• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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OSP: Daring Duped

Wearing a combat helmet and illustrating with a dressage whip like a modern day General George S. Patton, Dan explained every detail of his courageous plan to attack the Enclave base. He told Daring about every role, every contingency plan, every emergency scenario and even what they were planning on having for lunch that day. He walked her through the entire attack from beginning to end and when he was finished, Daring Do had just one question for him.

"Why is Phoenix the soy sauce bottle?" she asked. "Is it because he's Japanese?"

Phoenix leaned forward. "I asked the same thing. Apparently, it's because I'm the only one who uses it... except in cake." (And also, it would seem I'm Japifornian. I guess that's a thing now.)

"So, whaddaya think?" Dan asked enthusiastically. "Sheer genius or utter brilliance? I'm pretty fond of the phrase "genuine-"

"It's a disaster," Daring said flatly.

Dan, Phoenix, Chrys, Tux and the entire gang who happened to be sitting at the table looked at Daring. "Come again?"

"It's a disaster," Daring restated. "It's dangerous, it's reckless, none of you are trained for this kind of work, none of you are equipped for this kind of worked, you're going to be in enemy territory with no additional reinforcements or supplies and on top of all that, you're getting ketchup on the floor right now."

"Gah!" Dan realized he'd knocked over the bottle representing the enemy forces. Twilight used her magic to help put the cap back on the bottle while Fluffle went dutifully to work licking it up from the floor.

Daring tried to stop the fluffy mare. "Um, Fluffle, you really shouldn't-"

"*HSSSHHHH!*" she hissed in response and resumed licking.

"She'll be okay; we keep the floor sanitized," Chrys said.

"Well, spills and... training and that other stuff aside, I really think this plan can work," Dan said. "We have a lot of things they don't, including the element of surprise. Believe me when I say that can make a difference in just about any situation."

"They're prepared for surprises," Daring said insistently. "I've worked with the Enclave before and now they've got military hardware to match their discipline. They're like the Shadowbolts and the royal guard combined. They won't just repel you; they'll kill you. You guys really shouldn't do this."

Dan looked disheartened at Daring's remarks. Even his confidence could be bruised sometimes, especially by those he respected. But that was when his friends came to his defense.

"We've fought these guys before," Twilight said, putting her hoof on Dan's back. "Maybe not like this but we have seen how they fight. We know how they'll react which means we'll be able to control what comes next. Their training makes them predictable while our... unorthodox-ness makes us harder to predict," she said, smiling.

Surprisingly, even Phoenix supported the idea. "We also have magic and a solid plan of action. Those are two things they won't be counting on. We can defend ourselves if something goes wrong and even if we don't take the base, an attack would prove we can mount an offensive."

Daring looked at the lawyer, almost appalled. "You're seriously going along with this? You?"

Phoenix walked up behind Dan and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, smiling. "The funny thing is, I'm kind of looking forward to it. Sure, it's not the safest thing we could be doing but we're being as safe as we can. Doing this will show we're willing to stand up for Equestria against tyranny and that's exactly what we'll do."

Chrys nodded, joining her almost-boyfriend. "I'd follow Dan anywhere. And we know a thing or two about getting around their tech. They may have numbers, training and firepower but... we have Dan," she said, hugging into the human and making him blush. Her wings buzzed behind her as Dan slowly, almost imperceptibly hugged back.

"And we do happen to have firepower," a voice said behind them. Walking up from the back of the kitchen, Blast Fuse and Blast Powder both trotted in, dressed in a fashion akin to a combination of Solid Snake and Demoman.

"We gathered up about everything explosive in town."

"And several things that aren't explosive but will be soon."

"And we put them all together."

"And made a buncha bombs."


"Excellent!" Dan exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. "With the MY-Wing bringing in the heavy firepower, we'll be able to capture the base and burn a message into their skulls they won't soon forget."

Tuxley set his tea down. "You must admit, Miss Daring, their tenacity is impressive."

"You're with them too, now?" Daring asked.

The t-rex nodded. "I believe I am. Their plan doesn't appear to be foolhardy to me. Not only that, to fight for one's kingdom and countrymen is what a gentleman does." He turned to his manservant beside him. "Reginald, you packed our sparring gear?"

The crystal pony nodded. "But of course, sir."

"And the fencing equipment?"

A small smile flashed across Reginald's face. "Naturally."

Tuxley smiled. "We are prepared. We shall do our duty for our allies."

Daring shook her head in futility. "I guess if you're all committed to it, all I can say is... good luck."

"Awww... you're not coming with us, Daring?" Spike asked, carrying a bazooka twice the size of his body.

The archaeologist adjusted her pith helmet. "I work alone- Tux and Reggie can tell you that themselves."

"I'm afraid, that's true," Tuxley said, folding his arms.

"Come on, Daring!" Chrys said, turning into a copy of Daring. "With you at our side, they don't stand a chance!"

"I know, right?" Dan said, agreeing. "I mean, come on! Your books- you've taken on hundreds of bad guys at the same time and won. We're just doing the same thing!"

"That was because I didn't have a choice," Daring countered. "You all do. You're safe here with the town shielded and with... the ion cannon so FIST isn't a threat to you. I wish you all the best of fortune when you liberate your country." She turned around and headed for the door. And the entire group had somehow shifted and was now in front of her.

"Awwwwww," they unanimously 'awwwww'd'.

"We're doing this for everypony in Equestria," Twilight said. "Both everypony in the kingdom and the whole planet. Not to mention Earth, too."

"That's right!" Dan exclaimed. "That mechanical reject Vice Grip will blow everything and everypony up if we don't."

"And that's not what we're about," Blast Powder said.

"Let's make fires of peace! Jetterz!" Blast Fuse proclaimed.

"We have to do what's right to protect others, Daring," Phoenix added. "All it takes for evil to win is for good to do nothing." (Wow, I wish Maya could hear me say this. Maybe I should make a recording.)

"Thppp-thppp thppp,." (Just bring her with you next time, silly!)

(Good idea.)

Daring raised an eyebrow. "Using my own books against me, huh?" she sighed heavily. "Alright, fine. I'll come with you on your attack."

"HOORAY!!" the gang cheered, confetti descended from the ceiling and a random balloon with the tag "Three years of successful updates! Congratulations!" floated by as well.

Daring wiped off some of the confetti from her hat. "There's just one question, Dan."


She looked at them, looked at all of them. "You've talked about how you're going to breach the defenses, how you're going to trick their turrets, break their shield with your bomber, penetrate the base's armor and take control of the whole thing but... what are you going to do about the Enclave?"

They all looked at Dan, knowing he would give the answer. The human placed his hands on his hips and smiled confidently and said, "I'm going to beat the *squee*ing *squee* out of them with my bare hands."

They all knew he was being serious even if he was being silly at the same time. More than that, they knew he could do it. There was a point where you stopped predicting, where you stopped focusing on how things can or can't happen, what things will or won't work, what things do and what things don't. There was a point, place and time where you stopped worrying and realized that some people at some times, even you, simply make things happen despite the odds. Everyone in the library knew that already: they realized that Dan would make it work. Because Dan does.

Daring looked at all of them. They believed that this one loud, angry man could do anything. They believed he could do the impossible. She knew what that was like- to be looked up to in spite of your obvious flaws... or not-so obvious ones. It made her jealous, in a way. But she would join them just the same. She just hoped she'd be alive to write about it afterwards.

"Sounds like a plan, Dan," Daring said.

Dan clapped his hands. "It's settled! Welcome to the team, Daring Do!"

"Heh, cool. What do you guys call yourselves?"

"Eh, dunno."

Chrys tapped her chin. "How about Citizens United Delivering Defense, Love and Enforcement and Ponies Intent on Liberating Equestria?"

"Hmmm," Dan considered. "Not bad. Get working on the t-shirt."


"After we get back from attacking the base," Dan added. "Alright, now, everypony, since we've got a new member, you all know what that means."

They looked at each other. None of them knew what that meant.

"It means we get to go over the attack plans again! Starting with A and revising everything to Q!"

"Awwwwww," the group groaned.

"Now, now," Dan said, ushering them back into the kitchen, "Faster we get started, faster we put it into action."

"There goes the afternoon," Spike remarked, heading back into the kitchen with the others.

And so Dan revised every instance, phase and step of each plan to attack Halberd Base one-by-one, integrating Daring Do, Tuxley and Reginald into it every time. She was represented by, coincidentally, a can of Mountain Daring Dew, the soft drink that used her as a mascot. The deliberations continued late into the evening and the gang ordered pizzas for dinner while Dan revised his plans. When all was said and done, they decided on Plan A yet again, just with new guys keeping an extra watch on things.

As they all adjourned for the evening, Daring, Tuxley and Reginald were given the guest rooms to use for the night. At Twilight's request and because it was getting late, Dan did not brief them on evacuation and security protocols. He armed the security system and hit the hay himself.

"Hey, thanks for joining us, Daring," Chrys said, just as the two were heading for bed.

"You're welcome. And thanks for having me," she replied, only the slightest awkwardness in her voice.

"I know things can kind of seem crazy sometimes but... we get through it," Chrys said. "Together, we get through it."

Daring smiled at her, a small thank you for her kind words. "I can tell."

"Anyway, night-night," the changeling queen said. "Get some rest for tomorrow; Dan'll be making waffles in the morning."

"Okay, good night," the pegasus said. She closed the door behind her.

The room Daring Do had been given was one of the ground floor guest rooms newly-installed after the renovation. Like all the other rooms in the house, there was a well-stocked bookshelf in it; this particular one held extra copies of books. One of them was one she had written. She looked at the tome, a modest-sized hardback novel and brushed her hoof over the picture on the cover. The title read: Daring Do and The Shifting Sands of Saddle Arabia. It was one of her earliest books, one that she had completed just shortly after the adventure itself years ago.

She looked at the mare on the cover, read a few of the words. She remembered writing them, remembered being there but the book... was foreign to her. It felt as if the events had happened to another mare, been written by another pony with far different things on her mind. A pony that knew she could make things happen, too. A pony that didn't believe in impossible. A naive, young mare who still had a thirst for adventure... and a lot of heart.

Daring cast the book aside, letting it hit the floor like and splay open. She didn't care about it anymore, didn't think of herself as that same mare. She had fallen so far. She could not let the same happen to them. She wouldn't.

Just as she was about to roll over and forget everything, there was a knock at her door.

"Hey, Daring?" a voice asked her. At first, she didn't recognize who it was but rolling over, she realized it was Dan. His hands were behind his back.

"Oh... hey."

"Hey, uh, I was just wondering..." he scratched his neck somewhat nervously. "Sense we're gonna be a bit busy tomorrow, what with the going to war and everything, I was wondering if you could do me a... little favor."

"Um... sure, what is it?"

Dan pulled out a book from behind his back. She looked at the cover: Daring Do and The Shifting Sands of Saddle Arabia. It was identical to the one on the floor but a bit more worn. He apparently hadn't seen the other one.

"I was... y'know, just wondering... that is, if you had the time-"

"You want me to sign it?"

The human nodded. "Yeah. Well, not for me but for the library, you know, to have some posteriority for the books. I mean, not that it isn't for me too, it's just that... well, if it's signed, it's a bit more prestigious for the library and-"

She smiled at him. "Do you have a quill?"

"OH! Crap, hold on," he rushed off to get one.

Slowly, Daring got back out of bed and replaced the other copy of her book back on the shelf. If somepony else wanted to believe in Daring Do, well...

Dan burst back into the room again. "Here! Got a pen for you."

The famed archaeologist signed the book, an action she'd performed more times than she cared to count. She then paused, taking a long look at her signature. It didn't look foreign to her at all. She kept writing, even filled out an entire black page in the back- a special message for Dan.

The human looked puzzled at what was taking so long but he was patient. When she was done, she hoofed it to him and kept both covers of the book firmly closed.

"I need you to do something for me."

"Oh, sure. Anything, just name it."

"Don't read it until after you take that base. Okay?"

Dan nodded. "Okay. I will. Hey uh, thanks," he held the book close and bolted back at the door. "The library thanks you for your contribution!"

Daring hopped back into bed. "I didn't do it for the library." The human stopped just before closing the door and looked back as he heard her say it. She caught him looking back and they both smiled.

The next morning, Dan was one of the first ones awake. "Morning, everypony!"

"Morning," Phoenix said, already undressed from his pajamas and in his spiffy blue suit. "I got my disguise ready."

"Good, we should be ready to begin Operation: Sucker Punch after breakfast."

"Already started on breakfast!" Twilight and Spike called from the kitchen.

"Oh ho," Dan chuckled, entering the kitchen to see for himself. "But do you remember what we're having for breakfast today?"

"Of course, Dan," Chrys said, blushing. "Pancakes when workdays, cereal, french toast and etc. for play days and waffles-"

"When you go to war," Dan said, the two completing the oath simultaneously. "You guys are learning well."

"Because you're an awesome teacher," she said, giving him a squeeze. Just briefly, he squeezed back. He then walked into the center of the kitchen.

"But, before we get started, I want to check on the plan one more time."

"Not that you need to," Chrys said. "By now, we've all got them memorized from A to Q."

"Haha, I know, I know but I just want to be sure," the human said. He lifted up the table. "WHAT?!?!"

Twilight, Spike, everyone spun around. "What's wrong?"

"IT'S GONE! The plans, the diagrams, everything it's all gone!" Dan said, flipping to the table and pointing at it's bottom. "Someone erased it all!!"

Phoenix looked closer. "It looks like it's been wiped off completely. Look! The water's still wet on there!"

"Who did this?!" Dan demanded, looking around.

"Relax, Dan, don't we all have copies on our phones?" Chrys said, holding up her changeling-themed cell phone.

"Right! Good thinking," Dan whipped out his own phone and quickly scrawled through it. "No... NO! It's gone! They're all gone, every plan!!"

Chrys, Twilight, Spike and Phoenix did the same.

"Hey, where's my magatama?!" Phoenix yelled.

Suddenly, Blast Fuse and Blast Powder stormed through the door from the basement. "THEY'RE GOOOOOONNNNNEEE!!!"

"What's gone?!"

"THE BOMBSSSSS!!!" They yelled simultaneously and then broke down, crying. They held each other.

"We spent all that time making them."

"We gathered the supplies."

"Had to outsource and order new stuff!"

"Cooking recipes!"




"Calm down, calm down! Everypony calm down!" Twilight said. "There's a perfectly logical explanation for all of this. Dan, did you check the security system?"

"No! That's right, I'll check it now!" Dan bolted off to the front door.

"Is the MY-Wing still in the hangar?" Phoenix asked.

The two sisters nodded. "Mm-hmm..."

"That's strange," the lawyer remarked.

"What's strange, Phoenix?" Twilight asked.

"Well, it seems like whoever stole this stuff wanted to sabotage our attack. But the crucial piece of equipment- the bomber- is still intact. Why would they steal everything else?"

"Hmm," Twilight tapped her chin. "I don't know. Maybe-"

Dan walked back into the kitchen. His face was blank.

"What's wrong, Dan?"

He said nothing but placed a single piece of brown parchment on the table.

"What is this?" Twilight asked, picking it up.

"That... was on the security console," Dan finally said.

Twilight read the note. "Dear Dan and the others- by the time you read this, I will be long gone. Believe me when I say I do this to keep all of you and Equestria safe. It pains me to say you cannot attack the Enclave and I implore you to let the matter rest. Be safe, be vigilant and I promise things will work out better this way. Sincerely..." Twilight trailed off. She couldn't read the last name.

It was in all of their minds, the name at the end of the letter. They all looked to Dan.

Dan's entire body shook with white hot-cold rage. His face burned a boiling red, his temperature rising across his skin to the top of his head. His fists balled, he threw his arms up into the air and shouted:


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