• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Resort: Dantasy Island

There's a difference between teleportation and Teleportation. That doesn't have any bearing here, I just think it should be a thing.

"Gsssehhhhh," Dan groaned, waking up to the glare of Celestia's fiery space orb hitting him right in the face. He had slept on bug horse girlfriend and pink fluff daughter... wait, daughter? How did that thought get in there? No, pink fluff thing. And apparently, they had woken up before him and replaced themselves with a sack of onions in Chrys' case and a full-sized Fluffle Puff plushie in Fluffle Puff's case. Or, that could have actually been Fluffle Puff- it was almost impossible to know.

The beautiful greenish-blue waves gently lapped on the beach just a few meters away, the sky was picturesque and cloudless and the sand was soft and cool from the morning breeze. And Dan's friends were about to kill each other over the supplies.

"This is all the fault of you bird-brains!"
"US?! We catered to your every whim since we left Ponyville!"
"And half of us got seasick!"
"You know, we could just leave and let all you horses figure it out for yourselves."
"The mainland's too far to fly to. Where exactly are you all gonna go?"
"Away from you. I think that was pretty clear."
"Oh no, don't leave. What would we ever do without a bunch of thieving pirates?"
"You'd probably have less fried chicken jokes."
"Shut up, Chelsea."

Dan groggily walked through the argument, either not paying attention or just completely apathetic, and approached Tuxley and Reginald who were sitting on a pair of chairs made from driftwood drinking tea. They offered him a cup of tea from the emergency tea thermos and he growl-scowl-hissed at them, then they gave him coffee. Dan usually took his coffee like his heart; icy and black with just a pinch of cinnamon.

Phoenix was also there and raised his cup at Dan. Dan returned the greeting and then jerked with his head for the lawyer to join him. You keep your friends close, your enemies closer and your partner-in-crime/best friend right next to you at almost all times. He took a sip of his coffee and approached the argument.

"Alright, SHUT UP! SHUT UP, SHUT UP ALL OF YOU. It's too early for this crap. Maybe in an hour we descend into violence and mutiny, not at breakfast," Dan declared. "Speaking of breakfast, where is head chicken?"

"Heyo!" Gust, Chrys and Twilight emerged from the jungle. Gust was riding Jungle Exploration Fluffle Puff, who was just regular Fluffle Puff in a pith helmet and khaki jungle clothes.

"Thppp thppp thpp thpp-thppp thppp ham thppp-thpp." Despite hours of searching, we have yet to find a new fresh source of ham on the island. We must conserve our ham rations until we find a new renewable source of ham. Am I... is this actually what she's saying? I feel like I'm not translating this properly.

Richard, we talked about this. It doesn't get us anywhere if you question it.

Oh, right. Thanks, Pat.

"Were you able to find any fresh water?"
"Where are we?"
"Why isn't my cell phone getting reception?"

"Please, one at a time," Twilight urged them. "We still have not found anypony else on this island. For the time being, we are alone. We have located a source of water nearby and some Keel Mango trees."

"And a lovely bunch of coconuts," Chrys announced. "Dan, no throwing them at anyone."

"What? Why would I throw them at anyone?" Dan asked, holding a coconut, arm-cocked backward in mid-chuck.

"Dan, you're getting ready to hurl one now," Twilight said.

"I know, I was really asking why. I was hoping you'd give me a reason," he said, dropping the coconut.

Lightning Claw and Vinyl Scratch approached. All three Mini Gears were attached to the alicorn, wires connected to his once-again repaired horn. "I haven't had any luck fixing Knight, Ace or Vol. It's like I said- the Bass Cannon can completely scramble their electronics. And it has."

Vinyl nodded. "They need some serious audio therapy, dudes." She adjusted filly-sized headsets on their little mechanical ears. They appeared to be sleeping, happily purring in hushed binary and the tune from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Twilight examined the metal fillies. "This is bad. Without the Mini Gears, we have no access to the internet."

*GASP!* Both griffon and pony alike reacted in sheer horror to the thought that they would be denied. The only three that didn't were Captain America, Chris Redfield and Khan, all of whom could exist without the internet for more than five minutes.

"There's something else," Chrys said. She trotted up to Dan and knelt her head down to whisper. "We did find signs of civilization. This island was colonized by Equestria at some point but abandoned."

"This is a colony? Like, a lost colony?"

Chrys nodded. "Yeah, but this place wasn't settled as a new territory or anything. I don't want to say it too loud, but... it's kinda creepy." She looked around. "This island hasn't been abandoned for very long. And we don't know why but... it's spooky."

"Great. So the island is basically haunted. And there's no way for us to call Ponyville or get off this island, is there?"

"There's still a lot we haven't seen yet," Chrys said. "We were hoping you and Gust could check it out."

Gust flew up to him and unfurled the map. "Yeah Danno, I got this map from a pirate buddy of mine. This whole island was set up as a resort. They were building all sorts of stuff- hotels, casinos, dining, golf courses, the whole smear."

"So we can move off the beach?" Dan asked.

"Not yet," Twilight said. "It's still too dangerous to just wander into somewhere unexplored. It's safer for now to keep everyone together and on the beach. We can set up camp properly here for now and then, once we know the interior is safe, we can move everypony further into the island."

"If it's safe..." Chrys commented. She shivered, her bug wings shaking as she looked around. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Probably just something you ate, awesome girlfriend," Dan said, running his hands through her mane just how she likes it. Chrys enjoyed being touched. Really, really enjoyed it. Really. He turned around. "Okay, Nicky, I'm leaving you in charge of everything here, okay?"

Phoenix nodded. "Alright. I'll try to help everyone get along, set up camp and whatnot."

"Good," Dan said, hands on his hips. "Since it might be dangerous out there, I'm going to take Stevie, Redfield, Reginald and Tuxley."

"Ummm, may ask exactly why you feel we'd be of service if it involves... ermm, danger?" Tuxley asked, clutching his briefcase tightly.

Dan grinned. "Stevie and Redfield are for the danger, Tuxxy. You and Reggie will help out discovering this lost colony. You guys are archaeologists, right?

"Well, by profession we are, but don't you feel Miss Daring would be more proficient at this task?" Tux asked. Reginald nodded in excited agreement.

"Great idea. Daring!" The pegasus appeared as Dan called her name. "Daring, need ya to take Rainbow and scout the island from the air. Don't get too close, just use the binoculars and try to warn us if there's any trouble. Relay everything back to Twilight, okay?"

The pegasi looked at each other. "We can do that."

"Excellent. The rest of you, try to set up camp by the time we get back. Gust, lead the way."

"Righto." The group marched off towards the jungle, intent on finding something.

Before they left, Captain America stopped by Twilight. "Twilight, uh, I think you should hold onto this."

"What is it- oh, the communicator." Twilight accepted it in her magical grasp. "Thanks."

Cap nodded. "Just in case you run into any sea ponies." He then drew his shield and went to follow Dan and the others into the jungle.

Author's Note:

This is the beginning of Act 3. More weirdness ahead.

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