• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Revelation: What the Director said to Lightning Claw

During the events of Episode 7 while Dan was stalking Flim and Flam
Stable 5, The Director's Office

"Please, have a seat," the Director said, already seated herself. She turned off the old-school television set on her desk; Lightning had just barely been able to make out that she'd been watching a cartoon of some kind. What he hadn't known, what he couldn't have known was that the Director had been watching Sailor Moon... and she had been watching it in Japanese.

"Um... hi," Lightning said. The door closed abruptly behind him. "Is there, uh... is there something you need?"

"There's something I think you can help me with."

"I'm already doing something for Vice Grip..." he started to say. But then the chair in front of him levitated towards him... and he felt himself sitting in it. Was he still in control of himself or was the Director? The chair with him in it slid right up to her desk, ultra-close. With the position of the arms, he wasn't able to just step out of it, making him feel even more trapped.

The Director stood up, apparently wanting to stand over her captive audience. "Vice Grip means well. What he is building... or rather, what he will build, is important. It's all part of a better design, something new. And now, I want you to be a part of it. I need you to be a part of it."

"Wh-why me?"

"Because Vice trusts you," she answered, pacing. "And I need him to trust you. But more than that, I need you to trust me."

Lightning looked at his confinements. His forelegs felt like they were strapped to the chair arms, though there was nothing holding them there. "You're... you're putting me in an awkward position. You really think I'm going to trust you?"

"I know."

"No, I mean you're literally putting me in an awkward position. I can't move."

The Director smiled. "I know."

"Vice... he wants me to take care of Dan. To kill him," Lightning said, trembling slightly. "He said he's disrupting the plan."

The Director stopped and seemed to consider what he said, if only for a moment. "He isn't, but that's inconsequential. For now, I want you to carry out Vice's wishes but don't kill Dan."

"What?" he said, confused. "Look, I'm just in this because... because I want to make Equestria better. We all agree that the princesses aren't doing the best job, so why don't we try to work together?"

"Hmm... heheh. And what did Vice promise you?" the Director asked, turning to him. "Did he say you'll be the manager of a new Cloudsdale?"

Lightning gritted his teeth but didn't say anything. It was true, what she said, and Lightning had no way or intention of denying it. He had been played for a sucker.

"To be fair, he is planning on giving you Cloudsdale- after he doesn't have any use left for it," the Director said. "So, what he promised you was actually true. And he's actually planning on giving you a set of toys- remote controlled ones, to experiment with. It's more or less a token gesture to earn your trust, but it's one he's making."

And that made Lightning angry. Being used, being lied to, that was unacceptable to him. The light in the room flickered and a spark of electricity crackled from his hoof rests. "So it's a lie? He's just using me, that's what you're saying?"

The Director nodded. "Pretty much. You're not the only one, either; you're just the one he's sending out first. But I need Dan alive and I need you on my side."

"Hmmmph," he scowled. "Vice has at least done something for me. And you're asking me to... to betray him, over what? A hunch? Is that all you have to offer?" Lightning's hooves crackled with, well, lightning. The Director's magic holding him in place released and the broken-horned pony stood up. "You're a creep in a sheet. Where do you get off claiming to know more than me?"

The Director remained unfazed. "I'm a lot of things."

He kicked the desk at her, slamming it back into the wall. In an instant, the tables were turned and he had her pinned against her own bookshelf. The room seemed to shake as the desk collided with her, a globe falling to the floor and breaking. Lightning did not know, nor did he care what world the globe was depicting... but he should have.

"The strength of the Hulk and the lightning of Thor... marvelous," the Director commented.

Lightning mounted the desk and aimed a sparking hoof at her. "You... are no better than the princesses. You have power, you have knowledge... but you only ever use it to help yourself."

"Well, that's not entirely true," the Director said. And she pulled back her hood. "Because I'm trying to help you right now."

Lightning's jaw dropped like an anvil. His electricity vanished and his hooves trembled again. "But... no. This doesn't make any sense," he shook his head. "This... you can't be-"

"Things are a lot more complicated than they appear, to say the least," the Director said. Her true identity was... one Lightning had seen before. One quite a few had seen before. And one that if came to light, threatened to rock Equestria to its very core. Perhaps, more than just Equestria.

Lightning retreated back into the seat. "If you... if you really are... who you appear to be," he swallowed,"how? Why?"

The Director smiled. "How is magic. Why is... more complicated, heh," she said, chuckling again in a hoarse voice. "But I showed you... me, because I want you to trust me. Because I need you to trust me. Dan and Vice Grip are a lot alike... as are you and I."

Lightning swallowed again. "Da-gah, uuuhhhhh but um-" he stammered.

"Magic has done a lot of good for both of us, Lightning Claw," she said, sitting back down in her own seat. The items, the globe, everything Lightning's display had upheaved fixed itself exactly as it had been before. The objects didn't even glow with any visible magical aura. The Director's power, her own magic was something far deeper and darker than anything on the visible light spectrum. Something of pure corruption.

"I've summoned quite a few toys for Vice Grip- and you, if you like them. And make no mistake; I will make sure Vice Grip delivers what he promised you, not what he's planning to do. That is what I promise to you, my friend, hahahaha," she cackled. "Do my bidding. You will obey Vice Grip but your ultimate loyalty is with me. The time will come when we will... take care of him, as you said. When that time comes, I will call upon you. Serve me well and I shall reward you beyond your wildest dreams."

Lightning dared not challenge her, dared not even question her. He nodded, getting back up again, eager to be away from her... whatever she was. "I-I yes, ma'am. Should I call you-"

"The Director will suffice. It is an appropriate title. As for you, you shall speak of this to no one," she looked at him. Her eyes looked as though they could swallow souls. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Ye-yes," he nodded. "I... can I ask one thing?"

She tilted her head. "Yes?"

"I... why do you hate magic? Vice Grip told me why he does- because he doesn't think it can be controlled and it's irresponsible to use. But... what about you?" Lightning asked. "Why do you hate the princesses if you're-"

The Director turned. "Magic can do a lot of things, but in the end, it is another tool. I know you've only recently acquired magical powers of your own, but you will find there's a reason why it's studied," she said. She released a deep sigh. "Why those like... Princess Twilight Sparkle study it so fervently."

"W-why is that? If you don't mind me-"

She faced him again. "There are a lot of things magic can do but ultimately, spells are the workings of the impossible. They make the impossible possible but magic cannot make something that is unlikely assured. It's maddening little rules like these that are... responsible for my- I mean, the current situation we find ourselves in." She pulled the clock back over her head, obscuring herself once again. "You'll find out for yourself. Magic is not limitless and there are things not even magic can change."

"What can't you change?"

The door opened and Lightning was pushed out. The door closed again. As the Director found herself in darkness again, she whispered, "the past." No one was there to here her. The globe on her desk spun... and spun... and spun...

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