• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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OSP: Remote Control

Dan was not above kicking someone he hated while they were down. As evidenced when he jumped on Vice Grip's unconscious form and literally began to kick him while he was down.

"You. Don't. *squee* With. MY. FRIENDS!" Dan said, punctuating each word with a punch to Vice's face.

Even Phoenix joined in, continuing to smack the stallion with the remote. "You're a selfish, evil, condemning prick! You don't have the right to judge us... or anyone else!" the lawyer declared between smacks.

Finally, the two exhausted themselves. On their knees with their adversary between them, they rested, panting, gathering their strength. Then, they looked up at each other.

"Are we... are we best friends now?" Phoenix asked.

Dan looked down at Vice, beaten to a pulp, then looked around, as if the answer was all around them. In a way, it was. "Yeah..." he nodded. "Yeah, I think we are."

San Garry's Mod International Airport
At that exact same moment

Chris and Elise were busy dealing with the airport's concierge when suddenly, a pang hit Chris.

"Chris? What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know," Chris said. He suddenly felt weak and grabbed his head. "I... I feel strange. Weaker. It's... it's like I'm being replaced."

Elise had no idea what he was talking about. She wouldn't have time ask him about it, however, because just as she was about to, the scene did one of those security camera zoom-out transitions. It cut to the inside of the airport's security room where Larry Butz and his supervisor, one Wendy Oldbag were eating lunch.

Larry was halfway through a footlong sub when he, too, felt a pang of something. He stopped mid-bite, looked up and swallowed.

"Something wrong, trainee?"

"*BRAAAAAHHHHUURRRP!*" He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and took another bite. "Nah, I'm good. Can you pass the mustard, chief?"

Larry's belch had temporarily incapacitated the veteran security guard. Wendy, her silver-gray hair blasted back and her eyes and mouth wide open, slowly slid off her chair and onto the floor. Larry calmly got up from his seat, retrieved the mustard and sat back down to eat the rest of his sandwich.

"Wow... we're best friends," Phoenix remarked. (I'm sure Maya will get a kick out of Dan... whenever she gets here.) "What do we do now?"

Dan rubbed the back of his neck, not unlike Phoenix. "Do you want to get something to eat? See a show or something?"

"Yeah... yeah, we could do that. Well, I mean, after we finish up here."

"Oh yeah, of course."

"Holy crap," Blast Fuse said, taking a picture with her phone. "This is gayer than Sam and Flash Sentry's wedding."

"I knowwwwww," her sister said, snapping photos beside her. "These guys are so shipped."

"Does Dustin still ship us together?"

"Dunno. I'll text him," Powdy said, typing a message to her creator. "Ah, crap. No reception."

"Yeah, evil military base doesn't get good coverage. Figures."

"Okay," Dan said, "so, after this, we get some sandwiches with Chrys and Twilight. Maybe go see a movie, go bowling, something light after coming home from war."

Phoenix nodded. "That sounds good, actually."

"Indeed it does," Vice said. Both Dan and Phoenix looked down at the still unconscious form of the villain. He laid pummeled and bruised before them. "Unfortunately, I don't think either of you will be coming home from this 'war'."

Another Vice Grip approached them from the side. He looked identical to the one still lying in front of them, so much so both humans had to do several double alternating double takes to make sure their eyes weren't deceiving them before glancing at each other.

Vice smiled at the confused bipeds. "Did you honestly think you were going to win this one? You should know by now I always-"

"AAAARRRRRAAA!!" Both Dan and Phoenix yelled and ran at the second Vice, holding the first between the two of them. Using the first Vice Grip like a battering ram, they rammed into the second Vice Grip, knocking him down to the ground and then beating the crap out of him.

"Go for his arms!"

"I got his arms, you go for his eyes!"


The two humans beat the new scientist until they were exhausted, then laid both the bodies up next to each other.

"What the hell was that?" Phoenix asked.

"I dunno, Nicky... *squee*ing *squee* there's two of him now."

"Um, guys?" Blast Fuse said. "We got a problem."

Dan and Phoenix both looked up. In front of the base was an army of Vice Grips. All of them looked exactly alike- same metal gloves, metal boots, white lab coat and menacing expression of eager, satisfied, glee. They all smiled at him.

"Okay..." Dan panted. "Plan E now. We go with Plan E now."

"Which... which one was Plan E?"

He pointed wearily at the mob. "You take the half on the right... I'll get the half on the left."

Phoenix did not make a comment about how hopeless their odds were. Somehow, the lawyer had changed a bit and now, even in the face of impossible odds, with his best friend at his side, he was ready to fight. He grabbed one of the unconscious Vice Grips and prepared to use him as a weapon. Dan did the same. "He... they... don't stand a chance."

"Couldn't have said it better myself... *pant* Nicky. Friggin Agent Smith clones."

"Not gonna lie, I'm... more used to just fighting one guy at a time," Phoenix admitted. "Usually with help."

"Did you actually fight that Whesker guy and Doctor Doom?"

The lawyer nodded. "Yes, but again, I usually had help. From Maya or Will. And those guys weren't really that threatening."

Dan looked over at him. "How the heck are those guys not threatening?"

Phoenix shrugged. "Well, for one, neither of them were smart enough to get the drop on me twice. I mean, yeah, they're evil but they weren't geniuses. Even Galactus was just one guy and there was always a way to stop him, Albert and Vic so it was like there wasn't as much danger. Also, they usually didn't try to kill me, at least, not as much as Cap or Chris."

"Heh, yeah, I can actually understand that," Dan said. "When I fought Superman it was like he didn't take me as seriously when Lex Luthor was around.

"Wait a minute, you fought Superman?"

Dan nodded. "It was actually a misunderstanding and kryptonite was involved but it wasn't as bad as fighting the Master Chief."

Phoenix slowly turned to him. "B-by Master Chief, do you mean-"

"Guys?!" Fuse's voice sounded frantic now. "GUYS!!"

"What?" They looked over to the Blasties to see them, Rogue Squadron, Derpy and Tuxley and Reginald all being held at gunpoint by the Vice clones. "Oh balls."

One of the Vice Grips stepped forward. "The Enclave pegasi proved to be quite willing test subjects."

"They were all so excited to test out the latest of their Fallout: Equestria gizmos when I told them I could make them real," another Vice said.

"Heheh," a third chuckled. "I did warn them that the O.A.T.E.S and CLIPBucks they were using were prototypes."

"And that there might be some... programming errors that I needed to manually take care of from time to time."

"What did you do?" Phoenix asked. "You... you turned all the Enclave ponies into clones of yourself?"

"Not exactly."

"You see, I applied that traitor Lightning Claw's remote technology to my own."

"And with a little arcane manipulation..."

"...and changeling DNA..."

"...I was able to create remote control pegasi."

"Can you please," Powdy pleaded, a pistol pressed into her cheek, "Can just one of you talk at a time?"

They all turned to her and said in unison, "Nope!"

"Walked right into that one, sis."

"What you see here, however," the lead Vice announced, "is a little holographic broadcast from each of the Enclave pegasi's O.A.T.E.S implants emitted over their bodies and the changeling ability to reproduce clothing magically."

"Wait," Dan held up his hand. "I thought you hated magic."

"Oh, I do," Vice assured him. "But I've found a more stable way to control it. To harness it. And now," he raised a pistol at Dan, "I'm going to harness you. Since you destroyed my Cogsdale, I have a reason to keep you alive again."

"Though not for very long."

"Come now, my little humans, come with me quietly."

"Or I'll start executing your friends," the Vice over by the Blasties said.

Both humans stood, each holding an unconscious doppleganger of the assembled army of douchery surrounding them. They saw their friends, helpless in the clutches of their foe... or foes. It was hard to tell any more. They looked at each other, tired, beaten and running out of options. Out of energy and out of time.


"Yeah, Dan?"

"I think it might be... it might time for plan..."

"Which plan?" Phoenix asked.

Dan looked up. Just past Phoenix's shoulder, something caught his eye... and his expression lit up like the fourth of July. "B! Plan B!"

"Plan B?" Phoenix asked, spinning around.

"B! For backup!!" Dan exclaimed.

Flying towards them was an airship, clearly one of the ones from Gust's fleet. Even though the griffon airships were all unique and most of them ramshackle, jury-rigged hulks, they were still easily identifiable by their classic sailing ship construction. Even the Vice Grips turned to squint and scowl at the approaching airships. Their hostages, still restrained, were happy that at least the possibility of rescue still existed. The scientist's frustration was a welcome sight to see.

"Way to go, chicken fingers!" Dan shouted.

Phoenix's eyes went wide. "Uh, Dan? I'm not sure that's backup."

"What? Why not?"

"Look what it's carrying."

Suspended from the approaching sky galleon were a series of tethers and cables wrapped around the base of the ship. And from those tethers hung something almost as big as the ship itself. As it came into view, Dan realized what it was and he, too, went wide-eyed at it.

The Plasma Frigate approached Halberd Base and disengaged its winch. The Magic Gear it was holding dropped like a stone into the outskirts of the base.

The first Vice Grip turned back to them, an action that was mirrored by the rest of his clones. "As you said. Plan B."

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