• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Broke: Spearing the Details

Ponyville Outskirts, night

The walls around Ponyville were quite artistic, Arteem had to admit. The earth ponies had rebuilt them in the space of a few hours and painted them shortly before nightfall. The second coat was already drying before the sun set, and already it appeared as if it had been part of Ponyville the entire time. Parts of the wall resembled rolling hills at the top, mountains, golden plains, fluffy clouds, all four of the major scenic features of Equestria. The gates were friendly and welcoming, and all four of them were uniquely designed. Finally, loudspeakers were attached to the walls at various points that could broadcast alerts, announcements and even music.

And they all hid strikingly-sophisticated security measures, both magical and technological in nature. Any trespasser would be responded to very quickly by pegasi. These security measures blended in perfectly with the town's aesthetic. Almost too perfectly. New buildings had been constructed, all four of which housed hidden ion cannons.

"Impressed Analysis: The town has upgraded its defenses. They appear to be designed to prevent both infiltration and repel invasion. Potential for sabotage is very low, and estimates of the town's ability to withstand siege appear quite high."

"I'll admit, it's a bit more impressive than Khoonda. I wonder if they have a faulty side door in this place, too." The Dark Exile exhaled, lowered his macrobinoculars. Things were more difficult than he expected. "What of the other cities?"

HK-50 rotated his mechanical head from side to side. "Critical Statement: Our scouts have reported similar fortifications being made in major cities throughout the region. In extensive security presence is building and the nation appears to be on high alert, though normal operations continue. This reaction is unexpected; our main forces do not appear to have been detected."

"It's not for us, then. Interesting. They're expecting visitors... and not the friendly sort."

"Confident Statement: If we were to wait until the invaders arrive, we could join-"

"No," Surik said, standing up. "No more alliances. Bring in everyone."

The HK-50 assassin droid was one of many produced at the Dark Exile's hidden factory on Telos. Despite the fact they were so numerous, most of them seemed to share a bloated ego and smug pride, a trait that made the machines overconfident. Even caused them to miscalculate at times. Surik knew of a mechanic that might have been able to correct this flaw... if only he knew where they were.

Surik didn't know where Bao-Dur was. But he did know that *she* was here.

"Cautious Advisory: Master, direct attack is likely to result in many casualties. Not to mention the loss of valuable material and resources... including droids."

Surik grinned. "What's the matter, HK? Afraid of being broken? Don't worry; I fixed your predecessor once. I'm sure we'll have plenty of spare parts when this is over."

"Disappointed Statement: That is what worries me."

The two disappeared into the darkness of the night. Defenses or no, they were going on the attack. Just like Dxun, but hey, third time's the charm, right?

After Dan recovered, Zen brought him back to Zecora's hut.

"I hate you," Dan said.

"I can tell."

"I hate you... I hate you RIGHT NOW more than I've EVER HATED ANYONE BEFORE. I. HATE. YOU!"

"Is that all?"

"NO," Dan proclaimed. "You are ALSO paying my hospital bill. Damn copays went up again. Insurance companies are just legal ponzi schemes."

Zeal sat quietly, almost meditating. The two men sat on the floor, legs crossed, almost meditating. Dan hated meditating, but he did meditate on his hatred of meditating, which he hated doing. And he meditated on that, too. And hated it. Medit-hate.

"Your anger gives you focus. You know how to use it properly, to harness that emotion and feeling," Zeal said.

Snarling through his teeth, Dan agreed. "Yesss... thank my upbringing for that."

"Indeed. Focus is not your problem. Neither is balance. To your credit, you have achieved some measure of purity."

"Thanks. Jackass." A spear landed near Dan. "Aaah!"

"But you lack awareness."

"I get it. All that survival crap, that was to sharpen my senses, sure. Now, what? The next plan is to hone my insight or something?"

"No," Zen said. He got up from his position, took a spear and his shield in both his forelegs. He stood on his hindlegs when he was in a fighting stance, but hunched over, presenting a smaller profile that hid more of his body behind his shield. When standing fully, he balanced himself with the spear and the edge of his shield, placing both firmly on the ground. Even armed with both weapons, he still moved like he was on four legs.

Dan was not intimidated by his display. "I know your stick schtick by now, pal. The spear is magic, the shield is magic, you use potions. Give me the same stuff and I'll do just as well."

"There are no potions to enhance weapons," Zeal stated. "And I did not need magic to defeat your princesses."

"Wait," Dan pointed at him. "You didn't beat the princesses."

"I did. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both fell to my spear."

"Ha," Dan scoffed. "They let you win. To protect the Saddle Arabians. How they heck could you REALLY beat an alicorn?"

"Understanding," Zen said. He jabbed Dan with the bottom of his spear, swept his legs with the shield and spun the blade around at his neck. Before Dan could even blink, he was on the ground, spear edge at his throat. "Understanding your opponent is the key to victory. You know this."

"I- yeah, that's pretty basic-"

"It is the most valuable resource. On the battlefield, anywhere. Knowledge is strength. Knowledge is defense."

"Knowledge is power, I get it," Dan said. His hands were raised above his head as Zen kept going.

"No. You do not," Zen said. "Knowledge is everything. And it is everywhere."

Slowly, Dan got up to his feet again. Zen hoofed him the spear. "So do I get to fight you now? Again? Rematch time?"

"No," Zeal said again. "Feel the weapon in your hands."

"Okay. It's a stick."

Zen rolled his eyes. He took the spear back. "Feel it. Close your eyes."

"Again with this monk crap." That comment earned Dan a bap on the head.

"Feel. Now."

"Alright, fine." Dan grabbed the spear and closed his eyes. The wooden handle had grooves in it and markings, all clearly carved and painted. It felt symmetrical in Dan's hand despite its ritual appearance. It was light and balanced, but sturdy. "It's not bad. Reminds me of a three-wood I used to have."

"Good. Which direction does the wind blow?"

Dan opened his eyes. "I dunno, I-"

"Eyes closed!" Zeal bapped him again.


"Eyes. Closed," Zeal repeated.

Dan huffed. "Fine." He closed his eyes. "I... can't tell you anything about wind. We're not even outsi-"

"Quiet. Feel."

"The hell are you-"

"QUIET. FEEL." Zen grabbed Dan's arm, positioned the spear upright and closed Dan's eyes for him. "Feel. With your hands."

Dan felt the grooves on the spear. He held his hand on the spear's shaft, the grooves and markings pressing into his palm and fingers. He concentrated, focused on just the feeling in his hand. The spear was being tugged, pulled ever so slightly in his grip. Not by gravity but by the airflow in the hut. The air caught the spear's grooves as it flowed by, gently tugging and blowing through them as it did. It flowed past the spear and around his arm, clinging to his hair as it did before flowing again.

"It's, uh... it's flowing that way," Dan said, throwing his thumb over his shoulder.

"Good. Is it hot or cold?"

"Little cool. Little dry."

"Actually, it's a little humid because the dehumidifier is busted. But not bad for your first attempt."

"I see," Dan said. "So you're able to sense your surroundings with your special stick."

Zen took the spear back. "I am able to sense everything with this 'stick.'"

"That a fact- wait-"

"Everything creates information. It's carried in vibrations, on the winds... in the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the night. Knowledge is everything. And it is everywhere," Zen explained. "I train my warriors until their weapons are like a part of them, until fighting is as natural as breathing and spear and shield are like their own limbs."

Dan thought. "Alright, that's... pretty cool, I guess." For some reason, Dan thought of driving his car in that instant. He imagined his hands gripping the steering wheel, feeling the grooves and the peeling, faded paint. Through the wheel, he felt the wheels and through the wheels, he felt the road. Especially that month when the power steering went out. Perhaps there was something to Zen's weapon-sense.

Zen closed his eyes. "Know every part of your weapon, from the weight in your hand to the feeling of when it impales your enemy. How drops of rain or flakes of ash cling to it, how wind and smoke flow around it, how it cuts through heat and ice, darkness and light. The shadow it casts in the sun... and the way it flies when you throw it."

Dan took the spear again. Zen continued. "I am able to sense everything with this spear. From a heartbeat to an avalanche, every move my enemy makes. I am able to read your thoughts; they are written in every twitch of your muscle. Every breath or twist of the head. When a unicorn intends to strike, they raise or lower their head depending on the spell they intend to cast. Lower, focusing the horn towards their target for direct, focused attacks. Up for more broad strikes."

It was true, for the most part. Every species had their own preferred way of fighting. Griffons tended to hide their claws, keeping them close until they were ready to strike. Then, they would make quick swipes if on the defensive, or go for the throat or other vulnerable spot, closing the gap with a lunge. Earth ponies would stomp, charge and whip their powerful back legs around, or straight-up box their opponents. And of course, pegasi were all about speed and using the weather.

But alicorns were something different all together. "So how did you beat Celestia?"

Zen opened his eyes. "It is as you said: she was more focused on protecting the Saddle Arabians than on fighting my forces. So I removed that obstacle."

"You attacked civilians. Because you're an evil SOB."

The zebra didn't even pause at Dan's comment. "I had the bulk of my forces flank their defensive positions. Then, I ordered our artillery, graciously supplied by Vice Grip at the time, to fire on the evacuees' airships. This forced them to engage me head-on. The advantage was mine, so I pressed it."

A smile crept across Dan's face. "Then she gave you quite a... sunburn, didn't she?"

Zeal sneered. "Quite. That is enough history for today. Now, I will train you to use your weapon."

"So I AM going to build a stick," Dan surmised. But Zen surprised him by pulling out the Pain Cane, his cobbled weapon he seldom used in the past. And Dollars' random shotgun.

"You have built weapons already." Zen threw both items at Dan. "Now, you will learn to use them."

Author's Note:

The design of Ponyville in this story is meant to resemble a playset, albeit a larger and more detailed one than you'd usually find in stores. But as MLP started as a toy franchise, I enjoy designing things with that aesthetic in mind. The "Dan-fenses" of Ponyville would be retractable, so the town would look normal and if need be, walls and turrets and fortifications could sprint up in the event of an attack. And as shown in Episode 17, my version of Ponyville is even capable of self-destructing as a giant Rube Goldberg device. Honestly, that part is still one of the hardest things I've written and designed so far.

Arteem Surik, aka The Dark Exile is the player character from KOTOR 2 following the dark side conclusion of the story, in case anyone needs a reminder. Since I based Cleo on Kreia, its seems fitting he be thrown into the mix as a new baddie for Dan to fight. As a player character, he's quite formidable, as are his armies. Really thought abut putting him in another story but fuck it, he's here now. Might still put him in a spinoff at some point, though.

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