• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Episode 7 Bonus Scene pt. 1: Phantom Lightning Power

Northern Equestria, Crystal Imperial-Zebra Nation Borderlands
Prosperity Mountain, Restricted Area
Unauthorized Military Structure "Prosperity Base" (Unknown FIST weapons facility ref. 33A [CLASSIFIED])

Despite all the activity, Prosperity Mountain actually felt pretty quiet to Lightning Claw. FIST security guards, Enclave pegasus troops and all manner of machinery, equipment and Magic Gears were always busy but there wasn't much actual talking. A female voice on the intercom system Lightning couldn't identify often made announcements but other than that, none of the other ponies spoke. It was easy to bump into somepony if you weren't looking where you were going.

This was a stark contrast to Lightning Claw's last job. Cloudsdale was always lively and ponies there were constantly shouting orders, yelling updates and talking with one another, just being social. It was one of the many things about Cloudsdale he missed and one of the things he hoped he could get back to eventually. For now though, quiet worked just fine for him.

The exterior of the mountain base was divided into four sections: Stable 5, the railway station and the entrance to the mining complex were to the south, the train tracks went both through and around the mountain to the east and west sides, with cargo and supply stations on either side to aid with deliveries. The north section was a collection of large hangars for the Magic Gears, smaller hangars for vehicles like the Flutterbirds and tanks stolen from Earth and support buildings and barracks mostly used by the Enclave troops. The only ponies who ever saw any of it were those permitted to be here by Vice Grip.

Lightning Claw had access to the entire facility, given to him by Vice Grip himself, not that he could use it without somepony telling him he was getting in the way. But there were some places that he could go without being yelled at and he was headed to one of those now.

One of the large hangars to the back had been reserved for something called a Shagohod, a giant hover tank or something that Vice had kept from a long time ago. It was apparently a precursor of some kind to the Magic Gears but it looked like a giant black-and-orange turtle to Lightning Claw. Vice Grip had told him it was for "something special" but he wouldn't say what that was. He also claimed that he hadn't built it himself, which was even more confusing. Lightning didn't understand why he needed so many machines. Then again, most of them did break, so maybe it was a good idea to have multiple different designs.

Lightning entered the hangar quietly, closing the metal door behind him. The building was huge and dark, his hoof steps would echo off the walls. The power to the building had also been disconnected since Vice moved the Shagohod so he had to turn on the lights himself. Lightning aimed a hoof high at the lights on the ceiling and fired a bolt at each. After being struck, each light turned on, one by one. His own electricity was indigo-colored like his coat and it illuminated the hangar in the same dark purple-blue.

He went over to his corner on the north side of the building, just to the left of where he came in. This was where he kept his "collection", some of his most prized possessions. With all the rules and limited space of Prosperity Mountain, Lightning didn't have a lot of space to his own to play anything but video games, watch t.v or read, so one of his favorite hobbies, he'd had to find space for. Fortunately, the hangar was perfect for this task, so long as no pony wanted to use it again.

Lightning stood before them and concentrated, feeling electricity build through his entire body. He focused it into his forelegs, feeling his mane and coat begin to stand on end. He stood and projected an electric field from his front hooves, a gentle aura of electricity that bloomed outward and affected the objects in front of them. Using his forelegs to control them, he made them jump off the shelf one by one, some taking flight and others rolling around.

He was able to control all of the remote-controlled vehicles with his electricity, his magic-embued lightning that his body generated. Vice Grip had his army, Lightning Claw had his. He made them fly and dance, roll around over tracks and ramps made from leftover parts, boxes, metal, pipes and lumber. The RC helicopters and planes he liked to make dance like acrobats, fly in formation or pretend dogfight each other. He could spend hours making new tracks or structures, make loops and buildings for the planes and choppers to fly through. A lot of times, he would even fly with them while controlling them.

To Lightning Claw, this was about the most fun he could have. He wished he had somepony to play with him, though, even had a set of controls in case somepony did. For now, though, he was content to play in the hangar and had even constructed a model Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres for his models to drive and fly around, all built to scale. He was even making his own Cloudsdale out of some leftover metal and insulation material that resembled clouds but was itchy to the touch. Lightning could shock it and it would float on its if he reversed the polarity and made it magnetic. Soon, he would have his own model Equestria to play with.

He had always been interested in remote control vehicles. When he was the weather manager for Ponyville, he tried using a model plane to clear the sky of clouds for an important event. He just wanted to change things up a bit, maybe have some fun in the process and make his job a little easier. Of course, this hadn't worked and he'd wound up losing his first model plane when he accidentally ran it into Spitfire while she was training with Soarin. To be fair, she'd actually ran into his plane but trying to argue that had proved pointless. Other pegasi just didn't like things crowding up the sky.

His planes and helicopters performed loops both with and without his guidance. He was able to fully control them, program them with his electricity, using every volt and bolt to move and instruct them. He only had to stop and recharge them every so often, then maybe head to the refrigerator for a juice box or a snack to recharge himself. After a while, he decided to do just that, and teleported to a small fridge connected to a portable battery, the only thing in the hanger not powered by himself.

Lightning Claw combined two pizza Lunchables together to make a pizza sandwich, even toasted it with his electricity until the cheese was melty and the sauce was nice and cooked. Being your own power plant had its advantages but it used a lot of his own energy so he had to eat often. Alicorns in general had a higher metabolism than other ponies, that combined with his special condition meant he had to snack more frequently. He was always careful to use the excess energy though, or otherwise he could wind up putting on extra weight, which would actually act as an insulator and inhibit his powers. So afterwards, he would be sure to do some flying, zap a few things to discharge any extra electricity. Sometimes, he even caused thunderstorms just for fun. He made sure to do this over unpopulated areas, of course.

He finished his sandwich and washed it down with a fruit punch juice box. There were only two left so it was about time to make another supply run. He watched his planes fly, almost like pegasi themselves and imagined one day returning to Cloudsdale with an army of them, impressing all his old friends. Getting his old job back with Vice Grip's help. He let himself smile at the thought of making his friends and everypony happy again. Unfortunately, he was unaware Vice Grip had different plans in mind. Or maybe he didn't want to be aware.

As he was finishing his juice box, he noticed something strange. There was another helicopter in the room, a model Flutterbird. He didn't remember getting a model Flutterbird… or powering one up when it was on the shelf after walking in the door. He threw away the juice box and flew up to it, just now noticing it wasn't under his control. Suddenly, all the other vehicles started acting on their own. His electric magic stopped controlling them and they began moving by themselves, as if controlled by somepony else.

"What…?" Lightning looked around. "Is anypony else in here? Hello?" His voice echoed off the walls. He flew back down to the shelves, looking over them again. He picked up the box at the bottom where the remote controls were, the box itself dusty because he didn't use them. Opening the box, he saw them all there. Every control was there, all the ones he had, anyway. Most of the vehicles were ones he'd found or salvaged and he didn't have the controls for them. With his electricity, he hadn't needed them. And whatever was controlling them now didn't need them either.

"Hello? Is anypony else here?" he yelled. Again, there was no answer. The planes and helicopters continued to move without his control, without power. "Um… if this is a joke, I don't really get it. H-hello?"

He reached out with his hooves again and jolted the vehicles. They started moving under his control but the electricity quickly dissipated, evaporating like it had been drained right out of them. Then, they were back on their own, moving by themselves under a strange phantom power. He flew up to one of the planes but it began flying away from him. It flew faster than he could to the point he couldn't catch it. He tried to grab one of the trucks off the floor, finally using his short range telekinesis to grab it.

He looked at the truck, its wheels spinning without batteries, without power. Suddenly, it glowed and moved back to the floor, speeding away without him. His heart began to race as everything in the model world he created went beyond his control. The unfinished model Cloudsdale rose up on its own, carried into the air by no visible force. Panic set in.

Lighting turned around to head for the door, find help, escape and he saw the model Flutterbird hovering right behind him. It was facing him, flying eye level as if it was watching him.

"Please… I don't have anything! I just wanna leave!"

"Why leave so soon?" the Flutterbird asked him in a familiar voice. "We're about to have some fun!"

Author's Note:

Always pick up your toys after you're done playing with them.

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