• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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The Prodigal Sun

Ponyville, Equestria
Mayor Mare's Office
4 weeks ago

Mayor Mare set the last of the finished forms on top of the pile on her desk. The form in question was a requisition form to supply the power plant with extra supplies and equipment. Dan's new security measures- ion cannon emplacements located at key points around town, was becoming stressful on Ponyville's power supply. The hydroelectric dam could only provide so much energy on its own and needed extra resources to maintain the new, larger power requirements. She sighed heavily; it was one of a hundred forms she'd had to go over today and approve, all having to do with Dan's security programs.

"Is that the last one?"

"Oh, um, yes," the mayor said. She'd almost didn't hear Sweetie Belle come in. She and the rest of the CMC had volunteered to help Mayor Mare with her mayor duties after Dan rescued them last week.

"Great! Is there anything else you need?"

"Errm, not at the moment," she said. She adjusted her glasses, setting them at the right point on the bridge of her muzzle. Looking around the room, she noticed two things missing. "Where are... ermm..."

"Apple Bloom and Scootaloo? They said they needed to install something."

She looked around her office again more carefully. "Install what, exactly?"

*Drzzzzzzzzt, drzzzzzzzzzt, drzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt*

"Oh dear."

Something fell into the lobby beneath, clattering as it landed. The rug in the center of Mayor Mare's office suddenly fell inward and was sucked into a recently-made square hole. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's heads poked through.

"Eeyep. This'll work nicely."

"Hi Mayor!"

"Hi," she said, stepping around her desk. "What, pray tell, are you doing to the floors?"

"Just this floor," Apple Bloom said. She and Scootaloo then disappeared down the hole in the floor and somehow reappeared almost instantly through the door to her office. "We're installin' your new trapdoor!"

"We noticed you didn't have one."

"I... didn't really need one," the mayor said. They triple-sad faced her, the only way fillies could. She had no choice but to concede to the cuteness. "But thank you, I'm... I'm sure we'll find some use for it."

"Oh, we're not done yet."
"We still have to add the rope ladder and work on secret pass codes!"

"Of course," Mayor Mare said, forcing an awkward, stressed smile. "You're sure Dan doesn't need you to install a trapdoor somewhere else?"

"Nope," Sweetie Belle said.
"He said right here."
"Just in case you need to get in and out quickly."

"That's very thoughtful of him," she said, shaking her head. "Will you be done soon?"

"Yep! We have to get some more supplies from Pone Depot."
"Be sure to watch your step before we get back!"
"See you soon!"

The rug squeezed up through the hole again and spread out, now with a giant red X painted on it where the hole was. It covered the hole, as if nothing had changed beneath it. The CMC departed.

Stepping around the hole, she returned to her desk, took off her glasses and rubbed her temples. The CMC were a bit enthusiastic sometimes, for lack of a better term. They were helpful half to her half the time, and they were trying to be helpful the other half, usually by improving her office in some way. It had been a long week.

She turned around in her chair and looked out the window to her office. It had been a long year. All the new arrivals, the new 'guests' that had come to town coupled with Dan's security improvements had changed Ponyville. It was still recognizable, the cannons and the wall were even fitting, but the mayor remembered a time before all these things were necessary. The princesses were gone, the kingdom was regularly under siege... what caused all of this? What happened to Equestria?

A bright reflective ray crossed her eye, forcing her to block it with her foreleg. In the town square below, a group of ponies were raising a solid-gold statue. With a final heave, the earth ponies pulling the ropes brought the massive statue into place on its pedestal. It was a statue of Dan.

Mayor Mare opened her window. "Umm, excuse me!" she called to the ponies below. "What-what is it you're doing? What's that, there?"

"Hi mayor!"
"Hi mayor!"

"Yes, hello, what is it you're doing? What is this statue doing here?"

"Oh, it's for Dan!" Spiced Bread said. He was the best bread baker on Baker's Street since he took over the shop from his great-grandfather, Sliced Bread.

"Yes, I can tell that, but why here? Why now? Just... why?" Mayor Mare asked in a flustered voice.

Spiced hadn't really heard her; he'd been talking to Crispy Crust, the owner of the third-most popular pizzeria in Ponyville. He turned back to the mayor. "Come again?"

"Err... nevermind, I suppose."

"Alrighty then! Hey guys, let's set the other one up so that they're facing each other!" The ponies went back to their work. Mayor Mare closed her window, retreating back inside.

She slumped in her chair. There would be more forms to sign when Aegis Ally in Canterlot found out about this. If it was gold straight from the treasury, it would have to be replaced. If it was from Blueblood's own fortune, maybe he could be persuaded to donate it. Maybe. Either way, it was more work for her. More forms that would have to be signed, sent and stuffed into cabinets, never to be read again.

Mayor Mare wheeled her chair back to her desk. She pulled out the next form; might as well start now.

"It's funny how things change, isn't it?"

She spun around her chair. Standing behind her, where she had just been, looking out the window with gloved-hooves clasped behind his back, was Vice Grip.

"Y-you! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?"

"Felt like seeing home. I have to say, I like what you've done with the place," Vice said, turning to her. She recoiled from him, as someone would from a threatening figure, like a spouse fearful of an abusive partner. He walked around her desk casually, seeming to take in the whole room.

"Twilight... Twilight told me about you," Mayor Mare said. "Now, I... I know, you have a... a disagreement with the princesses-"

"A disagreement?" he shot her a glance. "Is that what she called it? A "disagreement." I suppose that's as good a name for it as any. Tell me, do you think they've been good for Equestria? Has the kingdom prospered under there rule? Has Ponyville?" He stepped up to her desk and leaned over, adding "Have you?"

"I... well, I..." He didn't interrupt her. He wanted her honest answer, though it was taking a while for her to find it. "I would... I would say it has. I have."

He looked at her, turned his head, smiled. "Have you? Are you so sure about that?"

"I..." She felt her heart beat faster. He was charismatic, very charismatic in about every way. But she knew what she had to do. "I... I should call Dan. I can't trust you." She shuffled through her desk, looking for the emergency phone line Dan had installed last month.

"But you can trust Dan," Vice said, gloves still clasped. "Just like you could trust the princesses. Just like I could."

And it was that last bit that caused her to slow her frantic search. Then to slow her rummaging. Then to stop looking all together. She looked down into the desk drawer. There was the phone- a red flip phone next to the latest MLP comic she was reading. She didn't have the heart to reach for it.

"I was in your position once. Equestria was coming apart, entire kingdom was in danger. Famine swept over the land," he explained. "Of course, this was a long time ago. A lot has changed. Except the princesses," Vice said. He looked out the window, up to Canterlot in the distance. From the mayor's office, it almost looked like a toy you could just pick right off the mountain.

"Are you really from... back then?" the mayor asked. "From when Equestria was first founded?"

"Oh, yes. I can tell you, a lot's changed in a thousand years. When I was a kid, pegasi were just learning how to control the weather over Ponyville, now look at them. Wrapping up winters, rolling out summers and falls. Jumping into springs. You know, the Pegasi have actually changed the most. Of course, they always were the more aggressive ones." He sat down on the edge of her desk.

"What happened? If you..." He slowly turned to her as she asked. "...don't... mind... me asking."

"Well... it's a long story. Did you know this building used to be the chancellor's office? Back in my time, the three tribes used to be represented equally. The pegasi were ruled by the strongest and the fastest, their commander. The unicorns, of course, followed royal blood and were led by the royal family. But the earth ponies, like us, we did something revolutionary: we chose to have democratic elections. And our chosen representative was called the chancellor," Vice explained.

The mayor nodded. "Yes, I'm aware of our history. Ponyville still follows this tradition-"

"But you're still a servant of the princesses," Vice said, holding her gaze.

She swallowed. "Well... ultimately, yes. But I represent the township to her and she does listen to us."

"Does she?" Vice raised an eyebrow. He stood up, started to pace. "Do you know why Ponyville has a mayor? Do you know how the office came to be?"

Her glasses began to fall off her muzzle again. She pushed them up. "I-uh, I just, that I, um-"

"Let me tell you exactly why we don't have a chancellor any more. It starts with the last pony to hold the office. His name was Rice Puddinghead. And this was his office..."

It hadn't even been an hour since Vice Grip had finished his story. The actual story itself didn't take that long, just that Mayor Mare had to have some proof... and he had shown her. Her glasses hung around her neck, attached by the necklace that kept them from hitting the floor and shattering.

Her hoof shook as she put them back on. "I... I had no idea. I'm... I'm sorry."

Vice nodded coldly. "I thought you should know. From one earth pony in a... unique position to another. You deserved to know the truth."

"I... I understand now," the mayor said. "I'm just, I'm so sorry..."

"We cannot change the past," Vice said, the slightest gleam of regret in his eye. "We can only try to make the future better. For all of us. He knew that. That's all I've ever been trying to do, Mayor. What he would want. The chance he never got." He took a cell phone out of his lab coat and placed on her desk. He slid it carefully across the top of the polished oak towards her.

She swallowed. "I... I just... I don't know if I can do this..." Tears blurred her vision.

Vice nodded. "I understand. As you now know, I'm not in a position to do anything at the moment. All I can promise you is that there will be no interference if you decide to make the call." He turned and walked away. Although he stepped on the rug where the hole was, he did not fall through. The rug didn't even move at all.

She shook her head, unable to look at him. "I'm sorry..."

"Of course you are. The only ones who aren't sorry are to blame," he spun around. "When you're ready, just hit send." In a flash of digital light, he disappeared. More technoporting, not that she knew. Not that she'd be able to process it if she was told it right now. What she did know was that the world she knew of... was a lie. Everything she had been taught was a lie. She put her glasses back on, straightened herself out and stepped out of her office.

It happens to all of us. There comes a time when our world is turned upside down, sometimes in somewhat of a literal sense. The very foundations of what we believed in, what we are taught are rocked. We become shaken to the very core. In those times, it can be easy to become listless, lost, swept away by the wave of revelation. Some are strong enough to keep some amount of stability even in those times, stability enough to proceed on when everything they have built is threatened. To endure and keep going, that takes true strength. Strength enough to make a change, to adapt to a change, to endure it or even, to counter it.

Mayor Mare was far from perfect. Right now, she was determined to make a change. What Vice had told her was eye-opening, to say the very least. It wasn't something she could ignore, it was something she had to do something about, to try and make things right. Only the Director truly knew that she wasn't doing it out of strength; she was doing it because she lacked strength.

She stepped outside of the town hall. "You there! Stop that. No, everypony, this entire thing is going to have to be taken down."

"What?!" Spiced bread spun on his heels. "But-but, it's for Dan! Don't you think it'll be cool if he sees-"

She shook her head. "I said take it down. That gold belongs in the treasury of Ponyville. And take down those flags as well. We'll be having a planning committee on what to do about the town's decorations when you're done."

That decision was unpopular but ultimately, followed. The statues of Dan were taken down all over the town. Dan, pre-occupied, didn't get the chance to see it. But Marksaline saw everything.

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