper, the Twilicopter, occupied one side of the room and looked more or less repaired from what Dan could tell. Strangely though, the hangar looked like it had been cleaned recently and there was a lot less clutter. Spike's sculpting utensils and projects were gone, as were the other things they stored in there like gliders and kites.

"You cleaned the hangar?" Dan asked. "Well, I admit, the floor did need to be swept but I don't see what's so-"

"Not that," Twilight said, grinning. "This." She hit a button on the wall.

In front of them, the floor separated into two doors and began to retract slowly. Dan had seen that before as well, albeit the doors seemed to be a little larger than they'd been when he was last there. The platform at the bottom began to rise, spinning yellow lights signaling the ascent of something new and dangerous.

"I talked to Princess Luna about why she felt Equestria needed a better defense. I convinced her to let me try to make something of my own and wellā€¦ this is what we came up with," Twilight said.

The platform clicked into place, connecting with the floor. On it was a craft that Dan could've sworn looked familiar to him but not quite. It was a Y-Wing, or at least, had the shape of a Y-Wing, something else he thought he'd seen in the hangar before but this one was different. Its engines were bent downward, almost like it was resting- or even standing on them. Not only that, it had four of them, another pair of pylons attached to the central spar with its own set of engines. The cockpit had a horseshoe built into the nose and two pairs of gun barrels sticking out of either side. The machine actually kind of looked like a pony in its own way.

Dan was unable to take his eyes off it. "You got me my own Y-Wing?"

"We built it," Twilight said. "We took ideas from all that's happened so far- the rocket engines from the train, the fuselage from Flim and Flam, the helicopter Derpy loaned you, the Flutterbirds, the lance you used trying to pole vault over the wall, the cloud ride Rainbow Dash talked about, even the plane you fell out of- and put them together. This is the result. It's a new vehicle, like your own anti-Magic Gear. We call it the M/Y-Wing."

Koensayr BTL-M6
My Little Pony-Wing(M/Y-Wing)
Dan's starfighter

Twilight walked to the nose of the craft. "It's got four gatling blasters in front. They use magic, not lasers or bullets so it's kind of like when you use me as a machine gun. It can deploy any kind of ordnance- mines, bombs, missiles, rockets, torpedoes(both photon and proton), unmanned drones and even those spongey lawn darts," she explained. She then walked around to the legs. "It can fly, walk and travel in pretty much any direction when it's hovering. But it requires both a pilot and a navigator so you need someone to work all the stuff it can do."

Chrys, who just walked in, threw her foreleg around Dan's shoulders. "Did you tell him about what I put into it?"

Twilight giggled. "I was just about to. Also, it has an autopilot function so you can take a breakā€¦ and watch movies on the display screen in the cockpit if you want. Like, I dunno, Revenge of The Nerds for example," she said, giving him a knowing wink.

Dan felt like he was about to cry tears of joy. "It'sā€¦ it's not my car," he said, blubbering. "But it'll do nicely, Twilight. It'll doā€¦ nicelyā€¦ indeed." Overcome, he grabbed the purple mare and hugged her tighter than he's ever hugged her before. Chrys joined in.

"We're happy you like it, Dan."

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