• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Central: Ark

The Core of the complex was not what any of them had expected. Even Lightning Claw and the others that worked there were bewildered by what they saw. The cavern beyond the flooded tunnel they emerged from had no water, yet the submarine they were in floated any way, as if the change didn't matter. The Core's chamber was more massive than anything they'd seen before: it could have fit the entire country of Equestria within it and had room to spare. Only the illumination of magick'd magma on the floor far beneath them, spreading all the way to the far end of the room allowed them to see that far.

The ceiling was covered in water that seemed to disregard the normal laws of gravity. It rained in glittering droplets that glistened like diamonds as they fell, reflecting the light of the magically-glowing orange magma as they descended. The core itself was a crystalline cone-shaped structure which stalactite'd from the ceiling like a massive insect hive. It descended less than halfway to the floor, with an opening at the bottom. This may have been where VOLCANUS was hiding; like an ant in an ant hill.

But none of these things were as stunning to the occupants of the sub than that which dominated the room. In the center, in the middle of the room and just underneath the hive structure was a universe. Not a galaxy, not a planet, not a portal to another world, but a universe. Or at least, one that was forming.

At this point though, Dan was less impressed and more pissed off. The others, however, were still impressed.

"Is that..."

"Yes," Silver Spoon answered, a little in awe herself. "I wasn't sure they'd actually be able to do it but..."

"They're building another universe. They're actually building another universe," Phoenix remarked.

"They're building another freaking universe," Dan stated flatly. "Big whoop. Perhaps one of the biggest whoops in the... universe, but a whoop it is. And that bug is still getting a whoopin'. So, how do we abort this baby universe?"

"Uh, is it really okay for us to make a stance on abortion?" Phoenix asked. (Honestly, whatever people decide on that one, just don't involve lawyers. Please, don't involve your local attorney's office.)

Dan pointed through the periscope. "That thing is pure evil! This isn't a me vs. pro-life vs. pro-choice thing if it's evil!"

"How do you know it's-"

"It's dark and stormy and full of spooky crap and suspended over a lake of lava!"


"So that makes it evil!" Dan declared.

"That's really a broad definition of evil. I mean, you had rainbow moats installed around Cloudsdale and from what I know about you Dan, you wouldn't exactly be the first guy to turn down a giant machine reactor suspended over a lake of magma," Phoenix said.

Dan glared at him. "Stop aborting fun, Nicky. We are going to exorcise this demon universe right out of the heart of Equestria! Man your station."

"Is it an abortion or an exorcism now?" Redfield asked. Captain America, next to him, gave him a hard look and shook his head.

"YES!" Dan yelled. "Demo pones, fire torpedoes!"

"Firing exorbortion missiles!"

"Don't call them that."

The torpedo tubes on the submarine opened, a pair of torpedoes launched, but they never even came close to their destination. Ignore the fact that they were fired by a submarine, underground, in midair; they simply didn't come anywhere close. They got close to the new universe, or whatever it was that was swirling and forming, and they were transformed into a tiny series of sparks. The sparks then came together in a single, swirling ball of energy that was then absorbed by the universe, swallowed by the mass of darkness and light.

"Um... not sure, but I'm gonna say that looks like a fail," Blast Fuse said.

"How can you see it? You're nowhere near the periscope," Silver Spoon asked.

"There was no boom followed by celebration," she and her sister said, shrugging. "Even we can't use the fourth wall as an excuse for everything."

"Well, we can, technically, but where's the fun in that?"

"They never even came close," Phoenix remarked, sharing part of the periscope with Dan. (It's like this new proto-universe is a sponge, absorbing Equestria's magic and...) he looked at the edge of the room. Markers were lining the walls, all pointed towards the center. And they were glowing. (They're trying to use summoning magic somehow to change the new universe... or control it, somehow.)

"The bug didn't even bother coming out of the hive. We're gonna have to get closer," Dan announced. "Bring us up to the ceiling, Mr. Stevie and Redfield! Get us above that horrible hurricane of horrors!"

Apple Bloom watched as Dan and the rest of the crew struggled. It wasn't easy, being unable to do anything, unable to even see what was happening. She stayed close with her friends, and even Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. They had come here, humans and ponies, to save them. Watching them fight was inspiring, uplifting and even nerve-wracking all at the same time.

She looked over to Marksaline, their new friend they'd met while imprisoned. Apple Bloom was worried to still see her on the ground. "Hey, Marksaline?"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined her, the latter of which tapped Marksaline's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"So... loud..." she muttered. "They call... they call to them..."

"Who? What?"

Marksaline's eyes shot open. "THEM! THEY LISTEN NOW!!"

"Dan," Phoenix said, "she's not even paying attention to us."

And to her credit, Magic Gear VOLCANUS was not. The giant spider pony's claws dipped into the swirling mass of the new dimension, vanishing into the disc of nether and almost, reaching into pluck out orbs that might as well have been new planets. Each glowed like the magma below only with new radiant colors, the cores of new worlds. VOLCANUS examined them one at a time; some she discarded, others she placed into the core structure above her.

In truth, each "orb" was not a planet, nor a star but a possibility. Each gleaming ball of light was an idea coming to life, or that could come to life, breaching the fabric of reality itself if given enough magic. There were countless different ones- the bad ones like the possibility of nuclear war or disaster were removed, the good ones like powered flight or a favorite song were added to the core assembly. When finished, the core would then provide the necessary energy to ignite the universe, to give it its start by firing it through an eruption. The universe would then expand and annihilate everything in Equestria's current universe.

VOLCANUS was crafting the DNA blueprint of the proto-universe. Everything that would happen was already being dictated by the cores, the possibilities. Meticulously, VOLCANUS worked, sifting through near-infinity to craft a perfect new Equestria.

The massive, metal bug-creature pony looked up at the approaching submarine. "Ah, come to see my work? I'm afraid this symphony is a private show and if you choose to stay, I can't be held liable for what will happen to you."

"The squee is that thing even talking about? We're about to wreck your little finger-claw-whatever painting, so prepare to get hit with a fiery, blank canvas as we fire point-blank at your canvas!"

The Gear rolled her mechanical eyes and continued. "Come now, you can hear this, can't you? Listen... listen to your children. Listen to them as they... yearn. And burn." She placed another orb into the core and it lit up.

"She's making more than just a universe, she's sending a message," Colress said. He was transfixed on the datapad on his arm, going through numbers and lists. He looked up at the submarine's own instruments, which only confirmed what he already knew. Magnezone and Marksaline could hear it, could feel the message she was sending.

"I... I think I hear it, too. Or... or a I feel it," Lightning Claw said. His hoof raised to the side of his head, he hovered down on the ground, struggling to either listen or block out the sound he heard all together, anything to just resolve it.

"What is it?" Apple Bloom asked. "Y'all can hear something we can't. What's it saying?" Outside, VOLCANUS continued to pluck orbs, the universe turning beneath her, the core pulsing above and the Markers all glowing. Energy surged from floor to ceiling in the massive cavern, bolts of lightning and fire that heralded the beginning of creation and the end of the world at the same exact time.

"The king... the queen... they...... they listen..."

VOLCANUS raised her hooves, speaking into the swirling broth of dreams. "Mother and father, hear me! Your children make this solemn call! By their power, they have reached the heavens where you reside! I beseech thee, listen!"

A bolt of lightning echoed from the chamber, exploding from top to bottom. The light of the magma vanished into blackness. The lights of the core were and the submarine were the only things that remained.

And then, a single light emerged in front of the core.

"Child of my children, why do you beseech us? The cry of your voice does not fall upon deafened ear, why does your call echo with such ferocity?"

"Forgive me... uhh, I wasn't really sure you'd pick up, heheh," VOLCANUS joked.

"HA!" Blast Fuse and Blast Powder laughed. "We got it!"

"Because, it's like she's calling... nevermind."

"They already got it."

"Yeah, I saw."

"Child of my children, voice of my cherished offspring, your song does resonate on high. Tell us now why you would have need of us." The light spoke. It was beyond that of any signal, beyond that of any feeling, like the fabric of space and time were but pieces of paper that this voice weaved through to reach the intended listener. Like a stone impacting the water's surface, every syllable created ripples that pulsed and moved throughout, carrying the feelings and intended meaning of every word spoken.

If the proto-universe was being used as a phone, it was as if heaven itself was answering the call.

"Oh! Uh, yeah. Sorry... again, this is like, just wow, meeting you guys. Are you really Tia, Lulu and Cleo's parents?"

"We are Eternal and Everlasting. You reside within our domain as a creation of our charges. Know that we are the King and Queen of Equestria, for now and forever more. By our grace does your world know light, life and love. By our will does your world know direction, discovery, definition. By our rule did your world know peace, progress and prosperity. By our power does Equestria know harmony... and by our judgment do you know condemnation."

"C-condemnation?" VOLCANUS asked. She made the mech-equivalent of a swallow. "Uhh... yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Equestria needs you, we need you to save us! The planet is going to be wiped out, the majora is here!
She doesn't want to use her power, but the fate of Equestria is-"

"You would ask us to save you." It was not a question. They all knew that.

"Umm... yeah?"

"As you were created with singular purpose, so to were those whose voice you echo. Yet like them, you fear this duty for what it shall render you when done. Child of my children, you need not be afraid. It would avail you not; your fate is sealed,
duty-writ and absolute."

"Umm... oh crap." It was then she realized her mistake. Or at least, the Director's mistake.

"Child of my child, as you echo your creators, we echo ours.
You are correct in your assessment that Equestria's end is nigh, but you call to us as if we would give our aid to you.
Yet our judgment remains; you are forsaken, child."

"Your parents hate you, too."

The light disappeared and the magma suddenly 'turned back on.'

"Holy crap..."

"That's... new," Captain America commented.

"Did... did the gods just tell us we're screwed?" Redfield asked.

"Y-yeah," Phoenix nodded. "In more words, yeah."

"Wow," Blast Fuse was stunned. She and her sister held each other, almost feeling Dustchu's presence as he watched over them, both frightened and feeling helpless. "At least we still have each other," Powdy said. "And Dustin."

"And Dustin," Fusey nodded.

"Dan...," Phoenix began, "I think things just got... a lot more complicated," he turned. "Dan?"

Dan walked in from below decks. "What are you guys doing just standing there?" He was carrying a bunch of diving suits.

"Did you hear anything that was just said? What pretty much the King and Queen of Equestria just said?" the lawyer asked.

"Kind of," Dan said, setting the suits down. "It was really loud and I felt like my teeth could hear it but I kind of wasn't paying attention. But that doesn't matter- we need to get off the sub."


"Because I just set it to self-destruct."

"Oh. Squee."

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