• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Wrath: The Act of Creation

A perfect defense for Equestria. That was the one true unifying factor between Dan and the humans. Even Tuxley and Reginald, from Chris and Cap to Dan and Phoenix, Applejack to Zen Zeal, they were all defenders of the faith, the harmony, and friendship. The things that mattered most, both person and belief, truth and ideal together as one. Princess Luna had gotten her wish. Now, Equestria had the means to defend itself against any nightmare.

Nowhere else was it more evident than on Equestria itself, rapidly being reborn through the unification of magic and technology, of hope refined through blood, sweat and tears into reality. Molten minerals fused together. Ice boiled into water vapor and flash froze, back into ice again. The glowing mass of matter, magic and energy swirled in the night, burning with a brightness that rivaled the sun at such a close distance.

The debris cloud had disappeared. The Genesis Device had finally worked. And now, a dark vector, a cloud of sorts appeared over it made of steel.

"Well, who could it possibly be? What could possibly be worse than what we've already been through?"

A large ship jumped into the system. It appeared on the bridge monitor in front of all of them, a ship so massive and large and iconic that it absorbed the whole viewscreen. Although none of them had ever seen a real one, they recognized it from the moment they saw it, remembering it from drawings they'd seen earlier, very specific ones. They all knew what it was, and that knowledge caused all their hearts to sink.

"Well," Dan said. "Shit."

An Imperial Star Destroyer appeared above them. A massive, grey, triangular warship, bristling with guns and firepower, the crackling viewscreen focused on an image of the ship. It cut through space, blocking out all light with its mass, as if hope was something tangible than this dagger of a vessel could rend and take away.

They watched as it came towards them. "Well... Dan?" Twilight asked, "What do we do?"

Dan shook his head. "I got nothing." Silently, they all came together in a hug.

The Star Destroyer flew over them. Darkness enveloped the Danfiant as the ship's shadow came down over it. Helpless, the Danfiant was pulled into the belly of the larger vessel via tractor beam, an invisible grip that towed the smaller ship into the Destroyer's own main hangar bay.

Upon being ushered out into the hangar, Dan found that none of the awaiting stormtroopers were there to arrest him. He'd fully expected the usual dressing down by a military force; he was used to being captured at this point. Enclave, Vice Grip's forces, the Mirror ponies, all had taken him prisoner before. Why would the Galactic Empire be any different?

But they were different.

The stormtroopers stared at Dan. Imperial officers, crewmen, even droids and technicians and everything you'd expect to find on an Imperial starship, not in the way you'd expect to find it. None of them raised a gun in his direction. As Dan stepped out into the hangar, he saw only bewildered faces.

"What are they all... looking at?" Twilight asked. And behind them, was her answer: they were staring at Equestria.

One of the stormtroopers had his helmet off. A young man, short hair clean shaven.

"That's it," Dan pointed at him. "That's how I looked when I first saw Equestria."

"They're all staring at it," Phoenix said. He turned around as well. "At Equestria."

Dan turned around. Twilight and the others, after getting clear of their own ship, looked towards Equestria. Out of the main hangar bay, below the ship, the planet dominated the vista. Not a single soldier, human or otherwise, made a single sound. They all bore witness and were enraptured by the greatest magic act to ever take place, the act of creation.

Clouds covered Equestria but quickly were beginning to part. Rain and lightning cascaded down. The surface of the planet boiled and churned and finally began to take shape, the shape of their world. The shape of home. Pillars of rock became mountains topped with ice, the ice melted in the heat of the sun, water ran down and across the landscape until it finally became the rivers that fed the lakes. Trees appeared, then forests, then fertile plains of grass.

More than just the land took shape. The magic of Equestria, reborn, gave second life to its purpose: Ponyville. Canterlot, Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Manehattan, Phillydelphia, Pittsbuck, Palomino Bay, from orchards of Sweet Apple Acres to the zen temples of Zebropolis, Equestria was rebuilt. Every barn and building restored, every railway spike and every rail stretching from the Crystal Empire to Saddle Arabia returned exactly where it had been before.

"Dan," Twilight said, tears streaming down her cheeks, Rarity beside her. "How did you do this?"

Dan's mouth was slightly agape. He shrugged. "I had help."

"You did," Phoenix said. "But you did this more than anyone else. We all know that." He put his hand on the smaller man's shoulder. Twilight did the same.

It was a very touching moment, the kind of thing that happens when you witness a miracle. All the questions, the whys and hows and all else melt away in awe of the now. In a matter of heartbeats, Equestria's own heart began to beat again. Wind licked the landscape, rustling the newly-green trees. Flowers began to bloom, taking on the stages in life where they had left off. Beasts and creatures of all sizes stretched and yawned as if waking from a long slumber, ready to began the new day.

Dan regained his usual composure. "Yeah, it's impressive," he admitted. "But what's surprising is why I keep doing this stuff for free." Twilight elbowed him in the gut, prompting him to shut his trap. He went back to holding her, Phoenix and Rarity.

The commander of the Imperial vessel approached them from behind. They turned to meet him as soon as he arrived, flanked by a pair of awe-struck officers who were having trouble standing at full attention. The commander himself could not fully conceal surprise from his face, in spite of his own notability.

The commander, a blue-skinned alien in a white uniform mouthed a word first, then said, "The planet will reach equilibrium in approximately ninety seconds. You have... created a habitable, sustainable world from... nothing."

"Not nothing," Dan corrected him. "Just bits, pieces and random junk."

The man held Dan's gaze. "How?"

Again, Dan shrugged. "We found a way. Together," he said, holding Twilight and Phoenix tightly to his sides. "Beyond that, I can't really say. So what the hell do you want? You hear to invade us? I'll end you in ways you can't even imagine. You want to work with me, we can do business, maybe I'll give you a copy of the data on my ship for the effort. Whaddaya say?"

The blue man took a breath. "The Empire respects power. True power. And we've been watching you, I think you've realized that."

"I've noticed. Got a couple of your marshmallow dorks on my team."

"Indeed. The ability to reconstitute an entire planet... is unparalleled." On either side of them, the assembled stormtroopers and Imperials were all still watching Equestria. It was a beautiful world on its own, set aside the fact it had just regenerated. It represented a lot of things to a lot of different people. To the Empire, it had originally been a target, now was something else all together. To Dan and friends, it was home.

"It's not finished. WE are not finished," Twilight said, a profound statement as ever. "We have to get our friends back. We have to go back."

"Without the ponies, that planet will tear itself apart again," Phoenix explained. He put his hands on his hips. "So you can either help us... or get lost. Your choice. But if you get in our way, then even a miracle won't save you from our wrath." (I am sweating so much right now.)

"Damn, Nicky," Dan said.

"Was that too much?"

"Lil bit. We'll work on it."

"That won't be necessary," the commander said. "We will gladly provide you assistance in exchange for information on how you performed said 'miracle.' Follow me to the bridge."

"Alright, coolio. I'm Dan, by the way. This is-"

"We know," the alien said.

"Alright fam, let's follow Pajama Sam here. Colress! Judge! Doctor! Get out here."

The alien spun around again. "My name is Mitth'raw'nuruodo. You may call me Thrawn. Welcome aboard the Chimaera."

Behind them, the Imperials replaced their helmets, regained their discipline and went back to their duties. For all it was, the act of creation was still an act, and the next one followed as the show went on. With Dan and company now allied with the Empire, the third arc of this show began its final act.

The Danfiant was not the only ship that the Chimaera picked up that day. Barro's fighter, along with Barro, were also found and brought aboard. Snoopy and Woodstock, however, seemed to have ventured elsewhere.

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