• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Mirror Darker: Shadow of The Empire

You are READING a CARTOON. How is this even possible?

"I-uh, uh-da, ga-yuh-" Phoenix stammered, not in control of his tongue. Boba Fett was used to such responses by now.

"Let me give you some advice, friend," Boba said, "This world's on her last legs. However you found yourself here, I suggest you depart the same way as soon as you can."

"Uhhb... uhhb... uhhhb..."

Boba pushed the frozen mirror of Phoenix to the side, stepping closer. Boba Fett was almost exactly Dan's height, probably would have been exact without the armor. He was just a bit shorter than Phoenix but he didn't need to be taller than the lawyer to intimidate him. Francisca Von Karma was half a foot shorter than and that was in heels and she(and her whip) still scared the gauge out of him whenever he was in court with her.

The small antenna on the side of Boba's helmet flipped down for a moment. In that quickly flipped up again.

"I'd offer you a lift, but I need the cargo space. Now, if you don't mind," he drew his EE-3 rifle and said, "get off my ship."

"I'm looking for someone!" Phoenix blurted.

Boba paused for a moment. "Is that right?"

He nodded, mustering up some confidence. "She's from here. She was around here. B-before the attack, I mean. She's a friend of mine... sort-of. C-could you help me... uh, find her?"

"That's my line of work. But I'm afraid I'm already on a job." Before Phoenix could respond, and with quicker reflexes than he could react to, Boba Fett raised his arm and fired his grapple cord at him. It wrapped around the lawyer's torso, pinning his arms to his sides. "Sorry, friend."

"Wait-wait-wait-AAAAAGH!" In one quick motion, Fett yanked Phoenix out of his cargo hold, over his shoulder and out of his ship. Phoenix landed on his side and rolled across the sand near the tarmac, thankful he at least hadn't landed on the pavement.

Phoenix struggled to get free, but the cord was too tight. It would have been tighter if Boba had actually wanted to take Phoenix in; this was no off-day for Boba Fett. He was here on a job, equipped and prepared for anything and wasn't going to let anything stand in his way. Essentially, he was an armored, less-angry version of Dan. With guns. And a flamethrower. And a jetpack. And missiles. Iron Dan. Except that was already a thing.

When a summoning spell is used, it is very specific to the way it is casted. When Phoenix was summoned to aid in Rainbow Dash's trial, he was brought to Equestria in his prime. While the events of all his iconic games had already transpired, Phoenix Wright was restored. Magic amplifies knowledge, experience and creativity, turning these things into even greater strengths.

Likewise, Boba Fett had been summoned to Mirror Equestria at his strongest. Having seen and endured the collapse of his own universe, a variant of a galaxy far, far away that destroyed itself in war, Boba was even more cold, ruthless, fearless and relentless than his other incarnations. Also, as the veteran of an apocalypse and countless conflicts leading up to it, he was better-equipped with more gadgets, weapons and tools of destruction. While Phoenix wasn't even equipped to fight in court.

Of course, giving him the best evidence in one of his cases would be cheating. Not that he wouldn't appreciate it.

Phoenix found he wasn't able to get free, but he could still stand. Carefully, he hopped his way back up to the ship, back to the scary astronaut with the guns and gadgets and other things he didn't want to think about. If Boba already had Twilight stashed aboard his ship, he was going to have to find a way to get her out.

The landing ramp and opening hatch began to retract. Boba was preparing for takeoff. Phoenix hopped onto the vessel as fast as he could, wriggled his hand free a bit and hit the button for the door again.

Boba was holding a frozen Twilight Sparkle by her horn, trying to wedge all three of his captures into the storage locker. His head turned to face Phoenix. "You're quite persistent."

Phoenix looked right back at him. "I'm only going to tell you once."


"Put. The pony. Down." He ripped the ripcord off. "Now."

"Not happening." Boba raised his rifle and fired.

But Phoenix had already hit the button again to lower the door. Boba's shots hit paneling, ricocheted and hit the floor, bounced off to hit the ceiling, then back down to hit Boba.

Phoenix's mind broke for a tiny second. He had just assaulted what was likely the most dangerous opponent he had ever encountered. Over a pony he hadn't met. His brain shutdown to check its own sanity for a moment and then, remarkably, resolved to continue. Bravery filled his chest like warm water, expanding outward to bring his chin high with determination. He felt real resolve in a dangerous situation.

Then his brain screamed at him when he hit the button to open the door again.

A jet of flames sprayed outward forcing Phoenix to pin himself to the ship's bulkhead. He flipped around to the side of the ship, hanging onto the edge with his fingers and even they felt the blistering heat of the assault. He pulled his fingers away before they became frankfurters, careful to balance himself on the modular part of the ship.

The flames went out quickly. Phoenix flipped back around again and continued to the other side of the doorway, avoiding the follow-up blaster shots from Fett. And in between evading the shots, Phoenix used the ripcord Fett had lassoed him with and threw it back in Boba's direction- but not at Boba himself. Phoenix latched the cord around the frozen form of Mirror Twilight Sparkle. The moment he felt it tight, he yanked forward.

Both bounty hunters and lawyers had to have quick reflexes. Boba realized what Phoenix was doing and immediately spun to grab his prize. Phoenix pulling at her forced Boba to grab her with both hands, but he managed to counter the tall attorney's strength. Surprisingly, they were about even in that category. But a bounty hunter knew that preoccupying both his hands was a tactic, and a good one, one he used. Even as he braced to hold Twilight in place, he spun around with his first free hand, his left one, to levy his rail gun against Phoenix.

Phoenix, however, was charging right at him. Just as he pointed the gun at the aft of the ship, Phoenix grabbed onto his arm. The rail gun fired, a long super-heated blast cut the air like molten steel but it hit a tree thirty feet away from the ship.

"You're a smart man... hrrg, Phoenix Wright," Boba said, struggling against the attorney restraining him.

"That's... hnng, what they...tell me.... ehg!" Holding the shorter man by his arms was like gripping a bull around the middle. Astonishing to both of them was the fact that Phoenix could hold him, however. They were about the same level of physical strength. The bounty hunter, however, had more experience with physical strength.

"Not... smart... enough..."

Boba propped his boot against Twilight and pushed off. Now perpendicular to the lawyer, he activated his jetpack and Phoenix Wright was headbutted in the gut. The wind went out of him immediately and the two of them blew out of the Slave 42. Boba, unable to control where he was going very well with his head in Phoenix's stomach, tumbled in the air, dropping Phoenix into the jungle fringe while he spun out of control above it.

Despite all this, Phoenix was still holding the ripcord. And the ripcord was still attached to Mirror Twilight Sparkle. The waifu on iceu spun through the air like a fish on a hook, hitting the overgrown growth of a Tangrowth.

Phoenix scrambled to his feet. Laser fire ripped through the air just above his head, indicating that this action was a mistake. He got down low again, into the foliage.

(Please let him not have infrared. Or a thermal visor. Or... anything. Okay, umm... I can still feel the cable. Maybe if I can pull it, I can reel Twilight in, sneak away from Boba Fett and get back to the sand castle. We have a plan now. Good job, me.)

He got down on one knee and carefully began to reel Twilight in. Slowly, carefully, he pulled the length of cord a little at a time, keeping his eye on the sky. He saw no sign of Boba Fett, but the acrid scent of his jetpack still singed the air. He would not give up his bounty.

He kept pulling, finally reeling Twilight all the way in. And Boba Fett was holding her with one hand, aiming his rail gun at Phoenix's head with the other.

"This is the last time you'll get mercy from me," Boba said, his voice cold.

Phoenix chuckled bashfully. "Great! I might as well use it." He yanked the cord again and the pony jerked his entire body. Boba's shot whizzed by Phoenix's head, cutting through the branches of two trees behind them and nearly hitting a mother Tropius and her podlings. This did not make the mother happy.

Phoenix grabbed Twilight Sparkle but the bounty hunter had a tight grip on her. The two men grunted, straining to get a good grip on the frozen pony. Carbonite as a substance was not that slippery; although cold enough to freeze, its surface was solid, not liquid. Mirror Twilight was essentially encased in stone. But it still reacted to heat and was beginning to melt, evaporating straight from solid to vapor.

"You're not... hrrrnnng! You're not taking her!" Phoenix growled, grabbing her hindlegs. Boba said nothing, his grip tight on her forelegs. Phoenix didn't know, but the bounty on Mirror Twilight was live only. Boba would get no payment for killing her, so he would not risk anything dangerous around her. His ripcord, however, was not dangerous.

Boba fired his cord at Phoenix's legs and pulled, knocking him over. His jetpack was still recharging or he would've used that to get away. He wrested Twilight from Phoenix and ripped the ripped ripcord Wright wrapped around her right out off his grasp. He then aimed his rail gun at Phoenix's head again.

"Nothing personal." He prepared to fire.

"TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" The mother Tropius smashed into Boba Fett like a freight train. She bucked him, kicking him like a sandbag into an Alolan Exeggutor. He bounced off the tree Pokemon, that was more curious and confused than anything else. He thought he'd been hit by a Pawniard.

"I think it might be personal for them!" Phoenix called. With Twilight in hand, he ran back to the tarmac.

Just as he emerged from the treeline, Boba Fett emerged from overhead.

"Oh, come on..."

"No more games, Phoenix." He leveled both his flamethrower, his ripcord launcher AND his rail gun at the lawyer. The bounty hunter could easily shoot him, rip Twilight out of his arms and set him on fire in barely a second's time.

(Come on, there has to be something. There's ALWAYS something... usually always. Always... crap, there's nothing.) Phoenix stared at the black-visor'd helmet of the most fearsome and feared bounty hunter in existence. It was like staring cold death in the face and for many, it had been exactly that. People smarter than Phoenix and stronger than him, too.

But none with friends like him.

Something tickled his arm, prompting him to look down. The carbonite on Twilight's flank was melted, exposing her tail. She was rubbing it against his arm, almost whipping him frantically with it.

Phoenix Wright's eyes narrowed. "I give up! I give up, I surrender!"

Boba hesitated. "Put the horse down. No tricks."

"Alright... alright," Phoenix said. He carefully sat her down on the tarmac. For whatever reason, she had been frozen while smiling, as if that was possible, so Mirror Twilight actually looked like the Hasbro toy of Twilight Sparkle. But Mirror Twilight was a toy for ages eighteen and up.

"Now back off."

"Like you said, I'm a smart man," Phoenix said, hunkering down. He gripped Twilight's tail. "Smart enough to do this!" He spun Twilight's tail as fast as he could, aiming her horn at Boba Fett like a machine gun. Dan would have been so proud of him right now, if it weren't for the fact that no magic bolts fired from Twilight's horn.

Boba stared at him for a long moment. "I stand corrected. I don't want to know what you're doing-"


"-but it ends now."

"Wait! Oh," Phoenix just remembered. He spun her tail in the opposite direction. "I forgot. Mirror universe." But instead of a flurry of bolts unleashing from Twilight's horn, it was a wave of purple energy. It sprayed across the landing strip and hit Boba Fett, blasting him off his feet. Mirror Twilight wasn't a gatling gun; she was a magical flamethrower. And Phoenix used her.

"Oh crap! I'm sorry! I don't- hahaha! Hey," Phoenix laughed, "This is pretty fun!" He kept twirling her tail, bathing the side of Boba's ship with purple flames. Boba held his arms up, trying to shield himself with his bracers but magic was not the same as flames. It ripped through his armor at the molecular level, melting it more effectively than even his own flamethrower.

"I'm sorry!" Phoenix yelled. He stopped, realizing Boba couldn't fight back. "I'm sorry, really. Are you okay? Do you need me to get medical-"

Boba took that opportunity to jetpack up. Phoenix Wright, Dan and the ponies may have been merciful, but Boba Fett was not. He flew around to the other side of the strip, well out of distance of flamethrower Twilight.

"Phoenix Wright, you just signed your death warrant."

"OBJECTION!!! I didn't sign anything, Fett, you can't pull that garbage on me! Don't mess with me man, I'M A LAWYER!"

"Should've stayed in court." Boba fired a missile from his jetpack. The missile split apart into three missiles, a cluster missile! And all three curved down towards Phoenix Wright.

Author's Note:

Adding more Pokemon because the readers have spoken and they want more Pokemon. So expect more Pokemon, especially when we get to the Equestria Games episode. Yes, that's coming.

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