• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Resort: Dantasy Island- Canterlantis

Captain America and Redfield took the lead, clearing their way through the jungle. Some of the plants were similar to ones in the Everfree Forest, others were of kinds that none of them had ever seen. The trees were tall, creating a partial canopy over them as they trekked. There were a few bugs, horse and dragon flies mostly, but not as many as those in the Everfree Forest. Actually, it was a little more comfortable than the Everfree Forest and even had a breeze.

Privately, this reminded Dan of when he first arrived in Ponyville. It was strange how things went in circles, changing subtly and moving forward in small steps. Like walking in a circle until you've dug a trench. They were somewhere between coincidence and destiny, walking a middle path, right between the two of them through both future and past.

"I don't know, sir," Reginald said, "if I'm more relieved or concerned... by the fact that this island is formerly inhabited."

Tuxley nodded. "The sooner we find signs of the previous occupants of the island, the sooner we'll know whether relief or concern is in order. You brought enough supplies for the documentation, did you not?"

Reginald patted his saddlebag. "Naturally, sir."

"We're not here to take the tour," Dan reminded them. "We scope the place out, find out if there's anything we can use, get us off the island and if we can move the rest of the group here. That means we do this quick and we try not to disturb anything."

"Of course, Master Dan," the two gents replied.

"Hmmph. You telling people to be careful," Chris Redfield commented aloud. "Odd to see from someone who worked for Umbrella for so long."

"I'm always cautious, Redfield," Dan said back. "I've always done my best to follow rule numero-uno."

"And that is?"

"Safety first," the group except Redfield replied. He shook his head and continued on. To be fair, Dan had drilled that into all of them, Chris included, for a while now. Redfield should've gotten the message by now.

The jungle was dense, but started to sparse up a bit. Dan gradually dropped back to where Tux, Reginald and Redfield were bringing up the rear. Cap with his shield was in front, Chris in back with his gun to cover point and rear.



"Keep your voice down," he said, lowering his own voice. "Keep an eye on Khannie... okay?"

Chris glanced at him. "Okay...?" It begged the question why, so Dan answered.

"You know that Star Trek ship docked at Cloudsdale?"


Dan gestured at Khan with his forehead. "Twilight's brother and Cadence are still on it. And Khan's got a communicator in his pocket he could use to call them and tell them to beam us up. Like in the movie. The thing has range for thousands of miles, so, it could reach us here, I bet."

Chris looked between the two of them. "Then why doesn't he use it? We could get off this island right now."

"SHHHH. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure it isn't because he's enjoying island life," Dan said. "I didn't want to do this in front of the entire camp. I'm going to confront him about this and if he doesn't comply... you'll make him. Got it?"

"I got it," Chris said, frowning and turning back ahead. He gripped his rifle a bit tighter. Khan was ahead of them, looking almost at home as he made his way through the jungle.

Dan looked over at Khan. "You still don't trust me. Because I worked with the Umbrella Corporation."

Chris glared slightly at Dan, then stopped. "No. I don't trust you because you kept working for Umbrella... after everything came about them."

"Well," Dan said, licking his lips, "I can honestly say I wasn't involved with any of the... bio-terror stuff."

Chris looked over at him again. "The bio-terror stuff? Yeah... I guess you could call it that. I can't tell you what kind of a living hell that... 'bio-terror stuff' has made my life. And the lives of people I know."

"Well," Dan said again, eyes forward. "I can tell you one more thing." He looked over at Redfield, said nothing until the other man was looking at him right in the face. His eye briefly changed from Dan's normal green eye to a larger green eye. "I'm not Dan."

Redfield's jaw dropped... but then closed. "Chrys?"

Chrys, as Dan, nodded. "Keep it down. Dan is back at camp, we swapped when we set out."

"But how...?" Chris looked back and fourth. Khan and Gust were up front with Captain America, Captain Springer and Spinner were somewhere overhead with Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, Lightning Claw had the Magic Gears on his back. Every one of Dan's enemy-turned-friends were isolated and away from the beach. "I just realized... everyone that Dan doesn't really like a whole lot is out here."

Chrys glared at him. "Trust me, if everyone that Dan didn't like was on this island, you wouldn't be able to see this island. Besides, Dan and Phoenix are pretty much inseparable at this point. They don't hardly go anywhere without each other."

"And that doesn't bother you as his girlfriend?"

"Nnnope," Chrys grinned.

"We should be careful," Khan said, loud enough for them all to hear. "Some of the biggest threats in the jungle can be the smallest of creatures. Insects. Poisonous plants."

"He's right," Cap said. "Diseases carried by mosquitos, flies and other things. Even leaves and fungus."

"At least there's a breeze," Gust added. They all were in agreement of that fact. And strangely, the breeze was keeping the level of bugs to a minimum.

Khan stopped as they were passing a tree. Flowers were blooming on a vine that wrapped around and up the bark, orange and yellow. The tree itself was not of the tropical region, and the flowers looked non-native as well.

Tuxley and Reginald stopped. "Ah. That's err... a McGiver's Orchid, I believe. Quite rare."

"It's beautiful," Khan said. Despite the earlier precautions, he reached out to gently touch the petals of the flower. It rippled but didn't shrink at his touch, responding to the stimulation.

"Yes, the orchid grows on the vine that embeds itself in the tree's bark as it rises. The tree benefits from extra sunlight and the flower collects dew as the tree grows. It's a very beneficial symbiotic relationship," Reginald explained. "They're both able to reach higher heights together."

"Fascinating," Khan said. He was absolutely enamored by the flower. He placed his hand on the bark near it, strong, sturdy. The tree and the flower would grow tall indeed, perhaps even to tower over, but not consume the canopy.

"You okay, Khan?" Chrys-Dan asked.

"I am... fine, yes. Thank you. I'm uh, familiar with flowers like these."

Chris, Cap, Reginald and Tux looked to 'Dan.' He shrugged. "What? He's allowed to have hobbies."

"Hey guys?" Gust yelled from up ahead. "We're here. I think you might like this place."

Chrys-Dan pushed his way to the front. "Alright, what are we looking at here, Gust. Because if I trek through jungle for the better part of ten minutes, I expect to see... something..." he trailed off. "...good." They all joined him, shoulder to shoulder, and for a moment none of them said a word. They had all been captured, just as Khan had with the flower, by what was in front of them.

And then Chrys strangled Gust. "YOU KNEW THIS WAS HERE?!?! THE WHOLE SqueeING TIME?!?! WHAT IN THE SqueeING Squee IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!"

"Goodness! Master Dan, I don't believe that's-"

"Never really seen Dan go this hard on Gust before," Cap said. "Alright, break it up you two. C'mon, let go." Cap pulled on Chrys, not knowing it was Dan and his arms stayed wrapped around Gust's neck for a moment, stretching impossibly long. He pried his fingers off and finally, Chrys let loose.

"Canterlantis," Khan said, reading the sign. "Royal Luxury Resort and Spa."

In front of them stood the lost city of Canterlantis. Sand and coral-colored buildings stretched out a long a cleared path through the jungle, stretching for several miles at least. The island was indeed massive. In front of them was a fence long-since worn away. The sign proclaiming the place as Canterlantis was a billboard halfway down the street. A trolley was parked at the end nearest to them, sand covering its wheels.

"That... can't be correct," Reginald said, perplexed. "Canterlantis is underwater. Isn't it?"

"Come now, Reginald. Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth," Tux reminded him. "Though, I'm not sure how far away this truth is from the impossible."

"Maybe this place was just using the name," Cap suggested. "There are resorts like this on Earth. They sometimes took the names of mythical cities. Shambala, El Dorado, Paradiso."

"No, this is it," Gust said. "This is Canterlantis." He held up a blue pad, one of the remote displays from the carrier. "Sonar data from the Bass Cannon went further than any of us even anticipated. This is the only Canterlantis in Equestria."

"Or... the only Canterlantis... in this Equestria," 'Dan' remarked. She stepped over the fallen-over fence. "Well, we came all this way. Might as well look around."

The humans, dinosaur, pony and griffon entered the main road of the resort. The buildings all resembled Earth in the 50s, which meant it looked a lot like Phillydelphia, Manehattan or one of Equestria's cities today, a strong indication the buildings hadn't been there that long.

"Eyes open. Everyone, eyes open."

"Dan!" Rainbow Dash and Daring yelled before swooping down. "Dan, did you see the signs?"

"Even I have a hard time believing what I'm seeing," Daring Do said.

"It does seem to make sense, Miss Do," Tuxley said.

"I know," Daring nodded. "All this time we were looking for Canterlantis and it wasn't under the ocean at all. It was on land. An island all this time."

'Dan' folded his arms. "Uh, to remind everyone, our evidence so far is a novelty sign and the rubber chicken's iPad so maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions."

Back at the beach, Phoenix Wright felt his logic senses tingling. "Hmmm."

"Something wrong, Phoenix?" Twilight asked.

"No... actually, I have a feeling something just went very right for a moment," Phoenix said. (A small thing, but a good thing. We could use more of those.)

"Oh. Why is Dan hiding behind the cutout of Fluffle Puff?"

"No, this is actually Fluffle Puff," Dan said, popping up from behind her. But in the moment the scene changed, so did the Fluffle Puff. "Now she's a cardboard cutout," he said, as the cutout fell over. "AAHHG!"

The group walked down the street. Rainbow Dash and Daring joined them. "Okay, we saw a few spots we should check out."

"There's a castle AND an amusement park here," Rainbow said. "I can't believe they never told anypony about this place. A resort island? A resort island WITH ROLLERCOASTERS? Islands don't get more awesome than that."

"This sand isn't the same sand as on the beach," Reginald said. "Sir, look."

Tux examined it closer with his inspector's eyeglass. "You're right, Reginald. This sand is artificial."

"Fake sand?" 'Dan' said. "And why does a beach resort need fake sand?"

"I have no idea," Cap said. "But this far from the mainland, they must've used something to transport all this here. Boats or airships."

"Let's check the castle first," 'Dan' said. "Rainbow, head back to Twilight and tell her to get us some more help to search these buildings. Tell Dan and Phoenix-"

"Mrrm-hrrmmm," Redfield cleared his throat.

"I mean uh, Chrys and Nick that we've found Canterlantis... or something like Canterlantis."

"Right, I'm on it."

"Also!" 'He' stopped her before she leaped into the air again. Dan checked his 'watch.' "It's Fluffle Puff's snack time and we're rationing her ham supply. She gets half ham between now and noon but no more, even if she begs."

Rainbow stared at Dan for a solid second. "What."

'Dan' frowned. "Fluffle eats ham. Hams. Just tell Twilight she can feed her now." Fluffle Puff, being the oldest creature in Equestria, was more than capable of feeding herself but she lacked any semblance of self-control. So Twilight and Chrys had taken it upon themselves to feed Chrys her favorite food: entire fudge-covered honey-maple-caramel coated cream-injected and chocolate sprinkled ham.

Originally conceived by Pinkie Pie, it had no official name because Pinkie was distracted after she made it. The meal concoction was more sugar than ham and Fluffle's favorite snack food. Her favorite regular food was pie.

"O-kay," Rainbow said, and zipped off to carry out the order.

"Let's check out that castle," 'Dan' announced. They set off, now with Daring Do among them, to see the castle at the end of the sandy road. After a few minutes of walking, they came up to the castle to see something else they didn't expect: the royal symbol of Princess Luna adorning the front.

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