• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Resort: TiDanic- My Hate Will Go On

The All of My Rage was primarily an airship, not a sea ship. Although it could traverse the waves, it still mostly relied on a system of ballasts to make it buoyant. As such, it was less prepared than a sailing ship for the tons of water flowing into its mostly-hollow hull. For once, the griffons' design of carry capacity over all was working against them as the ship took on water faster than the griffons hauled in loot.

At the same time, the carrier was being watched by a large fish-like submersible shaped like a Magikarp. Jessie, James and Meowth peddled as fast as they could to keep up with it. And to keep from sinking.

"Is that... the twerps?" James asked, panting.

Jessie glared through the periscope just as her Arbok and Seviper used Glare. "They definitely look twerpy."

Through his strains, Meowth looked over his two fellow cohorts' shoulders. What he saw Jessie looking at, however, was not the twerps on a Lapras, some other Pokemon or a boat or ferry. "Dat ain't the twerps!"

"It looks like... some kind... of... hovercraft," James said.

Jessie squinted. "I think it looks more like a donut."

"A jelly-filled donut?" both the males asked.

Jessie shook her head, more at herself for putting up with them, and looked back at the scope display. There were winged creatures fluttering about the donut-vessel in some sort of panic, and they didn't appear to be acting like Pokemon. No, it couldn't be the twerps Ash, Misty and Brock. After losing track of them in the Orre region, the Team Rocket trio had been searching for any possible lead.

"No, it's not them... drat." The announcement was followed by simultaneous groans from behind her. "Prepare to adjust course!" Adjusting course in the cramped confines of the Magikarp-sub involved leaning in unison to port or starboard, more like a bicycle than a submersible.

The sub pitched in the waves, more carried by them than propelling itself. Like a real Magikarp, the sub was almost completely useless, though somehow managed to work for Team Rocket. Hooray for idiot logic. As the sub bobbed in a helpless comical fashion, the periscope panned over and an island came into view. And the moment Jessie saw it, she was stunned.

"Oh... oh-ho! James, I think we may have twerps!"

"At... last... calves... burning..."

Through the periscope, Jessie saw an absolutely massive island. Tall mountains stretched up to pierce the clouds, verdant green forests filled the countryside and rolling green hills were parted by beautiful, serene, crystal-clear rivers. Striding amidst this gorgeous landscape was LadyLeomon atop her incredible (insert name here). With a cluster of Poke'Balls at her belt and a powerful scepter that could clear the view for miles(developed by Silph Co.), she was able to search for Pokemon and protect the Kingdom of Engalos(near Kalos) from the nefarious Team Sunder(radical criminal organization seeking to destroy the kingdom for some stupid reason).

When Jessie saw the sight of the lady atop (insert name here), she froze a bit and stopped pedaling. "Um... I was wrong. Let's keep going."

"We're not going to stop at that island?" James asked, disheartened. "Not even to... rest our legs?"

"Or eat lunch?"

"No," Jessie grunted, "Not even we could take... that much wish fulfillment. Speaking of which, onward! To the twerps and to Pikachu!"

"Uuuugggghhh," James and Meowth groaned. They resumed pedaling and the sub continued bobbing aimlessly in the waves.

Back on the donut-errr, the All of My Rage, more crap was happening.



*BRAAM!* Dan lunged for Gust's neck but missed when an explosion shook the ship. Smoke was billowing out of portholes on the inner ring, a lot more black, acrid smoke was blowing out of the transit bay under the bridge. The smoke from the bay was so thick it was obscuring the bridge itself. The entire carrier was leaning to the starboard side, more of the ship submerged than was ever designed to be at this point.

Chrys grabbed her boyfriend and her bird friend. "Boys, stop. Enough."

"The ship is sinking! This isn't the time to be strangling your chicken, Dan!" Twilight looked around, hearing the snickering and then realized what she had said. "Oh, shuddup! You know what I mean."

Blast Fuse slid by somehow. "I don't know what anything means."

"Ha. Dan doesn't have to worry about that when I'm around," Chrys remarked, grinning. The camera remained on her for several long seconds before she turned to it and asked, "The squee are you people staring at? You wanted it, you got it. Moving on."

"Fine. How do we save the boat?" Dan asked.

"Uhh, I'm not sure we can," Gust said, looking more worried than when Gust was after him. He and most of the other winged members had already instinctively taken flight.

"This is a carrier! BIG ship! There HAS to be a way to stop it from sinking! To fix it, to patch it up, to..." and even as Dan was talking, everyone was running for the lifeboats. That was when they made the next stunning revelation.

"Gust! Where are the lifeboats?!"


Dan grabbed Gust by the neck and did what he does best. "If you say there aren't any lifeboats, YOU are going to be the lifeboat. And I don't even know how that's going to work but oh boy, it'll be FUN finding out. For me. For you, no."

"The Magic Gears are malfunctioning," Marksaline said. Although, her voice was a lot more musical than it had been before and despite the angle of the deck, she appeared to be dancing. Swaying to some kind of inaudible tune.

"What?!" Twilight said, turning back to her.

"*Ksssssssssssssshhhhh*-and I told you man, this is the last time. THE last time."

"You're a Gator fan with the guts to call and your evidence is that you're calling. We've established this."

"But that's ALL you said at the-"

"Uhh, testing, 1, 2, 3, Giovanni? Is that you? We've taken over the Radio Tower, boss! We're back! We did it!"

"What's wrong with them?!" Twilight asked. The two Mini Gears were on their backs, sputtering garbled nonsense of some sort.

Lightning Claw swooped down at that moment. "The Magic Gears are weak against the noise from the Bass Cannon. It messes with their software, hardware, everything."

"NOOOO! MY BABIES!" Dan grabbed Knight and held her and shook her. "Knight! Speak to me!"

"The views expressed in the following program do not in any way reflect those held by the producers. Viewer discretion is advised."

"AAARRRGH NOO!" Dan yelled, setting her down.

"We'll get her fixed AFTER we get the ship fixed!" Twilight said. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and then did the thing she was certain would calm everyone else down. "Okay... does anyone know how to stop a ship from sinking?" A second later, the screaming started.

The purple princesses' head dipped low and she sighed. Then, Blast Fuse and Blast Powder appeared next to her to comfort her and make the situation worse.

"You're the smartest one of us, Twily," Fusey said, patting her shoulder. "Everyone here knows that. And the last thing anyone will think about is how you failed and we all died. But at least you tried."

Springer watched them all. How had this group managed to defeat her in the first place? "Uh, you people do realize we have the Flutterbirds, right? And most of us on this ship have wings."

"That's not even an exaggeration. Most of us have wings. The majority. Yeah," Spinner added.

"And we're are we, pttth, sorry," Dan flubbed a line, "Where are we going to go, ex-nazi? You see any islands around here?"

Spinner looked back over the ship's aft section. A trio of Legendary Bird Pokemon were circling what looked to be a very awesome island. "None that aren't beyond the fourth wall."

A hatch on the ship opened. Cap and Redfield climbed through to the deck along with Khan. All were covered in black grime.

Cap coughed up smoke before he spoke. "Bluuffgh, uugh, okay, we were just in the engineering section. It's underwater."


"More bad news, the Flutterbirds got wrecked by the Bass Cannon," Cap said. He shook his head, "Not salvageable."

The ship was sinking faster now. Dan looked around frantically. "F-Fluttershy! Fluttershy!"


"Fluttershy! Use your whistling to... to rustle us up some sea creatures! Twilight!" Dan spun to Twilight, "Summon whales to save us! Someone! Do something!"


"No," Dan dismissed the chicken.

"Dan, please. I messed up but I can fix this. I CAN fix this. Believe me," Gust said, sounding confident.

"NO!" Dan yelled.

"Dan, c'mon babe," Chrys pulled his folded arms. "Give him another chance."

"No, Chrys, he sunk the boat."

"But we forgive people now! Second chances... remember?" She looked up at him with big, cute, twinkling eyes. Fluffle Puff joined in, even the foodimals did. They all pressed their hooves and assorted limbs together in a pleading way, begging Dan.

Unflinching, Dan's upper lip was stuck in a show of disdain. "No. You don't give someone a SECOND chance the SECOND AFTER they screwed up in the FIRST place!"

"Plleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaseee?" They asked him in a chorus of adorableness.

Just as the water started reaching Dan's shoes, he dropped his arms. "Fine."

"Okay. Thank you," Gust said. "Now, hang on."

"Alright but what're we--AAAAGGH!" The griffons, led by Gust, used the ship's netting and other loot-catching conveyance to lift up the ground-bound passengers. Dan and company, along with all the other wingless individuals were carried into the air via nets. They were taken to the sky, but not too high. Just enough to avoid the waves.

"Well, this isn't comfortable," Dan said, hanging, limbs dangling out of the net. "But it's better than drowning. Thank you... Gust."

"You're welcome, Dan!"

Twilight and Chrys, being needed to carry the net, were next to Gust. "This is... heavy..."

"I know of an island nearby. It's not inhabited, but we'll be safe there," Gust said.

"OH goodness... c'mon, wings," Twilight said to herself. She was a better flier now, but carrying things while flying was a step she still hadn't quite made. She needed work on that, but she was determined to keep improving. For herself and her friends.

"I have to ask, Gust, are we... carrying anything unnecessary?" Chrys asked.

He shook his head. "No, we're not," he added, his voice serious. Probably one of the first times he'd ever been serious. "Just the passengers and whatever other food and supplies we could carry."

"No loot?" Phoenix asked.

He shook his head again. "No loot. Except for... friends." And that was a profound enough statement to surprise them all. As his ship sank behind him, it would seem the pirate had discovered something more valuable to him than treasure.

They reached the island as the sun began to set. It was big and there were plenty of trees. They were all too tired to make any other observations. Somewhere far behind them, the All of My Rage sank, the air ballasts finally rupturing to plunge the ship beneath the waves like a deflated inner tube. Because it pretty much was a giant inner tube.

Dan and the others made a makeshift camp. As soon as it was completed, Dan collapsed on Fluffle Puff and fell asleep with Chrys. Lightning Claw and Daring Do made a fire. The small camp was now slightly more comfortable than the Fyre Festival. Look it up.

"Gust, I... well, I know that had to be hard on you," Twilight said.

"No," he shook his head again. "It wasn't." His eyes were on his crew mates, his passengers, his... friends. All of them, marooned now. Just as the last one nodded off, he grinned. "Besides, there'll be other opportunities for treasure. Speaking of which, Clutch!"

The pink griffon flew down to join him. She was carrying a map. "Got it right here, sir."

"Great, great. And the sonar data?"

Clutch held up an iphone. "Got it all right here."

"Excellent," he unfurled the map before him. Twilight looked over his shoulder. She realized it was a map of this island, but something was strange about it. It was a tourist map.

"So you're still hunting for treasure? After losing your ship, everything on it and getting stuck on an island, you're STILL obsessed with treasure?" Twilight shook her head.

But Gust just grinned. "I'm still a pirate, brincess. By the way, maybe mention that to Dan in a way that he won't try to, you know, first thing okay?"

"I can't make that promise," Twilight said flatly. "He's still Dan." Unbeknownst to all of them, they were being watched.

Author's Note:

There is NO length we will not go to to show our fans we love them.

Team Sunder's colors are green outfits, sometimes coveralls with matching red scarves. You may or may not already know what they're based on. Their team emblem is a green and red letter S that looks like a storm cloud and also resembles a letter T. Because they're morons. Evil morons.

References we could have made: Titanic the animated series in ANY of its incarnations
Titanic the live action movie in any of its incarnations
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a book by Jules Verne
Lost, a very disappointing t.v show

References we did make: Pokemon

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