• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Mirror Mercy

New Botany Bay Island- Airstrip
Detecting Severe Harmonic Decay- Obliteration Imminent

The differences between universes were based on key factors. The factor that made the Mirror Universe a mirror universe was the fact it was a reflection of prime Equestria- similar, but reversed. The Solar Empire, mirror characters, other things, all made the Mirror Universe what it was. While it could get away with losing a few of these things- the destruction of the pacifist Zebra Republic for one, it had lost too many. The Mirror Universe was dying.

It was not specifically the lack of individuals or distinctiveness, the lack of mirrored places or factions that specifically caused this. Even destroyed, many could serve a purpose. But the fact that so many were being erased had damaged the fabric of the dimension itself. It was the Resistance's doing once again that caused this problem.

Consumed by hatred, they had conquered and repurposed towns, cities, nations, forced unique individuals to become soldiers, continuing this trend. Hate had homogenized the Mirror Universe. Usually, hatred and other such strong emotions and the magic of them could be channeled and focused into a single point or person. People like Dan. But Mirror Dan was dead, and without him, hate was consuming the dimension, like a noise drowning out specific notes in a song, yelling silencing all other voices, a single word written so big and bold no other could be seen or read.

So basically, what's happening to the Mirror Universe is what would happen to the Prime Universe without Dan. Without Dan and friends, there's no show, so everything and everyone is screwed.

...Crap, I forgot Mirror Fluffle Puff and Mirror Marksy. Or did I?

The missiles came right for him. He tried to think of something, think of anything but all thoughts except a final objection were lost in the sun-like flare of the missiles. They struck around Phoenix Wright, washing him in white explosions that burned with heat until they became orange flames. He felt Twilight fly from his grasp, the ground disappear from beneath him and then only the scorching fire.

(Ohhhh... oh gawd... is this it? Maya... Mia... is this it? Will I be seeing you again, Mia?)

Boba Fett was done messing around. Despite being the best bounty hunter, well, period, he didn't kill unless he had to. Or someone got in his way, which right now, was Phoenix Wright. The lawyer was more than a nuisance and Fett's tolerance was low, even for famous people. The job came first, the ace attorney would have to be ended. And with no evidence left behind.

Still hovering using his jetpack, Boba rearmed with another missile. This one was a seeker-disruptor. It would lock on to the closest target, home in and detonate, disintegrating them. He activated his scanner and targeted the lawyer.

"You won't be rising from these ashes. Ret'urcye mhi, Phoenix Wright."

"*cough* OBJEC-gawd, my lungs."

The sandstorm obscured all but Boba's jetpack, giving him the appearance of some final, ghastly phantom. A grim reaper in the form of a bounty hunter, a high-tech Death come for Phoenix. Phoenix had time to look up and see him before he fired the second missile.

The missile launched from Boba's jetpack. A green flare this time, it blasted off, screaming in warbling beeps. This was by design; the missile was meant to give off a warning so any bystanders nearby had a chance to dive out of the way. Not that it would help. The missile locked on to him and arced down towards him.

And then it stopped and started to spin. Like it had hit a wall of some kind or had been snatched by an invisible hand. It spun, racing in a circle, rapidly chasing its own burning green trail.

Boba had never seen this before, but he knew better than to let something like that cause him to hesitate. He pulled out his railgun gauntlet and squeezed the trigger.


He hit his jets and boosted off, but it was too late. The missile flew back at him, faster than he had fired it and slammed him in the back. It exploded, creating a green ball that expanded outward, consuming a good portion of the sand, the runway, nearly Phoenix if he hadn't jumped out of the way just in time.


The disruptor blast vaporized a hole the size of Boba's own ship in the runway. So powerful had the weapon been, it actually caused the sandstorm to calm down quite a bit around them, like detonating a warhead in a hurricane. Phoenix looked around but saw no sign of Boba Fett.

(He's gone. I... I almost can't believe it. Someone or something saved me. I didn't see any magical aura around the missile... oh crap, Twilight!)

"Twilight! Twilight!" he called. He didn't have to look hard to find her- she was at the edge of the runway. The first blast had thrown her this far but the second fortunately hadn't reached her. That was where the fortune ended, however.

She was lying motionless. "Twilight!" He ran to her, carefully knelt down and rolled her over. She was no longer encased in carbonite, but covered in her own blackened and burnt blood. Jagged bits of shrapnel covered her left side and belly, red seeping through the tattered remains of a Solar Empire jumpsuit.

"Oh gawd... oh my gawd..." One of her legs was crushed underneath her and her horn was cracked. Eyes swollen shut. He knew how to do CPR, but not on a pony. He didn't even know where to start. He checked her pulse, thought he might have felt one, or maybe it was his own, he couldn't tell. He checked her breathing. Again, it was either very shallow or maybe it was the wind, he didn't know.

"HELP! HELP, someone! Anyone!!" Phoenix yelled. There was no answer; even the Pokemon had fled. The castle. He had to get back to the castle.

Carefully, he knelt down and picked her up. It was only then he realized his leg was bleeding and his ankle was either sprained or broken. Once more, he had no idea.

(I have to get her home. I have to get her home.)

He started walking through the jungle again, taking what he hoped was the path back to the castle. The sandstorm picked up again. He focused on one tree at a time, squinting as the wind howled. Twilight shuddered in his arms.

"If you can hear me, you're going to be okay!" He said, hoping no one cared to break his psyche-locks right now. His leg ached with each step but he continued on, trudging, holding the purple pony in his arms.

He kept following the trees until there were no more trees. Then, there was just sand. Too much sand, he couldn't even see a foot in front of him. "HELP SOMEONE! HELP!" he shouted, even against the grains hitting his mouth. Phoenix looked around but it was the same in every direction. He could only tell Twilight was still there because he was holding her. Other than that, nothing. He was now lost in the sandstorm.

"Aaaugh!" Phoenix fell to his knees, unable to bear the pain any longer. He held Twilight closely, her shallow breath wheezing against the sand. (Please... if there's anyone out there that can help... that can help her, please...) His tears were blown away before they hit the ground.

"You do realize you don't even know her, right?"

"Dan!" Phoenix turned around. But no one was there. "Dan?"

"Being willing to sacrifice yourself for a total stranger... for someone like her, especially, that's pretty noble. Admirable," Dan's voice said. But Dan himself still wasn't there.

"Dan? Dan?" A dark figure appeared in the sandstorm. It walked towards him. Suddenly, the sand around them seemed to become completely still, like the eye of the storm was passing over them. "Dan?"

"Hello, Nick."

"Is that... Dan, is that you?" Phoenix squinted.

He shrugged. "It is, but it's not the one you know," he said casually. He looked like Dan, but was more tan-skinned, had a white shirt, slick, shiny hair and... a pair of crocs.

Phoenix pointed at the shoes. "You're not Dan. He hates those shoes."

He nodded. "I know. He told me." He stuck his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wright. I'm Dan." Phoenix reached out slowly, but his fingers passed right through Dan's. There was only cold air where his tan, outreached hand was.

Mirror Dan
Vs. The Afterlife

"Yeah, that happens sometimes," Mirror Dan said, putting it back in his pocket.

"Oh... you're, uh... you're the Dan from... uh..."


"So, umm... I heard you were-"

"Yeah, pretty much," Mirror Dan's ghost nodded. "I made the wrong decisions. And now... looks like two worlds are ending up paying for it. Or three. Or more than that. Heh, there was a time I would've been proud of that..." he said with a slightly regretful chuckle.

"Please, can you help me with Twilight? She was your friend, wasn't she? Can you..."

Ghost Mirror Dan knelt by her. "Well, we weren't exactly friends, at least not good ones." He sighed. "This is pretty much all my fault, though."

"What do you mean?"

"All this crap with the Resistance and the Empire... I caused all of it," Dan admitted. "Or most of it, anyway. We were trying to get an edge on the Resistance, tried to capture a weapon and we needed someone's help to get it. Did everything we could to coerce and threaten him... and now, he's using that weapon against us. You saw it already."

"The Magic Gear."

"That thing. Bringing it here was a mistake... and screwing over Dr. Vice Grip was an even bigger one," Dan said.

"Dr. Vice Grip?" Phoenix asked. "Yes... I remember hearing that. He's a doctor in this universe?"

Dan nodded. "Surgeon. Had the best hospital... period, really." He looked over at Phoenix and smiled. "Sure would be helpful right now, wouldn't it?" He saw Phoenix's eyes light up and turned away. "Too bad it was destroyed in a missile strike. Like what you just went through only bigger."

Phoenix's shoulders sank. He breathed heavily, the pain returning to his legs. The feeling of hopelessness alone was crushing. "I don't... I don't know what to do."

"Yes, you do," Dan told him. He turned back to him. "The same reason you're here. The same reason a lot of things are here. Defiance, Nick. Magic- the defiance of reality itself."

He leaned forward, getting on his hands. "A spell? You mean... but I can't do magic."

"Anybody can do magic, Nick, sometimes you just need some help."

"How? How can I do magic? I don't have anything. I don't have..." He looked back to Twilight. "I don't have anyone that can help."

"Think, Nick. What magic can get you the help you need?"

"I-I don't..." His hands instinctively went to his coat pockets. He felt the Magatama, still there but it wouldn't help him right now.

"Other pocket, Nick."

He checked his inner coat pocket. The first item was his attorney's badge... and the other was his other attorney's badge. The badge Twilight had given him to practice law in Equestria. He took it out. The colorful heart-shaped pendant still looked more like a toy than anything official. Which was partly the point.

Dan smiled. "This is the part where you usually say-"


"There we go," Dan said. "Now, how did you get that?"

Phoenix remembered back. "Twilight gave it to me... after I was summoned. Wait, you want me to do a summoning spell!"

Dan nodded. "Of sorts."

"But... I thought summoning spells could only summon things from other universes."

Dan nodded again. "That's right- you're not in the mirror universe right now. It's dissolved, unfortunately, but there may be a way we can fix that."

"How? Please, just tell me how. What do we have to do?"

Dan stood up. "There's no spell that can bring back the dead, Nick. You know that."

"I... yes, I understand that-"

"But you know what you need," he said sternly.

"I don't know- please, just tell me!"

A picture appeared next to Mirror Dan. Colorful, vibrant, its edges shimmered like silver... like a mirror. They reflected light that was there, yet wasn't there, that they produced yet could not produce. The picture was flat in front of his eyes.

"What-what is this?" It was a rotating view of something, something very familiar to Phoenix.

"Canterlot. Not the one you know but, you know. From this universe. From about a year ago, to be precise," Dan explained. The picture zoomed in on a large square building in downtown of Imperial Canterlot.

"What is that?"

"Dr. Vice Grip's hospital," Dan said, looking at the image himself. "Staff of about five-thousand, twenty-five hundred patient capacity, not including outpatient procedures. Dr. Rice Puddinghead the Fourth, hospital director and chief of surgery. Dr. Julian Kintober, assistant director and chief of pediatrics."

Phoenix stared at it, knowing exactly what it was- hope. "How do we get her there?"

Dan shook his head. "You don't. This is, or was, the best hospital pretty much ever. The staff here didn't discriminate even during the war- they treated both sides equally. Truly equally," he shook his head, grinning. "I thought they were idiots at the time, but they were the finest doctors anywhere."

"What do you mean?"

"They're all gonna die in about forty-five seconds." He turned slowly to Dan. "Unless..."


"Unless you summon them."


"Sure. Thirty-five seconds."

"But- ohhhh. Oh, oh gawd, how? How?!"

"We do not tolerate such insolence. Launch missiles. Destroy them. Now."
"Yes, my lord."


"Did you ever wonder how Twilight summoned you in the first place?"


"Twenty-seconds until impact."

"She gave it to you for a reason, Nick." Phoenix held up the Equestrian attorney's badge.

"She told me... it would let me practice law here."

"It would let you bring justice here."

"Ten seconds." Inside the hospital, patient and doctor alike held each other for the last time. Young and old, sick and well, all differences aside. With seconds left to live, they stood equal, facing final judgment.

"I...I..." The edges of the badge shimmered like stars. "I summon them. I summon all of them!"

"Not good enough, Nick. Eight, seven-"


"Five, four-"

The image burned red. The sky over Canterlot overtaken by the glow of a missile aimed right at the heart of the city. Heart of more than one thing. And more than one heart.

"Three, two-"


"You realize you're yelling at a refrigerator magnet, right? One-"


Throughout existence, each and every version and variation of it, Phoenix Wright's objection was heard. It was not overruled.

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