• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Resort: Dantasy Island- Or Just Florida

None of the castaways, girffon, pony or otherwise, remained on the beach. As was Dan's standing order, the "stick together" plan was observed by all.

A wave of pink fluff swarmed up, over, around and through the gates at the southern end of the town strip. The ground rumbled, sand was kicked up as dozens of tiny pink fluff balls raced over the area. It swarmed around the hooves of ponies, who noticed it but considered no further the tidal wave of miniature Fluffle Puffs that scurried and rolled around them.

"THIIIIISSSS IIISSSSS AWWWWWSSSSOOMMMMMMEEE!!" Blast Fuse and Blast Powder said as the fluffle wave carried them. The Fluffle Puffs reached a point at the edge of the road and stopped to form a circle, then a ball until finally they had reformed Fluffle Puff herself.

Fusey's head popped out of Fluffle's fluff. "Why have we not been traveling this way everywhere?"

Powdy's head jutted out the other side, making Fluffle look like she had three heads. "That... was like the most awesome thing ever today. Ever. Today. Ever. Ever. Today."

"That'd be the fudge-covered, honey maple-baked cream-infused candied ham," Spike said as he walked by, matter-of-factly. "And we're running out of those."

"So this is Canterlantis," Dan remarked, picking up the half-sand covered sign and then dropping it. "And it's got an amusement park, castle, beach access, hotels, palm trees and sixties-style buildings that need to be renovated. Oh, and it's hot and there's lots of bugs," he said, looking around and scowling. "It's like a haunted, abandoned and dilapidated version of Florida."

"Or just Florida," Phoenix said. (And I might have to move there if the property taxes keep going up in *reader's choice-Japan/California/Japifornia/Other*.)

"Hey, I like Florida," Dan said back. "When the weather's nice, it's REALLY nice, they've got the space program, golf courses, theme parks AND you can see two different oceans just by driving to one side of the place! You never even have to get wet!"

"Okay, first, the Gulf of Mexico is still part of the Atlantic Ocean. Second, why do you actually like Florida?" Twilight asked, skeptically. "Is this just because the author's from Florida and you're trying to get on his good side again?"

"Nooooooooooooooooooooo," Dan said, "Revenge of The Nerds part two was filmed in Florida," he said, beaming. "I'm just a fan of good-quality cinema."

"But you said the first one was the only good one," Phoenix pointed out.

Dan ran up to Phoenix's face and said aggressively, "No, shut up, no it wasn't, EVERYTHING Curtis Armstrong is in is gold and he deserved to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor!"

"Aaaand we've set up the backstory for Dan Vs. The Oscars, let's keep it moving, everyone," Twilight announced.

They passed by the strange collection of buildings. There was a diner, a market, post office, laundromat and several other structures, all blasted by sand but intact. None of them recognized it, but a few of the buildings, specifically the market and laundromat, had actually been lifted from Cartoon Network's CN City.

As Twilight passed, she thought she felt someone or something watching her from one of the buildings. But when she stopped to look, there was nothing there. She couldn't see very well through the windows, but there didn't seem to be any signs of anyone living there.

Chrys told Cap, Khan, Chris and Gust she was going to inform Twilight of the situation as their friends approached. Fluffle Puff deployed the Portable Fun Cave so Chrys was able to drop her Dan disguise without rousing suspicion. They also took the time to do Fun Cave things, so that took the better part of forty minutes. When they were done, Dan emerged with his shirt on backwards.

"Whoops, hang on," Dan changed his shirt. "Gust!"
"Gust, we're gonna explore the castle. You remember how you did good saving us all when we were sinking?"
Gust nodded.
"We're gonna need you to do a good job again and find a way to build or salvage and repair a ship, plane, boat, something to get us off the island. Okay?"
Gust nodded again. He cast a glance at the castle, a longing look in his eye. But he knew what he had to do. Character development! Be responsible, yay!

Gust swallowed and pulled out something from one of his bags. What he pulled out was another bag. "Dan, I want you to have this."

"It's a bag. I've heard about these before."

"Dan, seriously, it's more than a bag."

"Is it like Patrick's Secret Box and there's a string inside and when you pull it-" Gust covered Blast Fuse's mouth before she could continue the joke.

"This was my first loot sack ever. Ever," Gust said, holding the bag out for Dan. "You want me to show you how it works?"

Dan shook his head, but accepted the bag with summary reverence. "That won't be necessary. I'm fully-versed in the ancient art of looting." Not only was Dan a recognized doctor of architectural and electrical engineering, he also held a degree in looting from Adam's College. It was more of a hobby, however, as looting is technically illegal. Adam's College offers degrees in it anyway. Although Dan was a doctor, he had not referred to himself as Dr. Dan since his last venture into miracle cure-all tonics which were the events of Dan Vs. The Snake Oil Salesman.

"Alright, everybody listen up!" Dan announced. "J-Team is going to enter the big, spooky abandoned castle while you all stay out here doing productive get-us-off-this-haunted-island stuff." He slung the loot bag over his shoulder. "Pay attention to the Twilight please and do what she says. Lightning!"

Lightning Claw walked up. The Magic Gears, still in sleep mode, were still attached to his back. "Yes?"

He gestured over his shoulder. "C'mon. If this place has a power generator or something, we might need to plug you into it to get it working. That's usually how it is with these places."

The alicorn nodded. "That does make sense. Should I leave the Gears here?"

"Nah, keep juicing them up while we're looting."
"You mean searching."
"That, too."

Captain America led the way and Chris took up the rear once again. Dan and Chrys hadn't told anyone but they were planning on confronting Khan about his communicator inside the castle. Trixie, having perfected her invisibility spell, had used it on Chrys. She was keeping close watch on all of them.

Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one.

The drawbridge leading up to the castle was also made of sand. "Sand castle. How original," Dan remarked. They walked up to the entrance, a pair of big doors made out of slightly darker sand.

"Princess Luna's symbol," Phoenix pointed out. "It's everywhere." Indented in the walls were round crescent moons like Luna's cutie mark. "Wait... there's Princess Celestia's symbol, too. But it's a bit smaller... than the others." Princess Celestia's cutie mark was also there, roughly the size of a bottle's end. Luna's cutie mark dwarfed it, being almost portrait-sized.

"Perhaps this is more Princess Luna's castle than Princess Celestia's," Khan suggested.

"Maybe. We won't find out out here, though," Dan said. He propped his hand against the door and pushed. Surprisingly, it swayed open without much resistance. As suspected, beyond was dark, pitch dark and the hall stretched endlessly in front of them.

"Lightning, you're up." The alicorn shined his horn and took the lead of the formation. Slowly, they entered the castle.

"Stick close, everyone," Phoenix said. He clutched his umbrella to him tightly.

The hallway was dark, but there were places for lanterns hung in spaces on the walls. In the alcoves of both sides were more sand castles. Smaller sand castles, some of them heavily-decorated were displayed on immaculate stands that weren't made of sand. They passed about a dozen of them before they finally reached the foyer of the castle.

"Is this magic sand or something?" Captain America asked. "Or is it just made to look like sand?"

"It's sand, but it was putting into place under spell," Lightning said. "That kind of magic can be permanent."

"How would you know?" Dan asked.

"Because I used that magic. When it made me an alicorn," he said. That quieted Dan, for the moment, at least.

Lightning made his horn glow brighter as the entered the larger room. He shined at the ceiling, the floor and all around them, illuminating much. The foyer was shaped like a crescent moon, the same one imprinted at various spaces on the walls and outside. Unlike a regular castle, however, the room was bisected by a desk- a reception desk.

"Ah. This must be a resort castle," Dan said. The reception's desk had typewriters, filing cabinets, lamps, all you'd expect to see. No computers or electrical outlets.

Phoenix walked around to one of the typewriters. He picked up a piece of blue parchment it was holding. All the papers were blue with white ink.

"Princess Luna's Castle," Phoenix read aloud.

"That explains that," Dan remarked.

"I'm... not so sure," Phoenix said, eyeing the parchment. He looked over the papers. There were names he didn't recognize along with dates in Equestrian. "I think- hey! There's records here!"

Dan and the others jumped over the desk to join him. Well, Dan jumped and the others just walked around to him. "Bank records? Is there a vault here?"

"No, guest records," Phoenix said. "It looks like this is, or was, a resort hotel." Something creaked in the distance, like a long and squeaky wooden creak. They all looked up from the paper.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" Cap's voice echoed off the walls.


No one answered him.

"Probably... just the wind or something," Dan said. They all shivered in unison. "Let's not stay in here longer than we have to. Hurry it up, Nicky."

Phoenix tried to go back to reading but his hands were shaking, rattling the paper. Dan, Khan, Cap and Chris all grabbed the parchment, steadying it.

"Uhhmmm... uh, here. Here's something," Phoenix said. "The Summer Sun Celebration. A-apparently, there was a party planned."

"Ah yeah, the SSC," Dan said. The Summer Sun Celebration was something like the pony equivalent of Memorial Day- usually began the official start of summer vacation. "They must've planned something here to coincide with the party in Ponyville."

Phoenix continued reading. "This year... it's the same year Nightmare Mo- I mean, the year Princess Luna returned." He kept reading. He flipped the page over. "Wait... grand re-opening?" He read the words in the blue parchment: Celebrating the Return of Princess Luna- Grand Re-Opening this weekend! "The Summer Sun Celebration, the one Princess Luna returned on, what day was it?"

"Oh crap, uhh... darn it, Twilight is telling this story all the time."
"Ah, that would be Saturday, Master Dan," Tuxley said.
"Oh yeah, thanks."

"Saturday..." Phoenix said. And scrolled his finger from the announcement over to the time. And the date. "Princess Luna was scheduled to return... she was supposed to be here."

Dan shook his head. "That doesn't make sense. No one knew... wait," Dan's eyes went wide. "How did someone know when Luna was going to come back?"

"Princess Luna didn't come back," Phoenix said. "Nightmare Moon did. It wasn't until a day later until Twilight, Rainbow Dash, AJ, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity defeated her that Princess Luna would truly return."

"But hey- we don't know how long that day was. The night shall last forever kinda extended things and messed up what day and night was. Or so I heard," Dan said, folding his arms. "Wouldn't have happened if I was here."

Phoenix set the paper down. The parchment, the decorations, the sand castles... built by filly hooves. Not mare or stallion ones. "This was a gift."

"What was?"

"This whole place, this town, this... everything," Phoenix said, sounding more sure than he should've been. "What else would you get a princess? The makings of her own city."

"Canterlantis, though?" Dan asked.

Phoenix nodded. "Maybe that was it. The moon controls the tides here, just as it does on Earth. Maybe Princess Celestia wanted Luna to rule the seas..."

Another long, creaking noise came from the distance. A light appeared from down one of the halls to their right and it wasn't Lightning's. The light disappeared quickly.

Author's Note:

Trying a new thing where shorter dialogue-based paragraphies are condensed to save line space. Might work better.

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