• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Rad: The Gates of New Troy

The snow had finally stopped, or maybe it just hadn't stretched to the Badlands. Either way, as they drove into the desert, it was clear they wouldn't have to deal with perpetual blizzards at least for the moment.

"So, I think we're all familiar with the plan by now, yes?" Doctor Whooves asked.

"Well," Rarity said hesitantly, "it's not so much as a plan as..."

"We're driving to Donquestria to get help from the donkeys to rescue Twilight and the others," Dan said. "Pretty cut and dry."

"We don't even know if Donquestria's still there," Phoenix reminded them all.

Dan, in the driver's seat, shrugged. "Not like we can go anywhere else. The battery on this thing is only like... well, it's at half? I think? Friggin nerdmobile."

Team Galactic, being comprised mostly of nerds obsessed with space and other worlds, had designed their vehicles to look like UFOs. And they did look like spacecraft, in a comically bad sort of way. Whether that was intentional or otherwise was unknown; what was known was designing a car to look like a space ship meant it didn't work that well as a car. Finally, to complete the nerd motif, the vehicles ran on one-thousand, one-hundred-and-thirty-eight double-A batteries. The Galactic Buggy could travel approximately four and a half miles before needing more batteries.

Fortunately, the cars they had chosen were for the Team Galactic Admins so their batteries lasted a bit longer.

"How far would you say we are from the donkeys' kingdom?"

"Couple hours at this speed, seeing as how we just left Appleloosa," Dan said. "And before you ask, NO, we're not stopping."

"The th-thought never crossed my mind," Whooves said.

"Oh god. And the only thing we have to eat are... are..."

"Lukewarm hot dogs in a bag," Phoenix said, opening said bag. And one of the hot dogs jumped out and latched onto his face. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!"



"GET OFF THE WHEEL!" The car jerked and tossed, went up on two wheels. Cap and the others in the second car drove past.

Carefully, Rarity removed the attacking food item. Or rather, the foodimal.


"Ha... haaaaaaaaa... I knew it was one of those all along," Phoenix said.

"Nicky, do not make me hit your psyche-gauge, really."

"I'll shut up now."

"You practically scared the poor thing," Rarity said. She cradled the hot dog foodimal and petted it. The odd creature closed its eyes and contentedly nibbled on her foreleg.

"Awww, that's an adorable campfire scene."

"Campfire scene?" Dan and Nick asked.

Whooves smirked. "Hot dog and a toasted marshmallow."

"Ha... oh, I'm sorry I laughed at that." Phoenix said. But Rarity, being a lady, paid them no mind.

Dan got back on the road easily and the second car fell behind them in place again. The sun set, and it was the first time they knew for sure it was night since they'd been separated. There was something peaceful about the stars and the desert, something that was even rare to see in Ponyville. Being surrounded by the mountains all the time, the horizon always seemed like something high or out of reach. But right then, as they drove to their destination unknown, it seemed like they could just drive straight into the twinkling night.

On Earth, Dan enjoyed driving. He really liked his car, and more than just because it was his. It was freedom, it was relaxing, it was possibility. It was hope on four wheels. Even if he never drove very far, just the fact that it was there, that he COULD whenever he wanted to, that was enough for him. He would often enjoy just driving, himself and Mr. Mumbles, traveling to somewhere just around the bend. But now, even though he wasn't with Mr. Mumbles, he still found himself with that familiar feeling, or at least a similar one.

He looked over at Phoenix. Rarity and the Doctor had already nodded off and it looked like the vigilance necessary to focus was taking a toll on his best friend.

"Why don't you get some shut-eye, Nicky, we'll be there in an hour or two."

He looked over at him. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Alright, then. Don't hesitate to wake me up if you need anything."

"I won't." The lawyer shifted in his seat, got as comfortable as he could and went to sleep. Dan kept his eyes on the road as his heart began to feel a lot like that car; warm and full of love. And purpose.

The cars followed the railroad south. Officially known as Mane Line South, it was called the Underline by rail workers. It was the only rail line that traveled from Equestria to the donkey nation of Donquestria, from Appleloosa through the Badlands and the desert to the gates of New Troy. A more durable twin track railroad, it was still the target of the occasional raid from Badlanders.

They were almost there when Dan saw something he hadn't expected to see: lights. Not lights from electronic sources, but fires burning in the distance.

"Nicky... Nicky, wake up. Eyes forward."


"We got something. I don't know what."

"It's a fire," Whooves said, leaning forward between the seats. "Bandits, maybe?"

"I'm turning off the headlights," Dan said. "Buckle up if you haven't done so. And lock the doors."

"Um, these seats don't have seatbelts."

"Yet another reason to hate Team Galactic," Dan remarked.

They approached the fire. It became clear it would be hard to travel at night without the headlights, because they almost ran into the source before they reached it. A train had derailed and the engine was on fire. It lay on its side, a melted wreck. Bodies, half-charred and burned were spilling out of the train cars.

"Holy shit."

"I concur."

"I wonder if New Troy is even still standing," Phoenix said.

"I... think it is," Dan said. He pointed forward.

The horizon in front of them began to rise. Or rather, the Earth beneath it looked like it was rising. It got higher and higher and higher still until it came into focus. A wall as tall as a skyscraper and longer than the eye could see appeared before them, the railroad running right up to a pair of massive doors and disappearing.

"That is one big damn wall."

"Sooooo... Dan," Rarity said, having awoken, "I presume your plan for getting us... through this obstacle involves a little more than just driving up to the gates and knocking?"

"Yeah, I'm... not really sure they'll fall for the pizza delivery trick," Dan said.

"Seems like they might be wary of Greeks, or anyone really, bearing gifts," Phoenix added.

Dan nodded. "Okay, so maybe we should just try knocking?" Literally everybody looked at him. Cap and Chris, driving in the second car with Tuxley and Reginald, drove up next to him and stared quizzically at him, despite the fact that there was no possible way they could've heard his suggestion.

"I'm not sure what's more surprising," Whooves said. "You suggesting the non-violent approach or you suggesting the totally obvious approach."

"Definitely the first one, doc."

"Quite right, Thank you, Nicholas."

"Look," Dan said, "I'm out of ideas and the car is almost out of batteries, so unless any of you have any suggestions-"

"I suggest dodging."

"Dodging what? OH HOLY SHIT-" Dan yanked the wheel as a giant fireball landed in front of them. Then another, then another. New Troy may not have fallen, but it wasn't accepting visitors at this time, either.

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