• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Zulu: I cannot tell a lie, man

Fifteen minutes later on the dot, the hippies approached the stranded aircraft yet again. But instead of the ramp opening ominously again, Fluttershy simply descended, fluttering down with a graceful serenity that almost radiated an aura of peace and harmony.

"Hey, Fluttershy's back!"

"Far-out, man, Fluttershy's back!"

"Fluttershy!" Several hippie ponies, yaks and buffalos trotted up excitedly to greet the yellow pegasus. The ground rumbled and dirt kicked up as a herd of hippies rushed towards her.

"Hi everypony, everybody," she said, as the crowd descended upon her and embraced her in a hug-stampede.

"Hey Fluttershy, where you been?"

"How's Ponyville? Did Angel Bunny come with you?"

"I just saw Patton Oswalt here and now he's gone, did anyone else see him?"

"He's with *squee*squatch."

"Oh, cool."

Dan and company disembarked the All of My Rage. "Well, it worked," Dan remarked. "Now, all we have to do is have her lead them away from base so we can-"

"Dan," Twilight stopped him. "We're not blowing up the hippies."

"I was gonna say lure them into a box. A big box."

"Were you gonna at least cut holes in the box?" Phoenix asked.

"Maybe one. To drop the dynamite in."

"We're not blowing up the hippies, Dan," Chrys said. "Besides, look how cute and sixties they look!" The changeling happily transformed into a hippie-buffalo with an afro, tapped one on the shoulder and hugged one of them. She then repeated this with several other species including yak with jewelry-adorned horns, an alpaca wearing bellbottoms and a backpack and a punky pink doe with a black shirt and earrings.

"Yeah, they may look cute but wait until you smell them after one of their concerts," Dan said, walking with his friends into the mob. Together, they waded into the hippies to get Fluttershy.

"...and after that, CJ and Sweet finally caught up with Tenpenny and then-"

"Oh, hi guys," Fluttershy said. She was talking to tall hippie stallion who had a long blonde mane, sky-blue body and wore a brown coat despite the weather. "Umm, these are my friends."

"Righteous, very righteous," the pony said, approaching them. "So you're the ones who came down in those flying saucers, that is totally far-out, my pone."

"Hi," Twilight said, smiling as big as she could, "I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends."






"Greetings and salutations."

"How do you do?"

"I'm going to kill you all and bury your bodies under my base."

"Hahaha," Chrys laughed, turning to the camera. "Ain't my boyfriendo a riot, folks? And hey, can you match the character with their response? Post your guess in the comments and we'll give you the answer next chapter."

"Wow, you see those guys, too, man?" the hippie asked, nudging his way into frame. "I thought it was just me- that's so cool."

Dan pushed the hippie out of the way. "Stop breaking my fourth wall!"

"Hey man, you can't just oppress people like that. That's our power of the press, right there."

Before Dan could jump-tackle the hippie, Twilight stepped in and put a hoof on his chest to hold him in place. "He's just a bit agitated because of the uh, trip."

"Ah, hah. I getcha man, jet lag happens," he said. He then stared half-glazed at Twilight for several long moments.

"So... what's your name? Are you... do you know who's in charge here?"

"Oh yeah, my name's Gee Double-yoo."

"Gee Double-yoo?" Twilight asked.

The hippie nodded. "My parents named me Nature Singer but I'm actually more of a guitar guy. So, that's like my pony name, but my human name is George Washington. Or Gee Double-yoo, for short."

Twilight and others exchanged confused glances. "Your... human name?"

G.W nodded happily. "Yup. We're all, most of us anyway, huge fans of humans."

"Sure are!"

"That's right!"

"Hi Dustin!"

"Hi Dustin."

"It's us- Blast Fuse and Blast Powder!"

"We're still alive, just in the background now. For this episode, at least."

"Actually, we're supposed to be like, captured or something. But we're also extras so we have to show up in these crowd scene things."

"We're wearing tie-dye shirts!"

"SHUT UP!" Dan yelled at the scene breakers. "SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU! You're not humans, NONE of you are humans, you don't even know what a human is!"

"Pssssh, yeah we do," G.W scoffed. "Humans are like, those mystical mythical dudes from the legends."

"Like the legends of Zeldas."

Phoenix looked puzzled. "Are you saying you've never seen a human before?"

"Uhh... nope," a yak replied.

"Well of course not, haha," G.W said. "Man, they're creatures from myths and legends out of like... myths and legends, dude."

Dan rolled up his sleeve in response. "You wanna see a human? Let me show you how they say 'hello'." And was once again stopped by Twilight, Chrys and Phoenix.

"Dan, no. Guys, huddle up."

"Let's not take too long with this or they'll get distracted again," Dan cautioned.

"It's okay; I'm on it," Fluttershy said. "So, you said your name is George Washington?"

They huddled together. "I think these guys may really have never seen a human before," Twilight whispered.

"They're all clearly idiots. That's not surprising," Dan stated.

Tuxley looked over his shoulder. "These chaps do appear to be a bit... unique," he said.

He watched as one of the hippies, a mare, held a magnifying glass in her left hoof and picked up a shovel in the grip of her right hoof. She then released the shovel and picked up again. "HOW AM I DOING THIS?!" the mare asked nopone in particular.

"That's an understatement," Dan said. "The question is, how do we use this to our advantage?"

"I dunno," Twilight said. "I think it would be best to find out whoever's leading these hippies first."

"Agreed," Chrys said. "We knock them out, I change into them and I get them all to leave."

"Ooooh, good idea, Chrys!" Dan said. "Then we get you out on one of the airships and leave them all stranded somewhere OR we blow them up!"

"AGAIN, we're NOT blowing them up," Twilight declared. "We'll get them off our base and out of harm's way," she spun around and faced Fluttershy and George Washington again.

"...so then they put Devin Weston in the trunk of this car and-"

"Mr. Washington, we have a few questions about you and your fellow hippies," Twilight said.

"Oh... well, you'll probably want to talk to Flower Power, then."

"Wait, you're not the one in charge?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Not since like Burning Horse when I did all this desert joke, man and I knocked over this ice carving of Mickey Rooney and-"

"So who is in charge?" Twilight asked, stopping his tangent.

"Oh, uh, that'd be Flower Power. She's back inside the building, you want me to take you to her?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, I think that would be in our best interests."

"Alright, man, follow me. Oh," he stopped, turning around. "You guys aren't like with the feds, are you?"

Technically speaking, they were. "Not us," Twilight said.

"Far out, man. Cool, cool, this way," he said, leading the group to the base.

"Right, you guys take care of that, I'll work on getting the boats ready," Gust said, heading back to his ship. And as he turned around, he saw Rainbow Dash coming off the ramp of the ship. Her right foreleg was raised to cover her muzzle, possibly from the potential smell of the hippy crowd but they didn't smell that bad to Gust.

"Rainbow! Hey, Hardy RD, where you going? Looking for Twilight?"

"Uhhmmff, yeafff, ou kno where hey are?"

"What?" Gust asked. "Move your hoof, I can't understand you."

She looked around again, almost frantically this time. She then looked to Gust and shook her head.

"What's wrong?" he asked, flying up to her. "You need something? Are you hurt?"

The rainbow pegasus gestured over her shoulder. The two of them turned around, facing the doorway of the ship. "-ou ave to promife nof to teff anyoneff."

Gust shook his head. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

She removed her hoof revealing a rainbow-colored Wario-esque mustache underneath. "I think we have a problem."

The griffon's beak hung open for a full moment. Rainbow closed it for him. He had to lift up his shades to see for himself. "We-well... uh..."

"You can't tell anypony about this, especially Spike."

"Is-is that... real?"

"Yes, it's real!" Rainbow yelled. "And if Spike sees me like this, he'll call me Rainbow-Stache until it becomes a meme, too!"

"Gsshhh, hahaha, that actually is a good one," Gust chuckled. "But I don't get it, how are you able to grow a 'stache? Did somepony use number twenty-five on you?"

"No, I think it was the zebras," Rainbow said, covering her mouth again. "I thinff therr fpearff were-"

Gust pulled down her foreleg. "Please, Brogue One, just tell me."

"I think those spears were tipped in poison joke! All the pegasi and griffons that got hit by the spears, they've all got signs that they were exposed to poison joke or something!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Oh, shit biscuits."

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