• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Wrath: A Link To Harmony

"You need what?"

"You heard me," Dan said, unwilling to repeat himself to Samule.

"We need to buy more time for the cannon, so that means we need to activate the prison's defenses again," Phoenix explained. As the two men talked to Samule and Sendback, everybody else gathered nearby were watching them. Since they were all just standing there, waiting to evacuate the planet, they had nothing better to do.

Samule was his usual grumpy self. "The generators have been disabled so you could use the cannon."

"So un-disable them," Dan said, earning him a glare from Samule. Or maybe he just looked at Dan and that's just how his face normally is. Okay, yeah, it's that. "Just fire a couple of them up again and send out the butterfly things that killed the Smooze. We just need to use one or two long enough to get up to an evil flying donut."

"The "butterflies" use magic, genius," Sendback said.

"Along with everything else on what's left of this planet," Dan looked down at the ground. "No offense."

"The point is, it's more complicated than just flipping a switch and turning them back on. We get it," Phoenix said.

"One of you does, anyway."

Phoenix thought. "Alright, then." Something exploded on the complex exterior, followed by several smaller explosions. "We're running out of time AND defenses simultaneously."

Dan turned to the crowd. "Has anybody here ever fought in a war before?" No one said a word. Not even a murmur among the assembled donkeys, ponies, zebras, basically refugees. They were now beginning to question Dan's... everything. "Okay, better question, who here has any combat experience? No wait- who here would LIKE combat experience?"

"Dan, you're scaring them."

"I know that, Nicky."

"You're scaring ME."

"Fear is... understandable. A given," Dan said. He turned back to Samule. "Do you have anything that can help defend the cannon?"

Samule smiled for some reason. "Follow me."

"Nicky, I'm scared, now."

Phoenix rubbed his neck. "Like you said, it's understandable. A given."

"Yeah, a given, as in I normally give it to OTHER people, not the-"

Samule stuck his head back in. "You coming?"

"Gah! Yes. Nicky, let's go."

"Right behind you. Understandably behind you."

Doctor Whooves thought he heard Dan's voice when he exited the train, but when he appeared back on the platform, Dan was gone. "Alright, well, what belongings we can afford to take with us have been stowed, minus one Crystal Heart. Is everyone ready to board?"

The refugees were busy chatting and didn't seem to notice the Doctor. A consequence of ultra-posh British politeness was the inability to garner attention in emergencies.


The first couple shrugged, and then as a crowd, moved from the platform and onto the train. They did not entirely fit inside, so some elected to ride on top.

"There we go," the Doctor said, pleased with himself. "Not sure how Twilight is planning to make this work but, eh. The TARDIS is bigger on the inside, too." The Doctor then realized he had reminded himself of the TARDIS. "Miss you, old friend."

At that moment, Colress walked in with the Magic Gear fillies following him. "Was that Dan yelling just then?"

"No, that was... well, he was just here a moment ago."

"Which way did he go? Was Phoenix with him?" Colress asked.

"Yes, they followed Samule and- wait a minute, where are you going?" The scientist and robots almost left without him.

Then, Captain America and Redfield entered.

"Oh hey! Great! There you guys are," Chris said.

"We need to get to Dan and Phoenix right away," Colress said. His voice only slightly sounded of urgency and was still calm and level. He was the perfect scientific observer, as usual, even if he did have a stake in the outcome.

Cap walked up to him. "We need the Magic Gears." He then looked down at the trio of mechanical fillies. "We need your help, please." They were still people, even if they were the size of large dogs to him and machine in nature.

"But the Gears need to get to Dan and Phoenix."

"Technically, only one of us does."

"Yeah, me and mom can stay with Steve and the others."

"Alright then, let's go," Chris said. Another series of explosions shook the building.

The Doctor shivered. "Does it feel colder to anyone?"

Outside, Rarity was still trying to use fire magic to melt the ice, while at the same time the flying fortress bombarded the prison with yet more ice. She quickly ran from tower to tower as the ice barrage continued, melting it as best as she could.

She wiped sweat from her brow. "TWILIGHT! Can you hurry it along, please?!" She turned back to the floating weapon, still approaching albeit slowly. It fired another lance of energy that struck the complex. "WHOSE PLAN WAS THIS EVEN?!"

Technically, it had been Twilight's.

Twilight herself had almost entered another realm. The song that the cannon was making was channeling magic throughout the cannon itself. The desert in the center of the country had vanished; in its place was the cannon. From each of the four cardinal points, the four cities surrounding it, a crater sloped inward all the way to the cannon's barrel. Being a stationary gun, it had to be able to shift and change the barrel to alter trajectory.

Luna could have easily just maneuvered the moon itself over the cannon for the donkeys to launch. Instead, she helped them build something that eventually they would be able to use on their own, without her help at all. She was still instrumental in its current function but in time, they would have figured it out for themselves. Her way of teaching and making sure they were ready.

But there was more to it than that, and Twilight was discovering it every minute.

Parts of the four towers disconnected. The center folded inward and the four statues slowly came together. Hooves and forelegs interlocked.

Time to rise!
Time to rise!
Send your hopes up to the skies!
It's now or never, come together
Take a stand, it's time to rise!

We will rise!
We will rise!
Our dream was shared and now it flies!
Soaring now until forever
Raise your glass, it's time to rise!

Twilight slowly lowered herself to the dais. She landed in the center of where the statues had come together, but they were statues no longer. They never had been.

"Goodness me!" Poshley Proprietor pulled out his pocket watch. "It's been... a little over a thousand years, by my reckoning."

The donkey filly among them giggled. "When's the last time you got that wound, pops?"

"Trish, don't be rude. Can't you see we have a guest?"

Twilight was stunned. "Oh my goodness... you all..." she lifted her hooves to cover her muzzle.

The four each bowed, the two stallions among them removed their hats, even.

"Poshley Proprietor, my lady."
"Venerable Vintage, my dear."
"Libra Lens, your highness."
"Tactful Trickshot. Call me Trish."

"We are the New Baltimare Gun Club, at your service," Poshley said.

Twilight actually had to force herself to blink. The New Baltimare Gun Club, the donkeys who had originally developed the cannon, were still alive after a millennia of disuse. They had each envisioned the cannon as a massive community project to give the kingdom of donkeys harmony without elements. It had been successful, if only for a time.

Poshley "Pops" Proprietor was the donkey with the blunderbuss. An avid skeet shooter and marksman, he was the oldest of the group and the closest thing they had to a leader. Venerable Vintage indulged in the drink, true to his name but a gentleman never overdid things. Rumor had it that he had something of a fling with Berry Punch, but discussing such matters or bragging would be another thing a gentleman didn't do.

Libra Lens held the telescope among the group and did most of the planning. She was a renowned astronomer and cartographer; Daring Do often used her maps in her adventures. And finally, Tactful Trickshot, or Trish as she preferred, was the youngest of the group, but added raw talent to the mix. Although she was young, she had a spirit for adventure and enthusiasm that the group relied on, even if they did have to get her to calm down once in a while.

"I can't believe you guys are all here! And you're, well, I mean-"

"My dear, we did build this gun, didn't we?" Ven asked.

Trish shrugged. "Who better to show you how to use than us? I mean, this thing IS supposed to be kind-of a national secret. Not exactly going to leave the instructions lying around, right?"

Twilight giggled herself. The four of them reminded her a lot of her own friends. Trish especially was the spitting-image of Rainbow Dash. That had been the point of the Elements of Harmony: to bring together a diverse group of friends to help show others the way. Luna had done her job very well indeed.

"Umm, I don't believe that's part of your plan right now, is it?" Libra asked, pointing at the approaching giant donut. The Cogsdale flying fortress was nearly on top of the facility, still firing its ice cannon.

"We need to use your cannon to escape Equestria," Twilight explained. "The whole planet is breaking apart. We... we have to find a new place to call home, a new world."

The four were quiet for a long moment, processing the information. But they didn't need to talk to one another, to whisper or even glance at each other to see what each of them were thinking.

All four of them were holding an item. They each touched their time-honored symbols to the dais below them. The platform shook, and then beams of light erupted along the barrel of the cannon.

"Come with us, your majesty."

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