• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Wrath: A Real Dogfight

So, it turns out there is more to the whole 'harmony' thing than we first realized. That's probably why it works so well with sound; when voices come together, they create something new, the harmony, but they retain their origins. It's like the old saying, if a tree falls in a forest and no one's around to hear it, does it make a sound? We can tell it does by examining how far the sound waves travel and apparently it's much farther than we first thought.

Do you think it's possible for there to be transmission between two separate planes, though?

Well, not exactly in the ways you're thinking. What we've found is that harmony can connect great distances. People forget, however, that sound is also something that can be felt and it can't travel through just nothing. Imagine the planes not just as physical things but, for example, songs. Two different songs can have similar notes but they're still separate, however, if you hear them at exactly the same time well... it would be almost the same as if they exchanged notes.

But is it really possible for us to travel to another dimension?

It's not about travel; again, it's about frequency. Resonance and harmony is possible between two separate planes and in those rare spaces, it's possible for things to sort-of merge. The space you're in overlaps with another space and you're just there.

So, if we knew precisely where something was- with regards to time, space and frequency, would it be possible to merge them into our world, our dimensional plane?

IF there was a way for them to know when, then possibly, yes. This is only theoretical but if you had the correct frequency, then yes, it would be possible to summon things, even people.

-from the Symposium on Greater Magical Studies, excerpt from Starswirl

It started with a burst of static. At first, it was just noise, but quickly dissipated into a single signal. Barro kept his eyes focused on the point of light just above the Danfiant. The instrumentation panel on his fighter went wild as it picked up multiple new signals, trying to to keep up with the sudden influx of new information. At a close glance, it seemed that everything in the universe was suddenly fuzzier than it had been, like an image out of alignment.

"I was wondering when you'd call for help," Barro said. He didn't know if Dan could hear him or not, or if he and the others aboard Danfiant were even listening any more. But he had been waiting for this. "Come on, give me a challenge! Who's it gonna be? Rick Hunter? O'Donnell? I'll take Apollo and Starbuck together- I don't even care which versions you throw at me. Come on!! I'm ready for you! From apex predators to zenith warriors, nobody can take me down! I'm top gun!!!"

And Barro was right. At least, for the moment, that moment in time and space, he was top gun. Top pilot, top ace, the best of the best. There was something to be said about the homefield advantage but, to be honest, Equestria had never been Barro's 'home' home. Now that it was destroyed, however, it was a lot like Alderaan.

The light swirled. Magic energized the particles, the fabric of space and time, creating a connection between the smallest blip of space over the Danfiant and another location. Slowly, the material that made up reality began to compress. The physical nature of the space between two different universes began to move and pulse at the same frequency, a harmonization of their very existence. This allowed them to occupy smaller and smaller space, pressing up against each other until they nearly overlapped and then... did.

Aboard the Danfiant, Dan and the others could not see it, but they could feel as the sound, the broadcast of two different sources came together, at first louder than both but as they combined, it became completely unnoticeable again. Dan felt like his skin, hair and teeth were vibrating but it quickly subsided.

"I think it worked," Phoenix said.

Dan looked around. "So where are they?"

"Who are they?" Twilight asked.

Barro grinned. "Knock knock."

A cloud appeared in space. The light became a cloud and inside it, a figure appeared. Suddenly, something shot out of the cloud, but it wasn't the first figure.

"The fuck is that?" The object was small, very small and not perfectly round. It flew by Barro's cockpit, floating right passed him in space, tumbling end over end. "Is that a... football?" Barro turned back to the cloud in time for something else to appear out of it, something that was even stranger.

"What the heck? Is that a..." Barro squinted. He actually checked his display to see what the target was, to confirm what his eyes saw. It was confirmed. "You're joking."

Snoopy was a bit confused when he appeared in the debris field. He was puzzled because he was certain he'd been flying over France only moments ago and it now seemed to be night. A quick examination of his surroundings, however, revealed that he wasn't flying over France at all, any more. In fact, he seemed to be in space over... space. That fact became more evident when he tried to breath and he detected a distinct lack of oxygen.

"GAAALCK! GAAAAAAGGGH.... ERRRROOOOGG-" The black-and-white pooch grabbed his throat and gagged, collapsing on the back of his trusty doghouse-shaped Sopwith Camel. Fortunately, his copilot and navigator was quick to thinking; Woodstock retrieved a fish bowl from their storage and placed it over Snoopy's head after securing a smaller one for himself.

Snoopy smiled and gave his trusty sidekick a hearty "nice job!" gesture. He grabbed the controls of his 'plane' and leveled out.

Barro could not have been more disappointed. "Really, now? This is just sad. I mean, this is actually pathetic. Dan? Why don't you try again? Better yet- summon me a fish in a barrel. At least that would be obvious." He resumed firing on the Danfiant, blasting more holes into the battered ship.

Snoopy looked around, getting his bearings in the new environment and that's when he saw Barro's fighter. Although Barro's starfighter was no tri-winged plane, it was still painted red. And firing on a defenseless vessel, that could only mean one thing. Snoopy's eyes narrowed, he gritted his teeth and gunned his fighter at his old, timeless foe.

"AAA ka-chi chu wanna! Haaa!!" Snoopy blazed by Barro, gunning his arms like a machine gun.

The doghouse whizzed by him. "I'm not even going to ask how that thing can-" *ti-ti-ti-ting, ti-ti-ti-ting-ting!!* "What the fuck??!!" Barro's fighter shook as something pelted the hull, bypassing his shields completely. Alarms began to raise as the impacts pierced parts of the hull, cutting through even the armor.

One of the projectiles stuck to the edge of the hull near his cockpit. He squinted, staring at the tiny thing lodged in his hull.

"Pumpkin seeds?"

"HAAA GAAA BAA siii cho-waa!!" Snoopy shouted as he passed by Barro again, hitting him with another burst of rippling fire.

"AAAH!" Barro screamed. "I've been blitzed by a dog! Dog germs, get 'em off! Wait, why do I care? You son of a bitch!!" Barro fired at the tiny doghouse. His lasers singed the side of the doghouse, scorching a dark mark but missing the bulk of it.

Snoopy shook his balled-up paw at Barro.

"You want your Red Baron, I'll give it to ya, you little shit!" Barro hit his engines and gave chase. The duel was on. The debris field was testament to Barro's status as top gun. Now began the fight to see who was top dog.

The football continued tumbling, as if it had been kicked by someone, someone who may have been a quiet philosopher yet filled with a burning determination. And the football continued tumbling until it hit the moon's surface and bounced right off.

But it was Equestria's moon so it didn't count.


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