• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Final: Chance

"I think it's still morning! That means we've got an hour at least!"

"The storm clouds are forming!" Rice pointed at the dark clouds high in the sky. Not Cloudsdale, as Cloudsdale in its modern form wouldn't be built until after today. Pegasopolis was the name of the pegasi home until Princess Celestia and Luna would sit the throne. "We don't have much time either way!"

Today was the day. The day in which the modern Equestria came to be. Before today, the three tribes were still divided, even had ambitions of their own. The train was Rice's ambition. The dreams from Hearth's Warming of a harmony, they were still dreams until today. And it wasn't a simple thing, not even the assassination attempt on Rice that created harmony. That event was simply the final in a long series of straws that finally gave way. It was the last thing that if stopped, could prevent harmony from happening.

The world is what it is because of every part in it, yet some events and figures stand out. Some moments are pivotal, but it still takes them all, pivotal and not, to create what we have today. Rice's train was only one piece of the puzzle; the railway would unite Equestria and Rice's supposed death would be the catalyst for the project moving faster. In his memory, the railway would be completed and considered his legacy, all swept under the rug by Princess Quintessa Quartz.

Dan and Rice slid down the mountainside. But both of them knew it would take them too long to get down that way.

"We need another way down this mountain!" Dan said.

"Dan," Rice pointed at another waterfall. Fed by the same one above them.

"I really HATE your ideas," Dan said.

They took the waterfall down. All the way down. It was painful, it was unsafe, it worked somehow. They got up faster this time, ignoring the pain and the weariness they both felt.

"We don't have enough time to walk to Ponyville!" Rice yelled.

And then, a pony on a hoofcart rolled into view. A brown stallion with a gray mane, and a tiny pink filly with him.

"Did you two take an accidental trip?"

Rice looked at him. Dan stayed silent in that moment.

"Chancellor? Is that you? You're..."

He looked down. "I, uh... I took a bit of a trip down the falls, yes. With this, uh..." There was no use trying to conceal Dan. But maybe he wouldn't have to.

The stallion stepped forward and both Rice and Dan realized who it was.

"Pri-Prime Minister, it's good to see you."

Prime Minister Discovery smiled. "And you, Mr. Chancellor. Who is this with you?"

"I'm... no one important."

"Ah... I see," Discovery said. He turned to Rice. "You have me at a disadvantage, Rice. Screwball and I were just on our way to see your unveiling. But finding you here is... surprising, to say the least."

Dan folded his arms. "Yeah. You might say we've had a bit of a 'chaotic' day."

Both stallions glanced at Dan. Or rather, one stallion and one sly fellow pretending to be a stallion. Dan knew, Rice knew, and "Discovery" knew. In that moment, there were no secrets between any of them. Screwball hid behind her father's legs shyly, but this also was a feint.

"Well now... is there anything we might be able to do to help?"

"We could use your hoofcart," Rice said quickly. "And it probably would be best if you never mention this to anypony... ever."

The Prime Minister gave a bow and stepped aside. "By all means, please."

They took the cart and departed for Ponyville, rapidly.

At the same time, another pair were boarding a different train, heading in the opposite direction.

Vice stowed his things and climbed aboard the engine.

Rice adjusted the last of the steam gauges, ensuring it was properly calibrated.

"That should be just about it... there we are. Are you ready?"

Vice nodded happily. "Ready, dad!"

He put his gauntlet on the throttle, gripping it tightly. "The future starts today. Let's go see it." He released the break and threw the throttle.

The locomotive began moving. Steam released from the stack. From the makeshift barn covering the tracks, the train rolled forth. The Ponyville Train Station would be built on that very spot. A few earth ponies nearby stopped, one was so stunned she ran smack into a cart that had stopped in front of her. The train wasn't meant to be unveiled at that day, at that moment so it was surprising. Most earth ponies knew a little bit about the chancellor's project, but to see it burst onto the scene was like something out of science fiction.

Dozens of earth ponies began to stop and look. Rice and Vice couldn't help but wave at a few of them. They hardly noticed the sky above them getting darker.

"They all look stunned."

"I know. They've never seen one of these before," Rice said. He couldn't stop smiling, he was so overwhelmed by the feelings of pride, joy, anticipation. He felt his heart beating in his chest and knew his son had to be feeling the same way.

He knelt down to Rice. "A year from now, they won't hardly notice this thing. And one day, they'll be looking at you and something you built, something you did. This is just a small taste of what's on the horizon, my boy."

Vice nodded slightly and his eyes drifted. The future was still a bit clouded for him, but he was able to make out what his father was saying. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too, son." They hugged. "The future's looking bright."

High above, however, the storm clouds grew ever darker. The train steamed ahead.

Both of them were exhausted. Beyond exhausted. Having to pump the handlebars constantly to keep it going was not helping either of their aching muscles. Ponyville was rapidly approaching, but now, the storms created by the pegasi were in full-swing. The entire sky was dark, foreboding for what was about to come.

They were both silent except for the pain that any movement caused. Then, Rice said something.

"So why doesn't anyone like the red Gatorade?"

Dan groaned loudly. "You have... we've been through hell. I'VE been through hell today, and among ALL THE THINGS... you could possibly ask about, as we're driving this... this stupid thing to save your stupid son, and you ask... about... Gatorade."

"Well... even now, I'm a scientist. You have to... to understand my curiosity. I'm already fighting part of that nature just... just being here."

Dan looked up at him, gave him a condescending glare and said, "Just shut up and... push. Push the cart."

"You seem to defy logic. You defy everything at times, so, I'm wondering what your... your reasoning is."

Dan sighed heavily. "Okay... okay. You go to the supermarket, right? Gatorade is on sale or something, right?"


"And the sale's been on for... for like, a few days. And it's buy one, get one or something, so you want to pick up a couple eight-packs."


Dan nods. "But you got there late, so there's only like one flavor left. Which is it?"

Rice thought for a moment, then reached the only possible conclusion. "The red one."


"Damn it, how is it your nonsense somehow still makes sense?"

Smiling and shrugging, Dan said, "If it makes you feel any better, hardly anybody listens to it anyway. Or anyone else. That's why stupidity has such a hold. Why society doesn't change when it needs to. We've all been through and seen enough shit... but we keep making the same mistakes because we don't listen to each other enough. We take the easy way... just accept getting by, and the lower the bar is, the less effort is put in and the lower standards get."

His words did resonate with Rice. "I feel the same way. Effort is what makes a difference."

"It's the only thing that ever makes a difference. Doing nothing only does nothing. Possible becomes impossible when you let it. So long as you keep making an effort, anything is possible."

Rice thought about it for a long moment. This was Dan's philosophy, the one that motivated him, the one that was the source of his will, just the fact that he could keep fighting. It didn't always make sense and it didn't need to. It just required him. Maybe both humans and ponies, everyone thought that way at some point in their lives but the pressure of life led to them giving in to realities. The more they gave in, the more they let this and many other beliefs slide, the further they got from reality. And the more unpleasant reality got as a result.

It wasn't just belief that was important, but making an effort. Putting it into practice, at least in some way. Hope, harmony, love, peace, all that was good in the world, and bad, it all required effort. It was the only thing that could ever make a difference. That ever would make a difference.

"So rather than giving into despair, you give in to anger."

"I don't give in to anything," Dan countered. "I just do something more about it than others."


Dan looked Rice in the eye. "Always."

That was the difference between them. Rice gave up a long time ago. Dan never did. Now, Rice saw the error of his ways. Grief had blinded him just as surely as any emotion could, and that had sent him down a destructive and self-destructive path. He had just lost his son, though. Could anyone blame him? Well, when you threaten others with violence, yeah. Dan always exacted revenge with a more-careful plan in mind, which usually kept the violence isolated. Usually. That was the result of the difference: Dan didn't erase, he just wanted to restore the balance.

Isn't that what revenge is about? Not erasing things, but just getting even?

"We're almost there, almost there! Keep pushing!!" Dan shouted.

Thunder rumbled above. They didn't have long now.

They were approaching the final turn. They were going faster than the train normally did coming back from Canterlot.

Rice, looking that way, realized something.

"Dan, Dan, we need to slow down."

"We can't slow down!" And in that second, just after saying the words, he realized it, too. The turn was too sharp.

"We're not gonna make the-" The hoofcart derailed. "Aaaaaahgggh!" And the two were sent flying.

Rice got up first. "No, no, no!" He ran, threw off his gauntlet and galloped to Ponyville.

They were nearing the platform the ceremony was to be held at. A crowd had already gathered. The freight station would be built there in the future, but for now, there was just fanfare.

"It didn't take them long to gather!"

"I know!" Rice said excitedly. "Hey, come here for a second."


He picked up his son and put him on his shoulder. His boy was getting heavy, a proud revelation. He wouldn't be able to pick him up like this, not without some hydraulic help in a few years. It was a feeling only parents could truly feel.

"See the chain up there?"


"Pull it!"

Vice reached up and pulled down the chain with his prosthetics. The train let out a loud whistle, so much it startled him at first. But he pulled it again. "Wow!!" His eyes lit up. Even if it was the first time, there was some universal constant to kids loving trains.

"This is the greatest thing you've ever made!!"

Rice shook his head. "Second-greatest, son! You'll always be the first!!"

The sound of the whistle was so loud, it reached Pegasopolis. It reached even General Typhoon's perch. She saw the train, steaming down the tracks. Puffs of some smoky material were coming out of the top of it. Clouds. Clouds of steam.

"Stop this. Stop it, Rice."

The son of a bitch had actually found a way to make clouds come out of a machine. Not billowing, acrid smoke like from a fire or chimney, but soft, white clouds. How long would it be until they no longer needed the pegasi? How long until the earth ponies had wings? How long would it be until their noisy, polluting machines filled the skies and pegasi no longer could fly free? How long-

The whistle blew again.

"Stop. Stop it, damn you, stop it!! You're the only one who can!!" She shouted, but her voice was drowned out by the thunder. Even without it, it would never have reached the distance and still, she yelled. "Stop!!"

She felt her breath come harder. Her heart beat rose to her throat. Another rumble of thunder. The train wasn't slowing down. He kept on coming.

"Stop. Stop!!" She spun around. "Stop it, stop, STOP THIS!!" She flew from the overlook, down to the center of the storms. The pegasi, her pegasi, all around her were jumping, stomping, beating and ramping up the clouds.



She grabbed the master-sergeant and yelled, "Stop the storm!! Stop it now!!"

"Stop the operation! Stop operations!!" He raised the red flag, mirrored by all the other squadron leaders. But it was too late.

Pegasi moved away from the clouds, but the friction was already too great. Like the train, it was too late to stop.

Too late.

A bolt of lightning discharged from the clouds.

The whole world changes in a flash.

Rice, the one running towards the train, was momentarily blinded by the flash. Dan, behind him, was also blinded. Within a split-second later, the train exploded.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Rice's screams were drowned out by the train.

The locomotive exploded in a fireball, followed by the rest of the train. The boiler went, the steam assembly and then the entire engine in a series of explosions. Just as the train reached the platform, it did so in a massive eruption that engulfed the wooden station. Made with hasty construction, the entire thing rapidly became an inferno.

The single passenger car, however, vanished in a flash of light. Nopony in Ponyville saw where it went.

The crowd of earth ponies fled the flames. Smoke and fire consumed the area, set fire to the grass nearby.

"Fire! Fire, call the pegasi! Get the fire department!"
"Stay back! Stay back!"

Rain began almost immediately, a light patter, not enough to put out the flames.

In an instant, the entire train engine was reduced to charred bits. Nothing remained.

They worked rapidly to reduce the flames, but it didn't work well. The fire was too big and too hot.

Rice fell to his knees. "No... no..."

Dan was shocked. His mouth hung open in disbelief. A fire like that could've torched the entire town. But all he knew in that moment, was that there was nothing he could do. They had failed. He had failed.

The future had come to pass as it always would.

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